Donated to The LDS Family History Library in appreciation for its services to genealogists Index to Woodfs History of Alameda County History published in 1883 Index compiled as a WPA project in 1936 Index reprinted by The Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society March 1999 FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY J fi \t$ 35 NORTH WEST TEMPLE af'\ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84150 ' \HkJ I V" uV Preface Myron Winslow Wood's "History of Alameda County, California," published in 1883 and reprinted in 1969, is widely held by libraries in California and elsewhere. It contains an index, but only to the names of the prominent men whose biographies appear in the book. A full name and subject index was compiled by the Works Progress Administration in 1936. In contrast to the book itself, this index seems to be rare. A search for it in the online catalogs of the LDS Family History Library, the Library of Congress, the University of California, Sutro Library, the California State Library, the Oakland Public Library and the San Francisco City Library failed to find a copy. The Alameda County Library has a copy of the index (VCa 974 Wood's...) housed in a locked case in the Maurice Marks Center for Local and California History in the Fremont Main Library. It is a typewritten carbon copy manuscript of 223 pages in hard binding. It was the Alameda County Library copy of the index that was used to make the reprint presented here. Since Wood's original book is in widespread use, yet is nominally unindexed, the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society (L-AGS) decided it would be a public service to reprint the public domain WPA index and make it available at cost to libraries and individuals. A better option would have been to post the index on the L-AGS Web site for free access to all. This choice would have been in keeping with L-AGS policy and past practices, exemplified by its posting of the records of local cemeteries and mortuaries. However, the manuscript of the index is so poorly legible that optical character recogni­ tion did not work. Manual keying in of the data would have been too daunt­ ing for L-AGS volunteers and posting scanned images of the index pages would have been prohibitive in Web server space. Hence the decision for hard copy printing. To order the L-AGS reprint of the WPA index to Wood's history, see the ordering information on the L-AGS Web site at: http: / / www.l-ags. org or send an inquiry to: L-AGS P.O. Box 901 Livermore, CA 94551-0901 or to: [email protected] George Anderson Reprint Editor March 18, 1999 HISTORIC SITES AND LANDMARKS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WOOD»S HISTORY OF ALAMEDA COUNTY INDEX For ALAMEDA COUNTY LIBRARY Mary Earmby, Librarian And THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Berkeley, 1936, mrailed under the auspices of Works Progress Administration District #8? Project #65-3-646; Symbol #1873 Project #4269 H. E. Rensch, Supervisor ALAMEDA COUNTY UB»ARV 178599 INSBX TO HIOTOHY of ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Inoluding Its GEOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, SOIL, AND PRODUCTIONS: Together ttlth A Full and Particular Kecord of the Spanish Grants} The Early History And Settlement, Compiled From The Host Authentlo Sources} The Karnes Of Original Spanish And American Pioneers} A Pull Polltioal History, Com­ prising A Tabular Statement Of Officers Of The Count7 Since Its Formation. SEPARATE HISTORIES 0? EACH OF THB T0W3HIP3. Showing Their AdranceniBnt end Progress also INCIDENTS OF PIONEER LIFE, The Raising of the Sear Flag and Biographloal Sketches of Early and Prominent Citizens and Hepresentativre Men. And of its CITIES, TOWNS, CHURCHY, SCHOOLS, SECRET SOCIETIES, 2TC. ——0— ILLUSTRATED OAKLANDS M. S. .V0OD» PUBLISHER 1883. ivvr.y. TO 'fooD'3 HI3T0RY OF ALAMEDA COUNT! • A. A Street ....436, 439, 444, 896 Abbey, W. P ........620 Abbey, Silliam P ........113 Abbott. Rev. Granville 3., D. D .727 ADDOtt, V.TOm u. S. ..•.......«•...........«......*...•.• .748 Able, WillLara ......446 Abraham, Jobn. ...426 Academy, Hill.... 652, 743 Academy of Sluslo 272, 733, 734 Aoalanea, Rancho... 316, 323, 325, 326, 331, 332 Accidents*. .....125, 664, 668 669, 670, 063, 083 Aoedo, Ignacio............ .....72, 73 Aceva, Josef.,... •• • ...74 Aclcorly, Rev. Benjamin...... 421, 592 Act of Incorporation, Alameda... ....404 Alamo, Mr 403 Adams, Hon. Amos......••••...••.••••••••••..••••...«.«..tr,§ Adorns, D. L •• ....•*••..• .....636 ^dama, Ldaon (portrait) .113, 114, 115, 324, 405, 486 491, 492, 501, 503, 504, 668, 587 Adams, ttrs. Ldson, nee Jayne, Hannah J,................1000 Adams, Edeon P. Jr...... .......1000 Adams, Edward * ..••• 1000 Adamo, C. H 295 Adams, R. L. (portrait) ..712, 836, 837 Adams, Dr. J. 3... • .......736 Adams, John C .* 1000 Adams, Julia P * 1000 Adams, R. H 754 Adams, W. C... .....766 Adams Avenue.... •••...•.•••••••••••••265, 418 Adams Point .....568, 571 Adolganda. Bark of Ram burg. ...923 Adeline Street (Regent St.)....240, 241, 260, 285, 567, 670 671, 686, 592, 601, 643, 676, 601, 685 Adler, Charles.......... .....883 Adler, 3 767 Adobe 412, 434, 469, 461, 462, 463 468, 478, 484, 816, 831, 862 Adrlance, J. C. • «... 736 Afflerbaoh, Rev. C. H. ....731 Agard, Dr. A. H. (Board of Health) 720, 721 Agate, brig ....866 Agar, Archie 837 Ager, Fred 837 Ager, J. E....* 409 Ager, Hark * 837 Ager, Mrs. Mark, nee Sanborn, Sarah E,ff, 837 Agerter, S 802 Agiter, S 803 Agricultural College 126, 783, 704 Agricultural College and School of Mines. .....784 Agricultural, Mining and Mechanical Arts College of California. 668 Agricultural Pavilion.* i>««••••••••*.••••«...•«-• ...*«.«644 Agriculture ~...ilI7,1121,1122,1123,1126, 221 285, 302, 373, 375, 376, 394, 412, 413, 414, 417, 433, 434 436, 438, 439, 452, 465 to 468, 476, 482, 636, 638,- 644, 658, 686, 697, 813 to 816, 819, 823v 846, 847, 879. Agua,Caliente(Warm Springs) ».335>, 810,,835 Agua Caliente Rancho *..«116, 460, 816, 926 Agua, Fria, stream 810 Aguil, Josef 74 Ah Path 341 Ah Sam * 362 Aipen, Ventura. 341 Akerly, Benjamin 266, 620, 718, 720, 724, 725 "A la Mariposa", a building #**«~569 AAameda, (Township) first settlers 374,-hotelT-dWellifig,hoU8e 375,-ferry to S. F.,-bridge to San Leandro 376, Incorpor­ ation,-boundaries,-store,-lumberyard,-railroad 377,school- house, -newspaper 378. Second incorporation, town govern­ ment 381, first officers, salaries, poll tax levied, water- supply 382, street fund created 383, gas pipes laid, fire company 388} sewers, franchise for street milmay, Town Hall tuilt, 389; Free Reading Room and Library 396} Ordinance re­ garding minors, houses numbered, Board of Health created.399. Alameda Academy..........................%«............ £960 Alameda AgriculturaliSociity ..666, 6S8,' 644 Alameda Avenue .389 Alameda Baths. .400 Alameda Bridge .581 Alameda Canon.. 20, 32, 126, 630, 810, 834 Alameda Company .23 Alameda County Agricultural Society. 121, 221 Alameda County Gazette. 210, 228, 239, 353, 403, 668 Alameda County Herald 635 Alameda County Independent 620 Alameda County Medieal Society.... ......667, 959 Alameda County savings and Loan Sooiety*.................... 667 Alameda Creek , 80, 31, 82, 62, 63, 124 165, 166, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 206, 209, 229, 231, ;i37, 242, 243, 249, 270, 281, 432, 453, 810, 818, 821, 825, 830, 834, 845, 853, 880, 989, 99ft. Alameda Democrat. •••••••••*••••«•••••••••••••••••••«•. 673 Alameda Fire Department, Citizens Rook and Ladder Co* }it Thomp­ son Hose Co. £l,ve»t End Engine Co* £2, Central Hose Co* $ 3, Pacific Hose Co. #4. 388, 389, Whidden Rose Co* #2 (late %'est End Engine Co. Jl), 409. Alameda Free Library •••.*..»••••• ».*••••••• £96 Alameda Free Reading Room and Library Asaociation........... 396 Alameda Caaett a.............«....»...........»««,«**....«... 609 Alameda Hall Association.........,...*••*..*•*...•*........• 297 Alameda Harmonic Society,..«,•........••••*»•••••••*•.• 388 Alameda and Haywards Railroad... •.•.«»....**•...••.•• 377 Alameda Horse Railroad ••••••••••••••• ••••••••*.«• 400 Alameda Lane.........«..•..,....••..«»..•••....••.....«••... 228 Alaaeia Loan and Building Association ..............*•.. 369 Alameda Macadamising Company........•....*•....•....•. • 685 Alameda Mining District...... 124 Alameda and Oakland Horse Railroad* ..••.....«•..... 709 Alameda, Oakland and Piedmont Railroad*•••...•388, 392, 397, 400 Alameda Oil forks*...........«......••••••.••••••••••*••..*• 409 Alameda Park Hotel.......... .*•••••••••••••• ••••• 380 Alameda Plain............... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 Alameda Planing Mill 409 Alameda Point ••...•••£10, 409, 633 Alameda Presbyterian Church *•••••••*••••••••• ••• 627 Alameda Railroad 172, 173, 230, 232, 237, 378 379, 668 Alameda Road..... •••••••• •••••• 643 Alameda Road Dist*...••••• ...*.•••••• ...«•••* 228 Alameda School...... •••••••••• •••••••405, 406 Alameda, school district ••••1&2, 178, 402, to 406 Alameda Station*.••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• 379 Alameda St.. •• 230 Alameda, The Place of the.. , 62 Alameda Township.. ,•...•372, 410 Alameda Valley............. ..38, 129, 423 Alameda, steamer ,63D, 632, 659 Alameda Eater Company...... 389 Alameda Wharf*..••...••.»•. .123, 398, 629, 631, 659 Alamo, Contra Costa County. HO, 888, 985 Alamo Valley..... *. ...36, 458 Albatross, Ship ..»• • ....92 Alcalde.. * 64. 68, 101, 134, 135, 164 156, 158, 181, 182, 304, 305, 806, 308, 817, 975 Aldan, B. 0 i?26 Aldan, 3. E.»••••••••••••••*•••••..*••............624, 642, 751 Aldermen •••••498, 497, 498, 499, 50$, 507 508, 610, 614, 522, 524, 525, 529 Aldrloh, Miss Elsie E .................................7S4 Aldrlch, 0 ...............V........... 612 Aldrlch, s.
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