1898. CONGRESSIONAL REOORJ}-;.SENATEJ 6787 A bill (H. .R. 3001) granting a pension to :M:ary McLaughlin; SEN.ATE. A bill (H. R. 3164) granting a pension to Alden B. Thompson; FRIDAY_, July 8, 1898. A bill (H. R. 4237) to .authorize the President to ..restore .Maj. Joseph W. Wham, paymaster, Unitea States Anny, to duty, his The Senate met at 12 o'dock meridian. former rank ana status in the Unitea States Army; Prayer by Rev. B. L. WHITMAN, D. D., ofthedty-of Washing­ A bill (H. R. 4274) granting an increase of pension to James S~ ton, President of Colnmbia University. Chapman; Onrmotion of Mr. TELLER, and by unanimous consent, the A bill (H..R. 4484) granting a pension to 'Miriam V. Kenny; reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed A bill (!:!. R. 4811) granting a. pension to Jane E. ·zink; ' with. A bill (H. R. 4916) gi"anting a pension to Vrrginia C. Fleanor; TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION .A:T OMAHA. A bill (H. R. 5883) to authorize the reassessment of water-main The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following taxes in the District of Columbia, a~afor other purposes; telegraphic communication fro~ ~he pres~dent of the Trans.:Mis­ A bill (H. R. 6149) to authorize the Secretary ofW ar to exercise sissippi and International Exp-oSition; which wa.s read: a iliscretion in certain cases; OMAHA, NEBR., July 1,1898. A bill (H. R. 6427) granfing a. pension to Clarissa A. Dunham; Sm: "I have the honor respect fully to request that you will o~ci~llY: b~g A bill (H. R. 6482) .granting a pension to Herbert'W. Leach; to the attention of the Senate of the United States the cordial mVItation hereby ·extended by the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition to A bill (H. R. 6525) granting a pension to Mary Ann Sullivan; that honorable body to attend this exposition on a day to be fixed by the A bill (H. R. 7018) to provide a steam fog wnistle at the entrance Senate :mdEonse of R-epresentatives, to be known as" Gov~rnmen~J?ay." "I to Muskegon Harbor,..in·the State of'Michigan; would Tespectfully ea.ll yonr attention to the fact that·this exposition ~r­ tionlal'ly represents the '1'6sonroes and · pr~ucts of that vast co~ try lymg A bill (H. 'R. 7841) granting an.increase of pension to GeorgeS. west of th~ MississippiRiver whic~ comprJ!lM more t~an two-thirds of the Walton; area of the United States, and that m ma.grutnde .and unportance this exPo­ A bill (H. R. 7989) granting an increa.se of _pension to Annie J. sition is second only -to-the Oolumb~. World's Fair. ~e.United Sta_tes Government has recognized this exposition }:>Y an approprta.t10n for a build­ Bassett; ing and an exhibit, and it is the earnest desu·e of the managers to set ~~rt A bill (H. :R. 8063) to amend '~An act for the preservation of one day with proper .ceremonies to celebrate the attendance of the ~tm­ the public peace and protection of property in the District of C<r guished members of the United States Senate and Honse of Rep1'6sentatives. 1 am, respectfully,your obedient serv.ant, lumbia," approved July 29, 1892; GURDON W. WATTLES, President A bill (R. R. 8064) to amend the criminal laws of the District Han. GARRET A. Ho:B.AB.T, of Columbia; Vice-Presiden.t of the United States, Washington, D. C. A bill (H. R. 8243) granting a pension to John Connolly; Mr. ALLEN. I think that the communication ought to be re- · A bill (H. R. 8501) granting a pension to Corydon G. Crafts; ferred to the Select Committee on International Expositions. A bill (H. R. 85.51) granting an increase of pension to Ar.menia.s -.The VICE-PRESIDENT. There being -no objection, the com­ H. Evans; munication will be referred to the Select Committee on Interna­ A bill (H. R. 8614) to correct the navru record of George W. tional Expositions.- Sherrard; .!IESSA.GE FROM THE HOUSE. A bill (H. R. 8670) granting a pension to Pryor Perkins; A ·message from the .Hous~ of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. A bill (H. R. 8679) granting an increase of pension to Eugene BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House ~ad agr~ed A. Shaw; to the report of the committee of conference on the d1sagreemg A bill (H. R. 8724) granting a. pension to Addie L. Ballou; votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Rouse to the A bill (H. R. 8950) granting an increase of .Pension to Sarah bill (S. 153) for the relief of Verona E. Pollock. Fry; The message also announced that the Honse had agreed to the A bill (H. R. 9140) granting an increase of pension to Felix amendments of the Senate to the following bills and joint resolu­ Tait; tion: A bill (H. R. 9204.) to regulate the construction of barbed-wire A bill (H. R. 4237) to ooable the President to restore Maj. Joseph fences in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; W. Wham, paymaster, United States Army, to duty, his former A bill (H. R. 9206) to incorporate the Washington and Univer­ rank and status in the United States..Army; sity Railroad Company, of the District of Columbia; A bill (H. R. 8950) increasing .the pension of _Mrs. Sar.ah F_ry; A bill (H. R. 9414) Jor the relief of Mathilda Akerblom Molin; A bill (H• .R. 9140)granting an mcrease ofJ>enswn to FeliX Ta1t; A bill (H. R. 9466) granting an increase of pension to .John H. A bill (H. R. 10885) making appropriations to pay session em- Boyd; ployees of the House of Representatives, and-for other purposes; A bill (H. R. 9765) to increase the pension of John N. Wiley; and . · ti A bill (H. R. 10051) to increase the number of post quarter­ .A joint resolution (H. Res. 270) to correct an OID.LSSion rea1 ve master-sergeants in the United States A1·my; to signal officers on the staff of corps commanders. A bill (H. R. 10510) providing for the nansfer from the circuit The message further announced that the House had passed the court of a_ppeals for the ninth circuit to the Supreme Court of following bills; in which it requested .the concurrence of the Sen­ certain ·appeals from the district court for Alaska; ate: A bill (H. R. 10685) fixing _p~y and allowances of .chaplains for A bill (H. R. 2818) to refund certain import duties; volunteer reO'iments; . A bill (H. R. 4304) regulating the postage on letters written by A bill (H. R. 108 5) making appropriations to pay session em­ the blind; . · ployees of the House of Representatives, and for other _purposes; A bill (H. R. 9768) for the reli-ef of ~a;muel J. l3rent, :executor and of the will of _Frances Brent and admm1strator de boms non of A joint.resolution (H. Res. 270) to correct an omission relative · the-estate of Rev. J. Brent; to signal officers on :the Btaff of corps commanders, and .for other .A bill (H. R ..10700) granting right of way through Pikes Peak purposes. Timber Land Reserve and the public lands to the Crip_ple Creek MEMORIAL. Short-Line Railway Company; · Mr. GEAR-presented a memorial of Torrence Post, No.2, Grand A bill (H. R.10912):for.adjustin:g clothing account for deceased Army of the Republic, Department of 1owa, of Keoknk., Iowa, soldiers in certain .cases; and remonstrating against the erection of the proposed monument to A bill (H. R. 10915) making an appropriation t~ execute certain the late Gen. Albert Pike; which wa.s referred to the Committee provisions of the act of Congress for the protectiOn of the _people on Military Affairs. of the Indian Territory. 'REPDRTS OF COMliiTTEES• .The message also announced that the House had agreed to .the .Mr. CARTER, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to conC1ll'l'ent .resolution of the Senate tollrint 6,000 copies of the whom the subject was referred, Teported a bill (S. 4858) to in­ report on th-e International Exposition at Paris, by Thomas W. crease the efficiency of the Judg&-Advocate-General's and Pay Cridler. Departments of t he Army; which was read twice by its title. .ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Mr. SHOUP, 'from the Committee on PensionB, to whom was "The message further announced that the .Speaker pro tempore referred the bill (S. 3669) granting a pension to Susan Buck, re­ of the House had signed the following em:olled bills and joint res­ ported it with an amendment, and submitted a report thereon. olutions; and they were thereupon -signed by the Vice-=President: A bill (S. 769) to increase the pension of Clark W. Harrington; Fl.L~A.L ADJOURNMENT. A bill (S. 1119) granting a pension to Cassius.M. Clay, sr.; Mr. ALLISON. J .report from the Committee on AJ>propria­ A joint resolution (S. R. 182) relative to .electric lighting wires tions the concurrent resolution of the House of Re_presentatives west of Rock Creek; providing for the nnal adjournment of the two llouses, and I a£k A bill (H. R. 727) granting a pension to Olive H. Sonth; for its present consideration. .A bill (H. R. 2497) granting an increase of pension to James E. The conmrrrent resolution was read, as follows: Eaton; .Resolved 'ln.J the House of RepTesentatives (the Senate concurring), -That the President of the Sen&te and the Speaker of the Honse of Representatives ba A bill (H.
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