a ** w # .. p e * œ ' ' < ) f h @ ;W u s ox *o TH E 'K EN Y A G A ZETTE ' Pablished pader the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Pm tectbrate @1 KG. y*, . (Registereb as a Ntwspalxr at tlw G.P.O.) . ' . J . C 11::::2:1 1 ZL ' . ZL'JZJJ 2 E J 7 ' ' 2E2 - LJZZFZE 'iE 2 ' ' ' Vo'I. LXII= N o. 5 N A. TROBI, 19th January, 1960 Price : Sh. t :2:1::::::: . , . ZZZZZZ 2 ' ' ; 7X ï ZZX-Z 22.222f2--2- us c c coNTENTs GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTE NoncBs--lcoa/d.) PAGE PAGF Appoiptmenl, ctc. 'Eldorvt . Municipal Coundi-Election Result 56 The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordinance- The Production of Food Crop s Rules--Earliest and latest . Temporary Transfer of Powere .' . 46 datcxs of planting . ' ' 56 ' ' n e Kcnya fcoristitution) Order in Council- Transport Liccnsing . 57-5j DecIaration of Iqoapacity of M inister 46 n e . Credit . to Africans (Control) Ordinance-r ertiicate ' Appointment of Temporary M inister . 46 of Exem' ption . 60-62 Appoin.tment of Mem'ber of Councll of State . 47 Tenders , . 62 Revocation of Appointment of Temporary M ember . 47 Appointment of Nominated Member . ' 47 The W eights and M eàsures Ofdinance- Notice 'to Traders 63 . Acting Governor- Assumption of Oëce . 41 Ciyil Aircraft Acciddnt- lnspector's Invçstigation 63 n e Immigration Ordinance-Appol.ntment 47 lmss of Tax Reserve Certiscates 60 The Education Ordinance-Resignation 47 Farral Inc.- Appointmept . - . 63 . The Hospital Treatment Relief (European) Ordinance- The Societies Ordlnance-cancellation of Reglstration . 63 Approved Hospitals . , . ' . ' 48 Trade xM arks ' . e . 63. 64 n e Dairy Industry Ordinance-Appointment . 48 n e Bankruptcy Ordipance 65. 66 The Prevention of Cruelty to apd Neglect of Chilbren . The Companies ùrdinénce 66 Ordinaàce- Appointment 48 Probate and Adminlstration . 66-68 The Native luthority Ordfn'ance-Appointment . 48 Dissolution of Partnership 68 The Vo' hammedan Marriage and Divorce . Reglstration Notice of Change of Name . 63 Ordinance- Appointment . ' . H.M . Penjions and Gratuities .tAfrica.n M ilitary Personnel) ' Rtrgulatlons- Appointment ' , . 48 SUPPLEM ENT N4. f Legîslative Suppltn'kent n e Juveniles Ordinance- Establishment of Remand Home 48' ' . LEGAL NoTlcB No. Pztm The Agricullure Ordinance-Membershlp of Aéiicultural Subcommittees . 49 39- The Pmllce Ordinance- proclamation 85 . '; Tbe 'Police Ovdinance- Ap. pointment 5û 4o- Non-dlsallowance of Ordinances- Notlce . , 85 Liiuor Licensing . 50 41-The W eights and M easures (Sa1e by Weight and n e M ining Regulations- Abandonment of Cocatîons . 50 Measure) (Amendment) (No. '2) ' Rule-ss . 1959 42- n e Land Contrùl Ordinance-Approval . of Kenya Government Stock . 50 Company . 87 The' Veterinary Surgeons (Registratlon and Licensing) ' R'1;1es- 43- The FundvtAllowances) (Amrndfhent) Rules, 19* 87 ' Valid Licence,s . 50 44-The Protected Areas Order, 1960 . 88 Register of Veterinary Surgeons 51 451-144e Kenya Police Force REstrve Ordnanpe-r Thç Crfminal Procedure Code' (Appointment of Certifying Release of Oëcers . 88. ' Ofhcers for P hotographic Evidelice) Order, 1960 ' 51 46-The Animal Diseas/ Ordinance-zFees ank ' Chargese-Amendment . 8% ' n e Animal Diseases Ordinance-lnfected Areas . 51 47-The Cereal Producers (Scheduleà Areas) drdin. n e W ater Ordinance- variation of Undertaker's Area 53 ance# lgsd- lmposftion of Cess. 89 Royrtl National Parks of Kenya-Appointment' . 59 48-The #ood and Drugs (Adulteration) (GheO . n e African District Councils Ordinance- Appointments 53 Regulations, 1960 . K The Detained and Rcstricted Persons Regulations-- 49- ,1*11e Nyanza South Rural District Councgl Afkpointments . :. 54 (Licensing of Premises and Traders) By-laws, 1959 . Vaca ncies . - . 54 . 91 X'he Registration of Titles Ordinance- lssue of Provisional 50-The Nyanza Copnty Council Rating (Graduated Cxrtificatees . 5.5 Rate) (Amendment) Rules, 1960 . , 95 East African Cùstoms ànd Excise- Taris lnterpretation . 55 51-The Prfce Control (East African Flour) (Amend. mentl' Order, 1969 . 96 The Trout Ordinanco-Apbointment . .' . 56 52- -111: Board of Governors for the M ombasa n e Wild Animals Protection Ordinance- Appöintment' ' . 56 lnsiitute of Muslim Bducation Order, 19@ . é8 ' H.M. Court of . Appeal at Nalrobi-xâuse tj st 5'6 53-717: W tainod and Restricted Persong Rules, 19* 103 (tk, j4 Ttt/ KXVYA WAZEYYV l9th lanuary. 19K CORRIGENDUM GAZBTTE NOTIV N0. 177 Gazette Nodce N os 1999 appearfn: on page 1144 ol a Spedal LCONST. 1/2/21) lssue of the Kenya 'Uazette dated 9th October. 1959 : , 'I'HE 'rlu xsyya AND DELEGATJON oF Pow Eas ,LlsT or M snlcA!- PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS ORDINANCE, 1955 Deute an reference to Banxl, Molur singb. (No. 31 ol 1955) 'rsstlzoau v n AxsssR os rowsus IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2A of the Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordinance, 1955, 1 hereby dirtct that during the absence from the Colony of the M ipfsters G- TTZ Nol'lc's No. 1)6 specihed in the tirst column of . the Schcdule hereto the M inisters s'peciied in the second column thereof shall have and may ABPOINTMENTS exercise all 'the powers conferred, and shall perform a11 tho duties imposed, by or under any Ordinance, upon the Ministirs ERLB CHARLES M ARKHAM GR'EEN to aCt a.$ Assistattt Diredor respectively so specified in tht said first coe-umn. of Agriculture, Central Province, with elect from 20th January, 1960. ' SCHBDULB ALEXANDER LEssLlE, B.sC. (ST. ANDREWS), to act as Provincial Agrkultural Oëcer, Coast Province, with G ect from 20th (1) ) (2) January, 1960. M inister f0r Agricttlture, Animal Minlster for Commerct Husbandry and W ater Rem d jndustry GUY ALEXANDER BLEST to be District Oëcer (Cadet), Central an . Nyanza, Nyanza Province, with eFect from 9ti1 December, Sources. 1959. ' Mihister for Local Government and Town Planning.' Minister for African DAVID CARLYON Ltmz to be District Oëcer, Machakos District, Minister fpr Health. Asairs. Soutbern Province, with esect from 14th December, 1959. M inister for Forest Development, M snister for Commerct THOMAS 'LF-SLIE EDGAR, M.B.B., to be Distdct Commissioner, Game aùd Fisheries. ' and lndustry. Kajiado District, Southern Provincg, with elect from 14th Minister for W orks. m cember, 1959. Minister for Tourism and ' Minister for Finance and Common services. Developmtnt. JOHN W HITE BALFOUR to be Distriçt Oëcer. Tana River District, Mïniste'r for Housing. Minfster for African Coast Pfovince, with esect from 3rd Decqmber, 1959. Afairs. SHBIKH HARITI.I AICAMIN to be Lfwali, Malindi, Kili; Distrkt, Coast Province, with elect from 1st December, 1959. ' Given undermy hand this 12th day of January,' 1960. ' . W YXDHAM ALBSRT W lLn, o.F.c., to be District Commissioner. , P. M . RBNISON, Northern Frontfer District, wïth esect from 2nd August. 1959. Governor. JSREMY Dàvro LUNN to be District Oïcer, Northern Fronticr District, with esect from 8t.11 December, 1959. GAZBTTB NOTICE No. 178 . RICHARD ST. GEORGE SIDES to be District Oëcer (Cadetlj (CONST. 1/2/21) North Nyanza, Nyanza Provinke, with elect from 13th DçWmber, 1959. ' THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL: 1958 EDwARD NlcHotAs Sco'r'r to be District Commissloner, Nakut'u District, Rift Valley Province, with clect from 30th (L.N. 158 ol 1958) N ovem ber, 1959. IIECLARATION OF INCAPACITY OF AQINISTER By His Excellensy Walter .' Fleming Coutts, Companion of the Lo ceto'r DONALD ABEL BAOON, D.F.c., M.A., (oX()N), regurned Most Distinguis-hed Order of Saint' Michaql and Saint duty as Deputy SecreGry to the Treasury with eflect from . George, Member of the Order of the Bntish Empire, 8th January, 1960, on return from vacation leave. Acting Governer and Commander-in-chief in and over tbc DIVID JouN COwARD resumed duty on return from vacation Co'.onf and Protectorate of Ktnya : ' leave as Fezistrar-r eneral, Oflicial Receiver and Public IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sùbsection (1) of Trustee, with esect from 7th Janugly, 19,50.x section 15 of tltt Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, I do hereby dqclare that Eric Newton Griëth-lones, EsQ., c.M.c.. Q.c., Minlstcr for 'Legal Asfirs, is by remson of absence PROM OTIONS from the Colony unable to perfofm his functions as a M inister. R. TCHARD HAROLD STRUDWICK, M.3., CH.B.Z D.T.M. & 11., D.P.H., to be Senior Medical Oïcer, with esect from 1st September, Given under my hand and the Public Sezal of th: Colony 1959. this 13th day of January, 1960. W . F. COUTTS, CARMEL CACHIA, M.D., B.S. )P.H.C., D.T.M. & H., D.P.H., to be Acting Governor. Senior M edical Oïcer m th efzct from .1st September, 1959. Isuc Rospx to be Senior Reesident MaZstrate with elfect from 1st July, 1959. Gxzin-rs No'rlcs No. 179 (CONST. l /2/21) REvàRslox THB K'ENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN CODWCIL, FRANK FIRTH GILBOY, M.A. (OXON), DIP. ED., M.R.S.T., ctased 1958 to act as Deputy Secretary to tho Treasury witll elect from 8th Januaa, 1960, ' LL.N. 158 of 1958) APPOINTMENT Or W MPORARY MINISTER RùNA.LD HENRY MUNRO ceased to act , as Registrar-Gcnerals By His Esce-.lency W alter F'leming Coutts, Companion of the Oïcial Receiver and Ptzblic Trustee, with elec! from 7th Most Distinguished Oràer of Saint Michael and Saint January, 1960. George, Member of the Order of the British Empire, LAURENCZ Nosl- LEACI.I ceased to act as lvputy Registrar- Acting Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over the General with effect from 7th Janualy, 1960. ' Colony and Protectorate of Kenya : . WHEREAS Eric Newton Griëth-lones, C.M.G., Q.c., is unable ERNEST BBHRENS ceased to act as Under Secretary', Trtasurys to pcrform his functions as M inister for Legal Afairs by with etlkct from 8th January, 1960. reason of a declaration* lpade under subsection (1) of scction 15 of the Kenya (Constitutlon) Order in Council, 1958 : CORRIGENDUM Now, therefore, in exercise of tbe power conferred by sub- Gazçtte Notice No.
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