« THE SEATTLE STAR WgI'MMiAV,KHB IV !""* In IIIImoIb h« aa'"' 1 will)a lain > i.i>». that lh< > •hmild umii" a A NEW SPRING THE SEATTLE STAR OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 1...i... trad* at I) o'clock Hi. n«tl HAT \u25a0v STAR PUBLISHING CO. _JL!S!:l ntoruliil. naltb«r tv •••\u25a0 llK' uth«ra . 3?!J ls^1rl—l2. until Hi., of th* Ira4a XCI^T liuiih Lba fVIHYAmWNOON tUNDAY. ____ and Ilia mill wliu h.o Ui-il out to i*sr T»i»^hon»»— lh« /VM7 Jft rou 4r r»i i\**ce awt— *n*rf notv'J loatfMli. Prlvat* tKchangti conn*ctlno all pull of _^^I^K^^^ Tim I'ulK'- waa nn tin Inadlng 9,i.\u25a0••!, Main 1050 tn«tp»ml»nt, 441. and Uj.Ll^,-V.tiJf?L> \u25a0— jwr — rt+*r:i «v«r ar«ii Mlldlno our. nK/** JtMious m MJW<;#r— WH*r *vt/ t,vr ii.i' mnrl*»l looklni it«R loi d*p«itmtnt or tht nimt of lh« p»r««n \u25a0 »v« tht— K^ftHW*>*^ (fjm.'y TV **rt Sofj &**im, rou ou%-*r rv SftN • In Itioin |*rU. iii a f«w (Blnutfta rarryliiK a wikmU'O » ?***" \u25a0 — —--- Lliuoln arrl»«td, '**\u25a0 UUAMMTAN AUKM'V-•«»- IUIIm*At. Imwl. i. .« hnr«« on hli hliiiiil'l' Tlio *'* Uiigt.i,l ii|n lv but II "' UTtll tUKMa-lbww »wwi». «iJI Hrrfc«Wl»r <rt' '***_ rru»d ial> KUOTT was iM.tiiift<; to Hi'l din llmf wunt \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0•• •"\u25a0 Cm* t*n\ »« »»i»r. »l* pt w—k. « l»«rt»-nv» «»• ,|i *i,.-u l.lryoln ar.i il.iwn lil- 11.»f.J k> «>«ll r«nl»r «•»*»It**#*»!«* »*» •» Urn ___^ r,,«lii,n.M, walkrd mil' miily aruund Mh«l al IH« r**»l-fri. «l binf. W».l>l»|M««._ «»_ wana «•'*»» »\u25a0»»»*-_ tlm aorry n«« prudwrd by thn eirlaliiifd |>nthHlmlly, . » M.I Of It ill U Ml Mill. Ht-iucmniclli*—Th* »l>««i »\u25a0»«» \u25a0Mh«<-riiHl»n tt»\n» It »\u25a0 ]<nlK«». and •tttxnrlplloa flral «lm» Ik* ••<!•».. i.h.-i •( •» |.«|.»r Wtm*•<• lhal d*l*•"!'<• If •'\u25a0•.! "Well. IK*, Ihla ll Urn Ml ...'\u25a0. »•#• i ••I m .lon,. >«ur i.«in. l, l«k«u fi«m lk« ll>l A \u25a0!••"•• »<•( • • «•'» •« ">• .l.lir«. l«l »l I* • \u25a0•\u25a0 tlfl _______ SOMI X lit U'BM'tlilKll*-HhwlJ ».'UC t J|>» •( T>>« Hl«f full «\u25a0 IM'» .'\u25a0('\u25a0- \u25ba• .'- « in »>».\u25a0!.• !-'-«.• .1 \u25a0 •.. i' (\u25a0><» I* rail >n> •\u25a0"' main ••« • J \u25a0>-•>. -i \>«i..• • I*4*; i.i «l, 1.1...-> •\u25a0\u25a0•! Ml K'rlwrk. «M «<• -ci .-. rou \u25a0 » mi,.. ,i.l \u25a0\u25a0>'•, us«# ItKphmt •>•\u25a0* 4i ,-i .1 \u25a0 II .tv IIm»i» than pHsMM va '•\u25a0 * >»• . -tlaa H, DU.ST •111 II.'• raa h. vf *ur »,,!.. ill»n _ |i»ir».l ••ill • STAR a*; fwlalu «!>><« • • 1.4 II I. i»- .ml,•• ••> i;v josh AN APPEAL TO THF. LAW BRKAKLH only A Word From Jo»h W'« Bloc Mtxra from p«opl< who PiAce TV e*r, /f*j> / ixwrf^OMOSf to &rM**r/t/yjf nr. <l $sou iij-.i.- in I." uij|i< to buy lK*r/,YTO HUM L'\fQTJHUf VHIVML T/J.L SIT J>rV/*+C* (ha nii!iiiiiniiiin ituj'vf iwt Ut*ir As one of the planks of lh« |>l.i!!.'i in uj>on will,li he n/A'/vs ft OHD**ata*/d *»*??! heart* H " hoJMft \u25a0 "When a inaii to be elected mayor of Seattle John V Miller |>lr.|i;r- Iniii-rll Ih'lU with Imllgna •ha Wai a Connn MMH 1 lion h» iin'ally RPt« "Madam, 1 «uur« you tbU In '\u25a0"• t« see that the saloon man who violate* llir law and is ar- rod H a |nl«lor." plr »i in|i" U»i« a Ifttctl, who deliberately <!i-.<>ln\ \u25a0> the lUh' It diKHin't bit Ilk* ami the itrcet speaker It'a a<lnh.-i,ti«tl li iiuut bo aotßa> order* of the police department and is taken to jail, will not ItilUß «-!•" " b> compelled to remain there over night, but will Ur mime An May way to b« a r<><«i hu» i>«n<t i> in i<-il «<mr wn« all Urn diately admitted to bail and allowed to depart. A liild «!••» faahlon aolf> na llm< (hliMta ><>i >r Mag »"• K"I»K l<i do f h«r In other woida. Mr. Miller begins his campaign by ap- linen tlaa ar« mad« with •ha* >mi gnt Urn money.—N«w i-nil«. .S^ll Ililac Hi.-> II b« |>ultlB( V..rk pealinf 10 the man who deliberately breaks the law. Kuaida auti half!.* nu tbnui. I'reM. The »a!oonkcepcr who is satisfied to keep vmiliiiithe law \u25a0 rt(*r V*4. I'ixin iiiM.; nut to ukrrpfi a ll« luuk atung "Xonr wlf» ncvpr alnr» any more cares the slt^lilr what U done the i who him. IM,I Itt I»m her VulraT Illnh! miiat ti*»o afaaa] him break* the law. \u25a0kl "No; aa« found ln«r imiei,"— Tin" Mff *prinj( bata are mor* li>"iia>ln| thta n c>fla*li i crer bttm H And the saloonkeeper who breaks the law is not more en- • Cievelaßd aili-r. \u25a0re Im-imk afcon • *i!v ii.j> >. ii All nbaijra of com uu.i ua »f4 titled to aro ntmadf amart, different omMMtloM «f i*rrw consideration than it the thief caught red-handed at Tmt« Sttytr*. Winter aaMtMil. and white. 'I in- 'tir «h.>» here I* a *oft Thrmigfcoat . Tuseaa braid v.U. Til***TMt« la •l!.-«r » .{,«!, oar Krand old laad, j.-n.w uij.-n-ij hlith In tbn crown »i'h ribbon*. I \u25a0»>•( A dreary »i">i• I" atay; lloili and »<-«! l!r ksOWV that it hf *rll» ln|ii<»r after the prescribed honr | t!at Turn and Chauucvy juit caoaut Tts \u25a0>•>•> the faithful band WHEN DIRECTORS MUST PAY LOSSES Ita of »l<^iii|« he i* subjecting himself t>» atrr«t, and if, in I'll IhoWMllviM •*«) r« at l*"»i. No- far and iH-ar aa •-r»Ttt 4r»»» spite i-l Mil"., he \iolates the law, his place is with the drunkard |«-tm»n(. «1..»r QtoAKER-5 Rr A L*ap Y»ar rp.tod.. Hlla •Innlns li> th* WHOLtSALEAlf whom he has maile, the hobrt and the thief, and those others >mj n.»|.|.o «2|ii \u25a0 - "Will t» mini-*" th« talk "f trad!** ani d(>ala |, Tt>«7 who are daily and nightly itherrd in ihr |*utnr MM; In riru>•» «ir.-|i DOWN -toww STOPr USC PKmt Th» both p!f \u25a0«< J and jiui l»i»Tf|» And the man railing himself a MxialiAt, who, when tuld mas. And qnli for int-»!». lOIJ-1015 riNSTAVCNUC I-^ 3 INa2«lS»«wuigM"*** " Or rla* to aiM»t>. UP-TOWN 3TORC wt OCUVM by the police department upon which streets Im may speak. Could oulr \u25a0til 1.1» \u25a0illy brad It i» a (\u25a0»\u25a0« «\u25a0» aoarij lor*, V±a+M& *!••) Ibu PlKr.3T.«.*tSTl.*Kt AVC. rHCCTOALLSMTTiI.' choose* not and And m*lii wers mvi Tbla «ltir.fn« |--i«i»li by U*» JM'lfWik. another more desirable from his standpoint, |l«l •tor*, WlT«fnci t*/«tr»Tio« r"**»•<•«\u25a0• uaa •MKMiacro through the press 4i"l up and down the street his —Waahlactoa UctrafaL «*mnlti*-WMli(ai"TM^^^^iilTTHn^^^VinijUWVUlJGaiilrWtiilJ mximtiwl»S defiance of the authorities, i« entitled to no greater comidera- Sounds Pi«ua>bl«. "i mw Mr* itu... a*«o h«. Ml tion than i* the law-breaking saloonkeeper. •b to motoring." $5 Tuxedo Photos Big Saving in Drugs II there U to' Ik- cnn>ideratiun nhown anyone, it should be "Vr», «i>fiiinr *h*t pal laal Idea For t.'M del. Kuli cablnat •'"\u25a0 for la It heattr lxi.«iu«n. Hi: K~««d a*. l> to the man who through ignorance or »rcident violates the Protatily ihfi t-«Mi c«-'t!ns ba* ktatrt. ••• Wednesday law. and Thursday Oar oMiwk Ml* (bU Urn* will ba a humawr. Loot v ti-« 'Not to a man who invites arrest by a deliberate violation. lt«ma an<i iniit-» The Star holds lt«> brief for Mayor Moore, but in IMI case Ml t A If •e»Um Mil- |n-<l— »kla «Hr*>: trial «l«* . .....'Jh ;> it will presume to speak for htm. The Men's Apparel tor Brom« QuinimltrcuUr •!"-. ih<> E'-nuinr; p*r boi ... |jf Ou«ktr Gf.p and C«ld Tablet*— WlU brma o|> tbe wontoUa If you. Mr. Saloonkeeper, or you who call yourself a So- a »<-rv »h'iil lint; p**r bin - - ...........Hi ci-list, contemplate breaking the law during the next mayoralty Hoin'iii AbaorlMfU Cotton— H U H.'a—ln handy pack*(«;.tH Eastern Spring Wear pound for (or •- • -.'.......tit term, then take Mr Miller at his word and vote him. f* Aa and »*r*«^!iijcl,T O. P. C luih«m»M-H^««ii«i tIOO l|M<ial ti, /"| l/"?|A» rt «nu»uallr lar*w nu# I tb* p««n( !••• Mrn'a Hyomtt—(iuarxutocd catarrh c«r«. csntplete Wttflt l<« .....tCi Don't vote for Mayor CO. \u25a0Mortmrnt of »n of Moor*. UlTUllflfl in--n, hmnni^ Apparfl la ic-».i» r»r yoar In.f—<n.m aii >IHIII ft l«lr ....~......,}3t It you do and elect him. and violate the law. you may I'i.r lioa.

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