E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2019 No. 119 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was from Chester High School, where she awards, including: Woman of the Year called to order by the Speaker pro tem- was valedictorian of her senior class. from the First ARP Church, where she pore (Mr. CUELLAR). She enrolled in Erskine College and faithfully attended; the Cross of Mili- f graduated in 1941 with a degree in tary Service from the United Daughter music. of the Confederacy in 2001; the Quilt of DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Her first job was teaching junior high Valor award in 2015, presented by the TEMPORE school in Anderson, South Carolina, Quilts of Valor Foundations for vet- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and she later joined WAVES, which erans touched by war; the National fore the House the following commu- stands for Women Accepted for Volun- Award in 2017, presented from DAR, the nication from the Speaker: teer Emergency Service, in 1943. She Daughters of the American Revolution WASHINGTON, DC, began her training at Mount Holyoke for Women in American History. July 16, 2019. College in South Hadley, Massachu- Mary Phillips Gettys is the proud I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY setts, where she specialized in commu- and devoted grandmother of six grand- CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on nications while studying at Smith Col- children and three great-grandchildren. this day. lege in North Hampton, Massachusetts. She is the epitome of a gracious and NANCY PELOSI, She was assigned to the communica- charming Southern lady, and by her Speaker of the House of Representatives. tions office in the Norfolk Navy Yard life, she has demonstrated a love for f in Portsmouth, Virginia. her God, a love for her family, the love of her fellow man, and the love of her MORNING-HOUR DEBATE After achieving the rank of lieuten- ant, she was tasked with the com- great country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- plicated task of coding and decoding She is a true American patriot who ant to the order of the House of Janu- communications received and sent by always has a smile on her face and has ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- the Naval Command. Her duties in- lived her life in true service to her fel- nize Members from lists submitted by cluded delivering urgent top secret low man. the majority and minority leaders for messages to military leaders, where f morning-hour debate. she would have to strap on her weapon RESOLUTION TO IMPEACH The Chair will alternate recognition and be escorted across the yard to de- between the parties. All time shall be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The liver the vital information. Chair recognizes the gentleman from equally allocated between the parties, In 1946, Ms. White left the Navy and and in no event shall debate continue Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. began working for AAA, the American Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other Automobile Association, located in than the majority and minority leaders and still I rise; because I love my coun- Charlotte, North Carolina. try, I rise. and the minority whip, shall be limited In 1947, she met Tom Gettys, whom And I rise today to ask a question of to 5 minutes. she would become engaged to after 3 all people of good will. I rise today to f weeks and married 3 months after their pose a question: What do you do when engagement. Little did she know that the leader of the free world, when the IN RECOGNITION OF MARY she would become the lifelong partner PHILLIPS WHITE GETTYS leader of the country that extolls lib- of a man who would successfully be- erty and justice for all—government of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The come the Fifth District Congressman the people, by the people, for the peo- Chair recognizes the gentleman from of South Carolina, where he would ple, all persons are created equal and South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 serve for five terms until retiring in endowed by their creator with certain minutes. 1974. inalienable rights—what do you do Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise They returned to his hometown of when the leader of the free world is a today to celebrate the life of a truly Rock Hill, South Carolina, where they racist? What do you do? great American, Mary Phillips White would raise two daughters, Julia Mar- Well, here is what you do: You file a Gettys, who will turn 99 on August 6 of tin Gettys Burchett and Sara Elizabeth resolution, a resolution condemning this year. Gettys Pierce. The Gettys were mar- the President for racist comments di- Ms. Gettys was born in Chester, ried for 56 years until the death of Con- rected at Members of Congress. South Carolina, on August 6, 1920, gressman Gettys in 2003. What do you do? You file Articles of which was the same year that women Mary Phillips Gettys is a true leader Impeachment impeaching the Presi- gained voting rights. She graduated in her community and received many dent of the United States of America. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5829 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:49 Jul 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JY7.000 H16JYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H5830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 16, 2019 These two things are not mutually metal at the SkillsUSA National Lead- I say ‘‘so-called refugees’’ because exclusive. We can condemn for the ership and Skills Conference. The 56th the United Nations states no country is comments that have been made, and we annual event took place in Louisville, obligated by international law to take can impeach for the harm that the Kentucky, and hosted upwards of 6,500 refugees from a country in which they comments are causing to our society. students to compete in more than 100 are already protected. Both of these things can be done, and different skills-based competitions. The result of America’s flawed pol- neither will interfere with the Mueller Jakob will be a senior this fall in the icy? America is the world’s top refugee report. The Mueller report—some 90 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condi- resettlement country on the planet. days now the President has been above tioning program at the Indiana Career In a 2015 Breitbart interview, I op- the law since the Mueller report was Technology Center. posed these dangerous refugee policies made public. Additionally, in Cambria County, and stated: ‘‘Barack Obama wants to What do you do? You pass this reso- Pennsylvania, Northern Cambria Mid- endanger Americans by importing peo- lution. dle School celebrated its back-to-back ple, some of whom undoubtedly will re- I intend to support it, and I thank national championships in the 41st an- sort to terrorism and killing Ameri- the gentleman who filed it for doing so. nual Technology Student Association cans at some point in the future.’’ I believe it is a good resolution. national conference in Washington, Consistent with my view that im- One of the statements in this resolu- D.C., just earlier this month. porting unvetted people from terrorist- tion that has been reported widely is More than 8,500 students from across laden countries threatens American that the President presented racist the country competed in 70 different lives, the House, in 2015, passed a law comments that have legitimized fear events, including woodworking, pro- requiring a full FBI background inves- and hatred. I will salute and support gramming robots, debate, and more. tigation for alleged Iraq or Syria refu- the resolution, but you also will hear Every student from Northern Cambria gees. The bill died in the Senate while this resolution to impeach. I would like Middle School who competed in the under an Obama veto threat. to read to you what it says in part: contest achieved national recognition In 2017, a newly elected President Impeaching Donald John Trump, President as a top 10 finalist. Trump stated: ‘‘In order to protect of the United States. Mikey Konitsky, Chris Yahner, Pey- Americans, the United States must en- Then it goes on to read: ton Myers, and Braden Moriconi be- sure that those admitted to this coun- The aforementioned, Donald John Trump, came national champions in the me- try do not bear hostile attitudes to- has, by his statements, brought the high of- chanical engineering competition, a ward it and its founding principles. The fice of President of the United States in con- category they have also won in the United States cannot, and should not, tempt, ridicule, disgrace, and disrepute; and Commonwealth State of Pennsylvania. admit those who do not support the has sown discord among the people of the Additionally, Chris Yahner and his Constitution or those who would place United States; has demonstrated that he is classmate Caleb Born placed third in violent ideologies over American law.’’ unfit to be President, and has betrayed his the Nation in structural design and en- trust as President of the United States to b 1015 the manifest injury of the people of the gineering, and Garret Link placed ninth in the Nation for flight endur- ‘‘In addition, the United States United States; and has committed a high should not admit those who engage in misdemeanor in office.
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