CROP DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Root Rots in Pulses Michelle Hubbard, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current Research Scientist, Pulse Pathology Co-authors: Sabine Banniza, Zakir Hossain, Sherrilyn Phelps, Syama Chatterton, Luke Bainard & Barb Ziesman What is root rot? Caused by micro-organisms Range of pathogens • Fusarium species • Pythium species • Rhizoctonia solani • Aphanomyces euteiches Pea and lentil do not like wet feet High soil moisture can cause • ↓ root and shoot growth • yellowing • ↓ nodulation Stressed plants are more susceptible to infection Normal soil Water- moisture saturated Peas in sterile field soil Root rot is a complex Fusarium species Pythium species Rhizoctonia solani Aphanomyces euteiches And it is complicated! Wider host range True fungi • Fusarium spp. (e.g. solani, • Fusarium spp. avenaceum, acuminatum, graminearum) • Rhizoctonia solani • Rhizoctonia solani • Pythium spp. Fungus-like organisms (oomycetes) Attack only specific plants: • Pythium spp. • Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. pisi, f.sp. ciceris or f. sp. • Aphanomyces lentis, F. virgulifome euteiches • Aphanomyces euteiches • Phytophthora spp. • Phytophthora spp Fusarium Courtesy of S. Chatterton, AAFC Infects many different plants Courtesy of F. Dokken-Bouchard, SMA Aphanomyces Oospores Infects pea and lentil Oospores = resting spores • More vulnerable after they germinate Zoospores: can swim short distances Courtesy of S. Chatterton, AAFC Courtesy of F. Dokken-Bouchard, SMA Aphanomyces Oospores EveryInfects time pea aand plant lentil gets infected,Oospores the= resting amount spores of AphanomycesMore vulnerable in after the theysoil ↑germinate Zoospores: can swim short distances Courtesy of S. Chatterton, AAFC Courtesy of F. Dokken-Bouchard, SMA https://www.apsnet.org/edcenter/dis andpath/oomycete/pdlessons/Pages /Aphanomyces.aspxd text Aphanomyces vs Fusarium? Yellowing and Shoots remain wilting of shoots healthy Pinching of epicotyl, stops Blackened tap root, abruptly at soil starts at seed line attachment Healthy lateral Lateral roots roots watery and honey-brown decay Courtesy of Dr. Chatterton, Aphanomyces Fusarium AAFC Usually multiple pathogens More pathogens → worse disease S. Chatterton, AAFC Lethbridge Environmental preferences …..according to the literature Organism Temperature Optimum Optimum pH optimum (oC) Soil Moisture Aphanomyces 22 to 27 Excessive pH 4.5 to 6.5 Fusarium 25 to 30 Moderate Pythium 17 to 23 Wet Rhizoctonia Can damage Wide range at 18 but of conditions most aggressive at 24 to 30 Aphanomyces survey from 2014-2017 Widespread Pea and lentil Severe in SK: 2015-2017 Elrose area Chatterton et al. (2018) Can. J. Plant Path. Pea, lentil and chickpea Aphanomyces infects pea and lentil • Usually more severe for pea Aphanomyces doesn’t cause disease in chickpea, but other organisms do S Chatterton Pea root rot 2019, SK Widespread 100% of pea fields had some root rot 3.4 (0-7 scale) average severity Both Fusarium species and Aphanomyces found Source: Pulse Situations Report 2019, Survey for Root Rot of Field Pea in Saskatchewan in 2019, Chatterton et al. Lentil root rot 2019 in SK 59% prevalence Number of Region Fields Prevalence (%) surveyed Southwest 23 61 Southeast 12 75 East-central 8 63 West-central 34 50 Northeast 1 100 Overall 78 59 Source: Pulse Situations Report 2019, Lentil Disease Survey, Barb Zeisman, SK ministry of Agriculture Chickpea root rot In general: Pythium species Rhizoctonia solani Fusarium species Leiso et al. (2011) Can. J. Plant Pathol. 33(3): 400–409 Chickpea root rot 2019 Photo: M Hubbard Sample: S. Phelps Chickpea root rot in SK, 2019 Severe damage to chickpea in far south west of SK in July Five diseased samples: • Fusarium redolens, • F. solani (possibly forma specialis pisi), • F. avenaceum and • Phytophthora medicaginis Pea leaf weevil can increase Fusarium root rot Disease severity Disease Control Pea leaf Fusarium Fusarium weevil + pea leaf weevil Willsey et al. 2019. Crop Protect. 116: 108-114. Pea leaf weevil and Fusarium root rot are mutualistic Pea leaf weevil Fusarium + pea weevil # of pea leaf weevils leaf # of pea Willsey et al. 2019. Crop Protect. 116: 108-114. What can you do? Avoid certain fields Crop rotation Field avoidance Compaction Poor drainage • Fine-textured soil History of root rot Syama Chatterton, AAFC Lethbridge Testing Fields for root rots Labs offering testing for root rots (aphanomyces, fusarium?) BDS Laboratoires – Qu’Appelle, SK BioVision Seed Labs* – Sherwood Park, AB Discovery Seed Labs** – Saskatoon, SK 20/20 Seed Labs* – Nisku, AB/Winnipeg, MB Quantum Genetix* – Saskatoon, SK Crop Protection Lab – Regina, SK (Visual diagnostic services) Individual labs may differ in testing methods and sample requirements. Please check with the lab prior to sending samples. *Lab offers DNA test for Aphanomyces. ** Lab offers Bait test & DNA Crop rotation For Aphanomyces, 6-8 year break between pea or lentil crops Every time you grow pea or lentil, pathogens increase Other possibilities Specific rotations Herbicides • Resistant pulses Nutrition • Brassicas Mycorrhizae • Oats Antagonistic Green manures bacteria Intercropping Soil pH modification Rotations with a resistant pulse Chickpea, faba bean, soybean Theory: oospores germinate → die (do not produce more oospores) 7 Other Pulse Pea SE 6 Rotation± studies take time 5 Study4 runs 2018-2013 severity 3 Stay2 tuned….. 1 Disease 0 Chickpea Chickpea Faba bean Faba bean Soybean Soybean Taber Swift Lacombe Sask Lomond Redvers Aphanomyces resistant pulses Aphanomyces Still get Fusarium 100% 100% 80% 80% Aph = Aphanomyces euteiches, Fred = Fusarium redolens, 60% 60% Fsol = Fusarium solani, Fave = Fusarium avenaceum 40% Aphanomyces 40% Fusarium 20% 20% Fusarium 0% 0% Soybean Pea Soybean Pea Chickpea Pea Chickpea Pea Lomond Redvers Taber Swift Aph 0.3 325.8 0.1 118.6 Aph 0.1 86.6 1.9 25.7 Fred 2.2 12.0 7 1.2 Fred 37.9 438.6 37 88.0 Fsol 1.78 44.9 0.1 11.0 Fsol 12.5 121.6 129.7 73.5 Fave 0.1 0.1 3.9 1.0 Fave 0.4 356.9 6.9 6.4 Brassicas and root rots Potential to “bio-fumigate” soil Glucosinolates Isothiocyanates https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/dietary-factors/phytochemicals/isothiocyanates#metabolism-bioavailability Oats and Aphanomyces Potential to stimulate oospore germination (Shang et al. 2000) Shang et al. (2000) • After germination, oospores are vulnerable Plant Dis. 84: 994-998. Potential to kill oomycete zoospores (Deacon and Mitchell 1985) • Possibly due to saponins Zoospore Deacon and Mitchell (1985) Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 84 (3), 479-487 Green manures May promote breakdown → release of “bio-fumigants” Crops • Oat • Yellow mustard • Forage radish • Durum Forage radish July 2018, Swift Current M. Hubbard Grain harvest or green manure in 2018 Pea in 2019 30 2018 & 2019 Trial Swift Current Indian Head Melfort Dr. Luke Bainard Green manure results No clear impact Swift Current 7.0 SE ± ) 6.0 7 - 5.0 4.0 3.0 Rot Rating (1 2.0 1.0 Root Oats Yellow Mustard Forage Radish Durum Grain harvest Green manure Intercropping Growing two or more crops together Insurable starting in 2017 20,000 2018 2019 18,000 16,000 14,000 Pulse/brassica 12,000 intercrops 10,000 8,000 6,000 Insured Acres 4,000 2,000 0 Photo: M Hubbard, Axten Farm Pea/mustard Pea/brassica Intercropping Pea/canola is one of the most common intercrops Remember glucosinolates and isothiocyanates -> soil “fumigation”? Isothiocyanates Glucosinolates Pea/brassica Intercropping 2018 results: Disease severity on pea was not significantly different on intercrop compared to monocrop pea roots 6 Taber Saskatoon 5 4 3 2 Disease Severity 1 0 Pea Pea:Can Pea:Can Pea:Mus Pea:Mus 30:70 50:50 30:70 50:50 Chatterton et al. 2019. Can. Phytopath. Society Annual meeting. Pea/brassica Intercropping 2018 resultsSaskatoon Taber Pea Total Pea Total LER^ LER^ yield yield yield yield Pea 637.7 637.7 1.00 542.7 594.2 1.00 Canola (Can) 1066.2 604.5 Mustard (Mus) 826.3 387.9 Pea:Can 30:70 102.5 1040.0 1.00 287.0 709.7 1.16 Pea:Can 50:50 276.2 1028.0 1.18 250.0 705.8 1.27 Pea:Mus 30:70 227.2 987.6 1.28* 246.5 456.2 0.99 Pea:Mus 50:50 583.9 1083.9* 1.53* 310.0 624.6* 1.35* ^LER = yield crop A in intercrop/ yield crop A in monocrop + yield crop B in intercrop/ yield crop B in monocrop Chatterton et al. 2019. *significantly different than monocrop yield or LER at P = 0.05 Can. Phytopath. Society Annual meeting. Soil pH Acidic soils may ↑ risk • Pea and lentil don’t like low pH (acid) + Ammonium (NH4 ) N-fert can lower soil pH Calcium may help ↓ root rot Disease (Heyman et al. 2007) Soil Severity Adding lime may help #4 80a • But may not be #4 + CaCO3 73b feasible #4 + CaSO4 11d Heyman et al. (2007) Soil Bio. and Biochem. 39: 2222-2229 Courtesy of S. Phelps, SPG Herbicides Symptoms after herbicide application • Stress can weaken plants Weeds host aphanomyces: • shepherd’s purse, • chickweed, • vetches • (kochia?, lamb’s quarters?) Fusarium species can infect many weeds Courtesy of S. Phelps, SPG Atrazine Can make Fusarium root rot worse in pea Photosystem II inhibitor (group 5) In Aatrex (corn) Percich & Lockwood 1975. Phytopathology. 65: 154-159 Trifluralin, ethalfluralin Mitotic inhibitor, Group 3 • Trifluralin: Bonanza, Rival, Treflan • Broadleaf control • Ethalfuralin: Edge • Broadleaf + grassy ↓ root rot in pea in greenhouse, but not in field Johnston et al. (1980) Plant Disease. 64: 942-943 Trifluralin Minnesota field trials Trifluralin and dinitramine • ↓ growth, zoospore production and movement in lab • slightly ↓ root rot in field No impact found in research in Western Canada so far Grau and Reiling. 1977. Phytopathology 67:273-276. Nutrition - Nitrogen May cause “woodiness” of roots • Impede pathogen penetration/colonization May improve growth if nodulation is poor Could also have opposite impact • Interfering with nodulation • Promoting disease (?) • Liu et al.
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