Internationale FachzeitschriftFachzeitschrift WirtschaftW irtschaft · Technik · Wissenschaft Special: Metallurgy Copper Casting machine Seven strands in total Thickening Technology ZrO2 / ZnAl25Cu3 composite Stainless steel market www.metall-web.de Einzel-Verkaufpreis: 21,00 € 64. Jahrgang · Januar/Februar 2010 Entgelt bezahlt Entgelt AG Post Dt. PVST · · D-30907 Isernhagen D-30907 120158 Postfach · Internationale Fachzeitschrift Giesel Verlag GmbH Verlag Giesel für Wirtschaft, Technik, Wissenschaft 1/2 Verlassen Sie sich darauf: Geballte Metall-Kompetenz Taschenbuch des Metallhandels 11., völlig überarbeitete Auflage in 2 Bänden: Band 1: Metalle und Handelsbedingungen • Der Rohstoff Metall • Metall-Wörterbuch: Deutsch – • Die Metallbörsen Englisch – Französisch • Handelsbedingungen / Normen • Warenverzeichnis für den • Anschriften, Organisationen, Außenhandel Verbände • Statistiken Band 2: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen • Im Fokus stehen für den Metallhandel wichtige Gesetze und Verordnungen Verlassen Sie sich auf Experten: Der Herausgeber Ralf Schmitz ist seit 1995 für die Branche tätig und Geschäfts führer des Verbandes Deutscher Metallhändler e.V. (VDM). Die Autoren sind anerkannte und namhafte Experten in Theorie und Praxis: Hans-Leo Bock, Klaus Bunzel, Catrin Kammer, Ferdinand Dietz, Uwe Görisch, Stefan Kopp-Assenmacher, Nikolai Malanowski, Heinz Mohr, Norbert Müller, Torsten Paßvoß, Markus Pauly, Ralf Schmitz, Nadine Zocher Jetzt in der 11. völlig überarbeiteten Aufl age! Band 1: 976 Seiten, zahlreiche Tabellen, gebunden mit Hardcover Band 2: 685 Seiten, gebunden als Taschenbuch (Paperback); zusammen eingeschweißt Format 21,5 x 15 cm ISBN 987-3-87852-017-7 Komplett 149,00 € Bestellungen unter www.metall-web.de/shop_metallkompetenz Giesel Verlag GmbH Postfach 120 158 30907 Isernhagen · Germany Tel. +49 511 7304-122 Fax +49 511 7304-157 www.giesel.de · [email protected] AnzTBM.BWH VORWORT kilogram of the light metal while in the stands for copper, I for Indium and S 1950ies 21 kWh were needed. for selenium. Copper tubes are neces- And alongside this NF-Metals protect sary in solar heating systems and zinc our world in several applications, il- coated beams hold solar devices safe lustrated by the following examples: on a roof. Extruded aluminium frames NF-Metals ensure a long lifetime for raise curved mirrors in Solar Power many products: Zinc coating helps Plants off the ground and allow them steel constructions to resist corrosion to track the sun throughout the day. attacks for a long time. The main fea- Catalysts on the base of precious ture of copper roofs of old churches metals are used in the purification of is their low maintenance, caused by a technical gases and the reduction of Dr.-Ing. Catrin Kammer protective layer of patina. With this emissions from combustion engines, Chefredakteurin METALL layer roofs are safe for centuries. chemical industry and households. Due to its excellent conductivity cop- And it should be not forgotten that per is one of the key materials for an NE-metals deliver an optimal per- formance for improving fuel economy, reduction of emissions in automo- Green Solutions with Green Metals biles – and this not only in the well-known example of the light metals Magnesium n some languages a different efficient transport of electrical energy. and Aluminium. NF-Metals are also word is used for nonferrous According to Eurocopper 60% of cop- the secret behind high-strength steels metals – they are called „colored per currently produced is used in elec- which would not exist without their metals“, for example in German trical applications. alloying partners titanium, niobium I„Buntmetalle“ or in Russian „Cvet- and other. nye metalli“. But for he 21th century NF-metals are not the problem, This way metal producers must show we can add another term: „The green NF-metals are the solution to the public: NF-metals are not the metals“. In spite of the fact that no real problem, NF-metals are the solution. metal bears the colour “green” it is The use of renewable energy sources As a consequence METALL will show obvious that NF-metals are playing an would be impossible without metals: new solutions in this year with specials important role in a green world. They A large wind-driven turbine alone in- pages in every issue under the head- are to be found in many solutions for corporates more than a tonne of cop- line: Green Metals – green solutions. protecting the environment and cli- per, to find in the rotor, bearings and This issue starts with this important mate: Some of them, like solar cells cables. The C in CIS- photovoltaic cells topic on the pages 8 and 9. are very new while other, for instance the recycling of metals, have been well known for centuries. But even this old example has made its changes over the years: Today’s recycling technologies in industrials countries are highly so- phisticated, clean processes that have nothing in common with the dirty technologies of the past. Meanwhile, producing steel from scrap means 86% less air pollution. The creation of secondary raw materials via the recy- cling route also expends far less energy than production based on primary raw materials. But primary producers of metals have done their homework too: New metallurgical plants extract metals from ore in a very clean and ef- fective way that minimizes CO2 emis- sions, residuals and energy consump- photo: METALL tion. Modern aluminium smelters „Green“ scrap with valuable content. Recycling saves ressources and delivers need only 13 to 14 kWh to produce one massive CO2-reduction. METALL | 64. Jahrgang | 1-2/2010 3 INHALT METALL VOR ORT Libraries - Archives - Museums – Collections ..........................................24 METALL-MAGAZIN METALLURGY Green, simple, fast and efficient ...............................................................10 Pan conveyors for the transport of pellets ......................................... 12 12 Thickening technology to Toromocho project in Peru ........................ Titel Highest quality oxygen-free copper rod ............................................ 12 SMS group increases investment in times of crisis .............................. 13 Distribution centre in Hong Kong .................................................... 13 Orders from Chinese sheet metal producing companies ........................ 13 8 Successful start-up of new continuous slab caster at Gerdau Açominas ..... 14 .................................................... 14 HICON®/N2 bell annealer facility Production control and quality tracking at the Isbergues site .................. 14 Copper rod casting machine .................................................... 14 Titel Three dual-chamber batch-type furnace facilities .............................. 15 Fully automated slab caster .......................................................... 15 Greater precision and flexibility in BF charging .................................. 16 Single coil overhead furnace facility................................................ 16 Largest air separation plant in India ................................................ 16 Copper: Integrated casting and rolling plant ...................................... 16 Seven strands in total ............................................................. 17 Titel New Cooling Tower Direct Drive Motor and Variable Speed Drive.............. 17 Qatalum’s first metal .................................................................. 19 Siroll Electrostatic Oiler to Alcoa Samara ......................................... 36 10 METALL-MAGAZIN Highest building of the world opens ................................................ 18 Einweihung von PETRA III............................................................ 20 Hochreines Niob ist ein Fall für Spezialisten ...................................... 21 Gearbox housing for the new ZF 8-speed automatic transmission ........... 29 Linn High Therm celebrated its 40th Anniversary ............................... 33 GREEN METALS - GREEN SOLUTIONS 8 Global recycling delivers massive CO2 reduction ................................... X-ray lead glass from electronic waste .............................................. 8 ‘End of waste’ in sight .................................................................. 9 METALL-FORSCHUNG Synthesis and characterisation of ZrO /ZnAl25Cu3 composite Titel 12 2 (Kastelec-Macura, S.; Ac´imovic´-Pavlovic´, Z.; Bobic´, I.; Stopic´, S.) ........... 25 Effect of a two-step austempering process on microstructure and properties of ductile iron (Elmasry, N.; Kandil, A.; Abouelela, K.; Amer, A.) 30 METALLWIRTSCHAFT & METALLMARKT LME-Preise, Halbzeugpreise ........................................................... 6 Stainless steel market remains fragile ................................................45 Titel Prior surveillance on imports of certain steel products ........................ 45 Battery & Fuel Cell Materials ....................................................... 46 Large part of the primary Tantalum supply chain is not producing in 2009 46 Cautious optimism for alufoil sales ................................................ 47 Langsamer Aufstieg aus dem Tal ................................................... 47 24 METALL-HISTORISCH Three “celestial” elements (Cannarozzi, S. Y.) .................................. 34 4 1-2/2010 | 64. Jahrgang | METALL INHALT METALL-NACHRICHTEN Anlagenbau ............................................................................ 37 Non-Ferrous Metals Smelting and
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