Regis Statistics Say Yes Cjiallenged to Social Action Not onijr It there a 40«per« Coyne* evening divisiot. direc­ cent day school tncreata and tor, lists 235 night school stu­ 2r*per-cent night school in­ crease in Regis College attend­ dents. There is a good number ance, but the testing office of of older persons attending the Asked^o Join in Regional Charities Sessions the Jesuit school revealed that night school, among whom* are the general intelligence quo­ a considerable number of mar­ ried couples. The integration of Negroes andlsions of the Regional Conference but the opening session (the in­ "Some of the discussions at the ing, E I6th Avenue and Sherman, Oklahoma, Kansas, and New tient of incoming freshmen is Mexico. higher than in previous years. The figures on the high re­ other minority groups into neigh- of Qtholic Charities in Denver conference will deal with techni­ sults in the tests given fresh­ stitute for religious), with* the Denver. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of borhoods will be among the topics Oct. 12-16. cal questions of little interest to Outstanding Era men were released by Fred laity especially urged to anend The conference, first of its Denver, sponsor of the confer­ Van Vallcenburg. discussed in one of the panel ses-| Lay persons are invited to all the panel discussion. on "Forces lay persons,” Father Monahan kind in this area, will draw 250 These facts, added to the ence, will address the delegates at said, "but we feel that the average persons — priests, sisters, and high caliber of the faculty* Working for the Conservation of the keynote session, at 10 a.m. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations man and woman will have more laity — engaged in charity and forecast one of the outstanding the Parish" at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. Thursday, O ct 13. Harold F. Col­ eras in the institution's his­ than a passing interest in most of welfare work from nine slates, Cotjtents Copyright by the Catholic Pres.s Society, Inc., 1955—Permission to Reproduce, Except on 14, in the Farmers’ Union Build­ lins is general chairman of the- tory. Three new professors Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue ing, according to the Rev. W il­ the subjects.” Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, with doctor's degrees have Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, planning committee.___________ joined the faculty: The Rev. liam J. Monahan, associate direc­ One of the topics to be dis­ Dr. Robert Boyle, S.J., doctor­ tor of Denver Catholic Charities. cussed in the meeting Oct. 14 is 4 Classrooms in Use ate in English from Yale Uni­ that of blight, which neigh- versity; the Rev. Dr. Lucius Msgr. Mulroy hoods cannot combat without an F. Cervantes* doctorate in so­ School in Wheat Ridge ciology from Yale, with addi­ To Be Chairman organized effort, Father Monahan tional studies just completed The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John said. at Harvard; and the Rev. Dr. DENVER aTHaiC Harry F. Klocker, doctorate R. Mulroy, founder and fornner Christian' ' ‘ To Be Dedicated Oct. 25 from the Gregorian Univer­ director of Denver Catholic Char­ Philosophy sity, Rome. ities, will be chairman of the dis­ He pointed out that the Rt. Archbishop.Urban J. Vehr will dedicate the new cussion, in which there will be 631 Day Students Rev. Monsignor John O’Grady, eight-claasroom Sts. Peter and Paul School, Wheat Ridge, about six other panelists. Discus­ The latest report from Fg- sccKtary of the National Confer- on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 4:30 p.m. The building’s four ther John J. Gibbons,s, S..^, <H- REGISTER sion will be asked also from mem­ of Catholic Charities, pointed finished classrooms are now being used by the school’s bers of the public attending the rector of admissions, lists 631 lift in the booklet The Changing enrollment of 165 in the first four grades, Father Robert day students enrolled. John VOL. LI. No. 7. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 DENVER, COLORADO session, Parish that "when people in many G. McMahon, pastor, announced. If.?- The four basement classrooms Mt. Carmel School Blessed of our parishes talk about conser­ will be finished as they are vation, they are talking about needed. Convent Nearly keeping out Negroes. 'This we The ceremony on Oct. 25 will Contribution of Catholics know is a hopeless task today and begin with the blessing of the it is utterly at variance with our school. Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the church Completed in To City Education Cited Christian philosophy of life." will follow, and a dinner is plan­ Monsignor O'Grady said that ned for the clergy after Benedic­ A record throng of 4,000 persons heard Church and Catholics "must extend the hand tion. The celebrant and ministers Lourdes Parish of fellowship and of brotherhood of Benediction, as well as the civic leaders cite the invaluable contribution of Catholic preacher for the occasion, will be Archbishop Urban J. "Vehr education to the city and the country at the dedication and of love” to the Negro and annhunced later, ’ Father Mc­ we must welcome him into our Mahon reported. will dedicate the new $100,- of the new Mt.' Carmel Grade School. Archbishop 000, 12-bedroom convent of Urban J. Vehr blessed the $155,000 structure, which neighborhoods.” Cost Is Close climaxed a $555,000 school build­ He addeij that the Negro’s com­ To Original Estimate Our Lady of Lourdes Par­ reception held after the dedica­ ing program in the parish. ing “does not necKsarily mean All the work originally con­ ish, South Denver, on Thurs­ tion, Father Mattione paid spe­ tracted for in December, 1954, day, Nov. 3, at 6 p.m. Church leaders attending the deterioration of our neigh­ the ceremony, in addition to cial tribute to the teaching sis­ has been completed, the Wheat The residence, begun the past Archbishop Vehr, were Father ters. Throughout the U. S., he borhoods and our parishes. We Ridge pastor declared, and at a June 1, will be finished and com­ said, these devoted teachers,per­ can bring him into our organiza­ figure very close to the original pletely furnished by Nov. 1, Fa­ Thomas M. Ferrazzi, O.S.M., form a tremendous job that never from 'Chicago, Provincial of the tions, into our conservation move­ estimate. General construction ther Damen McCaddon, pastor, Servite St. Joseph Province; Fa­ can be measured in money. With­ was handled by the O’Flaherty announced. ther Louis G. Mattione, .S.J., out their excellent services, edu­ ment; we can have him join with Construction Company at a cost No definite plans have been dean of Regis College, Denver; cation in this country would be us in mtynraining good standards of $125,000. The York Plumbing laid for dedication day, Father and Father Thomas Lo Cascio, impaired tremendously. in our housing and in oUr neigh' Company filled its contract for McCaddon reported, bat the O.S.M., pastor at Mt. Carmel. To the parents, the Jesuit dean borhood as a whole.” $20,000f and the furnishings— blessing, by the Archbishop, will Civic leaders included former warned that not in school only for fouti classrooms, the princi­ be followed by Solemn Benedic­ city Councilman Ernest Marran- is their children’s education The panel discussion on con­ pal’s office, and the teachers’ tion in the church and a dinner zino; James Riva, principal at given. The most im ^rtant part servation will also be of special and nurse’s rooms — wAe pro­ for the clergy in the parish’i Morey Junior High School, Den­ takes place daily in tne home un­ interest to pastors, parish groups, vided for about $6,000 by the Center House. der the parents’ supervision. Barton Manufacturing Company The new convent will house ver; and Albert Rotola, who health organizations, and school served as master of ceCemonies. Without the parents’ genuine John F. Connell was the archi­ the eight sisters of SL Francis Archbi.hop Vehr under- concern, he added, the child is at leaders, in addition to private in tect for the entire project. Seraph of Perpetual Adoration (cored the phenomenal growth a great disadvantage. dividuals, Father Monahan said. The school’s four classes are attached to the parish. Seven of of Catholic education in the Ernest Marranzino, in an un­ ver, Sept. 25. With him are the Rev. John Giam- taught by two Dominican Sisters the nuns teach in the school, and U S. during the past decade. usual tribute, thanked all parents Mount Carmel Archbishop Urban J. Institute Oct. 12 of Stnsinawa, Wis., and two lay the other serves as housekeeper. Vehr is shown reading bastiani, O.S.M., who was deacon in the cere­ In the Denver Archdioce.e, he and families in the parish for mony, and the Rev. Thomas Lo Cascio, O.S.M. For Religious teachers. Teachers are Sisters For the past seven years of the prayers of blessing their association with the • aid. tha faithful pay tribute providing for the new grade School Blessing (right), pastor of Mt. Carmel. 'The only session not open to Patrician and Eduardo, Mrs, to this training by conitantly school. “My three children,” he at the dedication of the James Dunn, and Miss Catherine Lourdes Parish, the sisters re­ requesting new school facili­ said, “attend the school. Next new Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Grade School. Den­ the public is the first one sched­ Kuhn, sided in North Denver at their ties. year a fourth one will enter. uled, the institute for religious, Situated north of the Sts community's motKer-house, and Mt. Carmel Parish, the Arch­ Without your great co-operation, which will be held from 10 a.m.
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