/- A rm gt Didly Set Pranltun . Vor Sha Weak Eade« p Jmke S8, IMB The Weather ^^comln^ fair, cooler tonight. 15,459 ; LoW., 9S to 60, Toinoriow moat- ly auhsy, pleasant. High In low 80o. Mmtehetter A City of VilUtge CkhryH ■ . - . X ■ ■ f \: . VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 231 ('TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULt 1^ 1969/ Advertlekw tm Pace Ml P R K ^ T E N c e n t s ' House Extends No Daffodib A LONDON (A P ) — A single daffodil, carefully packed in a cardboard box, arrived at Buckln^mm Palace Monday night Income Surtax after a 4,600-mUe journey from Kenya. V WASHINOTON. (A P ) — Act­ It was 6-yeajNold Sarah Kathega Ngiti’s ocSttribution towaid day extension Of the withholding solvii^ a' royal crlsia. > ing after a last-minute plea rates probably will be sought. iJiffodlls are the, naljonal emblem of WsUee. But not one tix>m President Nixon and under Nixon wants the surtax to con­ could be found in Britain to decwate the baniiuet and ball fol- strong pressure from leaders of tinue at a‘ 10 per cent ratef l o a ^ Prince Chariee’ investiture as Prince of W iles today. both parties, the House has nar­ through December and th&n-at 6 ■•r'- rowly ilassed a bill to extend the per cent until the end of next ‘ Dear Prince Chariee,*' Sarah ..wrote: " I heard about your income surtax. June. troubles, and I am sending a flower for you for Tuesday fir Wales." The bUl approved Monday Opposition to the bUl has 210-206, now goes to .the------- Senatewinuiiycome irom mainly congressmen from congressmen Sarah found t l » flower In a Nairobi garden after hearing by / CAERNARVON, 'Wales who .any chance for far- radio that the investiture ball was running short of A»ff/wui. (A P )— Charles of Wind­ i^clilng tax reforms will be The flowers usually bloom In profusion In Kenya at this time sor, the next king of Brit­ J lL S S f* cert^lost If not Induded.ln the surtax of the year; Thousands bad been ordered for the ain, was installed as' Prince surtax expired at midnight,.xully extension measure. but Kenya—like Britain—te having an linsuaUy snell Re­ h o ^ after t h ^ u s e action. just before the close of House sult: No Daffodils. of Wales today amid the . H o o ver, Congress already debate Monday night, Republl- rousing cheers of thou­ ^ voted to coPOMf the wlto- can Leader Gerald R. Itord read sands—and the echoes of taclude the a letter from the President Jjombs .apparently- set off. surchar^ through J d y , ^ t t o aimed at swaying such oppo by Welsh extremists de- tax itself can liter be extended nents. ' retroactive to July' 1. Senate mahding independence. ^ ‘T want to remove any vestige Quen Elisabeth II plaited the - leaders have said a further 60- Critic Says Funds of doubt as to the commitment ooroniM on her 20-yeor-pid'eon’s o f this adminiistration to prompt b/ head in the court t i ancient any meaningful tax reform,” Caernarvon .Castle, handed hkn The Background Nixon said. Misused for ABM the mantle, ring, gold rod, Earlier In the day Nixon met sword and letters patent o f hla By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at the White House with 28 Re­ WASHINGTON (A P ) — The velvet gfowe In sn attempt to noble rights. -r Surcteige: Under a laiw em publican congressmen, most of Nlxjoo admlniitration was ac- break the apparent near dead- Charles In turn aworo - alte- acted last year, all Individual them opix>nents of the surtax ousoci today of Illegally epeejil- lock ki the Senate over SMe- glsnce to the crown he a m e taxpayers above the lowest extension. All bu t'lo of these Ing 6400 million from fissla ap- .guard. day will wear and pledged feal­ brackets ontl all oorpotatlcnt ended......cu upu,, votingTuuun forttheiw-uie bill.oui. propriated for the discarded jje met to t an hbur-arxl-a.half ty, understanding and eupport are <diarged an extra 10 -per In an, Nixon got 154 House »8ntlnel miaaUe defoise system at the White I ^ a e with five Re- t o the principality of Wales. cent of tfaefer inoome tox. >The RepubUcan Votes while 26 GOP the revamped Safeguard publican Senate crltlca at ^ The medieval pogeontiy of mrtax officially expired at mid­ members opposed It. program. mfcsUe I M e m e -------- ---- herialda, knlglMa, banners, t n n ^ night, but a special act allows House DemocraUc leaders C f a y ^ ^ N e ^ D-Wls., Charles Ptvoy ^ ^ l U n o l s ’ pets, carriages, bards and coUoctksiecoon atof wltfataohllngwunbohBng reve-reve gave strong support to the ex- ® prepared statement, tak) cjherlea MklMBa Jr n/' Druid*, chorteters, ottkdaldom nue uiMler the old rdta through tension, but only 86 votes for the Pentagon spent the money Mahviami Marind/w ^ and foreign guests was carried July. blU came from that side of the < » Safeguard mdasUes luid radar r out in warm aunriilne and gentle Proposal: Tha bUl PresUent aisle. Oiposed were 179 Demo- equipment although Oongreas tfa^yen and RtohnrH n breeu. Nixon wants and approved by cratii. P ‘>** • »* “W »v a d the prx^Ject e r ^ H I S m A ^ ^ •nie preclrion of toe isvtoh the House extendi the surtax a i When President Lyndon B. and In spite of a Defense De- Nixon’s aaom a^ pomp and clrcumotHnoea car- 10 per cent through Dec . 81, Johnson proposed the Surtax partment promlee not to use the wfteM s o f o a S l ^ - rirt on deaptte a seribs of ex­ then at 0 per cent through June lari year, 114 Republicans voted Seotihel fUnds.- tremist trio* to disrupt the cere­ 80, 1870. The Treasury says this tor It. / “ The fact te," Nelscm said, ' President emphastsed mony. ”rwo mesi died for their would yield 87.6 bilUon In the The vote ^a a tied at least 10 "OocigreBB has not authorised or ***^ * “ * * m e m ^ of Cengress eftote. llscal year that fiarted today times d u r ^ the Houseroll call appropriated one cent tor' the ^""“uW have t^iocerclae his o9m \ ”nie royal train stopped three new SafeguardSafesruard syOtem.nvaSwin T*.«The ad- conecleBce.. I had i » CeeUng of (See Page Seven) times on its way from Londem Page Seven) mlnlrtrattoo*s declston lO spend bring* * 7 * persuaded," Sen. Mathias 0\-e might because of bomb Sentinel moniCB on ths Safe- aid after the seesten. oonrste on nUlway trerilea. guard sjiitom Is a clear viola­ Percy oolled the meeting, Ono bomb exploded on the tion of the ObngreeB* law-mak­ wtih* had been scheduled for ^racks emu- Caernarvon In front ing authority." only 48 mlnutaa, very friendly bf the s|X)t wliene the royal train and said the President didn’t V ’' Nixon Junked the "thin" Sentl- **“ umn i "-ylt had stopped. This shook the States LaeJ fets nel system. w «e h wna r ® " . ^ * * * 8«*®«usrd unUl he train arid tore up a section of to protect (hethe nntlan'snatlan’s majormater ck^Mt. brought It iq>.up. the track Two youttai were itr- GoUfomia Ohio Locked lec, laM Mhfich and asked Ooi> None of (he five indloated a tv nested. InCruis In Dispute green to approve the S^eguard **“ “ >eet- 'Triota Nixon, daughter of the I'resldent. wdi/hboanl a train 8SAGRAMENTO, r!aMf ^(AP) —California began a l which passe^-toKtr the truck be- year without a budget t 'to o th eb p m b went off. ^ © - Gnqwoung man threw on «gg I 0* Uta queen’a carriage on. her biu to keep the state running tor appropriattons bUI, leaving the (See PM[e Tip) 80 days. / state without authority to spend As a result, ( ^ nation's most ' money. - L popukNis statestate/Was plunged into ' v unpreoedeni ^ fls ^ i chaos ^ ® Ropubllcan-controUed Salaries tor>tBte employes were ■l®^*®**^*^ h ^ m et In a mara- cut off R ^ ^ e d them N AAC P Aide Reject^ !§tate G>ui^^ to work ^ free.free State officialsef«H oio ing ttie bOl by midnight Monday no longer had authority to pay —the end of the fiscal year—but wages • bills. adjouhtad early this rnornh* Given Voice goveihor, a ta when a jomtjoint Senate-HouseSenate-Houae Idea of Reparation conference committee could, not JACKSON, Mias. (A P ) - A church leadeni who (See Page Ten) resolve' difforences over the In Probate 'measure. ^ ^ mended the National Council of eri c l ^ rights ojganlzatloo: has Churches raise 8600 million in ConneefiCut’s HARIt o r d , ikmn. (A P )'— Without------ ----- the appnqniatlons rejected a move by black mlM- response to ronarattom fW. Tax Increases bill ■ ■ .4* * - The State Supreme Oourt ruled wWch covers the neJet two to coUect reparattons i W mands by black JaniM Momluy that Superior t lourt has ^ H A R T F O R D , "oonfa. (A P ) — yeara, the state cannot meet its white churches for wrongs done Forman Princ^ChnrIeH in inv«8tjture regalia, lie wears a U » power to substUuta Ms judg­ These ane t ^ state tax Incneqs- payroll or mail welfare checks. to Negroes. j , ment for that of Probate Oourt The hitch developed over pro­ es that went Into effect today "In our Jong crusade, we Have ** gold'coronet and an ennin$i caiie and boitiH a Keep- in Probate appeals. In Ocmecttcut: posed changes In the state co­ never subscribed to the repara- Prior to the unanimous .ofdn' trolling board, which now con­ tions conoept." Bishop have refussd Mr.
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