PACTS WITHOUT FEAR ^ OR FAVOR Vol. 56. No. 11 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY^ APRIL 16,1937 Price Four Centa NEW BOOKS RECEIVED Another Cut V AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Refusal To Election Was Held Non-Fiction: by dayle Plclcwell: Teachers Place Their Side of Weather. Egbert Nichols: Congress Will Elect Officers By Eastern Star Made in Street or the Supreme Court. Wilson Park- Sanction Bills hill, The Constitution Explained At Next Meeting Lightjiates Charles Ferguson: Fifty Million May Halt Proj. Chapter Tuesday Pay Waiver Problem Before Brothers. Who's Who In America, New Chapter Here Will Also Be New Staff WiifBe Installed At When tiliey met last evening, the Vol. 19, 1936-1937, Presented With Charter If certain members of the local . Next Meeting On Tuesday members of. the Board of Public Motion: James Hilton: We Are Wednesday Night council carry out their threats, the AprilJ7. Works were Informed that the Jer- Not Alone. Josephine Johnson: Jor- much discussed sewing project may Local Board of Education ' sey Central Power and Light Com- danstown. Mary Roberts Rhinehart, The organization of a local chap- be brought to a sudden termination Election of officers ' of Amboy pany" will furnish electricity for Married People. Martha Ostenso, ter of the Disabled War Veterans because of their refusal to sanct- Chapter No. 151 order of the Eas- Claim Appropriations For School Expenses Have Been Steaall* ? street lights, under a new contract The Stone Field. Warwick Deeping, was completed at a meeting held ion bills presented in connection tern Star took place at the Mason- Cut While Cost Of City Operation Has Been Steadily Booatf*. - * at a saving of $295 annually to the These White Hands. Esther Forbes, recently in City Hall, when a large wltih the work. ic Temple on Tuesday evening. Paradise. Myron Brenig, The Sis- Mrs. Anna M. Perkins was elec- Say Council Budget For 1937 Contains More Than Down Af- V,' city. number of local ex-service men were The bickering about The project propriations Bigger Than Last Year. • J -/ X This reduction In the city street ters. J. H. Priestly, Midnight on the present and became members of the which has gone on since the pro- ted Worthy (Matron; Herbert J. Desert. Ethel M. Dell, Honeyball. W. Buehler, reelected Worthy Patron; lighting bill which was formerly In organization. ject was first discussed continues QUOTE FIGURES FROM COUNTY ABSTRACT OF RATABLE* the neighborhood of (9,000 a year Bomerset Maugham, Theatre. y At the; next meeting to take place and the latest cause of conflict is Miss Catherine Eulner elected As- is the second which has ben made at City Hall on Wednesday eve- the placing of women for the pro- sociate Matron; Miss Bertha Det- A number of conference! held re- by the company within a short time. ning, the chapter will be farmally ject. Efforts were made by most of bert reelected secretary; Mrs. JRuth cently by teachers of the FUtoUa Late last year iMr. A. D. aohultz, Governor Will presented with Its charter by mem- the councilman to have persons Justice, elected Conductress; Mrs. St. Marys' Sodality SeHool'system here have neulteil-'lflr company manager in this district bers of the state and national staff. given employment when the • work Jan VanVoorhee8, Associate Conduc the outtlnlng of a plan of campaign informed the members of the Board At this meeting also, officers of the started, but some of them have tress and Mrs. L. L. Sheppard treas- having ae Its aim the placing be- of a 1517 annual reduction in the Receive Badge From new chapter will be selected, under been unsuccessful in their efforts urer. Mrs. Perkins succeeds Miss Holds Fashion Show fore the Board'of •ducatlon and city's street lighting rate. The new the supervision of the visiting of- and have threatened to refuse their Catherine Albright as Worthy Pa- other officials of Hie city, the teach- rate will become effective on April LocaTRotary Club ficials. signature to bills for the work for tron. , ' • Here on Monday ers side of the pay waiver problem, •' M. The new chapter will be named this reason. The installation of the officers Spokesmen for the teachers claim On Monday the spring collection James Housel Will Make Pre- Lieutenant Thomas Kerr Chapter While the WPA furnishes the will take place at the Masonic Tem- Will Be Under Direction Of their sld* of the ease has not' been drive, to clean up delinquent water sentation At District Con- in memory of the late Lientenant material with which the women will ple on Tuesday evening, April 27th, Mrs. Nathan A. Gross given due consldemtion heretofore bills will be begun. This drive has ference Thb_Afternoon Thomas Kerr of Main street, who work, the city must pay ten dollars when the new Worthy Matron will when the restoration of teacher bay 1 of_Fords baootne necessary in order that the Past President Qeorge Bromley is was killed in France while serving per person each month for those also announce the staff appoint- cuts was discussed. The matter wae , Board may be able to meet bills for representing the local Rotary Club with the old Seventh Regiment of employed, in addition to paying also ments. Mrs. Cora Chasey will be the The annual fashion show under brought to the .forefront recently, $6,000 worth of bonds and $3,000 at the District Conference being the New York National Guard. the rent for the building on Stevens Installing chaplain, Btrs. Ada C. the auspices of the Children of Mary when city officials requested teach- in interest due shortly. held today at the Berkley Carteret Avenue, as well as the cost of the Cbzzens, Installing Matron and Mrs. of St. Mary's Church wiU take place ers to. continue on the present ash- j Hotel at Asbury Park. sewing machinery, lights, heat and Norma Davis soloist. in the Guild Hall on Monday even- edule a» a mans of reducing dty ex- This afternoon a delegation of Hospital Auxiliary other incidental expenses. ing. penses. Studay Was members of the club will visit the This matter will probably be gi- The show will be under the direc- To the Board of Education has session where at 3:30 James Hous- ven an extensive airing tonight High School Seniors tion of Mrs. Nathan A. Oross, pro- been sent a letter from the teach- Banner Day For «U will present Governor' Hoffman when the council holds' its regular prietor of the Oross Dress Shop of ere committee stating emphatttslly with a badge of honorary member- business session in the office of the Fords, and a special showing of that they will not voluntarily oon-, ship in the local club. And Grand Drawing Mayor in City Hall. dresses for young women and larg- tinue to accept the reduced (alary Local K. of C. At a meeting of the Boys Work Also to be considered at the meet- er women wai be presented. Mem- schedule. Previously tb* Board ind Committee of the club held last eve- Dessert Bridee^Will Be Held ing tonight is the city's case against For Minstrel Show bers of the Sodality wiU be permit- other city officials were given to an- At Home of Mrs. Herman derstand toe teachers did Breakfast in Morning and Hon- ning plans for the local observance the railrods to have the provisions Proceeds of Entertainment Win ted to invite women not members of ory Degrees Conferred in of Boys Week were discussed. If the EuliWi\jVpril 30. of Ordinance No. 353 carried out. the organisation. Last year under' kindly upon the necessary cooperation can be re- Yesterday was the deadline for the Be Used For Annual "••^•7 ^•va^smaaaaBj iu V^p^^sB^pv %^aW w— ^ - - - • .T% I the Evening. Plans were being laid this tweek Washington Trip the direction of Mrs. Oroa*. one of ceiver, the club plans to sponsor a for a Nightingale Tea and drawing railroad's filing of its answer with the most successful shows In the •sale:, but the letter which necntlr Boys Week observance here on the the Oourt of Chancery and it is Beginning with the annual Com- 1 to be held by the members of the Rehearsals are now being held history of the organisation took want to the Board of; Mucatloa-1 munion Breakfast in the morning week beginning April 28th when a Woman's Auxiliary of the South probably that Charles A. Jerome, for the minstrel show to be presen- place. actually tbe lint official notleVef and winding up with the honorary boy mayor wall be appointed' and Amboy Memorial Hospital at the the city's special attorney for the ted' by the members of the Senior this kind that ha* oome from taw boys will serve as members of the case will appear before the council Previous to the fashion show a degree ceremonies at the Old Tim- nurses home on Wednesday after- Class of the Hbflman High School short bUMMSB. meeting, presided ov- teachers. •-*.,' ••• .'',- council and will also occupy the noon, May 12. At this time the or- and likely will present them with a at the Auditorium on Friday, April To substantiate the* etoliae that --if ers' affair at night. Sunday was a various city offices. copy of the railroad's reply so er by Miss Dorla Leonard wfM take banner day for South Amboy Conn- ganization will conduct a grand 30th. The show is under the direc- Place. they are not * being; given » fair cil. No. 426 Knights of Columbus. It is also planned during Hie week drawing for two cash prizes, the that it wiU be posible for the mem- tion of William Kurtz and Freder- of oonatdmtiati se far at to arrange visits to the various lo- proceeds of the drawing to be used bers of the city family to decide on the salary.
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