711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 Huon Valley to Hobart

711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 Huon Valley to Hobart

EFFECTIVE 20 JANUARY 2019 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 Huon Valley to Hobart ROUTE NUMBER ROUTE BUS ROUTE MAP Elizabeth St O HOBART Legend Kingston to Murray St Routes 711, 712 N Routes 714, 715 Ranelagh Davey St 711 Harrington St Sandy Bay Rd Routes 716, 718, 719, 712 719 Macquarie St 407, 410 Hobart City 714 407 South N e Olinda Gr Variant of route Ranelagh to Interchange 716 410 rn Ou Hobart 718 t le College Map reference Hobart t 712 712 719 Interchange 714 407 716 410 o Educational institution Br w Huon Rd 718 ns Cygnet to R Channel Hwy Shopping centre KINGSTON d Hobart Map not to scale M 714 Huon Hwy Summerleas Rd Freeman St Kingston Central 711 407 Channel Hwy K 715 410 Calvin Cygnet to 711 716 Denison St Christian 712 718 L School 714 719 Maranoa Rd Southern Kingston 715 Redwood Rd Christian 715 Ranelagh 711 College SANDFLY Marguerite St 712 J Sandfly Rd Channel Hwy Geeveston to Mountain River Rd Huon Rd LOWER Hobart I Huon Hwy 716 LONGLEY Huonville inset Geeveston inset H GROVE Dover to 711 715 GEEVESTON RANELAGH 711 712 716 Arve Rd Hobart 712 714 718 716 Lollara Rd 719 Wilmot Rd 718 718 719 Sale St 719 Huon Hwy 711 715 B Pelverata Rd 712 716 Church St Dover to 714 718 Ranelagh St Huon Hwy F Honeywood Lane Main St Hobart Marguerite St G Skinner Dr HUONVILLE View St 719 Louisa St Sale St 716 Agnes St Huonville Flood Rd 718 718 719 719 Also shows routes 407 & 410 Wilmot Rd inset Channel Hw y Glen Huon Rd Geeveston 714 Honeywood Lane 716 715 CRADOC Huon Hwy E Channel Hwy Cygnet 714 Channel Hwy 715 FRANKLIN C CYGNET D 716 Silver Hill Rd 718 Lymington Rd Old Rd 719 C y g n Channel Hwy e CASTLE t Co FORBES as t R BAY d Huon Hwy Geeveston CAIRNS Esperance Coast Rd inset Scotts R d BAY Huon Hwy Dover 718 SURGES 718 Huon Hwy 719 719 BAY d R h c Huon Hwy a Arve Rd e B t n e K A DOVER WHO OPERATES 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 407, 410 MY SERVICE? tassielink.com.au metrotas.com.au 1300 300 520 13 22 01 Online trip information transport.tas.gov.au EFFECTIVE 20 JANUARY 2019 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 from Huon Valley towards Hobart Monday to Friday map ref ROUTE NUMBER 716 714 718 712 716 712 718 714 712 716 715 410 719 am am am am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd - - 6:45 - - - 9:40 - - - - - 2:20 B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln 6:20 - 7:10 - 7:23 - 10:05 - - 12:35 - - 2:40 C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd 6:36 - 7:29 - 7:42 - 10:21 - - 12:51 - - 2:59 D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy - 6:50 - - - - - 10:35 - - 2:20 - - E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park - 7:01 - - - - - 10:46 - - 2:31 - - F Ranelagh, Marguerite St - - - 7:35 - 9:18 - - 12:05 - - - (3:20) G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 6:45 7:15 7:40 7:45 7:53 9:23 10:30 11:00 12:10 1:00 2:45 - 3:10 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Mountain River Rd 6:53 7:23 7:48 7:53 8:01 9:31 10:38 11:08 12:18 1:08 2:53 - 3:25 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 7:00 7:30 7:56 8:00 8:08 9:38 10:45 11:15 12:25 1:15 3:00 - 3:30 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 7:05 7:35 8:01 8:05 8:13 9:43 10:50 11:20 12:30 1:20 3:05 - 3:33 K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 7:16 7:46 8:12 8:16 8:24 9:54 11:01 11:31 12:41 1:31 3:16 - 3:41 L Kingston, Calvin School, Maranoa Rd - - - - c8:32 - - - - - - - - M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 7:20 7:50 8:16 8:20 d8:28 9:58 11:05 11:35 12:45 1:35 3:20 3:28 3:45 N Hobart College - - h8:29 - - - - - - - - - - O Hobart City, Macquarie St 7:40 8:11 a8:37 8:41 d8:49 10:16 11:23 11:53 1:03 1:53 - 3:46 4:03 Monday to Friday (cont) map ref ROUTE NUMBER 716 716 pm pm A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd - - B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln 3:40 5:15 C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd 3:56 5:31 D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy - - E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park - - F Ranelagh, Marguerite St - - G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 4:05 5:40 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Mountain River Rd 4:13 5:48 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 4:20 5:55 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 4:25 6:00 K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 4:36 6:11 L Kingston, Calvin School, Maranoa Rd - - M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 4:40 6:15 N Hobart College - - O Hobart City, Macquarie St 4:58 6:31 WHO OPERATES 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 407, 410 MY SERVICE? tassielink.com.au metrotas.com.au 1300 300 520 13 22 01 Online trip information transport.tas.gov.au EFFECTIVE 20 JANUARY 2019 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays map ref ROUTE NUMBER 718 714 716 718 714 am am am pm pm A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd 7:15 - - 1:00 - B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln 7:40 - 11:20 1:25 - C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd 7:56 - 11:39 1:41 - D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy - 9:25 - - 3:25 E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park - 9:36 - - 3:36 G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 8:05 9:50 11:50 1:50 3:50 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Mountain River Rd 8:13 9:58 11:58 1:58 3:58 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 8:20 10:05 12:05 2:05 4:05 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 8:25 10:10 12:10 2:10 4:10 K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 8:36 10:21 12:21 2:21 4:21 M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 8:40 10:25 12:25 2:25 4:25 O Hobart City, Macquarie St 8:55 10:40 12:40 2:40 4:40 Explanations Wheelchair accessible bus a Service operates 8 minutes later on school days b Service operates 7 minutes later on school days c Service travels via Southern Christian College and Calvin School on school days only d Service operates 7 minutes later on school days h Service travels via Hobart College on school days only from Hobart towards Huon Valley Monday to Friday map ref ROUTE NUMBER 719 712 714 716 712 718 714 716 407 711 716 718 712 am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm O Hobart City, Franklin Sq, Stop P 7:45 8:20 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:08 2:53 - 3:09 4:09 5:09 N Hobart College - - - - - - - - - - h3:24 h4:24 - M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 8:02 8:38 9:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:10 s3:20 d3:28 d4:28 5:28 L Kingston, Calvin School, Maranoa Rd - - - - - - - - - s3:30 - - - K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 8:03 8:40 9:27 10:27 11:27 12:27 1:27 2:27 - s3:32 d3:30 d4:30 5:30 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 8:12 8:49 9:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 1:36 2:38 - s3:44 d3:42 d4:39 5:39 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 8:15 8:54 9:41 10:41 11:41 12:41 1:41 2:43 - s3:49 d3:47 d4:44 5:44 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Turn Creek Rd 8:21 9:00 9:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:50 - s3:56 d3:54 d4:50 5:50 G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 8:37 9:08 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 3:00 - s4:05 d4:04 d4:58 5:58 F Ranelagh, Marguerite Street (8:27) 9:13 - - 12:00 - - - - s4:10 - - 6:03 E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park - - 10:05 - - - 2:05 - - - - - - D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy - - 10:15 - - - 2:15 - - - - - - C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd 8:45 - - 11:03 - 1:03 - 3:12 - - d4:12 d5:10 - B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln 9:02 - - 11:20 - 1:20 - 3:35 - - d4:29 d5:33 - A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd 9:37 - - - - 1:45 - - - - - d5:58 - WHO OPERATES 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 407, 410 MY SERVICE? tassielink.com.au metrotas.com.au 1300 300 520 13 22 01 Online trip information transport.tas.gov.au EFFECTIVE 20 JANUARY 2019 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 Monday to Friday (cont) map ref ROUTE NUMBER 714 716 716 pm pm pm O Hobart City, Franklin Sq, Stop P 5:23 5:40 6:40 N Hobart College - - - M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 5:42 5:59 6:55 L Kingston, Calvin School, Maranoa Rd - - - K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 5:44 6:01 6:57 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 5:53 6:10 7:06 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 5:58 6:15 7:11 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Turn Creek Rd 6:04 6:21 7:17 G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 6:12 6:29 7:25 F Ranelagh, Marguerite Street - - - E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park 6:31 - - D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy 6:47 - - C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd - 6:41 7:35 B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln - 7:04 7:55 A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd - - - Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays map ref ROUTE NUMBER 716 718 714 714 718 am am pm pm pm O Hobart City, Franklin Sq, Stop P 9:15 11:15 1:15 3:15 5:15 M Kingston Central, Channel Hwy 9:30 11:30 1:30 3:30 5:30 K Kingston, Summerleas Rd 9:32 11:32 1:32 3:32 5:32 J Sandfly, Huon Hwy/Sandfly Rd 9:41 11:41 1:41 3:41 5:41 I Lower Longley, Huon Hwy/Huon Rd 9:46 11:46 1:46 3:46 5:46 H Grove, Huon Hwy/Turn Creek Rd 9:52 11:52 1:52 3:52 5:52 G Huonville, Bus Station, Skinner Dr 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 E Cradoc, Channel Hwy/Cradoc Park - - 2:10 4:10 - D Cygnet, Esplanade Rd/Channel Hwy - - 2:20 4:20 - C Franklin, Huon Hwy near Old Rd 10:12 12:08 - - 6:08 B Geeveston, Honeywood Ln 10:35 12:25 - - 6:25 A Dover, Huon Hwy near Station Rd - 12:55 - - 6:55 Explanations Wheelchair accessible bus d Service operates 6 minutes later on school days h Service travels via Hobart College on school days only s Service operates on school days only WHO OPERATES 711, 712, 714, 715, 716, 718, 719 407, 410 MY SERVICE? tassielink.com.au metrotas.com.au 1300 300 520 13 22 01 Online trip information transport.tas.gov.au.

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