769 emphatically so the thing you have never seen or heard of before. The thing you cannot get a pigeon- hole for is the finger point showing the way to Medical News. discovery." His own scientific hypotheses had a knack of turning out right-for example, his forecast of the life-history of Schistosoma hcematobium in the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE : DIPLOMA IN PSYCHO- edition of his manual of Diseases in LOGICAL MEDICINE.-A short course of instruction for the fourth Tropical D.P.M. also his in 1903 of the two of examination will be held in Cambridge from July 12th 1907, suggestion species to August 17th. The course will include lectures and true in 1915. prac- schistosoma proved by Leiper Younger tical work on psychology, the anatomy and physiology of men who came under Manson’s influence remarked the nervous system, morbid psychology, mental diseases, always that in outlook and in knowledge he remained dreams, mental deficiency, &c. The fee for the full course is eager and enthusiastic to the end. His interest in his twelve guineas. Further particulars may be obtained from the work never flagged. Only 14 days before his death Secretary, D.P.M. Committee, Psychological Laboratory, he visited the London School of Tropical Medicine Cambridge. and critically examined some microscopical prepara- UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, SCHOOL OF PIIYSIC, tions, showing his usual perspicacity in picking out the TRINITY COLLEGE.-At examinations held recently the important points in each specimen and emphasising following candidates were successful :- the lessons they taught. Almost the last words he FINAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION. uttered expressed his hopes for the future of this Part I., Materia J[edica and Therapeutics; Medical .7,tiris- school for which he anticipated a still wider field of prudence and Hygiene; Bacteriology and Pathology.- work in with the Rockefeller scheme for *Bernard Morris, *Agnes MoLaughlin, *Henry W. L. Dale, cooperation Harold Renton, Heginald R. J. Brandt, James A. MacDonald, the new Institute of Hygiene. Ernest M. Landau, William E. Hutchinson, James E. He married in 1876 Henrietta of Deale, Cecil A. V. Ovendale, Arthur Darlington, Frederick Isabella, daughter G. Brown, Martha Reid, Samuel M. Geffen, John S. Glasgow, Captain J. P. Thurburn, by whom he had two sons Israel Marin, Margaret L. Cowan, Albert V. Foster, Albert and three daughters, one of whom is the wife of E. O’Donnell, Harold Lewin, Charles T. MacCarthy, Maria Dr. the editor of the last edition of E. Wagener, Richard C. L. Gritliths, Etienne R. Hafner, Manson-Bahr, Hugh R. Brady, Charles Gordon, Hans J. Hugo, Philipp Sir Patrick Manson’s famous, Treatise on Tropical F. H. Wagner, Kathleen E. Hill, Herbert Kohlberg, Hyman Diseases. S- Roseman, Richard R. D. Crawford, Isabella H. Speedy, ____ Albert V. Wood, Gerard A. A. Powell, and Jack A. Levett. Materia Medica and Therapetitics ; Medical Jurisprudence and DARBY BOYD, C.B., C.M.G., Hygiene.-Albertus W. Fksteen, Mossy Jaffe, Nicolans Jan FRANCIS Valkenburg Van Druten, Louis Harris, and Samuel W. M.D. EDIN., F.R.C.P. EDIN., Jamison. PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF Medical Jurisprudence and Hygiene;; Bacteriology and EDINBURGH. Pathology.—Isobel G. Smith. Materia -ifedica and Therapeutics ; Bacteriology and Pathology. Prof. Boyd, who died on 4th in —Eileen Brangan. April Edinburgh, and T. James J. was in his Son of Mr. John the Bacteriology Pathology.—William Rogan, fifty-sixth year. Boyd, FitzGerald, William L. Duncan, and David J. Malan. publisher, and educated first at Edinburgh Academy, Port II., Medicine.—*Izak George Sacks, *Charles E. Brunton, he afterwards entered the Maurice Bewley, Daniel Hugo, Olive V. Fair, George University, graduating William B. E. Ruth C.M. in 1888. Five later he won the Blackall, McCrea, Lemon, Leopold M.B., years gold Stazunsky, Joseph Harte, Francis M. Hilliard, Ivan Marais, medal at the M.D. degree, having in the meantime May E. Powell, Mauritius M. Viljoen, Thomas G. Warham, continued his studies at Prague and Berlin. In 1891 Richard Lang, Rita Dillon-Leetch, Leon 0. Vercueil, Charles E. William B. John E. he was elected a Member of the of Ovendale, Briggs, McCormick, Royal College Eric R. Murray, Cecil de Lisle Shortt, William S. Dickson, Physicians of Edinburgh and in the following year to Lionel Wigoder, Jacob Hofman, Allen E. Drotske, Julius a Fellowship. During the South African War he served Kruger, Seymour G. Rainsford, John B. Horan, Charles W. Donald H. Izidore P. David L. H. as to the and for his Parr, Saayman, Myers, physician Edinburgh Hospital Moore, Izak F. A. de Villiers, Victor Robinson, Hendrik N. services was mentioned in despatches and received the Krige, and Harry C. Dundon. C.1Z.G. in 1901. In the late war he served with distinc- , Surgery.—Samuel G. Weldon, IIendrik N. Krige, Isaac J. U. Petrus H. S. tion as consultant to the British in was ’, Cornick, Cyril Murphy, Fouche, Margery Army Egypt, Bouchier-Hayes, David L. H. Moore, William S. Dickson, again mentioned in despatches, and was awarded the I Francis Malone-Barrett, James Devane, Francis B. D’Arcy, C.B. From the Territorial Force, in which he was a ’I Robert Dormer, Cecil W. R. McCaldin, George S. Moran, he retired with the rank of Henry J. L. Murphy, Vera G. M. Meuarv, Izak F. A. de major, owing to age limit, Villiers, John G. Russell, Albert E. Phillips, William P. colonel, only a few days ago. Burns, Alfred J. Beckett, and Gilbert Kirker. ’Mauritius Meiring Prof. who was to the chair of clinical Midwifery.—*Geoffrey Bewley, Viljoen, Boyd, appointed Matthijs P. l,011w, Robert. N. Perrott, Alexander Bernstein, medicine in the University of Edinburgh as recently Florine Isabel Irwin, Joseph C. Gillespie, William II. Smith, as 1919, was consulting physician to the Deaconess David J. Malan, Mary II. Harcourt, Ivan Marais, Isaac and had been to the Cornick, William E. Callanan, James Devpne, John B. Hospital, Edinburgh, physician Horan, Douwe Marinus Vellerna,, Joseph E. Deane, William Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, and lecturer on materia E. Holmes, Michael Gallivan, Henry J. L. Murphy, Ninian medica and therapeutics at the school of medicine of McIntire Falkiner, Maurice Schwartzberg, Herbert Hall, the He married in 1904 Francis B. D’Arcy, Joseph Harte, Alfred J. Beckett, Royal Colleges: Constance, Joseph M. O’Connor, Samuel W. Russell, and David S. eldest daughter of Mr. Alfred J. A. Lepper, by whom Spence. he had two daughters. DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC HEALTH. Part I., Chemistry, Bacteriology, Physics, and Meteorology.— James A. Acheson, John C. P. Beatty, Hector C. C. Deane, Alice B. S. Smith, Margaretta T. Stevenson, Edith F. UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER.-The total Sum Willock, Nannette Norris, and Richard V. Dowse. obtained by the bazaar held last November in aid of the Part //., Sanitary Engineering, Practical Sanitary Report, funds of the University amounted to iJ15,94.0. Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vital Statistics and Public 77(.Y’KA Law.—John C. P. Beattv, Hector C. C. Deane, TOURS IN THE HAUTES PYRNH’ES.-T110 Touring William L. Young, Nannette Norris, Edward D’Arcy McCrea, Richard W. Power, Edith F. Willock, and James A. Club de France, in collaboration with the Camping Club of Acheson. Great Britain and Ireland, the Belgian Touring Club and MASTER IX SURGERY (M.CH.). the Tourist Camping Club of the Netherlands, have organised Edward D’Arcy. McCrea. a 19 * days’ camping excursion in the Pyrenees-namely, from Passed on high marks. Sept. 2nd to 23rd next. Starting from Paris-Orsay on Sept. 2nd, at 5.15 P.M., and arriving at 8 A.M. the UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN : RESIGNATION OF PROF. following day at Cauterets, in the Department of Hautes C. NIVEN.—Prof. Charles Niven has resigned the Chair of Pyrenees, the party will be organised and provision will be Natural Philosophy at the University. He graduated at made for the tour which will end at Arreau via Tarbes, King’s College, Aberdeen, in 1863, and was Simpson Mathe- Lourdes, Pau, and Bordeaux to Paris by boat, or direct from matical prizeman. In the following year he won the Ferguson Tarbes to Paris by train. Various optional excursions and Scholarship. and in 1867 was Senior Wrangler at Cambridge. opportunities for sport are included in the itinerary. Further On leaving Cambridge he was appointed Professor of -ATathe- information can be obtained from the Office Français du matics in Queen’s College, Cork, in 1880 Professor of Natural Tourisme, 56, Haymarket, London, S.W., or from Dr. Philosophy at Aberdeen University, and in the same year was Meilton, President du Syndicat d’lnitiative, Cauterets, made a Fellow of the Royal Society. The more important Hautes Pyrenees, France. of his numerous publications were his articles on the elasticity 770 of solid bodies, conduction of heat, and conduction of electric courses in children’s diseases, tropical medicine, &c., are in currents. Prof. Niven received the hon. degree of D.Sc. from course of preparation. Queen’s University, Dublin, and on more than one occasion The series of free lectures at the Royal Society of Medicine, was appointed examiner for the Ferguson scholarship. He 1, Wimpole-street, announced last week, willbegin on May 1st. was one of a family of remarkable mathematical scholars. The opening lecture will be delivered at 5P.M. by Sir Humphry His elder brother, also a Simpson prizeman, became a Fellow Rolleston, on " Recent Physiology of the Liver and it of Trinity College, Cambridge, and an F.R.S., and later Application in Practice." Other lectures in May will be became Director of Studies at the Royal Naval College. as follows : May 9th, Sir Arbuthnot Lane on Fractures; " Greenwich.
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