(Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet i. C. E. BALL Dynamo or Magneto-Electric Ma Chine. No. 238,631. Patented March 8, 1881. Sir - Z “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZO m/ITNESSES. JNVENTOR, 4 TTORNEY: N, PETERS. PHOTO-THOGRAPHER, was lingtoN. O. C. - - (Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 2, C. E. BALL Dynamo or Magneto-Electric Machine. No. 238,631. Patented March 8, 1881. MITWESSES. IWYENTOR, 4/26.4%rver- a 6. 322 1427, 72-7---Y, 4 roRVE3 N.PETER8, Pioto-liographER. WashiGTON, d. c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. CHARLES E. BALL, OF PHILADELPHIA, PEN NSYLVANIA. DYNAMO OR MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACH NE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 238,681, dated March 8, 1881. Application filed November 18, 1880. (Model.) To all chon it may concern: the armatures between the opposite poles of Be it known that I, CHARLES E. BALL, a the same magnet, as is usual, I arrange them citizen of the United States, residing at the to rotate between unlike poles of two or more city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel field-magnets, and preferably in opposite di 55 phia and State of Pennsylvania, have invented rections. Each of the field-magnets has its new and useful Improvements in Dynamo or poles opposed to two armatures, while, con Magneto Electric Machines, of which the fol versely, each armature rotates within the in lowing is a specification, reference being had fluence of the opposing poles, respectively, of to the accompanying drawings, wherein two field-magnets, and hence I obtain two O Figure 1 is a plan of a (ly namo or magneto sepalate and (listinct coln stant currents from electric machine, composed of two field-mag as may allnatures. By means of suitable cle nets and armatures, constructed and arranged vices for commutating I combine these cur to operate according to my invention. Figs. rents, and hence obtain double the quantity of 2 and 3 are detail transverse vertical sections. current or twice the energy heretofore pro Fig. 4 is a detail longitudinal vertical section duced. of the revolving armatures; and Fig. 5 is an In the accompanying drawings, A desig elevation of a dynamo or magneto electric ma nates the frame-work of my improved dynamo chine of four or more field-magnets with my electric machine, and BB the field-magnets, improvements applied thereto. which latter may be permanent magnets or My invention has relation to dynamo-elec electro-magnets, according to the conditions tric or magneto-electric machines for generat that the apparatus is to stabserve. The mag ing electrical currents to be used for lighting lets are of the usual horseshoe form, and are and other purposes, and has for its object the arranged, respectively, on opposite sides of an provision of an apparatus in which the rela axial line upon, which the al'matures rotate, 75 25 tive arrangement and operation of the parts the unlike poles opposing or facing each other. shall be such that the maximum inducing ca C Care the armatures, consisting of soft-iron pacity of the field-magnets will be utilized and rings, upon which are wound mally convolu the resulting currents obtained of colrespond tions of insulated wire, having their ends lead ing intensity and quantity. ing to the insulated collars DD D' D', from Another object of my invention is to pro which the currents are collected by brushes vide a dynamo-electric battery composed of IEE, and thence conducted to wherever re two or more-field-magnets and revolving-al quired. The wire may either entirely cover natures, wherein the currents induced in the the rings or it may be wound in radial grooves, armature-coils may be resolved into a constant so as to leave portions of the iron exposed, in Current of either polarity Or direction. Without order that the metal may be brought as close, loss-of-electric energy. TT ". in revolving, to the poles of the magnets as Furthermore, the object of my invention is possible. One of the armatures is designed to produce a dynamo-electric or magneto-elec to revolve from right to left and the other from tric machine or battery which may be con left to right, so that their motion, in relation 90 40 structed at a comparatively low cost and eco to the like poles of the magnets, respectively, nomically operated, while being productive of will be the same. The result will be the pro the same or equally useful effects as higher duction from each armature of the same cur priced or more expensively operated machines. rents, the two currents being, therefore, either The machine embodying my invention in positive or negative. 95 45 volves a coiled annular armature rotating be-, To effect the proper revolution of the ar tween opposite magnetic poles and generating matures I arrange them on the same axial line; a constant current in direction or of polality but one of then I Secure to a hollow shaft or corresponding to the directionin which the ar. arbor, F, encircling and embracing the solid mature is rotated. shaft G of the other, and then gear the two Oc So lnstead of a single armature, as heretofore, shafts so that the one main or power shaft Will I use two or more; and instead of arranging rotate the two shafts in opposite directions, 2 23S,631 By this arrangement the relative rotation of posing poles facing each other respectively, of the armatures with reference to the respective tWO or inole coiled al'matures, arranged to re magnetic poles will be the same, and they will volve on said axial line, each between the un produce identical currents. In order to collect like and opposing poles of two separate inag the two currents I so adjust the circuits, as nets, substantially as shown and described. shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, that each armature 2. The combination, in a dynamo or magneto coil shall complete its circuit through the other electric machine, of two or more revolving and follow the path of its current. There will coiled armatures, and two or more fieldi-mag be, therefore, a complete circuit through the nets of horsesloe form or character, on oppo C. machine when the connecting-lines are closed, site sides of and parallel with the axis of the SS and the energy of the current will be equal to al'mature, each of said al'matures being within the coupled energies of two currents of like the inductive field or influence of the unlike energy. poles of two or more magnets, so that when When it is not required to use the full elec the armatures are revolved they will operate tric power of the appalatus the current may ill identical magnetic spheres and generate 6o be taken from one only of the armatures, the identical currents, substantially as described. circuit being completed through the two 3. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine, brushes on opposite sides, respectively, of said the combination, with two or more field-mag a 'attle. nets arranged, respectively, on opposite sides 2C) Instead of coupling the two armatures as of an axial line, so that the north pole of one 65 shown, they may be so coupled as to give al shall oppose or face the south pole of the ternating currents in opposite (li'ections. So, Other, all ( Vice versa, of two or none anatures too, by meals of suitable arrangements of a '1'anged between the opposing poles of the gearing, the armatures may be both rotated in two magnets, respectively, and provided with 25 the same direction, in which case the currents suitable means for rotating in opposite direc- to will be in opposite directions. Commutators tions simultaneously, so as to generate cur will be so arranged that the currents of maxi rents of like polarity and energy. unum intensity or quantity, but of opposite 4. In a dynamo or magneto electric machine polarities, will circulate alternately. Such cur in which two or more armatures rotate within 'ents may be used for electric-lighting purpose tlle indictive influence of two or more thorse 75 where it is of advantage to alternate the po shoe - magnets whose unlike poles oppose larities of the electrodes. each other, respectively, as set forth, the com Should it be desired to rectify or converttle bination and arrangement of circuits and con currents generated by revolving the armatures lmutator's, substantially as shown and de in the same direction, commutators will be Scribed, whereby the currents generated in the So necessary, so as to direct the Opposing or un ! two armatures will both follow the same path, like currents in the same path. substantially as shown and described. The field-magnets nay, if electro-magnets In testimony that I claim the foregoing I are used, be charged by the current induced have helreunto set my hand this 16th day of in the al'matures. ; November, 1SS0. What I claim as my invention is as follows: 1. In a dyinano Or magneto electric machine CHAS. E. BALL. or battery, the combination, with two or more Witnesses: horseshoe field-magnets, on opposite sides, re SAMIL. J. WAN STAVOREN, 45 spectively, of all axial line, and with the op CHAS. F. VAN HORN. .
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