Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ - - Colonial Police Medal — Award of - 865 Notices of Enactment of Ordinances Nos. 31 and 32 of 1939 - - - 865 ־ - ־ - - ־ Appointments, etc. 865 ־ Certificates of Recognition of Palestinian Citizenship - - 867 ־ Authentication of Documents by the Deputy Chief Secretary - 867 Establishment of a Postal Agency at Beit Jala - 867 ' Certificate Examination of the Jerusalem Law Classes - - - 867 Cancellation of a Medical Licence ----- 867 Land Valuers' Licences granted ----- 867 ־ Statement of the Currency Reserve Fund - 867 Claims for Destroyed Currency Notes - - - - 868 State Domains to be let by Auction ----- 868 Notice of Intended Destruction of Court Records in the District Court of Haifa (ex ־ Nablus Judicial District) - - - - 870 ־ Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - - - 873 ־ ־ - - Citation Orders - 874 ־ Notices of the Execution Offices, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 875 I RETURNS ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 876 ( Summary of Cash Account for the Year 1938/39 of the Faluja Local Council - 877 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the End of the Year 1938/39 of the Faluja 878־ - - - ־ ־ Local Council Persons changing their Names - - - - 879 ־ Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - . - 880 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND BANKRPTCIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, 882־ - _ . - ־ - .ETC ־ - - - CORRIGENDA - - - 886 SUPPLEMENT No. 1. ORDINANCES ENACTED Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4), No. 31 of 1939 - - 79 Municipal Fees (Indirect Collection) Ordinance, No. 32 of 1939 - 80 (Continued) PRICE : 30 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Court Fees (Amendment) Rules (No. 2), 1939, under the Palestine Order in Council, 1922, and the Courts Ordinance - 637 Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 7), 1939, under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937 ----- 638 Order under Emergency Regulations, 1936, appointing a Special Commissioner for the Purposes of Regulation 5 in respect of Oil and Timber Areas situated at Upper Bak'a, Jerusalem, and of all Oil, Fuel and Timber Stores situated ־ - - - within the Municipal Area of Jerusalem 639 Notice under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, prohibiting the Publication in Pales­ tine, and the Importation into Palestine, of the Pamphlet "The Unknown ־ Avenger" - - - - - 639 Notice of Grant of Oil Prospecting Licences, under the Oil Mining Ordinance, 1938 -640 Immigration (Amendment) Rules (No. 3), 1939, under the Immigration Ordinance - 641 ess־Exclusion of Foreign Newspapers (No. 29), Order in Council, 1939, under the Pi Ordinance ------ 642 Notice of Grant of a Permit to publish a Newspaper under the Press Ordinance - 642 Notice of Grant of a Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance - 642 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, regarding the Revaluation and the Preparation of a New Valuation List in Tiberias - - - 643 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in El Faluja Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 643 Transfer of Land (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 1939, under the Land Transfer Ordinance 644 Order under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, ordering a certain Person to remain out of Palestine - - - 645 Order under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, revoking the Order of the High Com­ missioner of the 27th April, 1939 .... 645 24th August, 1939 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 865 THE COLONIAL POLICE MEDAL. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the Colonial Police Medal (for gallantry) to the following members of the Palestine Police Force :— JOHN CHAELES MAETIN, DEPUTY DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE. For gallant conduct on the night of 2nd May, 1939, during an attack by three armed gangs upon Nazareth town. PHILLIP EOBEET ADAMS, BRITISH SERGEANT. For gallant conduct on 19th June, 1939, in an engagement with an armed band on the Mount of Temptation, near Jericho. JAMAL SAID FAHOUM, MOUNTED POLICE CONSTABLE. For gallant conduct on 25th June, 1939, in rescuing another constable from an armed assailant in Nazareth. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY Acting Chief Secretary. NOTICES OF ENACTMENT. I. UNDER ARTICLE 17(l)(tf) OF THE PALESTINE ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1922. The Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4), No. 31 of 1939, was enacted in the form shown in Supplement No. 1 which forms part of this Gazette and was signed by the Officer Administering the Government on the 22nd day of August, 1939, immediate enactment being in the judgment of the Officer Administering the Government indispensably necessary in the public interest. J. GUTCH 22nd August, 1939. Acting Clerk to the Advisory Council. II. The Municipal Fees (Indirect Collection) Ordinance, No. 32 of 1939, which was published as a bill in the Gazette No. 903 of the 13th July, 1939, (page 699), has been enacted in the form shown in Supplement No. 1 which forms part of this Gazette and was signed by the Officer Administering the Government on the 22nd August, 1939. J. GUTCH 22nd August, 1939. Acting .Clerk to the Advisory Council. (G/99/35) APPOINTMENTS, ETC. SH. HUSSAMEDDIN EFF. JARALLAH, Headquarters Inspector, Department of Education, to be APPOINTMENTS. President, Sharia Court of Appeal, with effect from the 16th August, 1939. The Officer Administering the Government has appointed: — THE REVEREND FATHER EUGENE HOADE to be Roman Catholic Chaplain (D.D.S.P., Hon• MR. J. W. BROWN to be Mechanical Engineer, orary), Department of Police and Prisons, Grade K, Department of Public Works, with effect from the 1st April, 1939. with effect from, the 1st April, 1939. MRS. E. HENSCHEL-SIMON, Junior Assistant MR. WILLIAM O'HARA to be Chief Boiler In• Keeper, Department of Antiquities, to be spector, Grade K, Palestine Railways, with Assistant Keeper, with effect from the 25th effect from the 23rd June, 1939. May, 1939. 866 24th August, 1939 DR. J. M. TUFFAHA to be Medical Officer, De­ The date of the departure on leave of MR. partment of Health, with effect from the N. KRAMER, Assistant Superintendent, Depart­ 1st August, 1939. ment of Police and Prisons, published in Pal­ estine Gazette No. 907 of the 27th July, 1939, as the "20th July, 1939" should read the "9th .1939״ ,ACTING APPOINTMENT. August The Officer Administering the Government The name of MR. L. V. BENNETT, Super­ has appointed MR. A. E. TAYLOR, Clerk, Grade intendent, Lydda Airport, published in Pales­ M, District Administration, Haifa District, to tine Gazette No. 909 of the 10th August, 1939, act as District Officer, from the 3rd to the 14th as "MR. L. V. BENNETT, M.C." should read July, 1939. "FLIGHT LIEUTENANT L. V. BENNETT, M.C. (R.A.F.O.)". TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS. The acting appointment of MR. T. SERAPHIM, Clerk, District Administration, Galilee and The appointment of MR. N. H. B. FORDE, Acre District, published in Palestine Ga­ Assistant Superintendent, Grade K, Depart­ zette No.' 885 of the 4th May, 1939, ceased with ment of Police and Prisons, terminated on effect from the 28th July, 1939. transfer to Nigeria, with effect from the 16th August, 1939. The acting appointment of MR. W. B. KEN­ NEDY SHAW, Departmental Assistant, Depart­ The appointment of MR. L. B. WATTS, Exe­ ment of Antiquities, published in the Pales­ cutive Engineer, Grade K, Department of tine Gazette No. 893 of the 7th June, 1939, Public Works, terminated on resignation, with ceased with effect from the 17th August, 1939. effect from the 7th August, 1939. CORRIGENDA. RETIREMENT. The date of the acting appointment of MR. C. PUSEY, published in Palestine Gazette No. YOUSEF BEY RAMZI, Kaid, Trans-Jordan 909 of the 10th August, 1939, as the "5th June, Frontier Force, retired from the Public Ser­ 1939" should read "1st June, 1939". vice with effect from the 12th July, 1939. LEAVE. The Officer Administering the Government has approved the leave of the following officers:— vacation Leave granted Date of Name of Officer Appointment and Department inclusive of Departure Travelling Time Days DR. N. BARDAKY Magistrate, Judicial Department 30 16.7.39 MR. A.H. SALEM Assistant Settlement Officer, Department of Lands and Surveys 122 1.8.39 MR. G. J. MORTON Acting Assistant Superintendent, Department of Police and Prisons 96 6.8.39 MR. H. BOULOS District Officer, Galilee District 42 7.8.39 MR. G. D. COCOREMPAS Inspector, Department of Migration 107 9.8.39 MR. F. C. STEEL, M.B.E. Assistant Superintendent, Department of Police and Prisons 136 11.8.39 HIS WORSHIP ISKANDAR EFF. KHOURY Magistrate, Judicial Department 15 14.8.39 MR. J. L. BLOOM District Inspector of Jewish Schools, Department of Education 78 15.8.39 DR. S. SALEEM Medical Officer, Department of Health 42 16.8.39 DR. IBRAHIM BEY Medical Officer, Department ALI ALAMUDDIN of Health 31 17.8.39 MR. J. C. MARTIN, D.C.M. Deputy District Superintendent, Department of Police and Prisons 100 18.8.39 24th August, 1939 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 867 NOTICE. NOTICE. It is notified for general information that LAW COUNCIL. persons who acquired Palestinian citizenship under Article 1 of the Palestinian Citizenship It is hereby notified for the information of Order, 1925, or Article 1(1) of the Palestinian the students of the Jerusalem Law Classes that Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, who do the next Certificate Examination will commence not intend to apply for Palestinian passports on Monday, the 20th November, 1939. but wish to be in possession of official evidence A further notice giving particulars of the of their national status may obtain on applica­ arrangement of this examination will be is­ tion at the sub-offices of the Department of sued in due course. Migration, a certificate of recognition of Pales­ tinian citizenship. The certificate is issued E. SALANT free of charge, but applicants will be required Secretary, Law Council to affix to their applications a revenue stamp (Law Classes).
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