DePaul University Via Sapientiae De Andrein Vincentian Journals and Publications 1943 Volume 13: 1942-43 St. Mary’s of the Barrens Seminary (Missouri) Follow this and additional works at: https://via.library.depaul.edu/andrein Part of the History of Religions of Western Origin Commons Recommended Citation Volume 13: 1942-1943, DeAndrein. http://via.library.depaul.edu/deandrein/13 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentian Journals and Publications at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in De Andrein by an authorized administrator of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 13 Perryville, Missouri, October, 1942 Number 1 VISITOR MAKES FALL APPOINTMENTS FR. LILLY HONORED During the past month and a half the Very Rev. Visitor, Fr. Marshall F. Winne, C. M. V., announced the following appointments for the coming year. Very Rev. George C. Tolman, C. M.-Rector of St. Thomas Seminary, Denver. Rev. Thomas D. Coyne, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Seminary, Camarillo. rev. James Stakelum, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Seminary, Camarillo. Rev. Harold Beutler, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Seminary, Camarillo. Rev. Lawrence Zoeller, C. M.-assistant in Sacred Heart Parish, Cotulla, Texas. Rev. Emmett McDonnell, C. M.-chaplain at Mercy Hospital, San Diego. Rev. Michael Burke, C. M.-assistant in St. Vincent's parish, Chicago. Rev. John Smith, C. M--to faculty of St. John's Seminary, Kansas City. Rev. George Brennan, C. M.-to faculty of Los Angeles College. Rev. James Graham, C. M.-to faculty of Los Angeles College. Rev. Donald Fallon, C. M.-to faculty of Los Angeles College. Rev. Edward J. Brennan, C. M.-to faculty of Los Angeles College. Rev. Francis Pennino, C. M.-to faculty of Los Angeles College. Rev. Richard Mathews, C. M.-to study for degree at De Paul University. Rev. Francis Keeper, C. M.-to faculty of Kenrick Seminary. Rev. Charles Convery, C. M.-to faculty of St. Thomas Seminary, Denver. Rev. Robert Coerver, C. M.-to faculty of St. Thomas Seminary, Denver. Rev. Ignatius Foley, C. M.-to faculty of St. Vincent College, Cape. (Continued on Page Two) Within the past four months two Fr. Tolman Rector Sister Servants new honors with their inevitable re- sponsibilities have come to our con- In honor of Fr. Tolman's recent ap- Appointed pointment to the rectorship of St. frere, Fr. Joseph Lilly, C. M. During the past summer the follow- Thomas' Seminary of Denver, Colo., The announcement of his appoint- ing changes among the Sister Ser- an informal luncheon of the clergy of ment to ttach Sacred Scripture in the vants of the Daughters of Charity of Colorado and the neighboring states the Western Province were announc- Catholic University at Washington was given in the Cosmopolitan Hotel ed. was received in June, in a letter from of Denver, on September 9. Feted on Sister Anna of St. Vincent's Sani- the late Rector of the University, the same occasion was the Very Rev- tarium, St. Louis, to De Paul Sanitar- Bishop Corrigan. erend Thomas D. Coyne, C. M., who ium, New Orleans. has served as rector of St. Thomas' classes in the Fr. Lilly will conduct for the last nine years. Fr. Coyne has Sister Margaret to St . Vincent's following subjects: Biblical Inspira- been appointed to the faculty of St. Sanitarium, St. Louis. tion and Hermeneutics, the Synoptic John's Seminary, Camarillo, Califor- Sister Roberta, of Hotel Dieu, New and Joannine Questions, the Exegesis nia, where he will teach dogmatic Orleans, to St. Margaret's Hospital, and Theology of the New Testament. theology. The luncheon was sponsor- Montgomery, Alabama. In addition, he will preside at a weekly ed by the Alumni of St. Thomas' Sister Alberta of St. Mary's Hospi- Seminar on a subject of his own Seminary. tal, Milwaukee, to Hotel Dieu, New choosing Following his ordination to the Orleans. At the annual Convention of the priesthood in 1931, Father Tolman Sister Rose of St. Vincent's Hospi- C a t h o lic Biblical Association of was sent to Rome for advanced stud- tal, Indianapolis, to St. Mary's Hospi- America, held in Cleveland, Sept. 1 ies in theology. He received his doc- tal, Milwaukee. and 2, Fr. Lilly was elected General torate from the Collegium Angelicum Sister Andrea to St. Vincent's Hos- Secretary for the ensuing year. In in 1933. Returning to the States, he pital, Indianapolis. served as professor of philosophy here this capacity Fr. Lilly will arrange In all there were about 72 changes at the Barrens from 1933 to 1938. His for the next Convention, to be held in among the Sisters in the Province. Ottawa, Canada. Other duties per- next appointment was to the faculty taining to his office are the editing of Kenrick Seminary as the professor of circular letters, and assisting in of moral theology. He has held this Francis Koeper, C. M., will succeed the publication of the Catholic Bibli- same post until his recent appoint- Fr. Tolman as professor of moral cal Quarterly. ment as rector of St. Thomas'. Fr. theology at Kenrick Seminary. Page Two The De Andrein Page~~~~ Tw h e nri <He e e n b r e i n Motor Mission Statistics--1942 Catholic Motor Missions--Archdiocese of St. Louis Let us love God, but let it be at the expense of our arms and in the sweat of our brow. St. Vincent de Paul Published monthly by the Stephen Vincent Ryan Unit of the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade. Subscription: - - - - $1.00 per year (nine issues) 4-4r Please notify us w: 0 of change in your address ~r 00 reOFm 0 oo o Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Anthony J. Falanga, C. M. ZE-4I Associate Editors - - - - - - - - Edward F. Danagher, C. M. Unit 1 Robert J. Brennan, C. M. Rev. A. DeWitt, C. M., Hayti 150 40 900 Business Manager - - - - - - - - Jeremiah P. Hogan, C. M. Rev. Mr. J. Brennan, C. M., Steele 15 7 77 Circulation Manager - - -- - - - - -Carl G. Schulte, C. M. Rev. Mr. J. Fischer, C. M., Braggadocio 75 21 450 Faculty Advisor - - - - - Rev. Wardell 75 162 450 Eugene E. McCarthy, C. M. Holland 100 585 550 Unit 2 EDITORIAL Rev. J. Lilly, C. M., Smelterville 60 50 450 Rev. R. Gieselman, C. M., Cape Girardeau 50 60 250 Rev. Mr. S. Courtney, C. M., Red Star 30 110 120 Hopeful But Anxious Unit 3 To begin a thing is relatively easy; to persevere re- Rev. D. Fallon, C. M. Montier 90 57 545 cures courage and a persistency not too common. We ReCv. Mr. M. Gibbons, C. M., Winona 50 18 300 have tried earnestly to make this first issue of the De An- Rev. Mr. W. Casey, C. M., Eminence 50 20 265 drein both interesting, and informative. We hope that we Fremont 50 55 450 have succeeded. If we have, in large measure it is due to Summersville 50 15 300 the splendid cooperation we have received from those mem- Van Buren 100 26 600 bers of the Double Family to whom we have written. Our Unit 4 intention is to make the De Andrein a News Digest of those Rev. E. Brennan, C. M., 3 Essex 135 59 800 things that are of general interest to all. Your help is ab- Rev. H. Dicharry, C. M., Clarkton 65 59 400 solutely essential to materialize this ideal. To put it frankly Risco 40 55 260 we will publish four pages of items each month. In large Bernie 35 33 180 part it will be up to you to determine whether the De An- Dexter 50 25 300 dremn will contain merely four pages of printed matter, or Unit 5 will be for all an interesting and readable news sheet. We Rev. P. O'Brien, C. M., Fanchon 28 39 180 promise our faithful and best efforts to make the De An- Rev. Mr. P. Diliberto, C. M., Perkins Spring 25 39 160 drein really worth while. May we count on your active Burnham 65 100 400 support? Amy 30 13 160 Moody 35 45 210 Unit 6 Rev. R. Zimney, C. M., New Madrid 100 78 600 Visitor Makes Fall Appointments Rev. A. DeWitt, C. M., Lilbourn 200 79 1000 (Continued from Page One) Rev. R. Gieselman, C. M., Portageville 225 172 1500 Marston 188 75 1125 Rev. John Walker, C. M.,-to house of Studies, Washing- Newtown 100 57 600 ton, D. C. Parma 150 75 1000 Rev. Robert Zimney, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Semi- Unit 7 nary, San Antonio. Rev. P. LeFevre, C. M., Rivermines 115 50 650 Rev. D. Fallon, C. M., Desolge 250 89 1350 Rev. Lee Zimmermann, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Semi- nary, San Antonio. Priest: 9. Subdeacons: 6. 32 Towns 8718,806 16,582 Rev. Patrick O'Brien, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Semi- No. of people asking for and receiving Free Correspond- nary, San Antonio. ence Courses: 96 Rev. William Gauqhan, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Semi- nary, San Antonio. Rev. Allan DeWitt, C. M.-to faculty of St. John's Semi- Congratulations nary, San Antonio. We extend our sincerest best wishes to Messrs. Francis Rdv. Harold Dicharry, C. M.-assistant in St. Patrick's Par- Bruce Vawter N. C. M. and Thomas Welker Parrot, N. C. ish, La Salle. M. who were received into the Novitiate on September 11, Rev. Philip LeFevre, C. M.-to faculty of St. Louis Prepara- and to Mr. Jack Farris, N.
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