HOT STUFF/GEN. ANDREWS Newsletter #22 June 2018 JIM’S CORNER Memorial Monument dedicated The monument was dedicated on on May 3, 2018 May 3, 2018. I know I’m being a bit prejudiced but the dedication and memorial service were won- derful and the monument is abso- lutely beautiful. I want to thank the many people who helped organize and participated in the day’s events. The United States Air Force and United States Embassy provided incredible support. Jill Eposito U.S. Chargé d’Affairs and USAF Defense Attaché to Iceland, Lt. Col. Jeremy Saunders could not have been more helpful. And, many Icelanders volunteered and helped to ensure that the dedica- Monument Dedication Ceremony tion would be a success. More than 100 Americans, friends from Sweden and the United Kingdom and many Icelanders were there to see the dedication that included the unveiling of the monument, the placing of the wreaths, the playing of TAPS and a B-52 fly-by; an event that I be- lieve none of us will ever forget. Lt. Gen. Andrews, members of his staff, the three chaplains and the crew of Hot Stuff will now be remembered for as long as the monument stands. Jim Lux Monument after the dedication Page 1 Monument installation on May 28, 2018 Going to Europe? Stop in Iceland on the way. Icelandair, the only way to Fly! Page 2 Monument Dedication Events beginning on May 2, 2018 Reykjavik from the Fosshotel Several people arrived in Iceland ple on the tour. a day or two early to do some ex- Those who went on the tour had tra sight-seeing but most arrived a great time and arrived back in the early morning on May 2nd, at the hotel in time for the Wel- the day before the dedication. GT come Buffet Dinner. The food, Travel arranged a tour for them. as it was with every meal, was They were picked up by two bus- outstanding and everyone had a es and taken to the Fosshotel in chance to meet one another. The Reykjavik where they had coffee Fosshotel, Reykjavik is rated and rolls waiting for them and four star but the food and service the hotel arranged for everyone were definitely five star! to check-in at 10:00 am; in time Everyone received a custom bag Buffet Desserts Lutheran Church where the funeral Christ the King’s Church Hofdi House where for 13 of the 14 who died took place where Sgt. Jeffers’ Funeral Reagan & Gorbachev took place meeting took place to freshen up before going on the containing special items includ- tour of Reykjavik. Lunch was ing the tour schedule, Memorial supposed to take place at the fa- Service Program, a biography mous Perlan Restaurant but, un- of Lt. Gen. Frank Maxwell An- fortunately, the restaurant had a drews and a DVD of the video fire a few days earlier. GT Travel “Triumph & Tragedy.” amazingly found a fine restaurant to accommodate the eighty peo- Hallgrim’s Church Page 3 Monument Dedication Day, May 3rd pact the monument dedication. ly member of Hot Stuff crew Jim left early for the monument member Sgt. Grant Rondeau site which is about twenty miles played TAPS. west of the Reykjavik. He ran into high winds and a blinding snow A B-52 Stratofortress from the storm for about fifteen minutes but 5th Bomb Wing out of Minot by the time he arrived at the site Air Force Base in North Dako- the snow had stopped but it was ta and an Iceland Coast Guard helicopter made spectacular still windy and cold. It was decid- passes over the monument in ed not to have any speeches during honor of Hot Stuff’s passen- the dedication. gers and crew. Fridthor Eydal, historian & author The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard The B-52 flew all the way from Ramstein Air Base Germany Presentation by from Minot and stayed in or- opened the ceremonies with the Fridthor Eydal bit just off the west coast un- raising of the American and Ice- The morning began with a presen- til they were called in to make land flags. A band from Keflavik tation about Iceland in World War the pass. It was fortunate that played the national anthems of II and the Cold War by historian the weather cleared so that the Iceland and the USA. Jim spoke and author, Fridthor Eydal. He bomber could be seen from a briefly and invited Lt. Gen. Rich- gave an excellent slide presenta- distance as it approached the ard Clark, Commander of the 3rd tion and talked about the invasion monument, a truly impressive Air Force, United States Air Forc- of Iceland by Great Britain and sight. how it was not well received. He es in Europe, Jill Esposito, U.S. also described how Iceland sup- Embassy Charge d’Affairs, Gud- The audience sounded their ported the Allies during the war laugur Thor Thordarson, Iceland approval of the monument and after the War as a member of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thor- when it was unveiled and ev- NATO. steinn and Olafur Marteinsson (the eryone got a chance to take monument was their idea) to assist photographs and videos of the Monument Dedication in the unveiling and placing of the monument and in front of it. Ceremony wreaths. Manny Aldaz a fami- It appeared the weather might im- Monument Unveiling Placing of the Wreaths Page 4 Memorial Service at the Andrews Theater The memorial service began with was provided by the outstanding with his brother Thorsteinn) for the presentation of the colors by United States Air Force Europe a monument, James Root, Pres- the United States Air Force Eu- “Winds Aloft” Band. ident of the 93rd Bombardment rope Honor Guard. The invo- Group Association; Jim Lux; The service included speeches cation was given by Reverend and George Jung, member of the by Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, Fritz Berndsen from the Keflavik 93rd BG Assoc. who read the Iceland; Jill Esposito, United Lutheran Church. A video was sonnet “High Flight.” shown of 95 year old Bill Gros States Embassy Chargé d’Af- fairs; Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, welcoming everyone to the me- The video “A Story of Triumph Commander 3rd Air Forces in morial service. Bill was the best & Tragedy,” the story of Hot Europe; Col. E. John “Dragon” friend of the Ken Jeffers the radio Stuff and Gen. Andrews was also Teichert, Command or Joint operator who died in the crash of shown during the ceremony. Hot Stuff. Music before, during Base Andrews and the 11th and after the Memorial Service Wing; Olafur Marteinsson, Ice- lander whose idea it was, (along USAFE “Winds Aloft: Band USAFE Honor Guard Reverand Berndsen Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson Jill Esposito, US Embassy Chargé d’Affairs Lt. Gen. Richard Clark Iceland Minister of Foreign Affairs Page 5 Cmdr, 3rd Air Force, USAFE & USAFA Memorial Service at the Andrews Theater Olafur Marteinsson, Icelander who Col. E. John “Dragon” Teichert James Root, President of the had the idea for a monument Cmdr., Joint Base Andrews & 11th Wing 93rd Bombardment Group Association Jim Lux George Jung, 93rd Bombardment Group Iceland Chorus Association Member Visiting the 5th Bomb Wing B-52 Crew from Minot AFB, Minot, ND B-52 makes a fly-by over the monument honoring Hot Stuff’s passengers and crew Page 6 Photos of some cold but happy people who attended the Monument Dedication Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 The Video “A Story of Triumph Monument Dedication Slide Show & Tragedy” Updated on YouTube The video of “ A Story of Triumph and Tragedy” A slide show video containing 235 photographs is has been updated to include video of the mon- available for viewing on YouTube: ument dedication and the film clip newsreel of https://youtu.be/zn2ggjcPq4U Gen. Andrews has been replaced with a much Photos provided courtesy of: Christopher Cain, Bob Clark, George Jung, clearer version. Oddgeir Karlsson, Jim Lux, Nancy Lux Doddi It can be viewed on YouTube: Martiensson, Glenn Rondeau, Scott Stewart https://youtu.be/KcUqY51COS0 USAF Emmeline James 11th Wing, JBA, USAF 89th Air Wing Frank Andrews Page 10 We Did It! Photo courtesy of Sue Andrews Thank you to everyone who has helped make this beautiful monument a reality. The monument is the result of a joint effort by caring Icelanders and Americans. It’s difficult to put into words how much I appreciate the encouragement and support I have received for the last six years. To my friends Doddi and Oli Marteinsson: Your suggestion of a monument to honor Americans on Iceland soil was such an inspiration, I knew, with your help, we would make it happen. And, we did make it happen! To the 93rd Bombardment Group Association: Your support for the monument project was crucial to raising funds for the monument. To the members and staff of Lost Creek Country Club in Austin, Texas: Thank you for participating in the four fund raiser golf tournaments which raised a significant portion of the funds needed for the monument. To United Heritage Charity Foundation in Austin, Texas: Thank you for your financial assistance and for sponsoring two of the fund raiser golf tournaments. To Scott Stewart, President of Nebraska Printing Center: Thank you for providing all of the marketing materials, a copy of book “Ted’s Travelling Circus” to everyone who donated $250 or more and the wonderful plaques to those who attended the Monument Dedication Banquet in Iceland. To Terry Hinde: Thank you for building the magnificent stainless steel model of Hot Stuff and going to Iceland to meet with S: Helgason and Graf & Grjort to suggest ways to install the sculpture.
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