J Med Genet 1992: 29: 289-290 289 Annotation J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.5.289 on 1 May 1992. Downloaded from Cone and cone-rod dystrophies The retinal dystrophies are a genetically het- examination is usually normal. Two main erogeneous group of disorders which may be forms are recognised. In complete achroma- seen as an isolated ocular abnormality or may topsia (rod monochromatism) there are no be associated with other systemic disease. In functioning cone photoreceptors in the retina.4 most disorders the underlying disease mechan- Vision is reduced to the level of about 6/60, ism is not known, so that classification is un- there is no true colour perception, and there satisfactory. There is great clinical heterogen- are normal rod but absent cone responses on eity even among dystrophies which share a electroretinography. Inheritance is autosomal common mode of inheritance. At present, dys- recessive but there may be more than one trophies are most usefully classified according form. Incomplete achromatopsia or blue cone to whether they are stationary or progressive monochromatism is an X linked recessive dis- and whether there is predominantly macular order which presents in a similar fashion but or generalised retinal disease. The latter group has a better visual prognosis.58 Colour vision is subdivided on the basis of whether there is testing and electroretinography show evidence involvement of rod or cone photoreceptors or of normal rod and blue cone function but both. Most disease is progressive and even- absent red and green cone responses."' tually involves both types of photoreceptors. Female heterozygotes may show evidence of Patients with predominantly rod disease com- abnormal cone responses on electroretin- plain of difficulties with night vision and in the ography." Nathans et al,7 in a recent study of early stage of the disease will have normal 12 families with this uncommon disorder, visual acuity and colour vision. Cone dysfunc- found a rearrangement of the red and green tion may be suspected if there is photophobia, cone opsin genes or deletion of an adjacent fine nystagmus, reduced visual acuity, and regulatory region in each case. abnormal colour vision. Although in some cases the diagnosis may be made on the basis of a history and clinical examination alone, Progressive cone and cone-rod further tests of rod and cone function are often dystrophies needed. All regional genetic units should have The progressive cone dystrophies usually pre- http://jmg.bmj.com/ access to a specialised electrodiagnostic service sent in adolescence or early adult life with where isolated cone and rod responses can be reduced vision. Photophobia and nystagmus reliably recorded in both adults and young are common findings and, in contrast to achro- children. This is important for diagnosis but matopsia, there is usually evidence of atrophy also for recognition of the carrier status in X of the retinal pigment epithelium in the macu- linked dystrophies. lar area, giving rise to a so called 'bulls eye' appearance. Colour vision is abnormal at an early stage and the defect is usually of the red- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Stationary cone dystrophies green type. Electroretinography shows absent Cone dystrophies may be conveniently classi- or substantially abnormal cone responses. fied according to their natural history. The Many patients who present with symptoms stationary cone dystrophies include the com- and signs of a cone dystrophy later develop moner colour vision defects in which there is night blindness and abnormalities of the rod abnormal colour vision but normal visual electroretinogram and are then said to have a acuity, and the different forms of achromatop- cone-rod dystrophy. Cone or cone-rod dys- sia where the colour vision defect is accompan- trophy is usually seen in otherwise normal ied by reduced acuity and nystagmus. Colour subjects but has been reported in association vision in man is trichromatic, that is, there are with the Pierre-Marie type of hereditary three classes of cone photoreceptors that con- ataxia 2 and amelogenesis imperfecta.13 tain visual pigment, maximally sensitive at There are clearly many different disorders 560 nm (red cones), 535 nm (green cones), and with cone dysfunction.'4 15 Some represent 440 nm (blue cones). The genes for the protein pure cone dystrophies but in others, perhaps component (opsin) of the red and green cone the majority, there is later evidence of rod pigments have been localised to adjacent re- dysfunction. At present there is insufficient gions of the long arm of the X chromosome evidence to classify these diseases other than and the blue cone opsin to chromosome 7. 2 by their mode of inheritance. This may be About 8% of men and about 0 5% of women autosomal recessive,6 17 autosomal domin- have a defect in the red-green system and these ant,'4 1821 or X linked recessive,22-24 but there is colour vision defects are associated with ab- clinical heterogeneity within these subtypes. normalities of the red and green opsin genes. 1-3 Many cases are sporadic but in patients with a Achromatopsia presents in infancy with poor family history autosomal dominant inheritance vision, photophobia, and nystagmus. Fundus is most common. 290 Moore 2 Nathans J, Piantanida TP, Eddy RL, Shows TB, Hogness Specialised electrophysiological'6 and psy- DS. Molecular genetics of inherited variation in human chophysical'7 21 24 tests of rod and cone function colour vision. Science 1986;232:203-10. may help identify specific patterns of disease. 3 Nathans J. The genes for colour vision. Sci Am 1989;260:42-9. Went et al in this issue describe a family with a 4 Sharpe LT, van Norrend D, Nordby K. 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A progressive cone rod dystrophy pigment density) in a group of obligate hetero- and amelogenesis imperfecta: a new syndrome. .7 Med Genet 1988;25:738-40. zygotes. They were able to identify abnormal- 14 Goodman G. Ripps H, Siegel IM. Cone dysfunction syn- ities in 87%, but these tests remain research dromes. Arch Ophthalmol 1963;70:214-31. 15 Weleber RG, Eisner A. Cone degeneration ("bulls eye techniques that are not routinely available dystrophies") and colour vision defects. In: Newsome even in regional ophthalmology units. Accur- DA, ed. Retinal dystrophies and degenerations. New York: ate genetic counselling will have to await the Raven Press, 1988;233-56. 16 Gouras P, Eggars HM, MacKay CJ. Cone dystrophy, localisation of the abnormal genes. nyctalopia and supernormal rod responses. A new retinal Although patients may be helped sympto- degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 1983;101:718-24. 17 Yagasaki Y, Jacobson SG. Cone-rod dystrophy. 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