rJhlly /_ o I ME TACTIROMATIC LEUKODYS TR IMPROVED DIAGNOSIS ANI) PROGI{OSIS by Mohd Adi Firdaus TAN B.Biomedical Sc. (Hons) Department of Paediatrics The University of Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia This thesis is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Date submitted: z8 March 2o,o,6 THESIS SUMMARY mole prevalent lysosomal storage Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is one of the births in Australia' The major cause of disorders with a reported incidence of I in 92,000 (ASA); this lysosomal enzyme, together this disease is the deficiency of arylsulphatase A of sulphatide' The with an activator protein, saposin B, is needed for the catabolism nervous system results in progressive subsequent accumulation of sulphatides in the central neurorogical function with a fatal outcome demyerination that reads to severe impairment of juvenile patients. for the more sevefely affected infantile and - l);. .1 MLD patients for more thanz' years' Bone marrow transprantation has been carried out in diffrcurt and remains a challenge However, successfur treatment of this disorder is often onset of neurological symptoms' At because patients are usually diagnosed after the in peripheral blood leucocltes present, MLD is diagnosed by measurement of ASA activity diagnosis is usually only obtained after and cultured skin fibroblasts. However, a definitive tests. The need for auxiliary tests is extensive testing with an arcay ofauxiliary laboratory (ASA-PD) mutation or ASA-PD/MLD' due to the presence of the ASA pseudo-deficiency low ASA enzyme activity' These which leads to clinically normal individuals who have conventional enzyme analysis; patients cannot be distinguished from MLD patients by MLD since saposin B deficiency is furthermore, normal enzyme activity cannot rule out also known to cause the disorder' and a simple skin fibroblast In this study, immune-based ASA activity and protein assays, a sulphatide quantification assay sulphatide-loading protocol, were developed. In addition, assays were shown to be using mass spectrometry was established. The immune-based was sensitive and clearly highly specific. The immune-quantification ASA protein assay in brood spots and skin fibroblast distinguished unaffected, ASA-PD and MLD individuars in either ASA-PD or MLD samples. However, ASA enzyme activity was not detected activity assay' a finding individuals in blood spots using the immune-capture ASA blood spots that had been stored at attributed to the instabitity of AsA activity in dried has enabled determination of room temperature. The combination of these two assays thereby providing information on the specific activity of the enzyme in different patients, as well as an additional parameter effect of the mutation on protein stability and activity with which to distinguish phenotypes' To further develop the capacity to predict phenotype, induced accumulation of sulphatide in skin fibroblast cultures \ryas performed; the resultant cells were quantified for accumulated sulphatide and other lipids using electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry. A strong correlation was observed between residual enzyme activity and the amount of accumulated sulphatide: four out of five late-infantile MLD patients could be clearly distinguished from the juvenile and adult patients, although no difference was observed in the amount of accumulated sulphatide in the latter two groups. However, a clear difference was observed between attenuated adult-onset patients and ASA-PD/MLD compound heterozygotes. Analysis of urine for sulphatide and a range of other lipids from a cohort of unaffected controls, ASA-PD and MLD patients showed that, in addition to elevated sulphatide, MLD patients also showed alterations in some phosphatidylglycerol/ lysobisphosphatidic acid species, a finding that was also observed in the sulphatide-loaded skin fibroblasts. This observation enabled unequivocal discrimination of the late-infantile MLD phenotype. The immune-based ASA activity and protein assays will simplifl, the procedures for collection, handling and storage protocols for MLD testing. This will be particularly important for countries where sample collection and transport services are not well established or where transport overseas is required. The combination of residual ASA protein and activity, urinary sulphatide and other lipids, and sulphatide accumulation in cultured skin fibroblasts, provides a detailed picture of patient biochemistry and has the potential to provide predictive assessment of phenotype where patients are identified asymptomatically. tl ACI(NOWLEDGMENTS of this project and I would Numerous people have contributed to the successful completion like to thank them all most sincerely Prof' John Hopwood, for Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisors, Dr Peter Meikle and most grateful to them for their encouragement and guidance throughout this project. I am me constantly on my toes' the precious time they spent in the weekly meetings that kept valuable throughout the Their superb guidance and interest in the project proved to be most (Field supervisor) for his tenure of this project. I would also like to thank Ptof. Zabidi scholarships necessary for support, and the Universiti Sains Malaysia for granting me the me to come to Adelaide to undertake this study' clements, Dr' Maria Fuller, I am most grateful to Assoc. Prof. Douglas Brooks, Dr. Peter Dr Dr Michael Bawden, Dr Emma Parkinson, Dr Caroline Dean, Dr David Johnson' Elaine Ravenscroft' Melissa Chang, Peter Sharp, Christine Boulter, Dr Litsa Karageorgos, over the years' Tina Rozaklis and Minh Trinh for their expertise and contributions Nielsen, I would also like to thank Melanie Lovejoy, Michelle Bockmann, Timothy Lazenkas for their help christopher Tumer, Debbie Zimmerman, Kerryn Mason and sophie my life' I also wish to and wonderful friendship that I will continue to cherish throughout studies in Adelaide in the thank Dr. Rowani Mohd Rawi, who is also undertaking her PhD up the laboratory back in area of lysosomal storage disorders; together, we hope to build Malaysia. always remember Special thanks to David Blacklock for his great companionship' I will and the grand 40th birthday we those wonderful fishing and crabbing trips in his 'Tinnie', celebrated together. 'Women's at the and Many thanks to all the staff in the Department of Genetic Medicine to me during my children's Hospital in North Adelaide, for their kind assistance rendered work in the DePartment. this work to my lovely From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank and dedicate and sadrina, for their wife, sabariah, and my children, Alif, Asyraf, Sabrina, syazana their love and understanding and the sacrif,rces they made during my absence. without iv encouragement, I doubt I would have made it. I love you all; no words can describe the extent of my love for all of You. Finally, a special dedication to my beloved mother. I know she is beaming with pride at my achievement; sadly, her untimely demise during my study has changed the celebration we had planned. May God bless her soul. "May God bless us all. Together, we cân make this world a better place" LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 4-MUS 4-metþlumbelliferYl sulPhate acid) ABTS 2, 2' -azino-bis (3 -ethylbenzo -thiazo line-6- sulphonic diammonium salt AEC anion exchange chromatograPhY ASA arylsulphatase A ASA-PD arylsulphatase pseudo-deficiency BBB blood-brain barrier BCA bicinchoninic acid BME Basal Eagle media BMT bone marrow transPlantation BSA bovine semm albumin CAD collisionally activated dissociation acid CAPS 3 -[cyclohexylamino]- 1 -propanesulphonic cDNA complementary DNA CE collision energy Cer ceramide - 1 - CHAPS 3 - {(3 -cholamidopropyl)-dimetþlammonio} propanesulfonate CHO-K1 Chinese hamster ovary DHFR cell line millimetre(s); micrometre(s); nanometre(s) cm; mm; Lrm; nm centimetre(s); CNS central nervous sYstem CR creatinine CSF cerebrospinal fluir CTH ceramide trihexoside CUR curtain gas setting CV co effr cient of variance CXP collision cell exit Potential DELFIA dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluorescence immunoassay dhSulp dihexosyl sulPhatide DMEM dodecyl modified Eagles medium DMSO dimetþlsulPhoxide DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DP declustering Potential EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid v1 ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay EP exit potential ER endoplasmic reticulum ERT eîzy me replacement theraPY ESI-MS/MS electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry -3+tru europium FA-amide fatty acid amide FCS foetal calf serum FP focusing potential FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography nanogram(s) g; mgj, pg; ng gram(s); milligram(s); microgram(s); c418 gentamycin GC glucosylceramide GSD glycophingoliPidoses GSL glycosphingoliPids HAT hypoxanthine, aminopterin and tþmidine - (2- ethanesulfonic acid) HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-N' hFA o-hydroxy fattY acid HIFCS heat-inactivated foetal calf serum HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography hr(s); min(s) hour(s); minute(s) HRP horse radish peroxidase hSulp hydroxyl sulphatide HT hypoxanthine and thYmidine IS ion spray voltage ISTD internal standards kDa kilo-daltons microlitre(s) L; mL;' ¡tL litre(s); millilitre(s); LAMP lyso some-associated membrane protein LB Luria broth LC lactosylceramide LIMPS lysosomal integral membrane proteins LPBA lysobisphosphatidic acid LSD lysosomal storage disorder(s) mlz mass-to-charge ratio vll M6PR mannose-6-phosphate receptor MAL myelin and lymphocyte protein MEM minimum essential medium MLD metachromatic leukodystrophy mM; nM millimoles per litre; nanomoles per litre
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