THE ROLE OF OVERSEAS MISSIONS IN THE FOREIGN POLICY OF FIJI: AN ANALYSIS OF THE DIPLOMACY OF A SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATE. By MILIKA WAQAINABETE A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Arts in Politics and International Affairs. Copyright © 2012 by Milika Waqainabete School of Government, Development and International Affairs, Faculty of Business and Economics University of the South Pacific Dedication I dedicate this thesis to our Lord Jesus Christ whose guidance and wisdom enabled me to persevere, husband Mosese and children Jone, Vika and Alena for their unwavering support and encouragement for its completion. Acknowledgement I wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the guidance and direction given to me by my supervisor, Dr Sandra Tarte, the staff of the National Archives and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for their assistance, the I-Taukei Affairs Scholarships Unit for funding this research, as well as the interviewees listed below who gave valuable information for the compilation and completion of this thesis. Mr Solo Mara Mrs Mere Mr Winston Falemaka Thompson Mr Isikeli Mataitoga Mrs Mere Tora Mr Berenado Vunibobo Mr Kaliopate Ms Taufa Vakatale Tavola Mr Filipe Bole Ms Tupou Raturaga Mr Emitai Mr Lote Buinimasi Boladuadua Ms Yolinda Chan Mr Jesoni Mr Robin Yarrow Dr Roman Vitusagavulu Grynberg Mr Sekove Mrs Litia Mawi Naqiolevu Mr Peter Donigi Mr Naipote Mr Amena Yauvoli Mr Jeremaia Katonitabua Waqanisau Mr Jone Mr Anare Jale Draunimasi Mr Akuila Waradi Ms Tupou Vere Mr Jone Mr Ross Ligairi Vukikomoala Mr Isikia Savua Mr Pio Tabaiwalu Mr Jioji Mr Tuiloma Neroni Kotobalavu Slade Mr Filimoni Jitoko 1 Abstract Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in international relations are generally viewed to be weak, vulnerable and marginalised in world affairs. They also have few foreign policy instruments and limited means to exercise influence and promote their interests in the international arena. In this context overseas missions are seen to play a particularly vital role in SIDS foreign policy. At the same time, SIDS must maximize the limited diplomatic resources at their disposal and strategically manage and negotiate the challenges they confront in conducting their foreign policy. These include budget restrictions, lack of skilled expertise, institutional weaknesses and a lack of national capacity. This research focuses on a Pacific small island developing state, Fiji, and examines the role and effectiveness of its overseas missions within the context of its evolving foreign policy. A selection of Fiji’s current and former diplomats was interviewed and literature from the UN, Commonwealth, Pacific Islands Forum and Fiji’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided qualitative data for this research. Political upheavals since 1987 have led to Fiji’s Look North foreign policy and the establishment of new overseas missions in Asia and further afield. In addition, diplomatic sanctions as a result of political instability have challenged the work of overseas missions. The diversification of Fiji’s foreign policy is also an indication of its export oriented foreign policy in the context of globalization and the erosion of trade preferences. This research highlights the challenges faced by Fiji’s overseas missions, operating on a restricted budget and with limited staff. As Fiji expands its diplomatic network, this study also underscores the importance of Fiji developing a professional diplomatic corps able to represent the state, to negotiate on its behalf, and to manage the affairs of the overseas mission effectively and efficiently. i Abbreviations AAPP Asian Parliaments for Peace ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific ANZUS Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States APDC Asia Pacific Development Centre ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations BRICS Brazil, Russia, India and China CABI Commonwealth Bureau International CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women CEO Chief Executive Officer CFTC Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting CIRA Centre for International and Regional Affairs CPPCC China’s People’s Political Consultative Conference CSA Commonwealth Sugar Agreement CSR Colonial Sugar Refinery Company CSC Commonwealth Science Council CYP Commonwealth Youth Programme DFAT Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ii ECOSOC Economic and Social Council ECU European Currency Unit EDF European Development Fund EEC European Economic Community EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EPA Economic Partnership Agreement ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific EUA European Union of Account EU European Union FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change FDB Fiji Development Bank FESP Fiji Education Sector Program FFA Forum Fisheries Agency FIC Forum Island Countries FLNKS Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front FRCA Fiji Revenue Customs Authority FSC Fiji Sugar Cooperation FTIB Fiji Trades and Investment Board FVB Fiji Visitors Bureau G20 Group of 20 major economies G77 Group of 77 Developing nations iii GA General Assembly GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GDP Gross Domestic Product GPS General Preferential System H.E His Excellency HoM Head of Mission ICC International Criminal Court ICT Information Communication Technology IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development ILO International Labour Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund IMO International Maritime Organisation INC Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee ISO International Sugar Organisation JCC US-Pacific Islands Joint Commercial Commission JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JOCV Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers LDC Least Developed Countries MFO Multilateral Force and Observers MFO Multinational Force Organisation MIDA Malaysian Industry Development Authority MIM Mauritius International Meeting iv MSG Melanesian Spearhead Group MTC Malaysian Technical Cooperation NAM Non-Aligned Movement NGO Non-governmental Organisation NMA National Marketing Authority ODA Overseas Development Assistance OISCA Organisation for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement International OPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries PACER Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations PALM Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting PICTA Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement PIC Pacific Island Country(s) PIF Pacific Islands Forum PIPA Pacific Islands Producers Association PNG Papua New Guinea PSIDS Pacific Small Island Developing States RAMSI Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands SAP Structural Adjustment Package SDL Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua SG Secretary General SIDS Small Island Developing State v SOPAC Pacific IslandsApplied Geoscience Commission SPARTECA South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation SPBD South Pacific Business Development SPC South Pacific Commission SPEC South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation SPNFZ South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme STABEX Stabilisation of Export Earnings SVT Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei TCF Textile, Clothing and Footwear TFZ Tax Free Zone UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNAMI United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Program UNESCO United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNGOMAP United Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan UNIFIL United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon vi UNIKOM United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observer Mission UN PBC United Nations Peace Building Commission UNTAG United Nations Transition Assistance Group USA United States of America WCPF Western and Central Pacific Fisheries WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development WTO World TradeOrganisation vii Table of Contents Abstract Page ii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Definitions 4 1.3 Rationale 4 1.4 Objectives of the Study 5 1.5 Sources of Data and Methodology 5 1.6 Organisation of the Thesis 6 Chapter 2: Small States Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Definition of Small Island Developing States 9 2.3 Distinctive features of Small Island Developing States 12 2.4 Small Island Developing States Foreign Policy 14 2.4.1 Internationalist Principles 14 2.4.2 Climate Change 15 2.4.3 Trade 16 2.4.4. Overseas Development Assistance 18 2.5 Diplomacy of Small Island Developing States 18 2.6 Small Island Developing States Overseas Missions 27 2.7 Role of Overseas Mission 28 2.7.1 Effectiveness of Overseas Missions 33 2.8 Conclusion 33 viii Chapter 3 Fiji’s Foreign Policy – Continuity and Changes 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 Mara Years (1970 – 1990) 37 3.2.1 Overseas Missions 40 3.2.2 Foreign Policy Trends 43 Regional Cooperation 43 Preferential Trade Agreements 46 International Law 47 Trade 50 Overseas Development Assistance 50 Tourism 56 Relations with Asia 57 3.3 Post Mara Years 1990 – 2010 60 3.3.1 Historical Developments 60 3.3.2 Foreign Policy Trends 61 3.4 Continuities 61 3.4.1 Group Diplomacy at the UN 61 3.4.2 Regional Cooperation and Diplomacy 63 3.4.3 Economic ties with EU, Australia and New Zealand 66 3.4.4. Key Issues – Environment, Security, ODA 69 3.5 Changes 73 3.5.1 Diversification of Foreign Partnerships 75 3.5.2 New Overseas Missions 77 ix 3.6 Conclusion
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