Rickmansworth Historical Society NEWSLETTER INDEX Nos 1 - 90 & Special (4*) Adele, a daughter of the Earl of Essex: Marian Strachan: 51. Anchor & Hope pub/beer house: Geoff Saul: 69. Ancient Order of Foresters, a history: Roy Underwood: 70. Andrews, Thomas Wilf Broughton: 28, 42. Ansell, Peter: Childhood Memories of Rickmansworth 1930s: 26. Aston’s Lodge Moor Park: 49n. Atkins, Jackie Reuben Atkins 1822 – 1888 76 BALH Award to the Newsletter: see British Ass … Ball, Mrs Marion: Metroland: 33. Baptist Manse, Rickmansworth Geoff Saul: 44. Basing, The: Wilf Broughton: 4, 41. Basing House, the acquisition of - by the UDC 1930 Geoff Saul 88. Batchelor, Anne: The Batchelor Inheritance & Rickmansworth: 2, 7. A Flower for Theophilus: Anne Batchelor 9. Time Watch, BBC TV programme: 10. Batchworth: Wilf Broughton: 16, 18. Batchworth Bridge: Geoff Saul: 36. Batchworth Hill properties: Geoff Saul: 69. Bayne, Rev’d Robert: 34. Beesons, the History of a Shop: John Pearson: 53. Belfry Lane: Geoff Saul: 56. Bell, Rev’d Vicars: Wilf Broughton: 18. Bennett, Susan: Henderson, Dr Wm Roderick; pts 1 & 2 his ancestors: 70, 71. Storm over Rickmansworth – 1759- a letter from Anne Whitfeld to the Royal Society 86. Berkhamsted, Enclosure and Riot: Heather Falvey: 47. Bird History in the area: Helen Baker: 53. Boby Site: Geoff Saul: 46. Book Review: History of English Country Churches - Roy Strong 89 Bowker, Ann, m Wm Mead of Jackson’s Cotts 54 Bring & Tell, The April meetings: Claire Roffe: 68, 72, 76 80, 84, 88 British Association for Local History Award Ceremony 2007 Heather Falvey 76. Broad Gauge at Rickmansworth 1862: Geoff Saul: 72. Brodrick, John: Dark Ages 66, 67. Brookes, Jeff Mines Royal, Harefield 85. Broughton, Wilf, an appreciation: Geoff Saul: 55. Broughton, Wilf: Thomas Andrews: 28. The Basing: 4, 41. Batchworth: 16, 18. Bell, Rev’d Vicars: 18. Carriage Days: 23. Chasing My Ancestors, an Introduction to Anne Batchelor: 7. Emily and Emma B: 15. Ewelme: 14. Hogarth & Moneyhill House: 37, 38, 39. Illustrated London News 150 years: 22, 49 ill. Martinmas: 35. Moneyhill: 24. Rickmansworth before the Railways: 6, 8. Rickmansworth Week Walk: 11, 14. Somme, The battle of the: 34. Watford, Rickmansworth & Uxbridge Railway: 4*. Young, Capt. James: 28. Buntingford Vicars, Jottings of two: Heather Falvey: 71. The Bury: 40n. The Bury, Colin Taylor &: Geoff Saul: 45. The Bury Restaurant Diana Cliffe (corr) 90 Buteux, Elizabeth: Straw Plaiting in the 19th Century: 63. Caius College, Cambridge: 11. Carriage Days: Wilf Broughton: 23. Census 1871, notes: Geoff Saul: 37, 39. Chairman of the Society, a change of 87. Chalk Mines at Pinner Robert Templeman 78. Chambers, Diane & Roger Rickmansworth Week walk 77, 84 Chandlers Cross Mission Church Richard Lee 87. Chaucer’s England: 25. Chavasse, Noel Godfrey: Wilf Broughton: 34. Chesham by the Met: FT special correspondent: 55. Chesham Shuttle: Clive Foxall: 44. Chess Valley 1857: ILN: 49. Childhood Memories of Rickmansworth: Pete Ansell: 26. China Rose: Michael Baker: 54. China Rose, a note 78. Chorleywood Common: Olive Entwhistle: 54. Chorleywood 1904 - Sanitary Report: WO: 67. Christmas Conundrums 2001: Bucks Advertiser 1901: 55. Christmas Quiz: Brian Warmington: 32. Christmas Social: Ann Lovejoy: 56. Chronicles of Rickmansworth: The Jacques, notes 23. Church Clock (St Mary’s): WO letter: 65. Churchill connection: Barbara Owen: 41. Church lane, Mill End, aspects of the housing Geoff Saul 81. Churchwardens of Rickmansworth: Adrienne Jacques: 3. Collins, Mike: Copthorne Road: 75. Colne, river, the original line? Geoff Saul: 61. Connell, Martyn: Salter’s Brewery: 40. Cook, Henry, Petty Criminal: 62. Copthorne Road, a brief history: Mike Collins: 75. Cornwall, Godfrey: Collection described: 1. Tape recording transcribed: 67, 68. Croft, Demeza Lorainne 81. Crosby, Tom: Universal Housing Company: 26. More Universal Housing Company: 75. Croxley Barn, a timber frame (Kitchen) barn: 61. Croxley Green Memorial Trees: Claire Roffe: 54. Croxley Hall Farm: 11. The Barn, Croxley, a correction: Heather Falvey: 30. Croxley Railway Branch: 12. Dalrymple House (ex-Moneyhill Cedars) Evelyn Lord 62. Dark Ages John Brodrick 66, 67. Diary of an Immigration Sailing … Herts Mercury 1858 77. Dickinson’s Sq., & Milestone Field: Margaret Pomfret: 49. Dick Reid (architect), Lion & Eagle Statue: Geoff Saul: 39. Dickins, Roger: Town Traders, Rickmansworth High Street this century: 29. Dimes, Wm: Geoff Saul: 36. Dineen, Janet May Day excerpts 80. The Dissolution of the Monasteries Jane Kelsall 83. Dodds, Jeffery: Herts Church Bells: 40. Dorrofield, Thomas & the Pesthouse: Geoff Saul: 69. Drain, a local, near the Salter’s Brewery: Geoff Saul: 59. Dream machine, ballooning: Geoff Paine: 22. Dungey, Betty: Swakeleys, a History: 60. Earls Court, the Gigantic Wheel (& the Eye) Geoff Saul: 59. Ebury, 1st Lord from the Watford Observer: Lord Ebury 35. Ebury Road Walk – Rickmansworth Week 2007 Diane & Roger Chambers 76. Ebury Rooms: Geoff Saul: 55. Edmunds, the Wm, vicars of St Mary’s Graham Martin 89 Edward VII, King: death reported in The Times 89 Elcombe, Graham: Manor Ct Rolls of Rickmansworth: 40. Element Family: (or one of them) Jim Golland: 43. Elizabeth Dimsdale’s 18th Century Recipe Book Heather Falvey 80. Elvey, Sir George, Hon. Victoria Grosvenor & St Mary’s Choir Geoff Saul: 72, 73. Emergency Medical Services of NW London, Rickmansworth &, 1939 – 45 Dr Melvin Green 78. Entertainment Halls of Rickmansworth: Geoff Saul: 60. Entwhistle, Olive: Chorleywood Common paintings of from 1927: 54. Evans, Sir John: Epitaph: 35. Ewelme: Wilf Broughton: 14. Falvey, Heather: BALH Award Ceremony 2007 76. a brief profile of the new chairman 87. Elizabeth Dimsdale’s 18th Century Recipe Book 80. Enclosure and Riot at Berkhamsted: 47. The Manor of the More: 30, 31. Update 90 Medieval Suffolk Wills: Beds, beads and barley 87. R. Wills 15 - 16th C. 37, Introduction to series 90 Riots of Writtlesea 60. Families, People, great & small: Ruislip LHC: 27, 29. Family History Centre: Editorial: 41. Family Trees: 41. Fire engine, Parish Geoff Saul 87. Fire Precautions, Pre-1900 style: 58. Fishing Rights on the Chess 1899 Geoff Saul 81. Floods, Rickmansworth 1928: Albert Freeman (his diary) 51. Folk Museum at Skogar: GMS: 27. Foreman, Lewis: From Watford to November Woods, Music in the Neighbourhood: 47. Foresters, The 150th Anniversary Roy Underwood: 67. Forest Trees of Hertfordshire Oliver Rackham 82. Freeman, Albert; Surveyor to the RUDC Alice Freeman edited 68. French, \Tom Papermaking 82. Galley, The - of Rickmansworth, pt 1 Alan Priest 79. Gilham, F. W. & Sons: Geoff Saul: 64. Gleadle, Meg: St Mary’s Grave Yard intro & pt 1: 47. Pts 2 3: 49. Pt 4: 50. Gleanings: ?, 13, 14, 21, 23. Continued as R. from the Watford Observer in each number Golden Jubilee Celebrations 1887 A WO report 58. Golland Jim: The Element Family of Pinner (& Rickmansworth): 43. Grand Junction Canal: Geoff Saul: Ruislip Reservoir 13. pre-history of: 23. Notes: 17, 22, 23. Gravel Extraction in Long Valley Woods: Geoff Saul: 11, 12. Green, Dr Melvin Emergency Medical Services 1939 – 45 78. Grove Excavations: Claire Roffe: 51. Grover, J.W., Engineer to R. & Ux Valley Water Coy: Geoff Saul: 21. Gulch Wells: Geoff Saul: 17. Haigh, Ian: Romans about Rickmansworth: 52. Hail Stones & Other Happenings: Ken Pearce: 63. Harefield Walk: 27. Health of Rickmansworth 1905, Dr Sharman’s annual report WO: 68. Henderson, Dr Wm Roderick; pts 1 & 2 his ancestors: Susan Bennett: 70, 71. Closing Pubs, note Geoff Saul 70. Herkomer, Sir Hubert von: Hugh Lewis: 75. Hertfordshire Names online Herts Archives service 82. Herts Church Bells: Jeffery Dodds: 40. Herts County Cricket: R. G. Simons: 28. Hogarth & Moneyhill House: Wilf Broughton: 37, 38, 39. Hudson, Mrs M.: Rickmansworth Window: 10. Hurndall, Rev’d Wm Flavel, of Cedars School: Geoff Saul: 61. Hyde House: Ann Shaw, OBE: 32. Illustrated London News: 150 years: 22. Immigration, Diary of a voyage – Hertfordshire Mercury 1858 77. Ingram, Herbert, local resident & Owner of the ILN: Wilf Broughton: 22. Jackson’s Studios’ demolition: John Hyde-Trutch: 54. Jackson’s Studios Maple Cross Geoff Saul: 51. The occupiers of: do do: 54. Jacques, Adrienne: The Church Wardens of St Mary’s: 3, 5. Wills of Hertfordshire – a note 79. Woodwicks, A Knight’s Fee Manor 90 Jacques, The: History of Rickmansworth: 32n. Three Rivers through Three Rivers: 19, 20. Review of Moor Park guides: 35. Jennings, Sheila: Poor Law pt 1: Alms Houses 86. Ditto pt 2: Parish Relief 87. Silk Mills in SW Herts: 52. Jones, "Pep": Pamela Nutt: 36. Family;: 41. - v Large: 41. Jones, John & George, Parish Clerks Tom Jones 79. Tom Jones John & George Jones, Parish Clerks 79. Kelsall, Jane The Dissolution of the Monasteries 83. Kilpatrick, Jane Parsons, John: Roses from Rickmansworth: 63. Lee, Richard Chandlers Cross Mission Church 87. Lewis, Hugh: Herkomer, Sir Hubert von: 75. Lewis, Wm, owner of the Anchor & Hope: Geoff Saul: 69. Lion & Eagle Statue: Geoff Saul: 39. Linsters Farm: 44n. Literary Tour of Hertfordshire: Ann-Marie Parker: 34. Living History, St Peter’s Bell: Geoff Saul: 28. Local History Conference: (Wilf Broughton), Enclosures: 10. Education: 16. Leisure: 19. Roof over Our Heads: 26. Celebrations: 22, 23. London road, the Old: see Batchworth hill 69. London Walk (St James) Claire Roffe 83. London’s Water Supply, an aspect: Geoff Saul: 17. Lord Ebury’s Line searching for Geoff Saul 51. Lord, Evelyn: Dalrymple House (ex-Moneyhill Cedars), Inebriates Society: 62. Lynch, Arnold: Turnpikes & Stages: 39. Manor Court Rolls (of Rickmansworth): Graham Elcombe: 40. Martin, Graham: St Mary’s Windows: 38. St Mary’s Tower: 74. The Wm Edmunds, vicars 89 Martinmas: Wilf Broughton: 35. Mead, Wm, occupant of Jackson’s Cotts 54. May Day, excerpts Janet Dineen 80. Medieval Suffolk Wills: Beds, beads and barley Heather Falvey 87. Mendelson, Kay: Toys R Rickmansworth: 29. The Met, Its Arrival and Extension: Financial News of 1886: 55.
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