j American. T*“ CllswortJ) VOL. LIN. ) Ii"'‘‘ 1 ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1913. No. 37. | BiuMiiaimimi LOCAL AFFAIRS. this city. Mr. Dorr, who owns a cottage £tjmt*imntta. there, has spent seventeen winters at and knew woman NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Ocracoke, every man, and child on the island. Later reports Admr I Send a Check notice—Eat William L Hsyford. that no lives were lost were a great relief A Holz— Bakery. Lost—Sweater. to Mr. Dorr. Don’t run around paying your bill* in currency when you can For sale—Post-cards. Admr notice— Est Emma T John C. Finnigan, of the firm of Finni- as w*11 send a check. Kingsley. just Alley’s market. gan Bros., undertakers, Bangor, died No trouble about making change when you pay check. Banoob: by Thursday after a brief illness, at the age can ever arise about a made Eastern Trust A Banking Co. No dispute payment by check. The of twenty-nine years. He was well Boston, Mass: bank, after cashing it, hands it back to you, making an indisput- known in Ellsworth. Harriet Newell Milliken-Hair goods. TheSafety-Service two factors receipt. only worth considering in selecting a hank eable George H. Brooks, of New Bedford, danger of losing money, or being robbed of it when for the transaction of yonr business. No you put Mass., is visiting his sons in Ellsworth. the bank and pay by check. SCHEDULE OF MAILS it in This is his AT BLLSWOBTV POSTOFFICB. first visit to his old home for The UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth with a Less temptation to spend it if it’s in the hank instead of in in tfaci June 23, 1913. several years, and his many friends have C •» .al Of your pocket. a warm welcome for him. *100,000 You're money ahead and leave worry behind when you have a MAILS BBCB1TBD. * ^rplua and Profits, *100,000 Embert C. and wife checking account at the Fbom Wbst—*6.S6, *11.16 a m: 4.21, $618 p m. Osgood accompa- Stockholders’ Liabilities, *100,000 Fbom East—12.24,5.86 and 11.07 p m; Sunday nied Ernest F. Osgood and family on their A for of over at 10.07 p. m. return to N. protective capital depositors (300,000 with re- Berlin, H., by automobile, sources over MAIL CLOSBS AT POSTOmCB of (1,600,000 provides both safety and service of the leaving here Sunday. They will spend standard. Going Wbst—11.46 a. m; *3.46, *6 and *9 p m. highest burrill national the week in New Hampshire. This is a convenient bank for the people of Hancock aud Going East—6J» a m: 3-46 and 6.46 p m. Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are summer home- Among visitors and men interested in the affairs of Registered mail should be at postoffice half these counties. Their aim iB to comers who have left of Ellsworth an hour before mail closes. during the past stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and BANK, is a home I •Daily, Sunday included. SDaily, except week are Rev. Albert J. wife and Washington counties. It bank intended to stimulate Lord, at 6.40. home industries and home We are Sundays Sunday son enterprises. interested in No mail to or received from Phillips, for Meriden, Conn.; Miss dispatched the every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our bnai- east Sundays. Florence for New York. Smith, ne«s increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory Mrs. George R. Caldwell, with little servioe we render. If you are not a customer already, we invite Mrs. you to become one. Angeline Billings, of Camden, is daughter Barbara, who has been visiting the of Mrs. Lena Holmes. guest her mother, Mrs. L. D. Foster, left yester- Orrin W. Tripp, one of Ellsworth’s best- day for her home in Somerville, Mass. Union Trust Company of Ellsworth, Me. known citiaens, is seriously 111. Little Louise Foster accompanied them for Misses Helen and May Bonsey will leave a visit. to-morrow for a visit in Portland. Ellsworth friends of Miss Evelyn A. Miss Catherine A. Hurley left yesterday Atkins, for several years employed as for Gorham to enter the normal school. stenographer in the law offices of Hale & Hamlin, in this city, extend congratula- Miss Charlotte Macomber, of Franklin, tions on her marriage Sunday, at Corinna, You and Your Dollars ras in town calling on friends recently. “Look most to No matter to Archie L. Cushman, of Bangor. your spending. how Misses Eliasbeth and Adelaide True are Announcements have been received of much comes if more will be ought to got together “lor koepe”. You can do tbl. euslly and surely mjoying an outing in Boston and vicin- in, goes out, you always the marriage of Miss Edith Smith, of Rox- if you open an uecouat in our Having* Department, and ty. lay by every bury, Mass., to Walter Laforest Smith, of poor.” can We liberal lntereat on Guy Raymond and Willis M. Foster dollar yon spare. pay aavinga dapoaita. Brookline, Mass. The groom is a son of rere home from Springvale for election Start a Account Nowand Let the Interest You. Write ua TO-DAY1 (or detaila regarding onr simple banking-by-mail. Mrs. Annie M. Smith, of this city. Ells- Sayings Help lay. worth friends extend system. congratulations. jrroi. r'oner wue aim ame, Herbert Whittemore and family spent :bildren leave next for their home HANCOCK CO. SAVINGS BANK Sunday the week-end at the Richards homestead in Middle bury, Vt. on MAINE. Established EASTERN TRUST&BANK1NG COMPANY Bridge bill with his mother and cous- ELLSWORTH, 873. j | A regular meeting of Wm. H. H. Rice ins, the Misses Silsby. Miss Alma Silsby, BANGOR MIL oidtowx nAtwAJs oeyrm {. -^^"*—** poet will be held at G. A. R. hall next who is a teacher in the East Boston high Saturday afternoon at 2.30. left Miss Elizabeth will school, Monday; closed a box containing twelve quart* of Peters Club Meeting To-night. remain here for a few weeks. Herman £0bbins, who has been laid up liquor. When arraigned yesterday, Pio There will be a meeting of the Peters for three weeks with a cut loot, expects Direct or-in-chief W. R. Chapman, of pfeaoed not guilty and waived reading of club this evening at 8 o’clock, at G. A. R. to be out again to-morrow. the Maine Music festival, is In the city tbo complaint. He waa adjudged guilty hall, to arrange for a celebration to-mor- Mrs. Mary £. Wood, of Augusta, who to-day. He meets the Ellsworth festival by Judge Hall, and sentenced to flOO tine, row night. visited relatives here and at Surry and chorus at Society hall this afternoon at sixty days in jail, and sixty days addi- A large attendance is desired. The Bar Harbor, has returned home. 2 o’clock, and leaves on the afternoon tional in default of fine. He appealed, Gift Problem train for Calais, where he will this even- and furnished bonds for at the Wedding Mrs. J. G. Leighton snd little daughter, appearance COMING EVENTS. meet the chorus of that October term of court. of the week-end with her ing city. the supreme Bangor, spent FAIR DATES. parents, 3. P. Southard and wife. A group of Ellsworth people left yester- A Spokane (Wash.) paper prints are- on an automobile around the of two social affairs Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 10 and Miss Rachel who has been the day trip port pleasant given Emery, 11—Eden Made In the were fair. State. party John O. Whitney by Mrs. Asa A. Mitchell, of that city, in Easy guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Hanscom, and family, John F. Knowlton and wife, honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Wednesday, Sept. 17—Highland grange THE WEDDING GIFT MOST APPROPRIATE IS OF left yesterday for her home in Cambridge, CHINA, O. W. wife and son and Mrs. W. Miss Marion North Penobscot. Mass, Tapley, Paul, Campbell, formerly Joy, fair, A. W. of The first was in the nature King. Judge King joined the party Ellsworth. Thursday, afternoon and even- ,CUT GLASS OR SILVER Mrs. Clarence Morgan, who has been Sept. 18, at Bangor. They expect to be gone the of an informal afternoon tea, when more ing, at hall—Fair and Mr. Mrs. Bayside grange sup- visiting Morgan's mother, Harry of this week. rest than a score were entertained. A chafing- per. Admission 10 cent. We are new order* this which Brown, returned to her home in recievtng import of china week-, among yon Thursday dish was in the at- The Klark-Urban Co. at Han- party given evening, 23 will And want. appeared Sept and 24—Meeting of Hancock just whatfyou Springvale. tended about a dozen women. oock hall Friday and and by young association no have Saturday, Baptist at Lamoine. After small amount of effort on our part, we secured some strictly Mrs. Louise of Belfast, and Mrs. was a Royal, played both nights to crowded houses. The home attractively decorated, d»w, high-grade china at a medium price. Harry Gray, of Biuebill, w ho have been color note of in the liv- Wednesday, Sept. 24 — Narramissic “Alias Jimmy Valentine” was presented yellow prevailing We are making special low price* on silver and cat glass which we are sure of Mrs. C. B. have returned to where and grange fair at Orland. guests Day, Friday night and “The Gamblers” Satur- ing-room, golden-glow Cali- will int»re*t every purchaser.
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