Jumb. 01. 1635 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JULY 7. 1~38. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1938. Decl,aring Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area•. SECOND PART. Matatoki Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area. URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations, P 1938, I, Walter Nash, Minister of Marketing, being All that area lying entirely within the Thames County and bounded by a line commencing at the point where the satisfied that sufficient majorities of the producers in the Kauaeranga River enters the Firth of Thames and horn this respective areas of land defined in the Sched-qle hereto are point following the county boundary up the Waihou River desirous that such areas should. be declared to be pool areas to Section 58, Whatau Block, and from this point taking a for the marketing of bobby calves, do hereby declare the straight line across country in an easterly direction to Omahu respective areas of land defined as aforesaid to be Bobby Bridge on the main Thames-Paeroa Highway; thence Calf Marketing Pool Areas for the purposes of the said Regu­ lations under the respective names set out in the said Schedule from this point taking a line east along the base of the Coro­ before the description of each area, and I do hereby further mandel Range and crossing the Kotorepupua Stream at ~lock No. 399; thence in a continued line to the southern declare that this notice shall take effect on the 19th day of bank of the Kauaeranga River ; and thence continuing along July, 1938. this bank down-stream to the original point of commencement at the mouth of this river. SCHEDULE. FrnST PART, HorBham Downs Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area. THIRD PART. ALL that area lying entirely within the Waikato County and .... Huntly W eat Bobby Calf Ma,rketing Pool Area. bounded by a line commencing from the boundary-line of All that area lying within the counties of Raglan and the Kainui Bobby Calf Pool Area at Section No. 85 in the Waikato and bounded by a line commencing at the point Koma.korau Parish ; and thence following the northern where the end of the Star Town Road meets the foreshore of boundaries of Sections 85, 84, 83, and 82 to the eastern bank Lake Iiakanoa; thence from this point taking a straight line of the Waikato River; thence following along this bank across country in a north-westerly direction to the foreshore of. up-stream to the farm occupied by Patty ; thence taking a Lake Okowhai; thence in a straight line north to the foreshore of straight line in an easterly direction across country to the main .Lake Roto Ngaro at the point of Section No. 7 in the Rangiriri Rotoru111-Hamilton Road at the farm occupied by Coombridge; :District; thence following around the northern shores of this. thence continuing across country in an easterly direction to .lake to meet the Rangiriri-Rotongaro Road; thence from this the western boundary of Lot 4, K:irikiriroa. Parish ; thence 'point taking a straight line across country in a north-westerly following the northern boundary-line of the Gordonton direction to the foreshore of Lake Whangape at the northern Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area ·to the point where it meets corner of Section 2 in the Rangiriri District. ; thence following the Orini-Tenfoot-Whitikahu Bobby Calf Marketing Pool around the southern shores of this lake to the northern ·corner· Area. on the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, Taupiri Parish; of Section 141 ; thence from this point taking a straight thence following along the southern boundary-line of the line across country in a south.westerly direction to meet Orini-Tenfoot-Whitikahu Pool to the point where. it meets the Naiki Road in Section No. 122; thence following in the the Kainui Pool boundarycline at the Kamakonui Stream ; same direction along this road to the western corner or Block thence following the Kainui Pool boundary south and west No. 43 ; thence taking a straight line south across country to the point of commencement at Section 85 in the Komakorua to the Township of Glen Afton ; thence from this township Parish. taking a straight line across country in a south-easterly M36 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. ,~1 direction to the termination of the Huku Road on the boundary­ Appointment of Members of the Kereone-Kiwi,taJ;i Bobby Calf line of Pepepe Parish ; thence from this point taking a straight Pool Committee. line in a north-easterly direc+,ion across country to the farm occupied by Adams on 'the River Road, western bank of the Waikato River; thence from this point following the River URSUANT to the Bobby Calf J\;larketing Regulations, Road into the Township of Huntly ; and thence along the P 1938, I, Walter Nash, Minister of Marketing, do hereby Star Town Road to the end and to the original point of appoint- commencement. Neils Ernest Mikkelsen, Frederick Chafe Kennedy, FOURTH PART, Robert Ripley Heaton, Pufaruru Bobby Calf MarketifflJ Pool, Area. Henry Thomas. Bagnall, All that area lying entirely within the Matamata County Joseph Stuart Houston, and bounded by a line commencing at the Taumangi cross­ Nicolaus Anderson; roads ; and thence in a direct line across country. to the James William Clark. junction of White's Road, with the main Cambridge--Rotorua ·to· be members_ of the Kereone-Kiwitahi Bobby Calf Pool Highway ; thence from this point taking a direct line south­ Committee established by the said regulatio_ns. east across country to the Provincial State Forest Reserve Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of Jcly, 1938, (Gazette No. 1920, page 2107) to tJ:ie point of the Matamata County boundary; thence following this boundary-line south W. NASH, Minister of Marketing, and continuing to follow it in its entirety both west and north to the Arapuni Dam on the Waikato River; thf\nce following this river down-stream to the Hora Hora Power­ station ; thence from this point taking a straight line· across Appointment of Patumalwe Bobby Calf Pool Committee. country in a south•easterly direction to Parapara Road·; thence from this point continuing in an easterly direction and continuing. across country to the Taumangi cross-roads, ·.the ·puRSUANT. to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations, original point. of commencement. 1938, I, Walter Nash, Minister of Marketing, do hereby appoint- · . • FIFTH PABT, Victor Geoffrey Pilcher, Edward Teesdale Branston Worthy, Ngahi'nepouri-Kor.<>matua Bobby CJalf MarketifflJ Pool Area. Arthur Woolsey, jun., Commencing at the point of the Rukuhia Railway-station Ebeneza Cartwright, on the Main Trunk Line and proceeding along the railway­ Ernest Wilfrid Hill, line in a southerly direction to the point where the Main Harry Basil Campbell, Trunk Line crosses the boundary-line of the Ngaroto Parish; G.ordo;n Reid Anderson, thence from this ·point along tb,e northern boundary-line of. ,Karl Volz; . .· the Ngaroto Parish to the Waipa River at the point where George Alexander Towsend Buchannan, the Mangaotara Stream joins this river; thence proceeding Norman Leonard Leaming, along the eastern bank of the Waipa River in ·!I, .nort!ierly _ Frederick Douglas Madgwick direction to the point where the river meets the end of the to be members <if the Patumahoe Bobby Calf Pool Committee Koromatua Road ; thence along thi» road (taking in all farms eeta.blished by the said regulations. on bot_h .sig.,i~ _tlw,J; __l!ave. direct access to this road) to the junction of the Pirongia--Hamilton Road; thence along this · Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of Jcly, 1938. latter road (also taking in all farms with direct access on · both sides) to the point where it meets wlth Gibbons Road; W. NASH, Minister of Marketing. thence from this point, taking a straight line across country in an easterly direction to meet again the Main Trunk Rail­ way ; thence along this line in a southerly direction to the Appointment of Kainui Bobby Calf Pool Committee. point of commencement at the Rukuhia Railway-station. This area lies entirely within the Waipa County; URSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations, SIXTH PART. : P 1938, I, Walter Nash, Minister of Marketing, do hereby ~ft Bobb/I Calf Maf'km"'J Pool Area. appoint- · All that area lying entirely within the boundary of the Arthur Ivan Walter, Waikato County and bounded by a line commencing at the Edward Reginald William Bauoke, polnt where the Ruakura State Farm meets the boundary­ Guy Harris Block, line between the Waikato and Waipa Counties and following Samuel Andrew Clarke, along the Auckland-Rotorna railway-line towards the Town William Moore, of Morrinsville to the point where the end of the Piako Road · Charles Hinton meets this railway-line; and thence taking a direct line from · to be members of the Kainui Bobby Calf Pool Committee this point across country in a north-westerly direction to established by the said regulations: · meet the -bol:lildary-line of the Orini-Tenfoot Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area at the point of the farni occupied by Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of Jcly, 1938. Watkins on the Gordonton-Tauhei Road; thence from this W. NASH, Minister of Marketing. point in a southerly direction to Lake Road and along this road (taking in all farms with direct access to it on both sides) to McMilllins Corner; thence along Tramway Road in a southerly direction to Ruakura State Farm and the Appointment of Waiuku Bobby Calf Pool Committee. point of commencement ( also taking in all farms with direct access on bot),, sides of Tramway Road). P. ~UANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations, SEVENTH PART. 1938, I, Walter Nash, Minister of Matketing, do hereby Hikutaia-Wharepoa Bobby Calf Marketi1'f} Pool Area, appoint- Charles Irvine Harkness, All that area lying in the counties of Thames and Ohinemuri Frederick Alexander Harcombe, and bounded by _a line commencing at the Matatoki Pool George Evans, boundary where it meets the Waihou River at Section No.
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