To appear in the 2005 International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38) A Quantum Logic Array Microarchitecture: Scalable Quantum Data Movement and Computation Tzvetan S. Metodi†, Darshan D. Thaker†, Andrew W. Cross‡ Frederic T. Chong§ and Isaac L. Chuang‡ †University Of California at Davis, {tsmetodiev, ddthaker}@ucdavis.edu §University Of California at Santa Barbara, [email protected] ‡Massachusetts Institute of Technology, {awcross, ichuang}@mit.edu Abstract logic gate can act on all possible 2N states. The exponen- tial speedup offered by quantum computing, based on the ability to process quantum information through gate ma- Recent experimental advances have demonstrated tech- nipulation [2], has led to several quantum algorithms with nologies capable of supporting scalable quantum computa- substantial advantages over known algorithms with tradi- tion. A critical next step is how to put those technologies to- tional computation. The most significant is Shor’s algo- gether into a scalable, fault-tolerant system that is also fea- rithm for factoring the product of two large primes in poly- sible. We propose a Quantum Logic Array (QLA) microar- nomial time. Additional algorithms include Grover’s fast chitecture that forms the foundation of such a system. The database search [3]; adiabatic solution of optimization prob- QLA focuses on the communication resources necessary to lems [4]; precise clock synchronization [5]; quantum key efficiently support fault-tolerant computations. We leverage distribution [6]; and recently, Gauss sums [7] and Pell’s the extensive groundwork in quantum error correction the- equation [8]. ory and provide analysis that shows that our system is both asymptotically and empirically fault tolerant. Specifically, A relevant large-scale quantum system must be capable we use the QLA to implement a hierarchical, array-based of reaching a system size of S = KQ ≥ 1012, where K de- design and a logarithmic expense quantum-teleportation notes the number of computational steps and Q denotes the communication protocol. Our goal is to overcome the pri- number of computational units. Quantum data is inherently mary scalability challenges of reliability, communication, very unstable, which leads to a lack of reliable operations and quantum resource distribution that plague current pro- that can be performed on it. Also if left idle, this quan- posals for large-scale quantum computing. Our work com- tum data will interact with its environment and lose state, a plements recent work by Balenseifer et al [1], which studies process called decoherence. Finally, there is the difficulty arXiv:quant-ph/0509051v1 7 Sep 2005 the software tool chain necessary to simplify development of transmitting quantum data between computational units of quantum applications; here we focus on modeling a full- without losing state. This implies that the greatest chal- scale optimized microarchitecture for scalable computing. lenge towards a large, practically useful quantum computer, is designing an architecture that incorporates the required amount of fault-tolerance while minimizing overhead. Previous work in large-scale quantum architecture [9, 10, 1. Introduction 11] has led to the consideration of several main scalability issues that must be taken into account: reliable and realis- Quantum computation exploits the ability for a single tic implementation technology; robust error correction and quantum bit, a qubit, which can be implemented by the po- fault-tolerant structures; efficient quantum resource distri- larization states of a photon or the spin of a single atom, bution. to exist in a superposition of the binary “0” and “1” states 1. Reliable and realistic implementation technology: (simply denoted as α|0i + β|1i, where α and β are proba- There are multiple approaches from very diverse fields of bility amplitudes satisfying |α|2 + |β|2 = 1). With N qubits science for the realization of a full-scale quantum infor- a quantum computer can be in 2N unique states at any given mation processor. Solid state technologies, trapped ions, time. These states can be inter-correlated such that a single and superconducting quantum computation are just a small tween two points without actually sending any quantum number of many physical implementations currently being data, but rather two bits of classical information for each studied. No matter the choice, any technology used to im- qubit on both ends. plement a quantum information processor must adhere to four main requirements [12]: 1) It must allow the initial- Classical Control ization of an arbitrary n-qubit quantum system to a known state. 2) A universal set of quantum operations must be available to manipulate the initialized system and bring it Q Q Q Q to a desired correlated state. 3) The technology must have R RR R the ability to reliably measure the quantum system. 4) It Sea of must allow much longer qubit lifetimes than the time of a Q Q Q Q Lower quantum logic gate. The second requirement encompasses Level R R R R multi-qubit operations; thus, it implies that a quantum ar- Qubits Channel chitecture must also allow for sufficient and reliable com- Classical Control Q QQ Q munication between physical qubits. Channel R R R R R 2. Robust error correction and fault tolerant struc- tures: Due to the high volatility of quantum data, ac- Figure 1. High-Level quantum computer structure, where a tively stabilizing the system’s state through error correc- full-size computer consists of interconnected logical qubits tion will be one of the most vital operations through the connected with programmable communication network. The course of a quantum algorithm. Fault tolerance and quan- letters R denote an integrated switch islands for redirecting tum error correction constitute a significant field of research quantum data coming from nearby logical qubits or other [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] that has produced some very pow- repeater islands. erful quantum error correcting codes analogous, but fun- damentally different from their classical counterparts. The most important result, for our purposes, is the Threshold This paper introduces and evaluates the design of the Theorem [17], which says that an arbitrarily reliable quan- Quantum Logic Array (QLA) architecture which takes the tum gate can be implemented using only imperfect gates, following approach to leveraging the three architecture re- provided the imperfect gates have failure probability be- quirements described above: low a certain threshold. This remarkable result is achieved through four steps: using quantum error-correction codes; 1 At the lowest level QLA is based on the trapped ion- performing all computations on encoded data; using fault technology [24, 25, 26], which uses a single trapped tolerant procedures; and recursively encoding until the de- atomic ion as a storage for a single unit of quantum data. sired reliability is obtained. A successful architecture must In particular QLA is based on the highly scalable model be carefully designed to minimize the overhead of recursive of (CCD) style ion-trap quantum information processing error correction and be able to accommodate some of the architecture proposed by Kielpinski et al [27, 25]. This most efficient error correcting codes. model consists of ions trapped in interconnected trap ar- 3. Efficient quantum resource distribution: The quantum rays and moved from trap to trap to interact [23, 22]. no-cloning theorem [19] (i.e. the inability to copy quantum 2 We have designed the architecture as a block structure data) prevents the ability to place quantum information on (Figure 1), which fits naturally to quantum error correc- a wire, duplicate, and transmit it to another location. Each tion, where each building block/tile reflects the error- qubit must be physically transported from the source to the correction algorithm used. QLA itself is built by tiling destination. This makes each qubit a physical transmitter these building blocks to form the hierarchies required for of quantum information, a restriction which places great larger and more reliable encodings. In addition, QLA constraints on quantum data distribution. Particularly trou- invests area in communication channels to allow move- blesome is moving the qubits over large distances where it ment of ions without hindering the parallelism required must be constantly ensured the data is safe from corrup- by fault tolerant structures. tion. One method is to repeatedly error correct along the channel at a cost of additional error correction resources. 3 By structuring the large-scale model as a datapath ori- Another solution is to use a purely quantum concept to im- ented block architecture of independent, tightly compact plement a long-range wire [10]: teleportation [20], which computational units QLA allows us to limit direct ion has been experimentally demonstrated on a very small scale movement to shorter, local distances within each com- [21, 22, 23]. Teleportation transmits a quantum state be- putational unit. At larger distances (i.e. between com- putational units) we employ teleportation to avoid mov- ing data directly over the long channels. Furthermore Electrodes we couple teleportation with the concept of quantum re- V1 V2 V3 V4 peaters [28] to avoid the exponential resource overhead. Ballistic Channel Data Ion The Contributions of this Paper are: 1) We propose the QLA micro-architecture, which is designed for efficient V1V2 V3 V4 quantum error-correction and error-free long range commu- nication of quantum states. 2) While teleportation has been Cooling Ion proposedas a means of communication,we show the limita- tions of a simplistic approach using teleportation. We then Figure 2. A simple schematic of the basic elements neces- show how the QLA micro-architecture can be effectively sary for trapped ion quantum computing. used to overcome these limitations. 3) To model QLA, we developed ARQ: a scalable quantum architectures simula- tor that maps quantum applications to fault-tolerant layouts executing Shor’s algorithm. Finally, we offer discussion of for simulation. ARQ’s input is based on the circuit model future work and conclusions in Sections 6 and 7.
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