— The Clinton Republican. </ VOL. XXXIX.-NO. SO. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY,* NOVEMBER 15, 1894. WHOLE NO. ‘2,007. LOCAL MATTERS The Rochester Clothing Company BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Seliool Colamn. BUSINESS LOCALS. The Republican. have a new advertisement in today’s paper. Adjourned Regular Meeting, Nov. 12,1804 School items are wanting this issue owing to Bargains in shawls At Kendrick 's. our lay off. Prices always the lowest. C. C. VAUGHAN, Publish **. 5544 Called to order by President Vaughan ------------- . ------ J If a sufficient number of moters can Present Trustees Kendrick,[Kniffin, Palmer EDUCATIONAL NEWS. AH coal orders left at John Hicks' and President Vaughan. J. G. Plowman is this year serving his ---- -TERMS:* The Republican is now located on be secured for light power, the electric store will receive prompt attention. light company will run one dynamo The following claims were presented and twenty-fifth year as superintendent of White Striotly in Advance, •1.00 the corner just east of and nearly oppo­ Pigeon public schools. during the day to supply power. It referred to the committee on claims: 1 lb good fine cut for 25c All Settlement* of Past Dae Subsorip site the postoffice, in the building No.425 H. Palmer.....................................8130 00 Olivet college seniors have downed the At J. C. Calkins ’. would be a great thing for markets, “ 420 C. H. Ford .................................. - 21 00 flowing gowns and mortar hoards. tions will be made at the rate formerly occupied by the Michigan tailor shops, cabinet and wagon shops, “ 427 W. H. Brunson ........................... 30 00 The University cf Michigan expects an en Bargains in Spectacles. Eyes tested of 11.50 Per Tear. Mortgage Company. tf. printing offices, etc. “ 428 H. Dunn ..................................... 4 00 rollment of 3,000 before the close of the free. 4tf Krepps, DeWitt & Co. “ 420 A. B. Ward................................. 4 00 Oar sdvertlsln ates are 1100 per colamn pe? Letters advertised November 14, 1894: present school year, nain. Buslnoss notice* flev cent* per lino fo> Get our prices before you trade a dol­ “ 430 G. E^Weatherwax, interest on Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes's last poem was Sunnyslde Greenhouse n ius ertion. Editorial notice*, ten cents. Add Brown, Mrs. D. Canfield, Prof. H , taxes by resolution -............ 14 74 written in honor of the teachers. Is the place to get the choicest cut Bui ness cards, $1 perliue per year. lar anywhere, we can save you money. “ 431 Geo. E. Love ................................ 1 50 Marr iage, birth and death notice* inserted free H. Cole, Robert Heibeck, Mrs. May flowers, roses, carnations and chrysan ­ 4tf Krepp8. DeWitt & Co, “ 432 Jens Hartwig.......................... 25 00 The largest three high schools in Michigan Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, Henprental, John More, Libbie Mae, themums. We make a specialty of etc., will bo charged for at the rate of five cents " 808 J. J. Travis, claim referred are Detroit with 1,350 enrolled, Grand Rapids artistically arranged floral designs. per line. BBKVITl ES. Jaeob Oswalt, Mrs. Nellie Hiersoa.Theo. Nov. 5, 1804, allowed at...... 20 00 with 1,215, and Ann Arbor with 703. Correspondence containing local news IssoUc Prof. Clarke, who fills the chair of botany in North Washington, cor. King street, Shafer, Thomas Smith, Mrs. Emma Owosso. ,J. S. Sculkider . ted from all parts of the county. Mrs. Archie Morris was here from Total amount allowed Nov. 12, '04...$250 84 the University of Chicago, is not yet 21 years Anonymous communlcaUons not inserted under Taydick, C. L. Tyler, Edward Van- A communication from Frank Wheeler was of age. ny circumstances. Northville last week. Linden, Lenie Wagner, H. L. Wait. presented proposing to pay $3 for the cancell ­ 10c outing flannel for 7c per yard S. S. Walker came down from Old The Michigan School Moderator reports that At J. C. Calkins ’. JOB PRINTING. Ithaca Herald: “On account of the ation of back taxes. one applicant for a teacher ’s certificate in Mission yesterday. Sealed bids for the purchase of $10,000 5 per Michigan informs the examiners that a mill r material is new and of the latest styles, and prevalence of scarlet fever, the board of cent, sewer bonds were presented, opened and If you want good underwear buy from we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices J. L. Hadley has removed from tax is "a tax paid by owners of mills to go Kendrick . and quality of work. education decided on Tuesday last to read as follows: toward school education," and “a dog tax may Prices always the lowest. Sliepardsville to Ovid. close all the departments of the school St. 'Johns National)Bank, “accrued be used for school purposes when dogs in interest and .........♦............................$10,100 00 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every kind of book and job printing except the high school for the remainder some way injure school property. ” Coal ! Coal ! Coal ! Mason, Lewis &Co., Chicago ........... 10,007 60 All kinds of coal At John Hicks '. ATTORNEYS. at The Republican office. tf. of the week. But three cases have de­ . A. Kean, Chicago,'accrued.inter ­ TALKS WITH OUR PATRONS. School going a pleasure —Is school going a veloped thus far and none are consider ­ est and ..................................................... 10,150 00 For Sale. LEWIS SEVERANCE. A. B. Mrs. Geo. Ballinger spent a few days pleasure to children? Generally speaking it ^TTORNEY, OVER PUTT'S GROCERY. ed dangerous, but it was thought beat Olmstead .& Taylor, New York, One Landau and one Clarence for in Grand Rapids last week. accrued interest and .......................... 10,031 00 is; land it is true of the present generation to take every possible precaution to more than of preceding ones. This is owing which I have no further use, or will John H. Fedewa went to Lapeer W. J. Hayes & Sons, Cleveland, exchange for anything I can use. WM. N, STOCKER. avoid the spread of the disease.” accrued interest and blankj[bonds to the more natural and kindly methods of OLDIERS AND COMRADES. I BEING ONE Monday on legal business. teaching at the present time. While children Address E. A. Congdon , of your number, therefore know your wants Health pfficer Palmer thoroughly and ........................................................... 10,102 00 29-2p. Owosso, Mich. Sand also your rights by law, therfo ’-e respectfully so­ Mrs. Dr. Chapin returned to her The Lamprecht'Bros. Co.,! Cleve- are ready for all the holidays and vacations due licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for fumigated The Steel hotel yesterday and them, they are also ready for the reopening of home in Mt. Clemens Monday. land[accrued interest and .............. 10,050 00 50c corsets for 38c at J. C. Calkins ’. pensions, back p;y, bounty or rations. Also Notary school each time. When it was announced Public. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. opened it to the public. lie informed Russell & Mitchell Co-, Cleveland, M. V. Brown expects to spend the several days ago that school was closed on 2811' WM. N. STOCKER. The Republican that there was no accrued interest and blank, bonds Carpets and Rugs. winter in Mt. Dora, Florida. account of the breaking out of small-pox, f. U. FKDKWA. H. E. WALBRILHiE and ............................................................ 10,130 50 Reduced prices on carpets to reduce small-pox outside of quarantine; that mauy were the expressions of regret on the FEDEWA & WALBRIDGE, Frohman ’s “Charity Ball” at Grand Farson, Leach &] Co., Chicago,Jac- stock At John Hicks ’. it was expected there might be more in crued interest and ....................... ,10,158 00 part of both teachers and pupils. What could ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . Opera House, Saturday, Nov. 24. Over Travis A Raker's. the Lusk aud Donol families, but with First National Bank, Niles, O .'ac have been hailed as a succession of holidays Free. A was generally looked upon as an interruption. H. M. PERRIN. P. K. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel are coming good nurses he does not anticipate crued interest and ........................... - 10,005 00 Photographs, picture frames, easels, home from Oregon next month. serious results, and does not look for James W. Longstreet &.Co., Boston The way, too, that many of the children plead etc. by purchasing your goods from the PERRINS A BALDWIN, accrued interest and ........................... [0,001 00 for the privilege of taking home some or all of following merchants: ttorneys at law , money loaner any outbreak outside of quarantine. their books showed the delight of school work and Real state Agents, Office ove Representative Redfern and Orrin Cushman, [Fisher & .Co,, Boston, Clark & Hulse, Fildew & Millman, WlckesA ’grocery, Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. Wilson went to Lansing Monday. Those sick are doing well. accured interest and .......................... 10,103 50 and the interest in study. In many ways there Mrs. L. Canfield, G. B. Porter, M. H. Dodge,«Cleveland, [accrued is abundant proof thut school work is neither Spaulding & Co., John Phlegbarr, SDWIN H. LYON. JOHN C. DOOLINO. The scare over small-pox has pre ­ Mrs. A. T. Cross has returned from an interest and .......................................... 10,110150 a drag to the teachers nor a task to the pupils. A. E. Dutcher, F. R. Jackson, LYON A DOOLING. extended visit among relatives in Ohio. vented the appearance of several first Spitzer & Co., .Toledo, .[accrued Music in public schools. —It is a matter of J. C. Calkins, Sherman ’s Bazaar, ttorneys at law , st. Johns , mich . general congratulation that vocal music and Office over Kendrick ’s store. 8fitf Foerch & Danley pay the highest class companies, among them Rhea ’s, at interest and .................... -................... 10,157 00 F. E. Aldrich & Co., Place & Roberts, A the Grand Opera House—formerly Deitz, Dennison & Prior, ICleve- drawing is an organic part of the course of A.
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