Lantorna Sista of War Diamond Hill Mistress of Petra Elegant Magdalena Bee House

Lantorna Sista of War Diamond Hill Mistress of Petra Elegant Magdalena Bee House

Daily Racing Form Indiana Grand (7/9/2020) Indiana Grand 1 MILE (Turf). (1:33¨) çMd Sp Wt 31k Purse $31,000 (PLUS UP TO 40% Indiana State Bred Supplement )For Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three, Four, And Five Years Old. Three 6 Year Olds, 118 lbs.; Older, 122 lbs. Post time: 4:40 ET Wagers: Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Double, Pick 3 Beyer par: 71 Dk. b or br f. 4 (May) Life 3 M 0 0 $857 55 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 - Lantorna Sire: Bodemeister (Empire Maker) Wet(345) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: Kim and Rodney Nardelli and John Clar Dam:Speed to Burn (Red Ransom) 2020 3 M 0 0 $857 55 Synth 2 0 0 0 $547 27 Black, White N Br: Springwood Farm LLC & John Clarke (Ky) L 122 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - PEREZ E E (21 3 1 2 .14) 2020: (112 12 .11) Tr: West Ethan W(4 2 0 0 .50) 2020:(62 7 .11) Turf(325) 1 0 0 0 $310 55 TimeformUS Pace: Early 64 Late 78 Ind ê 1 0 0 0 $310 55 Dstê(351) 0 0 0 0 $0 - 18Þ20=9Ind fm 1 ê :22.11 :24.08 :24.99 :29.84 3ÎçMdSpWt31k 55 2/11 10¤ö11¤ô 11ªô 10®ö 5¦¥ö Prescott R L122 86.10 84=04 Nasty118¤ThreeFlamingos118ôTimelessRose116ö 7widefarturn 20à20=7TP fst 6ôf ú :22.87 :23.60 :24.85 :06.55 3ÎçMdSpWt43k 10 4/11 6 5¦ö 10¦¥ 10¦« 10§¨ Goncalves L D L124 17.80 65=14 Bourbin119¨õElegntMgdlen119ªôQulitytooSpr124¨ö Briefspeed,retreated 21á20=5TP fst 6ôf ú :23.00 :24.00 :25.94 :06.72 3ÎçMdSpWt40k 2710/11 4 4¦ô 2¦ 7ªõ 6¦¥ô Goncalves L D L124 17.60 68=19 Tickle119öClaudetteNonstop119§QualitytooSpre124§ö Bid1/4,rank,faded WORKS: 12Þ20Ind4f fst :52¨ B 47/49 5Þ20Ind5f fst 1:03 B 18/28 29Ü20Ind4f my :52© B 18/24 13à20TPú 3f fst :39© B 14/14 6à20TPú 4f fst :49¨ B 3/6 10á20TPú 3f fst :37© Bg 5/7 TRAINER: 2Off45-180(29 .14 $0.67) Turf(52 .12 $2.75) Routes(100 .14 $1.90) MdnSpWt(52 .15 $1.36) J/T 2019-20 IND(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00) B. f. 3 (Jan) Life 5 M 0 0 $6,072 63 D.Fst 1 0 0 0 $1,172 - Sista of War Sire: Declaration of War (War Front) $21,000 Wet(289) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: Five Fillies Stable LLC Dam:Sistas Stroll (Stroll) 2020 1 M 0 0 $834 63 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 - Royal Blue, Fuchsia Horse Had, Royal Br: Miklin Stables & Five Fillies Stables (Ky) L 118 2019 4 M 0 0 $5,238 60 ALBARADO R J (9 2 1 0 .22) 2020: (264 16 .06) Tr: Lopresti Charles(1 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(17 1 .06) Turf(356) 4 0 0 0 $4,900 63 TimeformUS Pace: Early 104 Late 74 Ind ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(353) 2 0 0 0 $1,936 55 17Ü20=4CD fm 1 ê :23.45 :24.21 :25.15 :31.28 3ÎçMdSpWt81k 63 1/12 2¦ô 2¦ô 2¦ 4¨ô 6®ô Lezcano J L118 28.80 71=16 CatsPajamas118§Flabbergasted118ÉLuckMoney118¦õ 2w-3p2nd,bid,wknd18 9ä19=4CD fst 1 ï :23.84 :24.03 :25.50 :33.54 çMdSpWt93k -0 6/8 1¦ô 1¦ô 6ª 8§¨ 8©¬õ Mena M L118b 8.40 24=23 Ivyetsu118ªöShe'saDeal118ÇLongpantsRequired118¦§õ Pace1/2,stopped 16å19=5Kee gd 1 ê :24.08 :24.95 :25.14 :32.10 çMdSpWt70k 60 7/12 5© 5©ô 4¨ 4© 5ªõ Ortiz J L 118 6.50 66=23 PssthePlte118öHurricneBreeze118¦öLuckMony118§ö Brokeoutst,4pth1/4 8æ19=4KD fm 1 ê çMdSpWt133k 40 5/12 7©õ 8«õ 9¤ 9«õ 8®ô Graham J 120 8.70 87 - Witez120©Unforeseen120ôSunnymedeDream120ô Intight,clipped5/16 10Ý19=7ElP fm 1 ê ÿ :24.66 :24.11 :24.01 :24.54 çMdSpWt48k 55 1/10 7ªõ 7ªõ 6© 5© 5¨ô Graham J 120 9.00 73=24 Jezebel's Kitten120ÇEdgeeAngel120¦Witez120¦ö 3path3/16,mildgain WORKS: 4Û20Kee4f fst :49 B 37/90 ò26Þ20Kee3f fst :36¨ B 1/10 12Þ20Kee3f fst :37 B 3/5 6Þ20Kee4f fst :49¦ B 42/116 28Ü20Kee4f fst :49 B 31/49 10Ü20Kee5f fst 1:02¨ B 31/34 TRAINER: 31-60Days(51 .14 $4.13) Turf(53 .09 $3.68) Routes(108 .06 $2.21) MdnSpWt(29 .03 $3.44) Dk. b or br f. 3 (Feb) Life 3 M 0 0 $1,496 52 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 - Diamond Hill Sire: Artie Schiller (El Prado*Ire) $25,740 Wet(289) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: P H Lobo Inc Dam:Colina Verde*Brz (Know Heights*Ire) 2020 1 M 0 0 $273 17 Synth 2 0 0 0 $1,293 52 Gray, Red Sleeves Br: Roberto Mesquita (Ky) L 118 2019 2 M 0 0 $1,223 52 LEZCANO A (>) 2020: (90 9 .10) Tr: Lobo Paulo H(>) 2020:(34 6 .18) Turf(332) 1 0 0 0 $203 49 TimeformUS Pace: Early 67 Late 79 Ind ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(322) 0 0 0 0 $0 - 6á20=5TP fst 1 ú :23.69 :23.72 :26.32 :26.95 çMdSpWt45k 1711/11 10¬ô10¬ö 10¬ö 10¦¥ 10§§ö Serpa A L122 9.30 48=24 Panterita117ôMissIsZippy122«ôPurpleMartin122ó Doneearly 27ã19=5TP fst 1 ú :24.00 :24.56 :24.87 :25.97 çMdSpWt45k 52 7/12 4¨ 5§õ 3§ 3¦ô 5ª Goncalves L D L122 13.10 72=23 OxumPower117ÇViolenz122¨ôMoonlightDncing115É Bumpedst,4path1/4 18å19=2Kee gd 1 ê :23.76 :25.48 :25.90 :30.04 çMdSpWt64k 49 9/12 11¦¦11®õ 9«ô 8¤ô 8¦¥õ Machado L L118 51.30 67=19 ThePthNotTken118¦öNewDyDwning118©ôRinDnc118ö Slowstart,nofactor WORKS: 2Û20TTC5f fst 1:04 B 2/4 25Þ20TTC4f fst :50 B 11/17 9Þ20TTC4f fst :50 B 8/27 30Ü20TTC4f fst :51¨ B 42/45 23Ü20TTC4f fst :50© B 49/58 10Ü20TTC4f fst :50 B 8/12 TRAINER: 61-180Days(24 .04 $0.38) Synth/Turf(2 .00 $0.00) Turf(27 .11 $2.10) Routes(62 .11 $3.12) MdnSpWt(30 .13 $6.39) Dk. b or br f. 4 (Apr) KEESEP17 $200,000 Life 0 M 0 0 $0 - D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 - Mistress of Petra Sire: Temple City (Dynaformer) $7,500 Wet(297) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: Endeavor Farm Dam:More Than Pretty (More Than Ready) 2020 0 M 0 0 $0 - Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 - Black, White Ef, Blue Diamond Panel Br: Spendthrift Farm LLC (Ky) ÷ 122 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - PARKER D L (73 15 6 13 .21) 2020: (305 69 .23) Tr: Amoss Thomas(24 6 2 3 .25) 2020:(272 61 .22) Turf(319) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Ind ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(323) 0 0 0 0 $0 - WORKS: 2Û20Ind4f fst :48¨ Bg 8/19 24Þ20Ind4f fst :49¨ B 12/25 16Þ20Ind4f fst :50© B 15/24 9Þ20Ind5f fst 1:03¦ B 14/29 2Þ20Ind5f fst 1:00© B 3/27 14Ü20CD5f fst 1:01§ Bg 1/2 9Ü20FG5f fst 1:02© B 94/133 2Ü20FG4f fst :49¨ B 59/136 18ß20FG4f gd :49§ B 46/112 11ß20FG4f fst :49© B 48/91 18à20FG5f fst 1:00§ Bg 4/17 7à20FG5f fst 1:02 Bg 28/53 TRAINER: 1stStart(50 .22 $1.37) 1stTurf(29 .07 $1.32) Debut>=1Mile(6 .00 $0.00) Turf(177 .17 $1.76) Routes(422 .18 $1.56) MdnSpWt(121 .21 $1.75) J/T 2019-20 IND(61 .23 $1.13) J/T 2019-20(63 .24 $1.17) B. f. 4 (Mar) Life 4 M 2 0 $17,307 58 D.Fst 2 0 1 0 $7,750 49 Elegant Magdalena Sire: Discreet Cat (Forestry) $13,700 Wet(399) 1 0 0 0 $357 18 Own: Navarrete Stables LLC Dam:Casa Nekia (Conquistador Cielo) 2020 1 M 1 0 $9,200 58 Synth 1 0 1 0 $9,200 58 Green, White Circled N, White Blocks Br: Upson Downs Farm (Ky) L 122 2018 3 M 1 0 $8,107 49 RAMOS J D (29 4 3 2 .14) 2020: (292 39 .13) Tr: Navarrete Anna(1 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(12 2 .17) Turf(305) 0 0 0 0 $0 - TimeformUS Pace: Early 77 Late 53 Ind ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(353) 0 0 0 0 $0 - 20à20=7TP fst 6ôf ú :22.87 :23.60 :24.85 :06.55 3ÎçMdSpWt43k 58 7/11 8 10« 5¨ô 2§ 2¨õ Ramos J Dª L119f 32.10 85=14 Bourbin119¨õElegntMgdlen119ªôQulitytooSpre124¨ö Bidstr,flattenedout 1ä18=5CD slyø 6f :22.22 :24.69 :12.54 :12.78 çMdSpWt76k 1812/12 3 9©ô 11¬õ 11¦¨ 11§¦ Miranda R L118f 24.40 57=15 SuperSimple118©JoMarie118ÉShe'sonthewarpath118É Doneearly 16å18=5Ind fst 6f :22.00 :23.47 :12.74 :13.53 çMdSpWt31k 49 1/12 5 4¨ 3§ô 2§ô 2ö Pusac A L118f 14.30 82=12 MandyBlue118öElegantMagdlen118ÇDustyMiller118§ Angld3wstr,mildbid 11æ18=2Ind fst 6f :22.71 :23.23 :11.61 :12.35 çMdSpWt31k 43 1/7 6 6©ô 6« 6¦¥ 4¦¦ô Morales Eª 113f 55.00 80=10 ìWorkholic118©ôEvilGnius118ªöStlingSunshn118¦õ 2ptrn,angldnothreat WORKS: 2Û20Hpt5f fst 1:01 B 1/2 25Þ20Hpt5f fst 1:04 B 1/3 15Þ20Hpt4f fst :50 B 4/6 ò6Þ20Hpt4f fst :50 B 1/12 30Ü20Hpt3f fst :39 B 7/9 9à20TPú 5f fst 1:04¦ Bg 17/18 TRAINER: 61-180Days(6 .00 $0.00) 1stTurf(1 .00 $0.00) Synth/Turf(1 .00 $0.00) Sprint/Route(5 .00 $0.00) Turf(7 .00 $0.00) Routes(7 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20 IND(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(9 .11 $0.71) B.

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