Vicenza and Darby Military Communities www.italy.army.mil May 26, 2017 | Vol. 50 | Issue 10 What’s Inside 5th annual summit in Africa deemed a success Story and photo 2 by Sgt. Paige Behringer Reminder: Remain alert USARAF Public Affairs Office MALAWI — Flags of 44 nations flew above “The Warm Heart of Africa” from 3 May 8 through 11, signaling the presence Bavaria set to host of senior military leaders united in the 10-miler qualifier name of partnership. The Malawi Defense Force (MDF) hosted the fifth annual African Land Forces Summit, bringing together land 6 force chiefs from the United States, Unit- Health Hour on AFN radio ed Kingdom, France, Brazil and 40 na- tions across the African continent. ALFS provided a forum for this diverse 8 group to discuss and develop cooperative Out & About solutions to regional and transregional challenges and threats. Gen. Griffin “Spoon” Phiri, Malawi Gen. Griffin “Spoon” Phiri, Malawi Defense Force chief of staff, and Maj. Gen. Defense Force chief of staff, and Maj. 10 Joseph P. Harrington, commander of U.S. Army Africa, answer questions during Gen. Joseph P. Harrington, commander Children gather STEAM a press conference after the conclusion of African Land Forces Summit 2017, in Lilongwe, Malawi, May 11. ALFS is an annual, weeklong seminar bringing together of U.S. Army Africa, teamed up to make land force chiefs from across Africa for candid dialog to discuss and develop coop- this year’s ALFS a success. erative solutions to regional and transregional challenges and threats. See SUMMIT, page 7 Riders rally, Annual housing survey gear up for summer available online June 1 VICENZA — The Overseas Housing Allowance Utility Expenses Survey is conducted annually, on behalf of the Department of Defense. This year, the survey for Italy will 11 be conducted throughout the month of June. Expert weighs in on The survey collects utility and recurring maintenance expense data incurred by uniformed service members, sta- ‘13 Reasons Why’ tioned overseas, who reside in private housing. This data as- sists in determining the Utility/Recurring Maintenance Al- lowance paid to Service members in the country surveyed. 12 Those who receive the Overseas Housing Allowance, re- What’s happening side in privately leased quarters and have been stationed here for at least six months should participate in the survey. at FMWR Participants will be asked to report the average monthly cost of utilities and any routine maintenance expenses in- curred within the last 12 months. Fun Facts Off-post housing residents may take the survey at the fol- lowing link: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/ohaSur- lGeorge Washington chose vey.cfm?ID=jun-util. Deadline to complete the survey is the colors of the present close of business June 30. Army dress uniform. The OHA is a valuable entitlement for members who are stationed overseas. Data provided will directly impact the l24 U.S. Presidents served in Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance paid. The Vicen- the Army, to include various za Housing Office asks those who participate to make every state militias that supported effort to take the survey and report expenses accurately. the Army during the Ameri- The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete can Revolution and Civil War. and should be completed by whoever has knowledge of the Of them, 23 were officers, housing expenses. A CAC card is not required to access the with Private James Buchan- survey; however, participants will be asked to provide DOD an earning the distinction of ID number, located on the back of the CAC. Participation in being the only enlisted man this survey is voluntary and failure to respond will not result to ever be elected president. in penalty to the respondent. It is important to provide accurate figures in the OHA sur- lSpecial Forces are every- vey. Before starting the survey, gather bills, receipts, and/ where doing everything. or records of utility and recurring maintenance expenses According to the SF Public CASERMA DEL DIN — Vicenza Military Community mo- incurred within the last 12 months and compute a monthly Affairs Office, SF Soldiers torcycle riders participated in the Motorcycle Mentorship average for each of these expenses. In addition, there is a have deployed to 135 of the Program (MMP) Rally May 19 at the Warrior Zone here. section of the survey for combined utilities when only one 195 recognized countries in The event included motorcycle displays, prize drawings bill is received, such as a bill that combines cost for water the world in the past decade. and, in the afternoon, a group tour ride to Monte Berico and sewer. and Lake Fimon. Saving one’s progress on the survey in order to obtain ad- lThe Army is older than An MMP safety day also took place at Camp Darby May ditional information is possible. Participants may resume the United States; the the survey at any time during the timeframe of the survey. Army birthday is June 14, 19. For story and more photos of the event on Caserma Del Din, see page 4 and the garrison Flickr page, Please note that incomplete surveys cannot be used, as this passed by a measure of the www.flickr.com/photos/usagvicenza. might result in underreporting of utility/recurring mainte- Continental Congress in nance expenses. Subsequent allowance adjustments based 1775. (Photo by Laura Kreider, VMC Public Affairs Office) (From Mental Floss, www.mentalfloss.com) on incomplete data could disadvantage service members. Responses are held in strictest confidence and not shared. Opinion & Policy U.S. Army community reminded to remain alert during travels WIESBADEN, Germany — Spring lAlways have an escape plan in the event usually know exactly when or where the is here and summer is fast approaching, you find yourself in a bad situation. next terrorist attack will occur. bringing great weather and an abundance To help U.S. Army Europe and host of host country seasonal festivals and lEstablish alternative methods to contact nation allies and partners keep every- celebrations. family, friends and unit personnel. one safe, anyone witnessing suspicious Those stationed abroad experience a behavior should report it using iReport, sense of excitement and enjoyment when lDiscuss security plans with family and a theater-wide reporting system for Sol- attending these events, but we must learn other travelers. diers, civilians, contractors and family to strike a good balance between relaxing members in Europe. The system is avail- while enjoying Europe and maintaining lComplete the mandatory enrollment in able online at http://www.eur.army.mil/ vigilance to do so safely. the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program iReport/ and as a mobile app. Europe is facing a significant and per- before all travel at https://step.state.gov/ To report an imminent threat or crime sistent threat from individuals and small step/. in progress, please immediately contact groups directed or inspired by terrorist This guide includes tips such as: the military police office by dialing DSN organizations. Terrorist activity can oc- lBefore travel, use the Internet and map- lDownload local country specific smart 114, or reach host-nation law enforce- cur without warning, and U.S. citizens ping functions to research destinations phone applications (non-DOD) such as ment by dialing commercial in Germany could rapidly find themselves in a dan- and the current security environment. Germany’s NINA and KATWARN, or or Netherlands: 112; in Italy: 112 or 118; gerous situation. Identify potential safe havens such as po- France’s SAIP. or in Belgium: 112 or 101. The goal is to avoid these situations lice stations and hospitals in the event se- by conducting thorough travel planning, curity conditions deteriorate or you find Because of the potential consequences making prudent decisions, and imple- yourself in need of medical assistance of terrorist attacks, U.S. Army Europe EMERGENCY NUMBERS menting simple measures to reduce risk. during your trip. regularly publishes vigilance messages FIRE AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY (VMC) However, if something does occur, trav- and threat warnings. DSN 117 CELL 0444-71-7117 24 hours elers are better able to respond if you lAvoid locations that offer uncontrolled To ensure these messages reach the have thought about potential situations entry to oversized vehicles, and stay greatest number of personnel possible, POLICE EMERGENCY 24 hours and how to react ahead of time. away from the perimeter of pedestrian U.S. Army Europe disseminates this DSN 112 / 114 / 115 CELL 0444-71-7115 To assist in planning, visit U.S. Army zones where trucks can easily gain ac- information through official messages Europe’s Travel Safe website at http:// cess — remember Nice, France; the Ber- and in command information channels FIRE AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY (DMC) www.eur.army.mil/travelsafe/. There, lin Christmas Market; and Stockholm. as well as via email, the AtHoc Life and DSN 117 CELL 051-54-7117 24 hours download a guide for protective mea- Safety System, and on social media. sures designed for families, or download lPre-program local law enforcement At times, the reports may seem incom- POLICE EMERGENCY a copy at http://www.eur.army.mil/trav- and embassy telephone numbers and ad- plete or contain non-specific informa- DSN 115 CELL 051-54-7115 24 hours elsafe/FamilyMemberProtectiveMea- dresses into your phone in case you find tion, but they do serve as general remind- sures_Guide.pdf. yourself in need of assistance. ers and highlight the fact that we don’t Speak Out By Laura Kreider & Chiara Mattirolo What is your favorite summer activity? Why? Volunteers performed traditional dances from Hawaii, Tahiti and Samoa at the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month event on Caserma Ederle May 23. The event took place at the Golden Lion.
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