MUREX? sEsuak HE 009 235.- D 144 452 , 1, TITLE Perspectives anaPlans for Graduate Studies..19, flu .ticai Sciences 1975. - ,,,, INSTITBTION : Ontario Co on Graduate Studies, Toronto. Academic Planning. Advisoty Comiitte 1)6 DATE 77,. 214p. OTE 1, AVAILABLE'FROM,', COuscil2of Ontario Universities, 30 St. e St., .. _ Suite 6039, Toronto, Ontario M5S 214 ($5.00, ch . payable to CeO.U. Holdings Ltd.). EDESPPIRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$11.3T Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Dootbral Pregramb:Employment Patterns;EmpfOyment 'Projectious; Enrollment Projections; *Foreign- CountrieS;'Graduate Students; *Graduate Study; Higher Education; Masters Degraes;'*Mathematics Curriculum; . *Mathematics Education; Needs4Assessment; 1 Persistence; *Statewide Planning; Universities IDENTIFItiS .*Ontario ABSTRACT 0: A planning study for graduate study inthe/ mathematical sciences in Ontario undertaken in1976-77.resUlted in some general and specific,- observationsakbut the Ontario universities. In eneral, graduate work in the mathematicalsciences is' of good-quality, and. most fields of mathematics arecompletely covered in One or anotheruniversity.; sole fields'are indentifie fot. ,further development. Enrollment projections are consideredto be in balance with the number ofgraduatis and job opportunities,although enrollment- to-graduati-gn ratios arelOw for doctoral students. It is recomirended thatthe;utiversities carefully watch enrollment /graduation data and the employment marketfor'changes..It, is alto 4elt,that part-time study be made available at thesister's vhdn feasible. Specific_ recommendations are made forthe individual universities' prOgram development efforts. (MSE) . - t I. *#**********************************w********************************** 4 * -* Documents acquiredby ERIC include many informal unpubli6hed *.laterAals not available from other sources; ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain'the best copy available.Nevertheless, iteasTif-margival 4 reproduciality'are often encountered-and this affects the qualitay * * of the..microkiche nnd'hardcopy reproductionsERIC'efakes availableT * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) .EDRS is not- ' * * responsible for the quality ofthe original'document. Reproductions ** * supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made from the original. * ***********************************************4*********************** , Council of Ontrio Univerities. r-4 Perspectives and Plans o /efaduate, Studies er amilomp1 19 Math-6m Science 1975 .gt Advisory Committee On Academic Planning Ontario' Council on Graduate Studies s4 144 `ISSN 0317-7025 V 4 Council of Ontario Universities Conseil des Universites ede l'Ontario p Co- PERSPECTIVES AND' PLANS FOR- GRADUATE STUDIES 19, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 1975 go t Advisory Committee on Academia. Planning Ontario Council 'on Graduate' Studies ."4.P PERSPECTIVES AND 06ANS'FOR G ATE STUDIES Reports in Print (July, 1977) Price 5 1. Library Scienie 1972 $5.00 - 2.. EduOation 1973 ' 5.00 3. Economics 197.3 5.00 A 4. Geography 1973 _-5.00' / 5. Chemistry 1973 5.00 'So-id Earth SCience 1973 . 5.00 5.00 Sociology 1973 ' An4kopology 1974 3.00 Political Science 1974 5.00 Physical_ Education 1974 5.00 Engineering 1974 A. Chemical Engineering 5.00 B. Electrical Engineering 5.00 C. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 5.00 D. Mechanical Engineering 5.00 E. Industrial Etineering and Systems Design 5.00 F. Civil Engineei-ing 8.00 12. Religious Studies 1974 5.00 13. Planning and Environmental Studies 1974 5.00 14. Physics and ,Astronomy, 1974 5.00 15. History 1974 . 5.00 16. Biophysics 1974 3.00 17. Administration, Business and Management Science 19,74- 5.00 !. 18. Fine Arts 1'974-76 5.00. 19.Mathematical Sciences 1975 5.00 Reports in Preparation (July, 1977) 20. Psychology 1937- Copies of reports in this series may be ordered from: Council of Ontario Universities, 130 St. George Street, Suite 8039, Toronto, Ontario MSS 2T4, Please make cheque payable toi C.O.U. Holdings Limited p 4. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 1975 , TABLE OF CONTENTS. I Page ("A FOREWORD REPORT AND 'RECOTIENDATIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES 1-7 REPORTOF THE ADVISORN. COMMITTEE ON ACADEMCPLANNING. 1-29 OCGS CO:L'IENTS ON THE ACAP REPORT 31-32 DISCIPLINE GROUP' COMMENTS ON THE ACAP REPORT 33-34 commENTs FROM QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY 4" 35 UNIVffRSITY OF TORONTO 36 UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR 37 APPENDICES Appendix A: Report of the Consultants - Al -A103 Appendix B: -Response of the Discipfine Group Bl-B7 Appendix C: University Comments Appendix D: Procedure of Planning Assessment: and Terms of Reference ,D1-D10 Appendix E: Discipline Group Membership El . - . t Appendix F: Roles of ACAP and of Discipline Groups Fl-F4 Appendix G:. Curricula Vitarum of the Consultants Cl-G11 t S. A. i F O R E W O R D '1 The Aiwisory Committee.)-,, Academic Planning (ACAP), as present f_ . constfluted, Was established by the Ontario Council on Graduate Ludies -A at the request of,..the Council Of Ontario Universities in January, 1971. The Advisory COmmittee's terms oY reference were directed broadly toward the effective plinning and rationalization of long -term .graduate clvelopment in Ontario's universities both at the level of individual .disciplines and at a more general level. The Advisory Committee's , activities are based on the premise that graduatelwork is the 'one area 4 of uniersity activity n which specialization among universities, cooperative- arrangements and comprehentive planning are-most necessary. 1 , In March; 1971, concern over the rising costs for support of graduate work prompted the pntarro government to institute a general embargo on funding for any new graduate programme brat is, ine which had po students eprolred on May1, 1971.. This embarg was subsequently modified to include only those dis..A.plines in whi ever - expansion was felt to be % potentially moat serious:.. ACAP was t tgin immediately planning-studies in'thosc disciplines which remaine0 0 bargopd. The disciplinary planning pr,ocAss begins with the formation of a , discipline group composed of cre representative,from each university with an interest in ,graduat work in the planning area. The discipline group assists in defini ' . precise academic 'boundaries of each study, scrutinizes the data collection forms, prepares'a list of potential Consultants, maintains contact with the iionsultant§ during the study, and prepares a commentary on the consultants%wreport. The final decision on consultants for the planning study is made by ACAP. V ! The consultantsiare requested to make recommendations-on programmes to be offered in Ontario, desirable and/or likely enrolments, the division of respon'sibiiity for programmes among Universities,and the desirable extent of collaboration with related disciplines. r. While the con'sultants'report is the single largest element in the, final report on Vile planning study, ACAP considers the statement of each university's forward plans to be most significant. These forward plans ' are usually outlined prior to'the planning study, and are-used as a basis for comments from the universities concerned on the consultants' report. On receipt of the consultants' report, and comments on it from the discipline group,and the universities, ACAP begins work on itsrecom- own., mendations for sub:Mission di'rect,ly to the Council of:pntario Universities. COU considers the input frsm all sources, and prepares the position of the Ontario university community.,4- 4. !-. 'Coumcilrof Ontario Universities Con5eL1 des Uni,VersitA de l'Ontario Report and Recommendations concerninggraduate. studies in Mathematical Sciences On the instructions Apf- the Council of Ontar'i Univerities:;.7the Advisory. Committee-onAcademic Planning has condUcte.d, a planning assessment .for - -th'e-mathematical sciences. The resultant report from-ACAP is attached together with the consultants' report and thecomments onit by the dis- cipline group and the'individual universities, Comments on the ACAP report by the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, the discipline group, Queen's Urtiversity, the University of Toronto,.and the University of Windsor are also published and follow the ACA report. The procedure and techniques used for the assessment are described in the ACAP report.and are-not repeated here. .1t is important for-the reader to read the ACAP report, the comments oni.t and its attachments in order to understand the recommendations in'this report from COU., The ACAP report and supporting documentatiothkere distributed, to COU,F OCGS, the Council ofDeans of Arts and Science and the discipline "group on November 19,1976. Tfreauniversities, OCGS,CDAS- andthe discipline group were asked. 0 to submit to nit.)byDecember 23, 1976, any comments they wt4hed to make on the ACAP report. COU discused the report and theAmments'receiVed at its meeting on January 28,1977. Follow_ino the discussion :et that meet4ng, this Report and Recommendations was _prepared and approved by'the Council.on March. 11,1977. The document-is addkesed to the Ontario Council on University Affairs and the universities of. 6ntario. The following principles have been adopted and will apply to this and all other COU Reports arising out ,of assessments. It is noted, however, that in view of the recent change an the funding mechanism for graduate ,studies, the "currently . embargoed programmes" referred toin-prInciple, should, for Ole purposes of this Report, be interpreted to-mean programmes in mathematital sciences:dealt with in thk planning assessment. 1 , I. Discipline assessments,byACAP should
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