MANSFIELD DISTRICT September 2016 Children & Young People's Profile The child population in this area 1,311 live births in 2015 6,709 children aged 0-4 yrs 6.3% of the total population 24,220 children aged 0-19 yrs 22.7% of the total population 24,551 children aged 0-19 yrs predicted in 2021 22.7% of the total population 519 children of school age from black / ethnic minority backgrounds 4.3% of the school age population 26% of children from lone parent families 21.8% of children aged 0-15 yrs living in poverty 12% of population live in top 10% of national most deprived areas * Children living in poverty maps are based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index Children living in poverty * (IDACI) which shows the percentage of children in each area that live in families that are income deprived and in receipt of certain benefits. Nottinghamshire Mansfield District This map shows the differences in the This map shows the differences in the levels of child levels of child poverty in Nottinghamshire. poverty between small areas within Mansfield district. Data sources: Live births, population estimates: ONS midyear esitmates 2015; population projections, ONS 2014-based Subnational Population Projections; Black / Ethnic minority maintained school population, School Census January 2016; children living in poverty, IDACI 2015. Map data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved (Nottinghamshire County Council) O.S. Licence No. 100019713, 2016. Produced by Performance, Intelligence and Policy, Nottinghamshire County Council. Children & Young People's Profile for MANSFIELD DISTRICT The chart below shows a profile of outcomes for children and young people in Mansfield district compared to the rest of England. The local result for each indicator is shown as a symbol, against the range of results for England which is shown as a bar. District England Average Average Better or in line with England average England England Worst Best Worse than England average 25th 75th Percentile Percentile Mansfield Eng Eng Eng Domain Indicator England Range District Avg Worst Best 1. % children becoming subject of a child protection plan for 1 17.3 16.6 43.8 0.0 second or subsequent time 2 2. No. of children subject to a S47 enquiry (per 10,000) 230.5 138.2 474.8 37.2 3. % children with a discontinued child protection plan that 3 0.0 3.7 13.9 0.0 lasted for two years or more 4 4. Numbers of Looked After Children (rate per 10,000) 84.8 60.0 158.0 0.0 Safeguarding 5. Infant mortality rates (under 1 year of age per 1000 live 5 2.7 4.0 7.1 1.3 births) 6 6. Domestic Violence and Abuse TBC TBC TBC TBC 7 7. Life expectancy at birth - Female 81.8 83.2 79.8 86.7 8 8. Life expectancy at birth - Male 78.1 79.6 74.7 83.3 9 9. Life expectancy at 65 - Female 20.1 21.2 18.8 24.6 10 10. Life expectancy at 65 - Male 18.2 18.8 15.9 21.6 11 11. % term babies with low birth weight (<2500 grams) 4.0 2.9 5.8 1.6 12. Breastfeeding initiation (% breastfeeding within first 48 12 62.4 74.3 47.2 92.9 hours) 13 13. Breastfeeding prevalence (% breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks) 29.0 43.8 19.1 81.5 14 14. % mothers smoking at time of delivery 24.2 11.4 27.2 2.1 15 15. Under 18 conceptions rate per 1000 24.9 22.8 42.4 8.4 16. Under 18 conceptions: % conceptions that result in 16 47.8 51.1 80.8 31.0 termination of pregnancy Health (PH Outcomes Framework) 17. Excess weight in 4-5 year old (reception) - proportion 17 21.8 21.9 27.4 14.9 obese and over weight 18. Excess weight in 10-11 year olds (Year 6) – proportion 18 33.2 33.2 43.2 21.5 obese and over weight 19. Hospital admissions caused by injuries in children (0-4 19 155.3 137.5 292.4 45.0 years) per 10,000 20. Hospital admissions caused by injuries in young people 20 150.0 131.7 287.1 67.1 (aged 15-24) per 10,000 21. Alcohol specific hospital admissions (under 18s) per 21 36.9 36.6 92.9 11.0 100,000 22 22. % children with an Education Health and Care Plan 1.6 2.8 4.6 0.7 Performance, Intelligence and Policy Team Children & Young People's Profile for MANSFIELD DISTRICT The chart below shows a profile of outcomes for children and young people in Mansfield district compared to the rest of England. The local result for each indicator is shown as a symbol, against the range of results for England which is shown as a bar. District England Average Average Better or in line with England average England England Worst Best Worse than England average 25th 75th Percentile Percentile Mansfield Eng Eng Eng Domain Indicator England Range District Avg Worst Best 23. Early years foundation: % achieving good level of 23 61.7 66.3 50.7 77.5 development 24. % FSM children achieving a good level of development at 24 42.5 51.0 38.0 71.0 the end of reception 25. Percentage of eligible two year olds taking up free 25 66.4 70.1 37.1 100.0 childcare 26. % Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the 26 70.3 77.0 69.0 87.0 phonics screening check 27. % overall absence in primary, secondary and special 27 5.0 4.6 5.8 3.4 schools 28. % achievement of 5+ A*-C (inc. English & Maths) at Key 28 49.5 57.3 37.4 73.7 Stage 4 Educational attainment 29. 5+ A*-C (inc. English & Maths) achievement gap between 29 20.1 27.9 41.8 9.0 pupils eligible for FSM and their peers at Key Stage 4 30. % young people who have attained a full Level 3 30 50.4 60.9 43.1 90.9 qualification by age 19 (COUNTY-LEVEL) 31. % 16-17 year olds not in education employment or training 31 2.0 N/A N/A N/A (NEET) 32 32. % children eligible for FSM (primary schools) 14.7 14.5 33.0 4.8 33 33. % children eligible for FSM (secondary schools) 15.5 13.2 41.6 2.2 34. First time entrants to the youth justice system aged 10-17 34 448.0 402.0 824.0 126.0 (rate per 100,000) Early Help Support 35. % MASH contacts completed with an outcome of Pass to 35 11.8 N/A N/A N/A Early Help Sources (numbers in bold refer to the above indicators) 1,2,3: DfE SFR41/2015 (as at 31st March 2015) 4: DfE SFR34/2015 (as at 31st March 2015) 7,8,9,10: Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) 2012-14 11,15,16: PHOF, 2014 12,13,17,18,19,20: PHOF, 2014/15 14: PHOF, 2014/15 NB No data available for Ashfield, Broxtowe or Gedling 22: DfE SFR20/2016 (as at January 2016) 23,24: DfE SFR36/2015 (2015) 25: Feb 2016 Voluntary Survey on two-year take up 26: DfE SFR32/2015 (2015) 27: DfE SFR10/2016 (2014/15) NB National comparison based on six half terms, district data based on five 28,29: DfE SFR01/2016 (2014/15) 30: DfE SFR12/2016 (2014/15) 31: No national comparison data available 32,33: School Census (January 2016) 34: Youth Justice Annual Statistics (2014/15) Performance, Intelligence and Policy Team.
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