April 22, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E623 years in Alaska as an Intelligence Officer. was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, over the past century in ensuring Oakland Mr. Knudsen’s family and military back- the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, the County residents have access to high quality ground reveals three paramount principles: Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Force Com- health services and I wish the Association the contribution of leaders, the cost of free- dom, and the duty of citizens. Mr. Knudsen mendation Medal, the Good Conduct Medal many more productive years of fighting to reflects the devotion of leaders—ordinary in- with four oak leaf clusters, Non-commissioned make Oakland County healthier and stronger. dividuals with humble and selfless attitudes. Officer Professional Military Education Ribbon, f As the benefactors of the gift of freedom, it the National Defense Service Medal, the Viet- is our duty to responsibly elect dependable nam Service Medal with three bronze stars, H.R. 1132—THE SHORT LINE leaders and to encourage military men and the Republic of Vietnam Unit Cross of Gal- RAILROAD TAX CREDIT women. Because of dauntless leaders, Ameri- lantry with palm and device and the Republic cans are blessed with the unparalleled gift of freedom. With the rich history of our nation of Vietnam Campaign Medal. HON. VERNON J. EHLERS and the devoted leaders of our generation, we Upon retirement, Mr. Selby worked for the OF MICHIGAN hold great expectations for the continuance Chowchilla Water District, and later, as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hydro-power operator. He was a Life Member of duty, the cultivation of wisdom, and the Thursday, April 22, 2010 conservation of our freedom.—Michelle Kim of the Chowchilla Veterans of Foreign Wars f Post 9896, American Legion Post 248, the Mr. EHLERS. Madam Speaker, I rise to Disabled American Veterans, a member of the urge the House to take up and pass H.R. HONORING ROBERT SELBY Chowchilla Masonic Lodge and the Civil Air 1132, which would extend the short line rail- Patrol. He served several terms as com- road tax credit as soon as possible. This credit HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH mander of the Chowchilla American Legion creates immediate jobs, leverages significant OF CALIFORNIA and VFW. He was an advocate of veterans’ amounts of private infrastructure investment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES affairs and volunteered his time to take vet- and helps preserve much needed rail service Thursday, April 22, 2010 erans to appointments in Fresno and Madera. to rural and small town America. Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. Selby passed away in the beginning of This credit has produced significant results today to posthumously commend and con- 2010. He is survived by his wife of fifty years, since its enactment in 2004. Unfortunately the gratulate Robert Selby upon being awarded Shirley, two sons and three grandchildren. credit expired at the end of 2009. Nationally with the ‘‘Lifetime Achievement Award’’ by the Madam Speaker, I rise today to post- there are over 500 short line railroads oper- Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 9896. Mr. humously honor the life of Robert Selby and ating 50,000 miles or nearly one quarter of the Selby was honored on Saturday, January 30, congratulate him upon being named as a ‘‘Dis- country’s rail network. In my own state of 2010 in Chowchilla, California. tinguished Life Member’’ by the Veterans of Michigan, short lines operate 52 percent of the Mr. Robert Selby was born in June 1936 in Foreign Wars, Post 9896. states total rail network and almost all of that Sparta, Tennessee. In 1961, Mr. Selby en- f is in areas no longer served by the large listed in the United States Air Force. He was Class I railroads. The majority of Michigan’s sent to Lackland Air Force Base, Texas for his IN RECOGNITION OF THE OAK- agricultural products that move by rail move basic training. He then completed training as LAND COUNTY HOSPITAL ASSO- by short line rail. a Jet Mechanic and Flight Engineer. CIATION’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY Today’s short lines are small businesses While fighting in Vietnam, Mr. Selby served OF SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS that saved the track the large national rail- with special Air Force units flying out of Nha OF OAKLAND COUNTY roads would otherwise have abandoned. This Trang, Vietnam on covert missions into Laos tax credit has played a critical role in helping and North Vietnam. His tour consisted of flying HON. GARY C. PETERS preserve this valuable transportation infra- on many secret missions deep into enemy ter- OF MICHIGAN structure. If we do not extend it soon, the ritory, inserting agents and hampering North IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2010 work season will be lost and with it we will lose a very cost efficient way to create Vietnamese communications in advance of Thursday, April 22, 2010 U.S. bombing raids. During one particularly jobs and rehabilitate our rail infrastructure. challenging mission on an HC–130, the air- Mr. PETERS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Currently, H.R. 1132 is co-sponsored by a craft was forced to fly low through heavy to recognize the Oakland County Hospital As- bi-partisan majority of the House, 259 Mem- weather and mountainous terrain to drop sup- sociation (OCHA) on the occasion of its 100th bers. Surely with that kind of support we can plies to combat forces. For his performance year. As a Member of Congress it is both my find a way to enact this legislation before it is during this particular mission, Mr. Selby was privilege and honor to recognize the Oakland too late to enjoy its benefits in 2010, a year in awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. County Hospital Association for its century of which Michigan desperately needs new jobs. Upon returning to the United States after the work creating a stronger and healthier Oak- f war ended, Mr. Selby completed the Non- land County. Commissioned Officers’ Academy. Later, he At the beginning of the 20th Century the COMMEMORATING THE 95TH ANNI- completed the Command Staff Non-Commis- Oakland County Hospital Association was VERSARY OF THE ARMENIAN sioned Officers’ Academy and Air Force Spe- formed with the mission of meeting the health GENOCIDE cial Operations. Throughout his military career needs of all of Oakland County’s residents. Mr. Selby completed many advanced training After nine years of planning, fundraising, and HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN courses including, cross-training with the construction the Association opened Oakland OF CALIFORNIA United States Army infantry units and the M– County Hospital in Pontiac on May 18, 1910 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fulfill this mission. Over 100 years after it was 24 Tank, Advanced Flying Course in Turbo Thursday, April 22, 2010 Propulsion, the Combat Talon, the Air Force founded, Oakland County Hospital, now Doc- Supervisor’s Management Course, and the tors’ Hospital of Michigan, remains dedicated Mr. WAXMAN. Madam Speaker, this week, United States Air Force Trainer-Supervisor to providing quality care to its patients. we solemnly commemorate the 95th Anniver- Course. He served on many aircraft, including Known by many names over the years, sary of the beginning of the Armenian Geno- the B–66 and the C–130, units and bases. He Oakland County Hospital, Pontiac City Hos- cide. served with the 60th Military Air Wing, 8th pital, Pontiac General, North Oakland Medical From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Govern- Special Operations Service, 778th TAS, 42nd Center and finally Doctors’ Hospital, the facility ment sought to destroy Armenian communities TRS and 10th TRW. has been an ever-present part of the greater through a systematic campaign of terror. Men In October 1968, while serving with a C–130 Pontiac Oakland area as a symbol of commu- were separated from their families and mur- squadron in Bermuda providing search and nity-focused medical treatment. With Doctors’ dered; women and children were forced to rescue missions, Mr. Selby was involved with Hospital continuing to serve patients at the march across the Syrian Desert, and killed if the successful NASA Apollo 7 mission. Apollo original location of Oakland County Hospital, they lagged behind. At the time, the United 7 was launched and was the first manned mis- the mission of OCHA will continue to be ful- States took bold diplomatic, political, and hu- sion. For eleven days, while the spacecraft or- filled for many years to come. manitarian action to end the bloodshed and bited earth, Mr. Selby and squadron mates Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join protect the survivors. Ninety-five years later, were available to assist if necessary. me today in celebrating the 100th anniversary we must continue to take pride in our efforts Master Sergeant Selby retired from the Air of the Oakland County Medical Association. and reaffirm our commitment to ending geno- Force in June 1981. For his service, Mr. Selby The Association has been an integral voice cide and defending human rights for all. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:28 Apr 23, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22AP8.011 E22APPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 22, 2010 Sadly, there still remain those who aggres- country via her son, David Thompson, who is HONORING ISRAELI sively deny or raise doubt about this chapter currently serving in Korea with the U.S. Army. INDEPENDENCE DAY of history. The Republic of Turkey threatens In closing, I respectfully urge my colleagues SPEECH OF severe diplomatic consequences to nations to join me in saluting Commander Thompson that officially recognize the genocide, and cur- for her distinguished service and outstanding HON.
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