YOLUME XXXIV. NO. 8. SOUTH AMBOY, X. J., SATUEDAY, MAY 30, 1914. Price Three Cents. Epworth League Report of Committee i Condition of Streets Twenty Years Old '5 Causes Discussion Evokes Discussion The Epworth League of the John The teachers committee handed in Councilman O'Connor started some- street M. E, Church celebrated its a report signed by themselves and thing up at council meeting last Tues- twentieth anniversary last Tuesday LIVELY MEETING also by the city superintendent of I day night when he brought up the evening in the church. The ' celebra .schools at the meeting of the Board question of the grading of the gutters It will Take $33,430 to Run Schools tion was a very elaborate affair an Objections Made tO Paying Sub- of Education Thursday night. The The Powers That be Do Not Inten and street on Augusta street between the Coming Year—Mayor Calls largely attended by league delegati report recommended some of the to Let Him Have Honors Stevens avenue and Rosewell street from all over the county, many othi ' Male vOffl- |I changes embodied in the criticisms of to conform with the flagging and Meeting of Citizens for June 15 cities and towns being representc th1 1e 8te t0 Causing a Reduction in Wate curbing which havo been laid down Noteworthy amongst these was Mil missioner Calls Attention to New I ' " " '"^ '» ™*"« by the property owners at their own for Conference on Old Home town, the League members from theri ; changing the curriculum, adoption of Rents-Braney Gets Renewal o expense. Day—Ordinance Passed. having chartered a special trolley ca RllteS Governing High SdiOOlS— new textbooks, expenditures for la- Hotel license. Mr. O'Connor stated that In places to bring their delegation to and fro May Improve School Grounds. boratory supplies, etc. That item of the gutters are AH much us two this city. | procuring supplies wnn what the feet below the curbing and in other The regular meeting of th» council Tho city council was adjourne Dr. Z. T. Dugnn.of South River, nil I'boanl reached out and condemned the places the gutters are up to eighteen was hell in the council chamber There wns a warm time for a while Tuesday night upon motion of Mi charge of the services and Dr. L. I Artwholer , threpor rf t|)or ust wilbeinH gllra out t rPiuof l orderMr . inches jibove the line of the curbing. last Tuesday evening. President up at the Board of Munition meet- " " ' - Slover to meet again next Tuesdii Hand made the presenting ndflrcsse This also includes and applies to David Stratton and Cotincllmcn O'Connor, Ing Thursday evening when the teach- hittell's motion thnt it be adopteil by evening for tho consideration an Dr. Hand headed the Mllltown del street. Air. O'Connor offered a mo- Slover and Stanton were present, Mr. er's blllH for substituting imd observ- Keelion was curried nnd the, secretary settlement of the matter of the no gallon. The speakers were very In tion that the. gutters «n these street's Chevalier being the only member ab- ance, etc., came up. Mr. (Irnce WIIH ! proceeded to reiid It, In that manner. bridge, that is to be constructed ovc tlnK itnd eloquent iinri muko bo put ,to proper grade in conformity sent. The city treasurer, water the only member of the hoard who Alter adopting tlie Keel limn covering the Ilarltan River R;iilroft(l at, Waal: decided Impression upon tho listener: with tlio curbing and flagging set commissioner, street 'commissioner Blood put nguIiiKt the payment of tlie flimuie in tho ciirrienlii, the liiKtou me. Thin bridge 1H to bo fort Tlie church was especially decorate thereon by the property owners. and collector were also present, when them, lie wild that when school clos- adoption (if a ni'W textbook In AIKC- feet, wido and it si-enm that Komothlni with bunting and national flags undo Mr. Slover thought that the mat- the minutes of the last regular and ed thin year tho teachers would have lira ut II cost not to exceed twenty-live will have to lie done in the, inunedlat' tho direction of tho Ushers' Union. ter should lie referred to the commit- of the adjourned meetings were read only 1117 days Instead of 200 nnd ilollui'H, a new lextbtmli to rost abnut future on account of tho presen The pastor, tho Rev. .1. 10. Shnw In tee on streets for Investigation. Ho and approved. yet tho board was going to pay thorn llfleeil ilolliirn, tlie wliule iietlon on brlilm> having developed n serious do stalled tlio following officers who ha stated that an the chairman of this The next order of business was the for 200 diiyfl services on Juno 12 nnd tho re|)ort Including II.K Hiibmltaiici! been elected: .Mrs. II. II. Ware, pr<' feet that bus made It necessary committee they could not go too fast reading of the sealed proposals for in addition to this they, tbo board, hy tho teueliRrsi committee WUH res- Hltlcnt; Mr. F. A. Deacon, Nccrotar holHter it. up with lirae.es so it won In these kind of matters that meant the construction of tho sewer on low- wanted t<> pay the teachers additional clnilcil. The tnchnlciillty Keemed to lie of th« local Y. M. C. A., as first vice fall down altogether. spending money, hut that they had er Henry street. Tim sower la to bo money for the days they lost and the that, Ibis committee wns recominenil- president; Mrs. S. H, Shinn, Mrs. K Thero IK II tracing of the propose this matter under consideration and of clay eight-Inch pipe with two man. thny (the, teachers) en- lJ INK tin; purchase of rnrtuln Miiiipllcn P. King and Mrs. Frank Stratton wer linen of the bridge hanging in thi would eventually attend to it. holes and there Is some four hundred Knged. for school conHiimptlon, Momelhim; Installed as second, third and fourtl !•'» olllco In the City Hall and Then Mr. O'Connor asked if the feet to he constructed. Or. Ilnlnes replied that Mr. Grace's wouldn't he a bad Idea for those win vice-presidents respectively, Misi contention In regard to the Intlons, had no iiuthority to ,lo. matter of repairing Bordentown (ieorgo flundrum offered to build Hllort nre, affected by the proposal to droi Clnrvinn Liircw wns in tailed us treas evor IJr Ilaln 9 Ktnte(l tll!lt vlth avenue and Main street had been re- this sewer, furnishing all material, school year might be true, but that - - " ) uround and take a. look at it, Th urer. tho consent of the board ho would ferred to the street committee. Ha for Beventy-three cents per lineal was no fault of the teachers and that lines as n,w laid out are taken fron After the ceremonies were conclud withdraw the report. Mr. CJrnce ask- Ha id that this motion was to refresh foot for tho piping and thirty dollars tboy were engaged for ten months of! tho lines of the Welsh property. Thi cd the congregation repaired to th ed if tlio city superintendent had any the Intellects of the street committee each for the man-holes. The bid was twenty days each and the fact that fact that they may or may not crow bnsnment of tho building where re to rt as It was a necessity that this work accompanied by a certified check for they may only have to tench 197 days "Motions ™l'° &clnK withdrawn, some of tho property owners won' freshments of cako and Ico crean to whlcl1 Mr ftrr rcill !d that he cer should be done at once. one hundred dollars in compliance is the fault of the board. ' " " " havo any effect now. were served and tho remainder of th tnlnly dId ml He ftllmiU(!U that il Mr. Stratton resented the slap at * with the specifications of the contract. Mr. Grace said that if you would The application of James J. Brane; evening spent In enjoying tho playlni was rather Irregular to submit such a his Intellectuality and stated that lie All successive bids were also so ac- figure it up that the shortage in for a renewal of his license for of various gameB and other past-time report. They finally got around It considered that the street committee companied. school days would more than pay for saloon on First street was presentei for which this organization Is famous some way and the report was with- was pretty bright, and^ that he knew Thomas Downs offered to construct the substituting, and that most of by Councilman Slover with the ap The games were highly amusing nol drawn in its entirety. the street committee had these mat- the sewer for fifty-seven cents per them had simply gone off and sent proval of the license committee. only to the players, but to the specta Amongst the other things that the ters pertaining to David and Augusta .lineal foot and build 'the man-holes their own substitutes without notify- When put to a vote It, the license was tors as well and all .those present foregoing report embodied was the streets under consideration. He said complete for twenty-four dollars ing the principal or anybody else granted by a unanimous vote^ of wore hugely amused thereby. recommendation for re-appointment that the streets were In such a mis- each, about it. Mr. Littell saracastlcaily In- those present. There was no ques- Musical selections were-rendered b of Trof. P. S, Miller a3 principal of erable condition that it had been im- Contractor Quinlan bid for the con- quired what position Mr.
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