CUMLATIVE INDEX TO IARC MONOGRAHS VOLUMES 1-20 ON THE EVALUATION OF THE CARCINOGENIC RISK OF CHEMICALS TO HUMNS Nurnbers underlined indicate volume, and uumbers in italics indicate page. References to corrigenda are given in parentheses. Cornpounds rnarked with an asterisk (*) were considered by the Workiug Groups, but monographs were not prepared because adequate data on their carcinogenic- ity were not available. Chemicals with data on carcinogenicity in humans appear in i talics . A Ace tamide l, 19 7 Acetylsalicylic acid* Acridine orange 16 ,145 Acriflaviniurn chloride 13, 31 Acrolein 19,479 Acrylic acid 19, 47 Acrylic fibres ~, 86 Acry ioni tri ie 19, 73 Acry loni tri le-bu tadiene-s tyrene copolymers 19, 91 Actinomycins 10, 29 Adipic acid* Adriamycin 10, 43 Afiatoxins l,145 (corr. 1,319) (corr. .§,349) 10, 51 Aldrin ~, 25 Amaranth .§, 41 5-Aminoacenaph thene 16,243 para-Aminoazobenzene .§, 53 ortho-Aminoazo tolueue .§, 61 (corr. 11,295) para-Aminobenzoic acid 16,249 -49- 50 lARe MONOGRAPHS~ SUPPLEMENT l 4-Aminobipheny i l-, 74 (corr. 10,343) 2-Amino-5-(5-ni tro-2-furyl)-1, 3,4- thiadiazole 1,143 4-Amino-2 -ni trophenol 16, 43 2-Arnino-4-ni trophenol * 2-Amino-4-ni trophenol* 2-Amino-5-ni trophenol * Ami tro ie 1, 31 Amobarbital sodiurn* Anaesthetics-, voiatiie 11,285 Anthranilic acid 16,265 Aniline ~, 27 (corr. 1,320) Apholate 2., 31 Ar ami teCI 2, 39 Arsenic and inorganic arsenic cornpounds 1., 48 Arsenic pentoxide Arsenic trioxide Calcium arsena te Calcium arsenite Potassium arsenate Potassium arsenite Sodium arsenate Sodium arsenite Asbestos 1., 17 (corr. 1,319) 14 (corr. 15,341) (corr. 12,351) Ac tinoli te Amosite Anthophyllite Chrysotile Crocidoli te Trernoli te Auramine l-, 69 (corr. 1, 319) Aurothioglucose 13, 39 Azaserine 10, 73 Aziridine 2., 37 2- (l-Aziridinyl) ethanol 2., 47 Aziridyl benzoquinone 2., 51 CUMULATIVE INDEX VOLS 1-20 51 Azobenzene ~, 75 Aza thioprine* B Benz (c) acridine 1,241 Benz (a)anthracene l, 45 Benzene l-,203 (corr . 11,295) Benzidine l, 80 Benzo (h) fluoranthene l, 69 Benzo (j) fluoranthene l, 82 Benzo (a)pyrene l, 91 Benzo (e )pyrene 1,137 Benzyl chloride 11,217 (corr. 13,243) Benzyl violet 4B 16,153 Beryiiium and beryllium compounds l, 17 Beryl ore Beryllium oxide Beryllium phosphate Beryllium sulphate BHC (technical grades) 2, 47 Bis (1 -aziridinyl) rnorpholinophosphine sulphide 2., 55 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether 2.,117 N~ N-Bis(2-chioroethyi) -2-naphthyiamine ~, 119 Bischloroethyl ni trosourea* Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether* l, 2-Bis (chlorome thoxy) e thane 15, 31 l, 4-Bis (chlorornethoxyrnethyl) benzene l2, 37 Bis ( chioromethyi) ether ~,231 (corr. 13,243) Blue VRS l:, 163 Brilliant blue FCF diarnoniurn and l:, 171 disodiurn salts 1,4-Butanediol dirnethanesulphonate ~, 247 (Myleran) Bu ty 1 -cis-9 , 10-epoxys tear a te * 52 lARe MONORAPHS ~ SUPPLEMENT 1 ß-Butyrolactone 11,225 y- Bu tyro lac tone 11,231 C Cadmium and cadmium compounds l, 74 11, 39 Cadmium acetate Cadmium carbonate Cadmium chloride Cadmium oxide Cadmium powder Cadmium sulphate Cadmium sulphide Cantharidin 10, 79 Caprolac tarn 19,115 Carbaryl 12, 37 Carbon tetrachioride l-, 53 20 Carrnoisine -s, 83 Catechol 15,155 Ch iorambuci i :i,125 Ch ioramphenico i 10, 85 Chiordane 20 Chlordecone 20 Chiorinated dibenzodioxins 15, 41 Chlorrnadinone ace ta te ~,149 Chlorobenzila te l, 75 Chloroforrn l-, 61 20 Chioromethyi methyi ether ~, 239 Chioroprene 19,131 Chloropropharn 12, 55 Chloroquine 13, 47 para-Chloro-ortho-toluidine and its hydrochloride 16,277 5-Chloro-ortho-toluidine * CUMULATIVE INDEX VOLS 1-20 53 Chlorprornazine * Cholesterol 10, 99 Chromium and inorganic chrorniurn cornpounds l-,100 Barium chromate Calcium chromate Chrornic chroma te Chrornic oxide Chrorniurn acetate Chrorniurn carbonate Chromium dioxide Chrornium phosphate Chromium trioxide Lead chromate Potassium chromate Potassium dichroma te Sodium chromate Sodium dichrorna te Strontium chroma te Zinc chromate hydroxide Chrysene 1,159 Chrysoidine -s, 91 C. 1. Disperse Yellow 3 -s, 97 Cinnarnyl anthranilate 16,287 Ci trus Red No. 2 -s,101 (corr. 19,495) Copper 8-hydroxyquinoline 15,103 Cournarin 10,113 Cycasin l,157 (corr. 1,319) 10,121 Cyclochlorotine ~, 139 Cyc iophosphamide ~,135 D 2,4-D and esters 15 , 111 D & C Red No. 9 -s, 107 Daunornycin 10,145 DDT and associated substances 2, 83 (corr. 1,320) DDD (TDE) DDE Diace ty laminoazo toluene -s, 113 54 lARe MONOGRAPHS, SUPPLEMENT 1 N,N' -Diacetylbenzidine ~,293 Dialla te 12, 69 2,4-Diarninoanisole and its sulphate 16, 51 2,5-Diarninoanisole* 4,4'-Diarninodiphenyl ether 16,301 1,2-Diarnino-4-nitrobenzene 16, 63 l, 4-Diamino-2-ni trobenzene 16, 73 2,6-Diarnino-3-(phenylazo)pyridine and its hydrochloride ~, 11 7 2,4-Diaminotoluene 16, 83 2,5-Diarninotoluene and its sulphate 16, 97 Diazeparn .. , 57 Diazorne thane 1,223 Dibenz (a~ h) acridine 1,247 Dibenz (a~j)acridine 1,254 Dibenz (a~ h) anthracene 1,178 7H-Dibenzo (c~g )carbazole 1,260 Dibenzo (h~ rst)pentaphene 1,197 Dibenzo (a~ e) pyrene 1,201 Dibenzo (a~ h)pyrene 1,207 Dibenzo (a~ i) pyrene 1,215 Dibenzo (a~ i )pyrene 1,224 1,2-Dibrorno-3-chloropropane --,139 20 or tho- Dich iorobenzene 1,231 para-Dichiorobenzene 1,231 3~ 3 '-Dichiorobenzidine i, 49 trans- l, 4-Dichlorobu tene 15,149 1,2-Dichloroethane 20 3,3' -Dichloro-4, 4' -diarninodiphenyl ether 16,309 Dichlororne thane 20 Dichlorvos 20 Die idrin ~, 125 eUMULATIVE INDEX VOLS 1-20 55 Diepoxybu tane 11,115 l, 2-Die thylhydrazine i, 153 Diethy is ti iboestro i ~, 55 Diethyl sulphate i,277 Diglycidyl resorcinol ether 11,125 Dihydrosafrole 1.170 10,233 Dihydroxybenzenes 15 , 155 Dirnethisterone ~, 167 Dirne thoa te * thoxane 15 , 177 3,3' -Dimethoxybenzidine (o-Dianisidine) i, 41 para-Dirnethylarninoazobenzene ~, 125 para-sulphonate Dime thy larnino benzenediazo sodium ~,147 trans-2 ((Dirnethylarnino)methylirninoJ-5- (2- (5-nitro-2-furyl)vinyiJ -1,3, 4-oxadiazole 2,147 3,3' -Dimethylbenzidine (o-Tolidine) l, 87 Dimethyicarbamoyi chioride 1l, 77 l,l-Dirnethylhydrazine i,137 1,2-Dirnethylhydrazine i,145(corr. 2,320) Dimethyi suiphate i,271 Dirne thyl terephthala te* Dini trosopentamethylene tetramine Il,241 1,4-Dioxane 11,247 2,4' -Diphenyldiarnine 16,313 Diphenyl thiohydantoin * Disulfirarn 12, 85 Dithranol Q, 75 Dulcin 12, 97 E Endrin l,157 Eosiu and its disodium salt 15 , 183 56 lARe MONOGRAPHS 7 SUPPLEMENT 1 Epich iorohydrin 11,131 (corr. 18,125) l-Epoxyethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexane 11,141 3, 4-Epoxy-6-rnethylcyclohexylrnethyl-3, 4- epoxy-6-me thy lcyclohexane carboxy la te 11,147 cis-9,10-Epoxystearic acid 11,153 E thiny loes tr adio 1 ~, 77 Ethionamide 13, 83 Ethyl acryla te 19, 57 E thy lene ~, 157 Ethylene dibromide 15,195 Ethy iene oxide 11,157 Ethylene sulphide Il,257 Ethylenethiourea 1, 45 Ethyl methanesulphonate 1,245 Ethyl selenac 12,107 Ethyl tellurac 12,115 Ethynodiol diacetate ~, 173 Evans blue ~, 151 F Fas t green FCF 16,187 Ferbarn 12,121 (corr. 13,243) Fluorescein and i ts disodium sal t* 2- (2- Formylhydrazino) -4- (5-ni tro-2- furyl) thiazole 1,151 (corr. 11,295) Fusarenon- X 11,169 G Glycidaldehyde 11,175 Glycidyl oleate 11,183 Glycidyl stearate 11,187 Griseofulvin 10,153 Guinea green B 16,199 eUMULATIVE INDEX VOLS 1-20 57 H Haematite (Ferric oxide) l, 29 Haerna toxy lin * Heptachior and its epoxide 2, 173 Hexachlorobenzene 20 Hexachloro bu tadiene 20 Hexachiorocyciohexane (HCH or BHC) 20 Hexachloroe thane 20 Hexachlorophene 20 Hexame thy lenediarnine * Hexame thy lphosphor amide 15,211 Hycanthone and its rnesylate 13, 91 Hydrazine i,127 Hydroquinone 15 , 155 4-Hydroxyazobenzene ~, 157 8-Hydroxyquinoline 13 , 101 Hydroxysenkirkine 10,265 l Indeno (1,2, 3-cd)pyrene 1,229 Iron-dextran compiex l, 161 Iron-dextrin cornplex l, 161 (corr. 2,319) Iron oxide (Haematite) l, 29 Iron sorbitol-citric acid complex l,161 lsatidine 10,269 Isonicotinic acid hydrazide i,159 Isoprene* Isopropyi aicohoi 15,223 Isopropyi oiis 15,223 Isosafrole l, 169 10,232 58 lARe MONOGRAPHS ~ SUPPLEMENT 1 J Jacobine 10,275 L Lasiocarpine 10,281 Lead sai ts l, 40 (corr. 1,319) (corr. §., 349) Lead ace ta te Lead arsenate Lead carbonate Lead phospha te Lead subacetate Leda te g, 131 Light green SF ~, 209 Lindane ~, 47 Luteoskyrin 10,163 Lysergide* M Magenta !, 57 (corr. 1,320) Maleic hydrazide 4,173 (corr. 18,125) Maneb g,137 Mannornus tine and i ts dihydrochloride 2-,157 Medphalan 2-,167 Medroxyproges terone ace ta te ~, 157 Meiphaian 2-,167 Merphalan 2-,167 Mestranol ~, 87 Methacrylic acid* Methallenoestril* Me thoxychlor ~, 193 20 Methyl acrylate ~, 52 2-Methylaziridine 2-, 61 CUMULATIVE INDEX VOLS 1-20 59 Me thy lazoxyme thano 1 ace ta te 1:,164 10,131 Methyl brornide* Methyl carbamate Q,151 N-Methyl-N, 4-dini trosoaniline l,141 4,4' -Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline) ~, 65 4,4' -Methylene bis(2-rnethylaniline) ~, 73 4,4' -Methylenedianiline i, 79 (corr. l,320) 4,4' -Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate -l,314 Methyl iodide 12,245 Methyl rnethacrylate 19,187 Methyl rnethanesulphonate l,253 N-Methyl-N' -nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine ~, 183 Methyl red ~, 161 Methyl selenac Q, 161 Methylthiouracil l, 53 Metronidazole 13 , 113 Mirex 2,203 -20 Mi tornycin C 10 , 1 ?1 Modacrylic fibres 19, 86 Monocrotaline 10 , 291 Monuron 12,167 5- (Morpholinornethyl) -3- ((5-ni tro- furfurylidene) -amino) -2-oxazolidinone l,161 Mustard gas 2-,181 (corr. 13,243) N 1,5-Naphthalene diisocyanate -l, 311 1-Naphthyiamine i, 87 (corr. ~, 349) 2- Naph thy iamine i, 97 Native carrageenans 10,181 ( corr . 11,295) 60 rARe MONOGRAPHS ~ SUPPLEMENT r Nickei and nickel compounds ~,126 (corr.
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