Founder's Day Parade Issue Special insert _ '" IDTnIIo.f • opecIal 'I\Iur -. ill laW !be out ........ be __ .... .-.,.. Tbo _ ill aoIf. -""",,_. ........ be_. About the issue The Soldier. and Sallor'. Monument on Academy mn nivenary celebration. The statue overlooks Cbri8t Ia decllcated 10 velerua of the ClvU War. It .... erected Epiocopal Church and the Vietnam War Memorial iD 0eI0ber 1889. 'In time for Stratford" _ . aD' which caD be _D at th. right. Founder's Day floats slated for 350 parade 'IlIo --. io'" _Iiot"' __ ....._ .... qb'L ----­ ___"'_OOIII'~CUIB,_-----­..... __... C-.-. tn .... _ 'lRl1OOI'IIII... 0I0I0 ___ .AIIt _ ''' __ .... _ .. _- ...... - ---.PAlllLylISAL'lBNBiwoaa .... __.. -... a..._ ......... _ ........ _ -....~ 'IUII_,...,~CWB .... __ 'lUll --..1IIIIIII;l8 BWJIO II&MlII CWB boo --... -......... -....... -­ announces A GRAND OPENING Visit our newest superstore In STRATFORD M~y area bands, units scheduled • for Founder's Day The IoIIcnrinc: •• tentative liR: of tho.e bud.t and ......JUDe _ &om BInotloni ODd .,.;phoriDo towns. who ... ..-..tiDcin .... 35Oth F ........• Day Parode. Bridpport _..- Ileportment .......... Uni' _ I\icb School BODd I\icb School BODd eon ..... I\icb School BODd I\icb School BODd Cocmectkut Alumni BODd Drum Corpo Couec:ticut BlUM Sr. Fife A: Drum ComMeticut HurricaDe8 Drum eo.". Deep River Ancienta Sr. Fife &; Drum 200 E. Main ST. Eut Lyme I\icb School BODd I\icb School BODd (Docie SItoppIIIfI CentM) :lilt ~ -... ,C". ',.ow Gootie IfJohIand IIqpIpoo R 'J:- GoopoI 8inpn o.u.,. Plains Drum Corpo 377-8979 Hartford V.F.W. Childrea,'. Fif'e .. Drum I ...... Colonial FIfe .. Drum -OPEN 10:00 AM Marqail of Grandby Jr. FIfe .. Drum r---------------- _tudt Drum BODd Drum Corpo 'TIL MIDNIGHT MilConI VoluDteen Ancien' FIfe .. Dnun 7 DAYS A WEEK Nathan Hale ADcient Sr. Fife 6: Drum. Nauptuck Hish School Band H~ &bool BODd - 3 EVENING RENTALS New York Ancients Sr. Fife 6: Drum - COMPUTERIZED St. John', Colonial Fife Ii: Drum Fife. Drum CHECKOUT Bt. Peter'. Fife 6: Drum BIr>Iinon Sammon I\icb School BODd Spiri' '" Block Rodt IX. BInotlClOd Army N.tioooI GuanI 0IMr Convenient LOCIIIIona: _ClOd I\icb School BODd oFoIrtIoId 8tnIford V.F.W. Trumbulll\icb _ BODd Coming Soon: UDivenit)' of Calmectieut Limit one per customer. ellr'c'gljO ~t. 0r8nge W...... HonIinc I\icb School Olle r valid thru Oct. 23. 1989 W.Wbury PAL. Weotbrook Drum Corpo _____________________3IiOIhFCllJllDeR'SDAV PAAAoe SPECIAL SECTION 3 Chief thanks Parade planners CJdoI of Police IIoborI M = o. ChairmoD of tile _ FoomcIon' ~ Pa­ ...... _ to Ibaok bIa committee membon: Founder's Day Parade Committee "'-*ClUtlilWfIII .... 9IJaII • Where it all began -... ___ -CltIef-- o , ..............___ ..t GioIa --. -... "'- pboW _.101m 'I'IaU .. 1Iao'_1Iarbor whIeIt .. ' d ................. IIPo& oI8Ratbd'a CGdJ,BlDDecbr.IIu7......". __._~Moore. _-'tal... CONTINUE THE MUSICAL SPIRIT OF THE DAY t·-· ~ ~\.. _\.QtO YOU'VE SEEN SOME OF THEM ~~..j ((Q~" IN THE PARADE, NOW SEE ~~ ~ ~ O<t: THEM ON THE FIELD OF COMPETITION. J "'\ .,.si BUNNELL HIGH SCHOOL "'-" r Marchi,. Bulldos Band 0 r ~b~ *ARLINGTON HIGH. N.Y. * NAUGATUCK HIGH. CT. * BUNNELL HIGH. CT. * NORWALK HIGH. CT. *CENTRAL HIGH. CT. PORTCHESTER HIGH. N.Y. *CHESHIRE HIGH. CT. * SOMER HIGH, N.Y. * EAST LYME HIGH. CT. * STONINGTON HIGH. CT. *GREENWICH HIGH. CT. * SOUTHINGTON HIGH. CT * MAHOPAK HIGH. N.Y. * TRUMBULL HIGH. CT. SATURDAY OCT. 7 5:00 P.M. BUNNELL FIELD . AND AS A SPECIAL PRESENTATION THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT MARCHING BAND IN AN EXHIBITION PERFORMANCE . •• .... ...... .. ............... .... .. .0.- •••••• ~_-# ...... '"' ....._ ............. _ "aD7____Ia_ .peela. 10.. 10 lie the blgMt ...Stratford - panIde ba. - ",. panIde ......... 11-. .tarUa. at ~~ a ••••dIDI at TowIlB.o. Special units to perform in parade The foUowiDa is a list of special unite acheduled to pal"­ Youth Group of St. Nicholas Rusaian 0rt.h0cIR Chureh ticipate in the 360th Founder's Day Parade. Sa~ust Clowns, Alley 66 Sterling House Community Center, Cordelia Sterling Unit ABC Nunery School and Kioo.rgart.en Sterling Houae Community Center, Laura Lee Twirlers Aragel&'. Country Kitchen Restaurant and Pom Porn Girls J.F._andSoae Stratford Police Color Guard Chapol_tPl'A Stratford Police SWAT. ChooIUro Dog ~ Club Stratford. Police K·9 crillie Watch of Stratford, Inc. Stratford Rams Pee Wee Football Team CruiIin' East Car Club Stratford Steeler Football John and Elizabeth Curtis/Curtiss Society WCUM-AM 1450 DiaabIed American Veterans of Stratford. Charles K Mer­ ritt #20 WYNY • FM Country 103.5 Beautification Girl Scout Troop #69 St. Mark Church Governor's H... Guard, 2nd Company Stratford Historical Society Society of the Hawley Family St. Joseph's Church of Stratford Milford Police Honor Guard Family Health Network Nichols Elementary School First Congregational Church Order of of the Eastern Star - Azalia Chapter #2 Stratford Baptiat Church Pyramid Temple Motor Patrol (Shriners) Lordship Fathers Club RAP Session for Disabled People Stratford Volunteer Fire Company Iv.c.s.1 .J OH VIDEO SERVICES ARTISTIC" TECHNICAl: VIDEO PRODUCTIONS I ( • Assembly ~diting. Computer Graphics & Titles • Tape Duplication~. Movie & Photo Transfers • Audio Mixing & Re~ording. Video Photography • Installations • VCR Maintenance • Maii OrderWorkT • Dem.6s IIIBCABlFJ1JS10N Congratulations Stratford on Your 350th Birthday! I L\' Cable Store at: 114 River-Street 3770 Main St. Bridgeport Bridgeport 336·2225 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Dock is proud to be a part,of Stratford's 350th Celebration THE ' ~ ~bAVP~~~ __________________________________________~ ____ Tree Warden labored to save Stratford Elms _ ODd held that ........ ill I ..."" ... at .... oaIy ill .... ti_ at IUa 1Wn. 1bo......, ....... .,... Janoako alIo wu preti. dent of Janolko Tree 66. HiI untimely death family I but to all who had "He ... amall in .tatuN, . boI....ty at _'.__ iIl pMitioD until his retire­ created a ~ void, the pleuure of bowinI but • pant ol. man." bori_. meat in 1981. Service, which be fOUDded . m. aIdllI ... tree SUJ1IeOIl ..........__4Oa.1bo_ atDutd> Elm While ..muc .. tree .arden, "anolko ODd ...... kDowIodp ill _._ ....,..t .... hie field b.u • penna.oent plan fur .... __ at College student dedicates oIateIy -. ..wted ill memorial ill .... plan..... hUDdnda at opociaa beiag Dutch Elm _ ... which ......" and ......t;_ at cut down ucliolt. ronvel'. --included ............- at • trees in Stratford. poem to Stratford's 350th Fortunately (or Strat. lJP8Ci.alaolution to the rooU Janoeko, .. many old· Kim c.r.oc:ioIo. ..... .......... -..Tleew.... at .... EIma. AJthouch ..... tilDen will.tteet. .... cred· _IDBucIIah ODd lit.­ .,a. Theodore "Tim" treatment ... in the u- ited by the towD with ~ ..tun: at WfIIIt,em. CoD­ laDOeko. an active COD­ perimental ...... it ... Iiahing Loncbn><>k "ark. An -.. _ uniYwalt7. ~ . who began ru. credited witb saving ardent l portl (.n, he .........._ID ____ ~taI- '" tree IUrpon career in hw>dreda at Elm ....... pI.,..t f~ tJuoucbout 1931. _har_ In 1941. ha qua1ified fur The to. in Stratford the area in hia youth, but alone in UM7 was 275 Elm -- ... opadaI I&ate liceui.Dc after COlD­ be ....... known, in the tribute to the towII'l 3M)t.h pIetinc .peciaI eouneI at trees and in 1949 after to. treatment Stratfoni loIt sparta ar'fIll8., .. rnanqrer 01 InrthdaJ· Yale &nd The UllivenUy of the only 11 Elm.. Holy Name Club. Connecticut. He "Afkr filly .a. of his 8UlX'MI iD u-._ oamed ... member of the Hearina It ...... thi.I team that "vine' Stratfonl', Elms. yean 0( '"" "'"-. 'p'. EumiIliDc Baud at .... graded. the area DOW bown dol"..".. oM _ will. CcJomootieut TIee _ JaDOIIko w.. IIOUgbt after .. • speaker and traveled .. Looatm>ok PvI< ODd tJw -... 0( SWJfo.d live Aaeociatiob in 1942. petitioned the town &0 iD- ..... Frw-d ... fuJun 0( Cootinuinc Ilia education utenBiTely to areu af­ fected by .... blight. An­ otallbleacha.. ODd "'_ .ucceII. .. ODd apodaI_. ha be­ in cient Elma 011 many town the area. came an authority and C4p,oi" Dcuid JudlOra &edurer in N .... EnglaDd OIl green. througbout. the Buy .. be .. with oountry thrived for many Ho ..~ '"""~ up OIl .... ptisht at .... Dutd> Elm boldine membenhip in ~ Hill, _ (or IIU· yean ... !'Mult ofhia dedi- tn.. In 1946 .Ianoeko ... aeyen tree aDd horti­ IDricol **"'- it pm,.. _ted ..... wudonat cu1turaI _ pi.. tho IIIitA ilI __ -. ha IIill had _ '" ha __ Arlo".,.,..". iA KIll CARACCIOLO -- actiw _. member ollDUlJ' -,-- OUT IJO'1 OWII Amtric:GII ,.. elldlel' po.. ibilit;" , of ford, 0 lOW,. 0( I~ , 377-1510 N~I~~!!!~~~EST local cMc aDd ..a..l or­ tiual ".,..."... • pIG« 0( .....,.•• ~o(oMq ... ","""'.oMlliPopWo· __• includillc .... 2M5 *In It., tAcro.. Conn Ha" I.) ~oM __. s..tfanI '00«1 , t,.uctUt"fI and MW at· Stratford Liana Club .... hen Iituda. Caracciolo'l work hal ha portnyod _ CIaua SPECIAUZING TIv IlnIfrwd Libnuy Ihot haen pubIiahad ill .... Boor­ IN HIGHLIGHTING .......... ueetal 10 brVw Mall, y«Jn 0( parada row...... Poetr7 Forum AND PERM WAVING ....,.,..,.Knighto at .......c.Iambua, iIoI)' .. dIleG,ion alld ullde,.· dow,. Moin Strftt tItot ODd .... l'votlT Voioaa at - .......... "....,Ihot _ oM old "..". ..... __ She baa baeD N .... 80ci0\J.ADl:barC1ab 01 America __ • adiw ._...... ilId<>on. fo.word ....... oM .... _at .... lIID_ ..,.u.. at 19I18 bJ tho __..... CoomII7 CIab. SIuiiIw-~C<nIor Ihot _ pride oM ---_Poetry Aerd+= "Tim" .aeeumHd to """" Aaoiw....,. StnII· I [lJi," ,.!~ i'· HAPPT 35Oth~1f1 I STRATFORD Congratulations from a new architectural firm dedicated to From Stratford ~ future! Manager Seth Carley and his trained professional staff Mingolello Sac.kerl&Bayes J.. "We're Happy To Be Here" I Architects It.1!,~197 Barnum Ave. 377.7878 , ••..-: I 3141 ~la i n Strc< t • StrJt forJ Connwic lll(~,4'!i ZIJ .v. \i ~ ·S"K ' ~ --."""'-~~~~~-" "' '--- - -----oo..6 ..... --.. -.... ~ .......~IIIIIIIIi~-1'1J ~----::-----a ... ~*'! .~~~-""' ....--...-.-..",.. •• --..- ... .; •--• « . f T ' C r~.~ ·®RONCDOOE SHC>PPIN6'· ~ 4 ' 7~ Main ~. Strafford (Oppa.... SIIIonIoy) All About Wishes Stratforq A «:eramics HAPPY 350th __ILA. ~ Supplies Day E-mg Classes • Wholesale IIIIC_ Calfor"--' DAIIII'YL T.ZUiLWWMi 378-0613 .
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