(No. 38.) 189 9. PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA. F I N A N C E, 1 8 9 8. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency'~ Command. Cost of printing-:£12 5s. No. _1.-CONSOLIDATED REVENUE .FUND_-BALANCE S111rnT..:.._I January to 31 December, 1898. p:: • ... s BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, TRANSACTIONS DURING BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, i;!l>-1 1897. 1898, 1898. AO HEADS OF ACCOUNT. P=1~ -->-< mr. mr. €r. mr. QJ'r. £ 8. d. p . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ' ri. 185 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1897 •• 334,377 4 5 - - - - Balance transferred to I 898 .... - - - 334,3i7 4 5 - - 185 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1898. Balance transferred from 1897 .. - - 334,377 4 5 - - - Receipts ..... · ·············· - - - 908,223 8 5"} 256,~21 16 6 - Disbursements ...•....••••.••. - - 830,168 0 6b - - - 188 Treasury Bills mised temporarily in aid qf Consolidated Revenue - 145,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 - - l00,000 0 0 215 Local I1Mc1·ibed Stoel, raised tem- porai·ily in aid of Consolidated Revenue .••.•......•......... - 464,956 5 2 120,778 19 10 247,306 15 6 - 591,484 () io 100 Debt of the Colony .•••••••••••.• 7,781,570 0 0 - - 60,150 0 0 7,721,420 0 0 - 191- Inscribed Stock, Debenture & Trea- 213 si,ry Bill Account ......••.•... - 7,781,570 0 0 60,950 0 0 800 0 0 - 7,721,420 0 0 216 Outstanding overdue Debenture and Treasury Bill Account ......••.. - 1100 0 () 800 0 0 19,920 0 0 - 20,220 0 0 218 Debentures and Treasury Bills - Redemption Account ·······•·· 600 0 0 - 60,150 ·o 0 40,50 0 0 56,700 0 0 - 221 Outstanding Receipts of 1897 .... 344 4 6 - - 344 4 6 - - Outstanding Receipts of 1898 - - 2022 0 0 - 2022 0 0 - 224" Outstanding Expenditure of 1897 - 26,472 7 11 26,472 '? 11 - - - 2:M Outstanding Expenditure of 1898 . - - - 28,932 0 4 - 28,932 0 4- 231 Light-house Rates ....•.•••••••• - 378 1 9 5382 15 3 5522 15 0 - 518 1 '6 233 Marine Boards .....•••........ , . - 2547 7 7 24,fl70 l 7 26,004 19 3 - 3682 5 3 Advances- 235 To Heads of .Departments 37,523 0 0 - 49,524 17 11 48,116 l 3 38,931 16 8 - Fire Brigade Boards ......•.••• 450 0 0 - 4,50 0 0 450 0 () 450 0 0 - " Deposit Accounts- 241 TasmanianPerrnanentExe~utors & Trustees Association, Limited .. - 5000 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 - 5000 0 0 Perpetual Trustees, Executors, " anrl Agency Company, Limited - 5000 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 - 5000 0 0 New Zealand Accident Assurance " , Company .................. - 5000 0 0 - - - 5000 0 0 Citizens' Life Assurance Company " of New South Wales .••..... - 5000 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 - 5000 0 0 Zeehan Tramway Company ..... - 111 18 3 111 18 3 - - - " ·Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance - " Company •.• M •••••••••••••• - 5000 0 0 - - - 5000 0 0 237 Mutual Life A~surance Company of New Y01·k ...............• - 5000 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 - 5000 0 O· Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Co. - 1000 0 0 30 ·o 0 30 0 0 - 1000 0 0 " · V. D. Land Co. for Waratah and " ·zeehau Railw!fy ..•.....••... - 5000 0 0 5025 0 0 25 0 0 - - P,·omoters Queenstown and Gor- " manston •rrnrnway .......... - 300 0 0 300 0 0 309 (J. 0 - 309 0 0 Promoters Great 1iVestern Railway - 12,000 0 () 2300 0 0 300 0 () - 10,000 0 0 " North Mt. Lyell and Macquarie- " Harbour Railway ..•......... - - -. 1000 0 0 - 1000 0 0 23!) Assurance Fund, Real Property Act - 7017 12 9 166 4 3 633 12 9 - 7485 l '3 244 Suppres,ion of Betting and Garn- ing· Act .... ············· .. - 10,000 0 0 - - - 10,000 0 0 245 Contracts for Public Works .••. - 1051 13 5 1101 13 5 818 5 0 - 768 5 0 247 TelPgraph ...............•.... 7592 11 11 956 13 0 '. - 1654 7 4 82fl0 6 3 - 248 Hobart Corporation Loan ...... - 52 5 0 9587 2 1 9534 17 1 - - Launceston Corporation Loan .... - 33 0 (J 6044 5 1 6015 0 ·1 - 3 15 0 251" Fixed Deposits .............••.. 51,000 0 0 - 133,020 4 1 120,079 12 1 63,940 12 0 - C(l1Tied fonvard ........ 8,205,864 8 11 8,490,244 19 2 1,727,598 0 10 1,831,210 7 7 8,139,786 5 2 8,527,779 2 2 • Including Receipts on account of 1898 during January and February, 1899. b Including Disbursements on account of 1898 during January and February, 1899. ~c BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, TRANSACTIONS DURING \BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER, -~- -. 1B97. 1898. 1898. ;jO"' - f1EADS OF ACCOUNT. ..::ii:,. IDr. 18"r. il!h:. (!ri;. IDr. (!]'r. ---· I ---------------- -------· £ R. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. tl. £ .,. d. £ .r. ,l. Brou!Jht forwm·d ......... , 8,205,864 8 II 8,490,244 l9 2 1,727,598 0 10 1,8:n,210 7 7 8,139,78G .5 :! 8,,527,779 2 2 DepoEit Accounts_:_ 253 Tenrlers received in London ... •· - - - 195 0 0 - l!J5 0 0 255 Tascnanian Railways Contracts .. - 127 0 0 76 0 0 24 0 0 - 75 · 0 0 :nu Tru,t Funds Investment Account 63,783 4 0 - 25,426 1 4 26,710 0 II 60,499 4 5 - 201 Gue.sdon Charitable Bequests .. - - 62,265 2 9 64,065 2 u - 1800 () (J tiuspense & other Special Accounts- 259 Agent-General's Public Account . _156,865 8 6 - 364,884 13 3 398,088 17 7 123,661 4 2 - 262 Lonrlon and Westminster Bank •• 118,916 6 8 - 396,734 12 2 362,060 15 8 152,090 ;J 2 - 265 Railway Suspense Account ••.••. 29 5 l - - 2U 5 l - - 267 Telegraph Submm·ine Message GuarautPe Suspense Account .. 3 3 1 - - 3 3 i - - 269 'l'asmanian Railways Stock Acct.. 45,158 13 6 - 30,163 18 8 40,442 0 II 34,880 11 :l - 271 Post Office Savings Account .... - 9626 12 2 142,262 1 3 136,099 9 10 - 40(;.! () !) 273 Police Provident Fund ........ 57 0 9' - 6849 15 2 7001 3 7 - U4 7 8 275 Public Works Suspense Account 4992 5 5 - 5559 I 10 5138 6 6 5413 0 ·!) - 276 Gaol, &c. ditto ................. - ' - 3137 2 3 3273 2 8 - l:JO I) r, 279 Sundry Public Works ditto ...... I 7,115 15 4 - 3931 18 1 20,302 3 6 745 0 11 - 281 Rep1,.ymen'ts under Hesolutions of Parliament (Boards of Worka) - 33 18 6 33 18 6 - - - 283 1\Ietal-breaking, Queen's Domain, S1Lspense Account .......... 1052 11 10 - I 2 12 6 - 10fJ5 4 4 - 284 Campbell Town Water Trustees .• - - 185 0 0 185 0 0 - - 286 Glebe Town Town Board ...... - - 75 0 0 75 0 0 - - 226 Suspense Account Expenditme on Account 1899 ............. - - 481 2 7 - 481 2 7 - 288 Hom,3 Government Suspense Ac- cmmt ..•• ······· ...... .. - 6 18 2 28 9 6 26 5 5 - 4 14 I 328 Gove:·nment of l\Iauritius .....•. 30 2 9 - 178 17 8 178 17 8 30 2 9 - Gove:•nment of Straits Settlements - - 34 2 0 34 2 0 - - " Government of New South \Vale~. - - 280 18 11 280 18 11 - - " Government of Hong Kong .... - - 300 0 0 300 0 0 - - " Government of Canada 29 8 9 55 7 8 ........ - I - 84 16 5 - 290" Government of Cape Colony ..•• - - 1864 17 10 1864 17 10 - - Government of Victoria ........ 143 15 10 - lli02 12 8 1129 18 2 1G 10 4 - " Government of Western Australia 1000 0 0 - 19,167 8 4 19,107 8 4 1000 0 0 - 293" l\Ii!it£ry Stores Suspense Account 6310 14 8 - 1737 19 6 2368 2 3 5080 11 II ' - Sinkin6 Funds under Local Bodies Loans Act- 333 Launceston Marine Board •.. - 4422 18 1 - 521 0 0 - 4043 18 l Lat.robe Road Trust •.••.... - 293 14 2 - 9 I 4 - 302 15 6 " Globe Town 'fown Board .... - 409 7 6 - 42 17 0 - 452 4 (j " Devonport Town Board ..•.. - 318 7 7 - 50 4 8 - 308 12 3 " Ulverstone 'l'own Board ..... - 171 14 10 - 43 4 11 - 214 10 0 " Queen borough Town Board .. - 61 13 0 - 16 16 7 - 78 !) 7 " Campbell 'l'uwn "rater Trust - , 211 4 6 - 215 3 I - 420 7 7 " Ze~han Town Board ..•••... - 172 Ii 0 - 5 6 4 - 17i 12 4 295" Devonport Town Board and . 'J.'arleton Road Trust •••••. - 42 12 8 43 18 1 1 5 5 - - 332 Federal Council of Australasia Suspense Account ........... 249 15 11 - - 249 15 11 - - 331 Codlin l\Ioth Act Suspense Account - 114 13 lO IOI 10 0 203 18 0 - 217 I 1(1 330 Codlin l\J oth Districts .......... - 188 4 8 184 14 6 190 10 (j - 200 () 8 299 Experbnents in Carriage of Fruit Snsi:ense Account ..•...•...•• 43 18 0 - 2522 11 11 982 2 5 1584 7 (j - ;314 Royal :Society Suspense Account . :.JS 3 7 - 18 15 1 - 50 18 8 - 304 Sule of Municipal Lands, Oat- lands .............. ....... 263 4 0 - - 43 19 2 219 5 4 - 306 Town Boards Elect.ion Suspense Acco,mt .....•.............. 3 lO 9 - 20 0 0 3 10 9 20 G 0 - 306 l\fet!'opolitun Drainage Board Suspense Account .. ·········· 78 () 0 - 0 18 0 78 18 0 - - 307 Tasmm:iau Exhibition Association 442 18 5 - - - 442 18 5 - 308 Pensior-s, &c., Fund .......••••• - 2133 0 4 18,055 3 9 17,003 6 8 - 1081 3 3 314. Suwmillers' Association Suspense Account .................... 173 0 l - - - 173 0 I - 315 Tmstee, Zeehan Public Cemetery 20 0 80 0 0 Suspenoe Account ...••......
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