Table C-1. Special-Status Wildlife Species Known to Occur or with Potential to Occur in East Contra Costa County Page 1 of 12 Statusa Likelihood for Occurrence Common and Scientific Name Federal/State California Distribution Habitats in Plan Areab Invertebrates Longhorn fairy shrimp E/– Eastern margin of central Coast Ranges from Small, clear pools in sandstone rock High. Covered species under Branchinecta longiantenna Contra Costa County to San Luis Obispo outcrops of clear to moderately turbid proposed Plan County; disjunct population in Madera clay- or grass-bottomed pools County Vernal pool fairy shrimp T/– Central Valley, central and south Coast Common in vernal pools; also found in High. Covered species under Branchinecta lynchi Ranges from Tehama County to Santa sandstone rock outcrop pools proposed Plan Barbara County; isolated populations also in Riverside County Midvalley fairy shrimp PE/– Central Valley, scattered populations in Small, short-lived vernal pools, seasonal High. Covered species under Branchinecta mesovallensis Sacramento, Solano, Contra Costa, San wetlands and depressions proposed Plan Joaquin, Madera, Merced, and Fresno Counties Vernal pool tadpole shrimp E/– Shasta County south to Merced County Vernal pools and ephemeral stock ponds High. Two CNDDB records from Lepidurus packardi inventory area Valley elderberry longhorn beetle T/– Stream side habitats below 3,000 feet Riparian and oak savanna habitats with High. Species may occur in suitable Desmocerus californicus throughout the Central Valley elderberry shrubs; elderberries are the habitat eastern fringe of inventory dimorphus host plant area; impacts would be limited Delta green ground beetle T/– Restricted to Olcott Lake and other vernal Sparsely vegetated edges of vernal lakes Low. No CNDDB records from Elaphrus viridus pools at Jepson Prairie Preserve, Solano and pools; occur up to 250 feet from project area County pools Bay checkerspot butterfly T/– Vicinity of San Francisco Bay including San Native grasslands on outcrops of Low. No CNDDB records from Euphydryas editha bayensis Fracisco peninsula in San Mateo County, serpentine soil; California plantain and project area and mountains near San Jose, Santa Clara owl’s clover are host plants County Lange’s metalmark butterfly E/– Once found throughout the Antioch Dunes; Limited to dense to moderately dense Low. No CNDDB records from Apodemia mormo langei range now reduced to less than 10 acres of patches of food plant, wild buckwheat, in project area Antioch Dunes in Contra Costa County stabilized sand dunes Table C-1. Continued Page 2 of 12 Statusa Likelihood for Occurrence Common and Scientific Name Federal/State California Distribution Habitats in Plan Areab Callippe silverspot butterfly E/– San Bruno Mountain, San Mateo County, Open hillsides where wild pansy (Viola Low. Project area outside current and Speyeria callippe callippe and a single location in Alameda County pendunculata) grows; larvae feed on known range of species Johnny jump-up plants, whereas adults feed on native mints and non-native thistles Amphibians California tiger salamander T/SSC Central Valley, including Sierra Nevada Small ponds, lakes, or vernal pools in High. Covered species under Ambystoma californiense foothills, up to approximately 1,000 feet, and grass-lands and oak woodlands for larvae; proposed Plan (=A. tigrinum c.) coastal region from Butte County south to rodent burrows, rock crevices, or fallen northeastern San Luis Obispo County logs for cover for adults and for summer dormancy Western spadefoot –/SSC Sierra Nevada foothills, Central Valley, Shallow streams with riffles and seasonal Moderate. Suitable habitat present in Scaphiopus hammondii Coast Ranges, coastal counties in southern wetlands, such as vernal pools in annual program area California grasslands and oak woodlands California red-legged frog T/SSC Found along the coast and coastal mountain Permanent and semipermanent aquatic High. Covered species under Rana aurora draytoni ranges of California from Marin County to habitats, such as creeks and cold-water proposed Plan San Diego County and in the Sierra Nevada ponds, with emergent and submergent from Tehema County to Fresno County vegetation; may estivate in rodent burrows or cracks during dry periods Foothill yellow-legged frog –/SSC Occurs in the Klamath, Cascade, north Creeks or rivers in woodland, forest, High. Covered species under Rana boylii Coast, south Coast, Transverse, and Sierra mixed chaparral, and wet meadow proposed Plan Nevada Ranges up to approximately habitats with rock and gravel substrate 6,000 feet and low overhanging vegetation along the edge; usually found near riffles with rocks and sunny banks nearby Reptiles Northwestern pond turtle –/SSC Occurs from the Oregon border of Del Norte Occupies ponds, marshes, rivers, streams, High. Suitable habitat in project area; Clemmys marmorata and Siskiyou Counties south along the coast and irrigation canals with muddy or rocky CNDDB records from inventory area marmorata to San Francisco Bay, inland through the bottoms and with watercress, cattails, Sacramento Valley, and on the western slope water lilies, or other aquatic vegetation in of Sierra Nevada woodlands, grasslands, and open forests Table C-1. Continued Page 3 of 12 Statusa Likelihood for Occurrence Common and Scientific Name Federal/State California Distribution Habitats in Plan Areab Western pond turtle –/SSC The range of the Western Pond Turtle Occupies streams, large rivers, and slow- Extant populations occur within the Clemmys marmorata extends from southern British Columbia moving water; they are most common in Plan area; commonly found in Marsh down through western Washington and areas with large rocks and boulders, Creek through Round Valley south to Oregon and Northern California; the largest where they go to bask in the sun; although Morgan Territory; CNDDB records populations are scattered from southern the turtles need to live around water include 27 documented observations Oregon to California where they are well bodies, they can survive drought in the of western pond turtle within the adapted to the arid climate; the species is more arid regions by digging into the mud inventory area. Covered species uncommon in the rest of its range in dried up riverbeds under proposed Plan California horned lizard –/SSC Sacramento Valley, including foothills, Grasslands, brushlands, woodlands, and High. Suitable habitat in project area; Phrynosoma coronatum south to southern California; Coast Ranges open coniferous forest with sandy or CNDDB records from inventory area frontale south of Sonoma County; below 4,000 feet loose soil; requires abundant ant colonies in northern California for foraging Silvery legless lizard –/SSC Along the Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular Habitats with loose soil for burrowing or High. Suitable habitat in project area; Anniella pulchra pulchra Ranges from Contra Costa County to San thick duff or leaf litter; often forages in CNDDB records from inventory area; Diego County with spotty occurrences in the leaf litter at plant bases; may be found on covered species under proposed Plan San Joaquin Valley beaches, sandy washes, and in woodland, chaparral, and riparian areas Giant garter snake T/T Central Valley from the vicinity of Burrel in Sloughs, canals, low gradient streams and Moderate. Area is on edge of species Thamnophis couchi gigas Fresno County north to near Chico in Butte freshwater marsh habitats where there is a range; no CNDDB records; covered County; has been extirpated from areas prey base of small fish and amphibians; species under proposed Plan south of Fresno also found in irrigation ditches and rice fields; requires grassy banks and emergent vegetation for basking and areas of high ground protected from flooding during winter San Joaquin whipsnake –/SSC From Colusa county in the Sacramento Occurs in open, dry, vegetative Moderate. Suitable habitat in project Masticophis flagellum Valley southward to the grapevine in the San associations with little or no tree cover; it area; CNDDB record from inventory ruddocki Joaquin Valley and westward into the inner occurs in valley grassland and saltbush area coast ranges; an isolated population occurs scrub associations; often occurs in at Sutter Buttes; known elevational range association with mammal burrows from 20–900 meters Alameda whipsnake T/T Restricted to Alameda and Contra Costa Valleys, foothills, and low mountains High. Suitable habitat in project area; Masticophis lateralis Counties; fragmented into 5 disjunct associated with northern coastal scrub or CNDDB records from inventory area; euryxanthus populations throughout its range chaparral habitat; requires rock outcrops covered species under proposed Plan for cover and foraging Table C-1. Continued Page 4 of 12 Statusa Likelihood for Occurrence Common and Scientific Name Federal/State California Distribution Habitats in Plan Areab Birds American white pelican –/SSC Historically, nested at large lakes throughout Freshwater lakes with islands for Moderate. Suitable habitat in project Pelecanus erythrorhynchos California; only breeding colonies in the breeding; inhabits river sloughs, area; no CNDDB records from (nesting colony) state occur at lower Klamath National freshwater marshes, salt ponds, and inventory area Wildlife Refuge, Siskiyou County, and at coastal bays during the rest of the year Clear Lake, Modoc County; winters along the California coast from southern Sonoma Count California brown pelican E/E Present along
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