Murray State's Digital Commons Paducah Daily Register Newspapers 4-28-1907 Paducah Daily Register, April 28, 1907 Paducah Daily Register Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pdr Recommended Citation Paducah Daily Register, "Paducah Daily Register, April 28, 1907" (1907). Paducah Daily Register. 546. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pdr/546 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Paducah Daily Register by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ter opso '1; k o 4 7 • • - • PADUCAH DAILY REGISTER. - •. • Standard. Est April, 114 KY.. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 28, 1907. May, PADUCAH. VOL. man. Nuataraan• Register, Bet 1896- - - • _ _ tatiroort '.5 PADUCAH BOYS WON. Ti. was held last Thursday afternoon. As the soperintendent of this depart- ,.41 _HOW MANY TOTEVO FOR Defeated Metropolis Lads by a Score LECTURED ON ment, Mrs. Fannie Dunn, was pre- c.; .lo ti o. vented by illness front attending, Mrs. Jettie Elliott conducted the meeting et. THURSDAY'S PRIMARY yes- AT The high school baseball club EUROPEAN TRIP Choice selections from both= sitgrpoott defeated the school and pros- relating. to the DIFFEREV. tordIV rt."4441. the from Metropolis by a score of" of flowers, were read hy different 1>aa .10141 THERE ARE FIVE ALDERMEN, EIGHT SCHOOL TRUSTEES to to o, The game was played at members. There vrese several contri- Willace path, the -liee-up being: REV. J D. BLACKARD MADE butions 4f Sorts for the homes in- AND SEVEN COUNCILMEN TO BR ELECTED NEXT NO.. THE LOUla Itetropolis—nrown, c; flouts, p; FINE TALK AT BAWD- vaded by sorrow ant sickness. DOES NOT A VOTE FOR A EMBER. HENCE THE DEMOCRATS ARE TO .krmstrong. i b; Grace, a b; Evitts. WELL MONDAY. On next Thursday there will be a DUIC 4:4 or C's ONE b; Korte, (captain) and s s; Rob- • mothers' useeduag under the direc- NOMINEE FOR EACH AND EVERY POSITION—ONLY _date.? .1 erts, Morris. EVAllb, fielders: Rag- tion of Mrs. Pearl Norvell, the so- FOR ALL OTHER OFFICES. ol;o e " CANDIDATE IS TO BE NAMED land. substitute. C. W. B. U AUXILIARY kerintendent of tits depaitneent. Plitiocah--Ga lagher, c: Bagby, p; METHODIST EDUCATIIMAt,-- Yeiser, i b;. Katterjohn, a lo Elliott. MEETS Al2 P. M. chosen WEDNESDAY BOARDS LEBILACSIgAier Many people are under an erron- pares and, a nominee must be 3 b. Fisher. a a; ilailey, Epperhei- for his choir, heere this ac.counts for Burton. Oehler, eous impression regardieg the com- CaVe and CLAIMS MAN 0 the two having to he named for the the garn- CHURCH FURNISHING SOCI- a' g primary as pertains to Fourth. ONE OF THE 114Ciattliiel• IS ARESTED ETY GIVES SHIRTWAIST er et alclersaen. school' trustees and All the coun-cilnianic eard, will NEGRO SUSPECT LEGES OF THIS „ SALE MAY to to vote foe. Some think have to name the one nominee to WANTED MULE LOCATTTC , seaman me Holding amend Asail- aldermen take the place to be vacated by the Pedice 01. eireeeitnem •futss Aiken. ;glob' republicans now in. but who go out ant. of Miss Spossegitpt to be nominated, •••••••••••••• stind six trustees are the last of this year. In addition Woman's Home Missionary Auxiliary Thu Does Not denpoorets Alton, Ill., arril 27—The police to- WILLIAM LADES TESTIFIED Affpn.rikeviteeisCh I ibis is wrung, as the to this one nominee for each ward, of the Trimble Street Church, Whereby Paducah, 74 áy &rotated a nekro named Richard THAT CATES WANTED %,,Arscitingesre to nominate five Illideirosee.•iletwu a second nomination will have to be Gives Social Session. a Speed Ittatitniatescao .14 ar bolding hero on suspic- MULE GIVEN HIM. school trus- made for the Fifth ward, as George Siam and dawn, end sight ion that he attacked Miss Violet elected to serve for two L5aser tees. these being necessitated on ac- Shelton, Spencer and slashed her with a razor Yeses beginniag- last January, resign- One of the most delightful eveniugs A deal has 'ai'llgi tlfi-tsealll of those elected for *arms not on the street last night. ffis descrip- Prank Fisher Stated He Could Net motet ed. sad Rages, Tuttle was named oar people have enjoyed in quite a die beenLouts% 1 0. go- tion tallies with the description Miss Get Cars on Account at RondUe- between ••4116, .. -llierving Ess1110111111. end others until November whet; the peo- while was the occasion of Dr. J. W. to sit Spencer gave of her assailant. The ing Them for Contract Mines. college and the Met hodibe eonflfer- their Plage meld the No- ple deriguate whoever still fill out Bladtard's lecture on his trip to Eu- ewe educational board re101178114 .o.ileg au in police say they have another negro remaining fourteen months of. rope at the Methodist church liondai massithoit -OW comber election, whet the people the under cotablisbusents. of a accounts (or surveillance. eiturieg, says the . Bardwell lit 1 fill out the re- gilbelton's term. This will recover from her (Ky.) lege in that city. The plbilllesseibl the parties an Miss Spencer The interstate commerce- conansis- same nonsination (rem that ward. News. He has a subject that is in- Methodist board ate dill- sYthat' the the extra injured She w.re a heavy cloak riots finished its sitting yesterday at brander of dm rem for which be much con- teresting, sod he handles it in a way have in charge thi As there seems to which prevented the razor making a Louisville, where complaints were original pastas ars -e chosen. as regards bow thee no one could rmist the tempts- dollar Speed feed on('Which rola fusion among many fetal woond Intenee excitement made by owners of Wiest Kentucky at large many shall be nominated, it would be tree to become interested. the de- leges are to be erectill. Ornotr'of tbe aldermen arc Wetted toseeeds in Alton and a posse of citi- coal trines,' ateirardima the *Woes well for all t.i clip this article oat scription of the storm at sea. lasting hosed hare visited Padneabh0 look's tool out from wards and the public zens is 'Ott coder arm.. Central sot ieraislueg enough coal N.id,siè.s haI and hermit beiore them election day. far two days are *mime which the hag over the state. cas vote for only flee 01 110011 oet ears f.a. Ike mines to ship their out- so 4 way be used as as autbeuric, good ship tossed neantly. epee, the ever been teached and Mir 'of the go- most 'mete try*, to of the followersg list of digdifilais: guider -wail present time voters from CAPTOR OF JEFF DAVIS DIES bellow., was especially' ietereetiag. William Bodes, secretary' of the interested bop get the one of the coat/ger:beer, no.. George B. Boast, Maeda, for too suety or -oat Dr. Blackard visited the principal Hillside Coal company, at Greets- 411161110. If anybody rotes foe toe Dr. (troves.. Civil Viler thergeos, cities and points of interest in Er/sa- vele, in testifying that his company trounced yesterilly that 'he' VW 'cc- they lisoege. A. W. Greii. ). &AIWA Miss. eared word to abet Can401111011 their ballot is Pewees Awe. Mass brief llied. Scotland, Switzerland and Italy, bed ben discriminated aganst, mid tilifrete big Away Nieman, Virgil Sherrill. Frank MAY Louinalla *a bad ,sotikitidisi_hsetias &moo ON and they loss their vote. sad be tells of the customs of the he order to get cars he had paid bib- W. Ja. Hummel sad James April sy.—J. 0 whatever with the;projetiWbsidildo b. Smith. Tor biteable) only on. Donn - affurgIssen. Pl. mono people with whom he WM Me to Commeor Sams Cates, giving physician inthis sec- lists colleges overt abialilitelberefors- F. Sheik nee is to be Genes, oldest in tillitact is a way that attracts his him clothes, oboes, tobacco, grocer- a five days' Pariecab has1 chances ef bait*as in- nowireated The polls open at 6 o'clock newt tion:Wed today after niters to the subject natter. ies and ether artistes *no the asan- The conseibase are is practice stitution of this chareetetl'ano:n... in- c:.,.r at MOON. He had been hater* psaVs stare. Wig* Mar salad Ws Only out Is to be elect- Thursday morning and - Ansither MOO* pleasing ed on an • arr as frost warts. liOteolgs bora, Dr. Groves was stir be balked and thin lad enormous male: o'clock in the afternoon of tile evenfilters entertainment wag for a male bright, as ever. ed frosts the First ward which has genet* ille Ninety-eighth Illinois -nate trouble in getting cars. **Abe tier ifirgaic which was famished by our The conference eduaffirral candidates of C. W. Morrietia and efiet.41 Wok! arias; lb. Ova twirled to instance of discriminate, DEAN OF ROUSE OF LORDS foal mesiciass. Birdwell can cow- which has charge of •t1s! fond Hae -not was sistalind Ile is the fitnisbni of cars • George A. Hansen. Only see coon- Eneldete itseU soon having music- of. earentl- been so busy with this Lou'irs;lo as surgeon the Tenth tors, nominated from the °emir, BMA Peerierels, Cel- ins east &not be extorted in any that ;t has not had time to devote dimmest is to he Lord ry in goon of Idliternia" lito est F. M. Fisher, of Paducah, of the must be from ebrates yids "Mall City or cowls, and ft proof of any attention whatever the wind mood, and be uisè was present at hie capture.
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