FBIDAT, JAirOjU(TKl«M ' pPAGS fOUSTSXN The Weather Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Cirenlatlon For the Month of Deeember, 1S4S Forecaat ol U. S. W««tlier Bareau 'iTie nswiy elected officers of There will be a meeting of the The Men’s Club of St. Bridget’s representative of the Italian FOR TOP VALUE i diutch handed the setback team of King David Lodge, I. O. O. F., will 8,504 Rain late tonight and Sunday; About Town the Knights of Columbua a trlm- be installed this evening st Odd American Societies of Mancheter Range and Fuel OLD ROOFING IN A NEW HOME noing last evenmg at the K. of C. Fellows’ Temple, Main and East at toa Italian- American club to­ Member of the Audit fresh northwest wtads. Onter street, followring a short morrow afternoon at 8 6'clock. All O IL ASBESTOS SIDING Sec the Ones Retag BoiH By h i m M tfhm T. JiOMiiM ii. chO- home. ’The men’s club won.by a Barean o< ClioalatioBs ■ decisive margin. High scorers of business session at 7:30. District of the various organizations in the RECORDS in n 'M Ubrarln at tkc Itaiy Che­ Deputy Grand Master Everett Italian colony of Manchester will TICKET PRINTING Must be tamed In tor aal- INSULATION GREENBROOKE Manchester— >4 City of Village Charm ney Ubnty, will vlalt the South the evening were Peter Vendiillo and Matthew Merz with 138. Smith of Rockville and his staff liave at least two representatives METERS vage If yon want to keep •cbool Tueadajr afUrnooB for a will seat toe officers. at the seulon. playing the new onea. Expert workmanship. AO work HOMES. INC library boor, a>d for the clr^ula^ Thomas Shea and James Foley fin­ Meter prints amount of de­ guaranteed. Keaaonable Prteea. (Claaaifled Adverdalng on Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ished sMond. S>/]C each paid tor ok) reo- No obligntiun for aa esttmate. On Walker Street VOL. LXIII., NO. 89 «aa c t books. livery on your slip fm- your qrds irreapectlvo of quantity. W rite. r«r farther tatomiatlaa aeh at Ibo Oo-Woda, Oeatar church Members of Memorial Lodge, protection. KnlghU of Pythias, will meet at Alsiaadsr JarvlB Ok oG m s a SMiTled folka, win have an out­ KEMP'S Burton Insulating Co. O ea^ irtreet or at te A lexaader Kid Magnet: Yank Candy door patty thla eveninf at Center the Holmes Funeral Home, 28 Federal Ballot Woodbrldge street, promptly at L. T. Wood Co. Inc. ISO Oxford SL Hartford streeL Sprlnfa Parte, weather permitting. HALE'S SELF SERVE 768 Main 8L Tel. S680 Phono Hartford SC-481S Reds Drive Closer Brunswick Bombed It unfavorable for skating and 7:30 this evening, when a me­ The Original In New England! 51 Bissell SL ' Tel. 4496 Phoaeai 41U or m s sliding, the whole program will be morial service will be held for Backers Hope at the church. their late member, Heiiry L. Wil­ son. AND HEALTH MARKET To Base at Kovel; For Passage Mi«« Marjorie Mitchell of Fair- By British Airmen; field street Is the new director of the CYP club. Center church Hsle’a VlUmln B-1 Advocates Confident De­ young people. Miss Mitchell has Smash Nazi Lines Smorgasbord had long experience as a leader In BREAD Hale’s January Reductions In spite Apparent Prog< for Girt Soout work. ress of State Rights Emanuel Lutheran Hale's Large Pursue^Badly Disorgan­ Leave Great Fires ized German Army Says Some Bill in Congress Now. Congregation TALL CEDARS Coffee Cakes SAT^ JAN. 15, 6-8 P. M. Beyond Sarny to Gel Washington, Jan. 16.—(ff)—Ad­ Mosquitos Return to COATS, SPORT COATS, Now Hedge vocates of a Federal war ballot for London Press Nazi Papers BINGO Smoked, Ready To Eat Served by Ladies’ Aid. Within 70 Miles of the armed services today confident' Attack Berlin as Other Reservations Must Be City; Balter Backbone Planes Raid Magde­ TONIGHT Lb. On Renewal ly predicted its passage despite the Praises Polish In Quantity Made. Shoulders 33c Of Nazi Defenses. apparent steady progrert In Con­ No Tickets Soid. ORANGE HAU. burg and Targets in GIRLS’ COATS and DRESSES Some Manufacturers gress of a states rights bill In­ Northern France; Noc­ All Kinds of Tea and Coffee Moscow, Jan. 15.—(JP)— tended to keep Washington’s hands Reply to Reds Are Puzzle Russian troops pursuing a Hoping to Return to off soldier votes In the C9mlng turnal Blow Swings At Low Prices l)adly - disorganized German presidential election. Civilian Goods to As the House advanced for fioor Brightens Chances for How Germans Manage Offensive into 24- Army over a large sector Gain Advantage Now. consideration a Senate-passed bill Hour Attack Again. west of the Horyn river _be- leaving armed service voting a Settlement of Knot­ To Publish So Many Warm Winter Hats DRESS SPORT yond Sarny have driven with­ problem for the states, Senator Lu­ tiest of Problems Causes Wonder; Ap­ Pickled Herring in a large New York, Jan. 15—(fl*)—^Direc­ cas (D., HI.) -predicted that the London, Jan. 15.—{IP)—^Th« in 70 miles of the big commu­ R.A.F. threw its full weight nications base at Kovel (in tor Henry A. Dlnegar of the War Senate now is ready to adopt, a war Facing United Nations. parently Good Quality wooden pail $2.98 Production Board’s Durable Goods ballot If It gets a chance to undo in\o the pre-invasion cam­ old Poland), front dispatches its month-old decision against the London, Jan. 16— (/P) —British paign to exterminate th« •FAVORITE SHELBY declared today. To the north, a and Products division says some plan. Lisbon, Jan. 15.—OP)—Dispatch­ Betty Crocker COATS COATS White Ruaalan Army offensive manufacturers now are .“hedging” "If the Green-Lucas bill — the official quarters and the London es concerning newsprint shrtages German Air Force, burying battering Into the Prlpet marahea on renewal of war contracts, hop­ original armed service voting plan press today hailed the Polish gov- in the United States have provok- the central German city ol Pkgs. toward Plnsk 116 milea away haa ing soon to return to making civil­ —were before the Senate at this emment-in-exile’s reply to Rus­ eu puzzlement here as to how the Brunswick under a heavy smashed the backbone of Nazi de­ ian goods. moment.” said Lucas, “It would be sia’s boundary offer aa brightening fenses, Red Star asserted, and overwhelmingly approved.” Germans still manage to publish load of explosives last night “These manufacturers,” ^ Dine- the chances for settlement of this •WINDJAMMERS REDUCED Gen. Konstantin Rokossovskys gar told the Engineering Socie­ To Resnrrect Proposal so many newspapers on the conti­ as an after-stroke to th« REDUCED troops are pouring through the ties’ Committee on War Produc­ knottiest of United Nations’ prob­ nent of Europe. '' Amencan daylight attack Iasi Gal. He said he would resurrect his Tuesday when Fortresses and Lib­ Mazola Oil Fitted and Boxy Models. broken enemy line. tion yesterday, “hope to gain an Federal ballot proposal and try to lems. All apparently are getting a See Another Stand at Stjr advantage over their peace-time erators fought one of tbe great Black — and Dark Brown. REGULAR $35.00 pin it on the states rights bill if The Poles, In an official state­ fairly good quality of newsprint. battles of the. war to bomb tot The Army newspaper said the competitors In consumer produc­ ment early today, neither accepted Armour’s Trimmed With .\iiK-ri.can Kit Fox, Mountain Sable, tion, since the competitors would that measure is passed - by the Dailies from bomb-shattered Messerschmitt plant. 1 Lb. and U •J $ 2 4 -0 0 German high command vainly had House and returned to the Senate. nor rejected the Soviet union’s of­ Dump 2,000 Long Tana Dyed Squirrel and Persian Lamb. Now ordered a line held between the be carrying on with their war con­ If that falls he will press for pass­ fer of the "Curzon line” aa a pos­ Berlin arrive in Lisbon looking 12 Oz. Can # COATS tracts." much the same as they did In 1939 The heavy R.A.F. bombert Pork & Beans I C f Sluch and Horyn rlvera, but Gen. age of his own substitute which sible Russinn-Pollsh frontier, but dumped 2,000 long tons of bombs Nikolai Vatutin’s Ukrainian forces But WPB authorities have de­ revives a Federal ballot but leaves called upon the United States and —Voclkischer Beobachter six upon the plane manufacturing Rio Del Mar REGULAR $65.00 batter^ through and the ■ Ger termined, Dlnegar said, not to al­ it up to local precinct officials to Britain to hying them and the pages, Boersen-Zeitung eight, Der city In what the Air Ministry REGULAR $25.00 mans- probably will attempt an­ low any widespread resumption of decide whether the service man or Russians together to discuss all Angriff six, the latter with its termed “a very heavy attack." other stand In the Styr river run­ civilian production “until the suc­ woman who uses it has cast a- tegal Candy Is a magnet for kids anywhere, Judging by the photo above outstanding questions. customary two-color front page This and other’ operations cost 34 Fillet of Sardines 8 Oz. Can 17c $ 5 0 -0 0 $ 1 8 -0 0 ning 25 to 35 mUes west of the cess of the Invasion of western ballot. Wheir^ord got around Mignano,.Italy, that the Yank soldiers were Willing to Lend .Xld and numerous newsphotos.
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