TISBURY. WILTSHIRE. [ KELLY'S Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, No. I Schools. district, SidnPy J. Isaac, Hindon; No. 2 district, G!'o. National (boys & girls), with residence for master & Henry Ingram, Donhead St. Andrew mistress, built in I834, for 200 children; average at­ Yaccination Officers, Sidney J. Isaac, Hindon; Grorge tendance, g6 boys & go girls; Frederick Henry H1nton. Henry Ingram, Donhead St. Andrew, & Herbert master; Miss Mary Jane Mabbett, mistress Osmond, Wardour, Tisbury Infant (mixed), with furnished rooms for mistress, buil\ ~fedical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Donhead district, in I86g, for 110 ch1ldren; average attendance, go; Harry Fredk. Stokes Blucke M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Land. Donhead St. .Andrew ; Hindon district, J oseph Mrs. Emily Miles, mistress Charles Blythe L.R.C.P. Southridge house, Hindon; Xewtown Endowed, Church of England (mixed), with Tisbury district, John .Arthur Ensor, Tisbury residence for mistress, built in I846, for Ioo children; Superintendent Registrar, William Marsh, Yeovi!; average attendance, 45; & supported partly by an deputy, Wm. Lathey, Uni(m Workhouse, West Tisbury endowment of £45 yearly & by 1\lrs. Thomas-Benett; Miss Annie Bowden, mistress; the school is licensed Registrars of Births & Deaths, Donhead sub-district, for divine service on sunday George Henry lngram, Donhead St. .An drew ; deput~-, Henry Charlton, Donhead St. .Andrew; Hindon sub­ Chicksgrove, Church of England (mixed). with residence district, Sidney J. Isaac, Hindon ; deputy, John J esse for mistress, built in I872, for 45 children; average Jesty, Fonthill Gifford, Salisbury; Tisbury sub-district, attendance, 29; Miss Annie Baker, mistrpss; the­ Herbert Osmond, Wardour, Tisbury; deputy, William school is used for divine service & has a chapel at­ Toms, East Tisbury tached to it, built in I 878 Registrars of Marriages, George Henry lngram, Donhead Catholic, Wardour (mixed), with residence for the Sisters :::lt. .Andrew; deputy, Henry Charlton, Donhead St. of Charity, built in 1869, ilor 300 children; average An drew attendance, I20; & supported in part by Lord Arun­ Workhouse, West Tisbury, is a building of brick & dell ; Sisters of Charity of St. Vincl'nt de Paul, mis­ stone, built in I868, & will hold I54 inmates, Rev. tresses F:roncis Edmund Hntchinron M . .A. chaplain; John Newspaper.-Weekly Record, James Ridout & Co. Lim. ~hthur Ensor, medical officer; James Isaac, master; printers & publishers, Wa.rdour; published thursday .:\hs. Emily Isaac, matron Railway Station, William Hill, station master. Agent by School Attendance Committee. appointment to the L. & S. W. railway for the deh- ~Ieets at the Union Workhouse when business requires. very of goods & parcels, Harry Woods Clerk, William Marsh, Yeovil Carriers w :-- Attendance & Inquiry Officers, Sidney J. Isaac, Hindon & Salisbury--Thomas Hull, tues. thurs. & sat. & Ebenezer Gt'orge Henry Ingram, Donhead St. Andrew Chivers, tues. thurs. & sat. returning sama days EAST TISBURY. Gray Charles, shopkeeper, Chicks gro Eden & Eden, land & estate agents k PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ha~·rison Ellen (~rs. ), telegraph & vo.luers ; land ageuts to Mrs. Thoma:t- Bracher James Henry post office Stauford; Pyt House cottage; & at Bristol James, Alexandra road Hartwell.Jas. N. mgr.Ashley Wood frm Heytesbury Bristol Miss Caroline Elizabeth, The Hibberd Brothers, linen & woollen Everett Cornelins, farmer, Wick frm .Academy, .Alexahdra road drapers, costumiers, outfitters, hat- Fray William, shopkeeper Bristol :Miss Mary, The Academy, ters, ironmongers, china, glass,fancy Gange Philip, farmer & valuer, Py\ .Alexandra road goods,stationers & house furnishers, House & West Wood farms Britten Mrs High street Gosling Arthur, estate agent to Sir Oombes Cyrus, Prospect house Hibberd Benjamin, temperance hotel MichaelShaw-Stewart bart.Low.Lwn Combes Nicholas, The Lodge & coffee rooms Higgins Geo. farmer, Dennis's farm Ensor John Arthur Howell & Co. grocrs. & provision mers Jukes William, farmer,Ruddlemore fm Fairlie Fairweather, Canonbury house Rowell Thomas, thatcher Lathey William, deputy supt. regis- Ford Henry Hull Thomas, carrier trar, Union workhouse Griffibh Rev. George Waiter B.A. Langdon George, beer retailer Oborne Frederick W. quarry owne:r (curate), The Chantry Lever Geo.Hy.Baker, frmr.Chicksgrve Perrett William, farmer, Po;den's frm Hibberd Arthur, High Street villa Love & Co. coal mers. Railway statn Scammell Wm. blacksmith,East hatch Hibberd Ebenezer, High street Love Charles, boot maker otreet ,Tames, jun. farmer, Hatch frm Hibbcrd Rowland,sen. Cleveland house Love Frank, farmer, Hill Street farm White Robt. farmer, Billhay farm Howell Miss, Rose cottage Love Louisa. S. (Miss), dress maker Howell Jonathun William, Vale view Martin John, painter &c. Hindon rd WARDOUR. Howell Thomas, .Anchor cottage Nurdin Euward, sergeant instructor, Hutchinson Rev. Francis Edmund .Alexandra villas PRIVATE UESIDENTS. M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Sutton James, boot maker .Arundell of Wardour Lord D.L., J.P. Joy Frederick, Alexandra villas Stedman Alfred, watch maker Wardour castle; & .Athenamm club,. Killgl!l Mrs. Hindon road St-rong Frank, chimney sweeper London SW Kipling John Lockwood, The Gables Sweatman Thos. farmer, Ham cross Graham Rev. John (Catholic) Lush Alfred E. Alexandra cottage Thorn John, eoach builder, carpenter Hibberd Anthony, Torriton Miles Mrs. .Alexandra villas & wheelwright, High street Hibberd Ebenezer E. Caer-Gloew Payne Nelson, Alexandra villas Tit~ Ed~ar, maltster; & at Font- Hibberd Rowland, jun. Selwood Shanklin Rev. Benj.(CQng.),TheManse hill G1fford Howell John, Fairholme Turner Hy. farmer, Weaveland farm Jukes Alfred, New road COMMERCI..lL. Viney Wm. John, The Compasses P.H Lush George Bracher Jas. Hy. farmer, Place farm Webster Susanna (Miss), milliner & Mounty Henry Bake~ Samuel, carpenter & wheel- fancy repository Osmond Edwin, Ivy cottage ~right, Al~:xand~a road . Wilkins John, carpenter Osmond Miss, Laurel cottage Bristol Chroline Ehzh.&Mary (Misses), Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited Ponton George school for young ladies & boys, The (agency of) attend on mondays & Robinson Rev. James (Catholic) ~cademy, Alexandra _road thursdays, 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at Styring Fredk. Hy. Slade, Albany ho­ Chivers Ebf'nezer, carrier Howell & Co.'s, High street· draw Styring Theodore, .Albany house Combes Cyrus, hydraulic, drainage & on London & Westminster' Bank Toms William, Gaston house sanitary engineer & land surveyor Limited, London E C W atkins Franc-is, Hill side Combes Daniel, farmer, Chicksgrove & Wiltshire (Ist) Rifle Volunteers (I Co. Whitchurch Edwin Ridgway Blatch Ap_shill farms Capt. 0. S. M. P. Maton, commndr) Dommy James Henry, baker, grocer, Yates Samuel, blacksmith CO::UMERCllL. corn & flour dealer .Abbott Harry, hair dresser Ensor John Arthur M.R.C.S.Eng. sur- WEST TISBURY, .Alford James & Co. coal merchants- geon, medical officer & public vac- Bristol Miss, West End cottage & farmers cinator for Tisbury district & work- Fletrher Hamilton, Pyt house Bailey Alfred, nursery & seeds man house & medical officer of health to Gogling .Arthur, Lower Lawn Baker William, shopkeeper & butcher rural district 'COuncil Smith Leonard, West cottage Ball Benjamin, ironmonger Fairlie Fairweather, tailor & draper Steadman Mrs. Fairview Ball J ames, plasterer Ford Henry, carpenter COMMERCIAL. Bugg Charles, Arundell Arms hotel Ford Sidney, grocer Alford Jn. farmer,Hill'her& Low.Lawn Bull Arthur, ladies' outfitter Ford Thomas Edward, cabinet maker Hurt Frederick, rate '"'collector Burridge Wm. builder & shopkeeper Fray Henry, bill poster, Alexandra rd Cox Charles, shopkeeper Burt John Henry, farmer, Bridzor .
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