IASS Conference: Copenhagen August 7-10, 2018 SCANDINAVIAN EXCEPTIONALISMS The International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS), 32nd conference, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen IASS Conference: Copenhagen August 7-10, 2018 SCANDINAVIAN EXCEPTIONALISMS Velkommen til København 4 Welcome to Copenhagen 5 IASS – International Association of Scandinavian Studies 6 Styrelse 6 Styrelsesmedlemmer 6 Konferencekomité ved Københavns Universitet 6 IASS takker 7 Minutes of the 2016 General Meeting of the IASS 8 Constitution of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) 10 IASS 2018 Program – Overview of events 11 Tuesday 7 August 11 Wednesday 8 August 12 Thursday 9 August 13 Friday 10 August 14 Nordisk forfatteraften i litteratursalonen NordOrd 15 Abstracts Keynote Speakers 16 Overview of sessions 23 Abstracts 33 List of speakers 97 Venue guides 100 Velkommen til København IASS (International Association of Scandinavian Studies) er en organisation til fremme af internationalt samarbejde inden for nordiske litteratur-, sprog- og kulturstudier. Dette års konference er den 32. af sin art, siden IASS blev stiftet i Cambridge i 1956. IASS-konferencen finder sted hvert andet år, skiftevis i et nordisk og et ikke-nordisk land. Siden 2010 har konferencen været afholdt ved universiteterne i Lund (Sverige) 2010, Riga og Daugavpils (Letland) 2012, Agder/Kristiansand (Norge) 2014 og Groningen (Holland) 2016. Det er første gang IASS gæster København, og derfor er vi ekstra stolte over at kunne byde IASS- konferencen 2018 velkommen ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (NorS) ved Københavns Universitet. Temaet for konferencen, ”Scandinavian Exceptionalisms”, er et begreb som kommer fra samfundsvidenskaben hvor det bruges til at beskrive det særlige ved de nordiske velfærdsmodeller. Det indfører et blik ude fra på det nordiske og indebærer forestillinger om noget fælles- og særnordisk: en samfundsmodel beroende på en særlig indretning af forholdet mellem individ, stat og marked. Men til begrebet knytter sig også en række kulturelle diskurser og idéer om fælleskab, individualisme, seksuel frigørelse, ligestilling mellem kønnene, miljøbevidsthed m.m. Under overskriften ”Scandinavian Exceptionalisms” i flertal ønsker vi at invitere til en tværfaglig kulturvidenskabelig undersøgelse af hvordan forestillinger om Skandinavien og Norden et blevet formet gennem historien inden for områder som litteratur, kunst, arkitektur, design, uddannelse og mediekultur. Og hvordan de bliver genforhandlet i dag – både inden for Norden og i en global kontekst. Programmet byder på seks fællesforelæsninger ved forskere fra fem forskellige lande som vil belyse emnet ud fra forskellige faglige perspektiver og dermed bidrage til den fortløbende diskussion ved konferencens i alt 36 panelsessioner. Som det er traditionen ved en IASS-konference byder programmet også på en række sociale arrangementer og litterære og musikalske indslag. Onsdag aften den 8. august indbyder vi til en nordisk forfatteraften med deltagelse af to nordiske digtere, Gerður Kristný og Øyvind Rimbereid. Dette arrangement finder sted i kulturcenteret Nordtatlantens Brygge beliggende i Københavns gamle havneområde. Torsdag d. 9. august har vi en udflugt til Kunstmuseet Louisiana med mulighed for rundvisninger i samlingerne og i museets have ved Øresund. Den afsluttende konferencemiddag fredag d. 10. august finder sted i den gamle festsal på Nationalmuseet i Prinsens Palæ ved Frederiksholms Kanal og indeholder en musikalsk-litterær optræden ved Mouritz/Hørslev Projektet, et dansk musikprojekt bestående af sangskriver Mads Mouritz og forfatteren Lone Hørslev. Vi ser frem til nogle spændende dage og glæder os til at byde alle velkommen i København. 4 Welcome to Copenhagen IASS: International Association of Scandinavian Studies is an association dedicated to the development and encouragement through international co-operation of Scandinavian Studies. This year’s conference is the 32nd of its kind since IASS was established in Cambridge in 1956. IASS conferences are organized every second year, alternately in a Scandinavian and a non- Scandinavian country. Since 2010 conferences have been hosted by the universities in the cities of Lund (Sweden) 2010, Riga and Daugavpils (Latvia) 2012, Agder Universitetet in Kristiansand (Norway) 2014 and Groningen (Holland) 2016. It is the first time that the IASS Conference comes to Copenhagen. We are therefore very proud of welcoming all delegates to the 2018 IASS Conference at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS) at the University of Copenhagen. The theme of the conference, “Scandinavian Exceptionalisms”, is a concept used within the social sciences to describe the distinctive features of the Nordic welfare state models. The concept implies a perception of something common among the Nordic countries: a model of society based on a particular arrangement of the relations between individual, family, state and market. Yet, the concept also draws on a set of cultural ideas and discourses about community, individualism, sexual liberation, gender equality, environmental awareness etc. By proposing this theme we wish to encourage an interdisciplinary investigation into the multiple ways in which ideas and narratives of “the Nordic” and “Scandinavian” have been constructed throughout history. How did concepts of the North, Nordic and Scandinavian emerge historically? In what ways have they been narrated, staged and visualized in various cultural domains – in literature, art, design, architecture and media culture? And how are they renegotiated today – in a contemporary global context? The conference program includes six keynote lectures given by scholars from five different countries. The keynote lectures will address the conference theme from various perspectives thus offering a conceptual framework for the ongoing discussions in the 36 panel sessions. True to the tradition of the IASS the program also includes a number of social, literary and other events. On Wednesday August 8 all delegates are invited to a literary soirée featuring two contemporary Nordic writers, Gerður Kristný og Øyvind Rimbereid. This event takes place in the cultural center Nordatlantens Brygge situated in the old harbour area of Copenhagen. On Thursday August 9 we have an excursion to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art including guided tours in the collections and in the garden of the Museum. The conference dinner on Friday August 10 is taking place in the old ceremonial hall at the Danish National Museum and includes a musical-poetical performance by Mouritz/Hørslev Projektet, consisting of musician and songwriter Mads Mouritz and Danish poet Lone Hørslev. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen. 5 IASS – International Association of Scandinavian Studies Styrelse Præsident Torben Jelsbak (København) Sekretær Petra Broomans (Groningen) Styrelsemedlemmer Martin Humpál (Praha) Jón Yngvi Jóhannsson (Reykjavik) Magnus Nilsson (Malmö) Ivars Orehovs (Riga) Karin Sanders (Berkeley) Joachim Schiedermair (Greifswald) Ieva Steponavičiūtė (Vilnius) Konferencekomité ved Københavns Universitet Jens Bjerring-Hansen Line Hjorth Christensen Nana Nina Rosine Thejll Jakobsen Torben Jelsbak (formand) Annette Lassen Anna Estera Mrozewicz Jacob Ølgaard Nyboe Mogens Olesen Marianne Stidsen 6 IASS takker IASS og konferencekomitéen ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab ønsker at takke følgende institutioner og fonde for samarbejde og generøse bidrag til finansiering af konferencen: Carlsbergfondet Clara Lachmanns fond Einar Hansen Forskningsfond Icelandic Literature Center Københavns Universitets Almene Fond Kunstmuseet Louisiana Letterstedtska Föreningen Nordatlantens Brygge Norla Statens Kunstfond 7 Minutes of the 2016 General Meeting of IASS The XXXIst General Meeting of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies was held on August 12, 2016 at The University of Groningen in Nederland at the end of the conference with the theme “Transition ‘Norden’ and Europe.” 1. The President of the Association, Petra Broomans was elected Chair of the General Meeting. 2. The Minutes of the last General Meeting of the Association, held at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway on August 8, 2014 were approved. 3. The president announced the sad news of the death of Flemming Conrad Otto Hageberg Helena Forsås-Scott Glyn Jones Peter Kirkegaard Odd Martin Mæland Laurie Thompson Egil Törnqvist since the last meeting. Members of the conference stood in silence for one minute commemorating the late members. 4. The former president’s report The President of the XXXth conference, Unni Langås announced that a selection of papers presented at the Conference of the Association held in Kristiansand in 2014 is published in the book Litteratur inter artes. Nordisk litteratur i samspill med andre kunstarter, edited by Unni Langås and Karin Sanders and published by Forlaget Portal 2016. Unni Langås thanked the colleagues and the sponsors for their contributions. 5. The President’s report The President, Petra Broomans, made her report to the Association. She thanked her colleagues in the organization committee Elise Bijl, Nannie de Graaff, Ester Jiresch, Janke Klok, Arend Elias Oostindiër, Anja Schüppert and Frank de Waard. She also thanked other colleagues Lena Kjellström, Carolien Fijt, the University Translation and Correction Service and the students Emma Adriaens, Eline Jongsma, Courtney Schellekens and Elise Vos
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