AP Society Newsletter '9 9Deliver this to SENH,-SE, Roger Aksakov, Montaigne and The ,9 ord The Anthony Powell Society I prithee post.an debonair 1ooks o French, 6er.an and Italian He is the handso.e upstairs lodger 4erse. Po ell also came across an Newsletter At No. 10 1runswick S2uareB autographed copy of Stendhal/s book on Italian Painting on the shelves in this Issue 9 W inter 2002 50p 77 seems to have been a rather sleepy room - and suggested it might be 9put in a figure. One of the Library Committee, closed case.B A Hero of Our Club œ Anthony the height, or depth, of the ,lit8, a Captain Aennedy appears to have been a Powell at The Travellers 1930- back oodsman lumbered across to the dedicated follo er of the Turf and pressed After all his hard ork in improving the 2000: Part Two Marshall/s solitary table. for the scarce Library funds to be applied Library, Po ell as a natural choice as to buying form7guides and 3ho‘s 3ho in Chairman of the Library Committee from 9Ah, Portal, there you are! I hear Racing. Then, in Covember 194D, 6arold :une 1949 on ards. In the autumn of The edited text of a talk delivered at the Royal Flying Corps have been Cicolson, Alan Pryce7:ones, LE :ones 1951 he presented a first edition copy of A The Travellers Club, 04 March 2002 doin‘ right ully well. Keep up the Eauthor of that evocative trilogy, A :uestion o -pbringing to the club Ehe good work!$ 4ictorian 1oyhood, Edwardian 5outh and had earlier presented some of his pre7 ar by Hugh Massingberd 6eorgian A ternoonF and a certain 9A2 novels, as ell as John Aubrey and His [Part One of this talk as published in the After the ar, The Travellers/ Library Po ellB ere brought in 9to ginger things Friends in 1949F and this coincided ith Autumn 2002 Newsletter] regarded by many, including :ohn upB, as Po ell ould have put it. his defining Chairman/s 3eport on The ,etjeman and Queen Eli8abeth The Queen 8ibrary o The Travellers Club. Although Inevitably, after marrying Lady (iolet Mother as their favourite interior in The minutes sho a distinctive anonymous, this is recognisably the ork Pakenham in 1934 and setting up home in London - as in a dispiriting state. The astringency. The presentation of a book of the Master. ,loomsbury, Anthony Po ell came to The then Chairman of the Library Committee, called I Chose Freedo., for instance, as Travellers less often than before - and 3oger Pocklington Senhouse, a publisher 9.et with scant enthusias., te.pered As Chairman of the Library Committee, then they had a spell in California. ,ut and 0uondam fancy of Lytton Strachey - with scepticis.B. Po ell and Pryce7 Anthony Po ell also served on the (iolet Po ell, unlike some Travellers/ ho once addressed an envelope to him as :ones, both orking on the T8S, ere General Committee of the club and in ives, had a arm affection for the club follo s: deputed to send in a fortnightly list of 19D3 he joined the 6ouse Committee. and they fre0uently entertained here after suitable books for the club/s circulating Members/ complaints about 9the coldness the ar. library. And hile Captain Aennedy of the vegetablesB EPo ell suggested banged on about the vital need for a hotplatesFH the inade0uacy of the toast 1 hen I sa (iolet for the last time, she History o New.arket, Po ell as under the 3oast GrouseH and of ho 3oast told me a Travellers/ tale. 2uring the ar, recommending orks by Proust, Osbert ,eef and Lamb ere 9fre0uently Marshall of the 3oyal Air 4orce Sir Lancaster, Lloyd/s History o 3ales and overcookedB kept the Committee on their Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, used The Dictionary o English Place Na.es toes. Other perennial topics ere the use to lunch at The Travellers most days. 6e E hich as to furnish the novelist ith of the Library for entertaining - ould sit on his o n, lost in 0uiet such surnames as 1 idmerpool, something Po ell al ays stoutly resisted contemplation, and the form - as Anthony Leint ardine and ,rentF. - and the advance of 9lady guestsB into Po ell observed - as for his fello 7 male enclaves, even into this very room members to give the great man a ide Put in charge of 94oreign LiteratureB for E9strongly againstB, minuted Po ellF and, berth so as not to disturb his chain of the Library, Po ell came up ith the of course, chronic shortage of cash. To thought upon hich much of the course of follo ing essentials: Apuleius, increase revenue, Po ell suggested the the ar depended. ,ut one lunchtime, at Aristophanes, 6erodotus, 6omer, installation of a fruit7machine E9one7 Lucretius, Marcus Aurelius, Propertius, armed banditBF in the lobby of the bar and ? The Anthony Po ell Society, 2002 and the Augustine/s Con essions, Machiavelli/s a s eepstake. In the event, ith the individual authors named. All rights reserved. Published by The Anthony Po ell Society and printed The Prince, Castiglione/s The Courtier, Secretary, 3obin Mc2ouall/s support, a by Express Printing, 1 errington, Peterborough, UA 2 AP Society Newsletter '9 AP Society Newsletter '9 one7armed bandit as experimented ith Travellers, that an outbreak of (2 had 9a large lat cap shaped like a .u in Memorial Service in the Grosvenor in the Gents - for a three7month trial, but taken place at Sandhurst. 6e set off for which he said had been .ade Chapel in May 2000, Lady (iolet should it did not prove popular ith the members. the 3MC at once, carrying a rolled specially or hi. by a e.ale riendB. have held a lunch in the Library of The umbrella. Once the cadets ere Travellers for family and friends. The Charging members for a second cup of assembled, he thundered: 6istory doesn/t relate hether he kept it menu included Tony/s favourite savoury - coffee after lunch and dinner as one of on in the Coffee 3oom. Devils on Horseback - described in 3obin Anthony Po ell/s bugbears and he 9I hear you boys have been putting Mc2ouall/s Clubland Cooking as succeeded in having this custom changed your private parts where I wouldn‘t Of one Po ell celebration at The - so that coffee ad lib, after the first cup, put this u.brellaB. Travellers he noted in his Journals, 9A great avourite with Edwardian is no the rule - thanks to the Sage of the hostesses and .y riend and Chantry. As a cat lover - his portrait in The other itness to Po ell/s 1 ill, 98uncheon at The Travellers was not avourite novelist, Anthony Powell. the club, presented in 2001 by Lady executed at The Travellers, as Alick too bad [a Po ellian compliment, Prunes, instead o ,ysters, wrapped (iolet, sho s him ith his beloved 2ru, Evelyn 1 augh/s brother7in7la , incidentally] ruits de .er, in 1acon. The only .erit I can see in Trela ney on his shoulder - Po ell as portrayed as 2avid Pennistone in Dance. .edaillons de veau, Dpinards E la the. is that they do not .uch har. also a champion of the beleaguered Club It as through 2ru that Monsignor Gilbey crF.e, patisserie, club hock, the last to a red wine.$ Cat, a plumpish animal of unreliable got to kno the Po ells - and it as the per ectly drinkable or such an aspect ho some members anted Monsignor ho introduced me to my occasion). The .eal took place in Anthony Po ell as an adornment of The removed on account of her tendency to rip great 6ero, Anthony Po ell, here in 19I0, the 8ibrary, an unusually pretty Travellers and did the club 9so.e serviceB the leather furniture hile sharpening her soon after my election to The Travellers. Regency roo. with pillars and a Eto adapt one of his favourite 0uotations cla s. 6er unruly appearance prompted 1 e had previously corresponded about rieHe o the Elgin .arblesB. from ,thelloF. 6e as indeed a true one ag to rite in the Suggestions ,ook: genealogy - his principal passion - but 96ero of our ClubB. And he understood =7he Mat Sat on the Cat$. the dinner generously arranged by Alfred As the 1980s ore on, visits to London club life, just as he understood life in as the first time I met him in the flesh. I became less fre0uent. They ere mainly general. 2ogs ere more :3 Ackerley/s line - he describe the evening in my book concerned ith dental appointmentsH as introduced to Tony Po ell in the Daydrea. 1elieverC Con essions o a indeed his nephe , 4erdie Mount, 1 hat he rote about the Somerset Club in 1950s and Po ell, as he recorded in his HeroA3orshipper. 0uipped that one of the Journal volumes ,oston - ith its Journals, might have been called The Suss.an 6appily e ere to meet many more 5ears in honour of Tony/s dentist. I 9inspissated and enveloping club 9didn‘t take to hi.. He said, ”Ah, yes times over his remaining years in the club remember Tony being fascinated, over at.osphereI Ancient ar.chairs and ? you wrote ? what was it? ? No, and in the 1980s he as a valued one club lunch, by the fact that my o n so as underpropped one or two don‘t tell .e ? novel about an artist‘. contributor of obituaries to the page I dentist as an hereditary peer.
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