Avaragie Dally Net Preas Run For The Week Ended The Weather M e y U »lN i CSear tonight. Low in mid*4(h. Mostly sunny tomorrow. High 15,070 In 60s. HaneheMter— A CUy o f Vtttage Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 196 (TWENTY PAGES— TWO SE(7nONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, BIAY 20, 1968 (Okwmed Admrtteing on FMge 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Paralysis u.g. Aide Sent to London GOLD PmOES ttlSE LONDON AP) — The price of gold reached a new peak of Seen N ear $48.80 an ounce on tte London tree market today, 'but the free maricet today, but tbe To Brief British on Talks Brittsh pound recovered slight. Heavy demand has By JOHN HIGHTOWER sent the gold price steadily up AP Special CorreqMndent In France and records have tumbled PARIS (AP) — Ambassador W. Averell Harriman dally. Gold sMd at $40 an sent an aide to London today to brief the British on the PARIS (AP) — Strikes snowballed rapidly across ounce for the first time last status of preliminary Vietnam peace talks here, in ad­ France in a wave of social ferment today and the nation Wednesday, went up to $41.60 vance of British Foreign Secretary Michael SteWart’s approached total paralysis. Paris was at a virtual stand- Friday and reached %*!t at forthcoming trip to the Soviet Union. stul with not a bus, subway or train moving:. House­ market opening this morning. The official U.S. spokesman at the talks, in which wives rushed to stock up on food. The poimd rebounded from Friday’s all-time low of $8.- the American and North Vietnamese stands apparently Joining the walkouts amid calls for the resijgnation remain far apart, was asked whether the United States of President Charles de Gaulle were workers in coal 8864. At one point after the foreign exchange market re­ was requesting the British government to serve as go- nunes, automobile factories, ports arid airports. Even opened today. It had climbed between for the Americans and Russians bn the peace veterans joined the movement 82 points to $2.8876, then settl- issue. He replied that since Washington and Moscow with demands for higher pensions. led around $8.8878. have direct relations he saw no need for a go-between. De OauUe conferred with t o p ----------------------------------------------- The spoksman, 1^1 J. Jorden, if*? *“ Electricity workere In Paris recalled that President Johnson tiirnAd hnm i”' Continued to provide power al- had appealed to Britsiin smd have occ^led the Russia, as cochairmen of the ^act^es slrice Salturday night. >reme 1964 Geneva Convention which Food supplies reached Les Quarters divided Vietnam, to work for Halles, Pari^- Ug central mat- peace In Vietnam. het, wWle truck drivers re- Vietnam will be a major topic cems were c l o ^ down either j^bs. Court of Stewart’s Moscow sojourn. “ hiers were out. The O f ‘Poor’ The trip to London by the Harri­ of the paralysis of transport and 45 qqq joiners of the North man aide, Dsmlel Davidson, un­ Hasln joined the strike of their doubtedly was connected with G a r b le pUed In Ihe streets of comrades In Lorraine. Rulings the Moscow mission. Paris. There have been no col- ^he 10,000 men of the Alsace Doubled Asked whether Davidson IwUons since Saturday because ^ ja sh mines and the 7,000 men WASHINGTON (AP) — The would appeal for British and So­ of a strike of garbagemen and the mines In the Blanzy Ba- WASHINGTON (AP) — Eager Supreme Court today made the viet action to guarantee the se­ ahi, centra! Prance, were also volunteers working late into the federal constitutional right to a curity and sovereignty of Laos Thousands of workers occu- ^ut night helped the Poor People’s jury trial In criminal cases and Cambodia, Vietnam’s pled the Mg Peugeot auto facto- j^^oo men of a French oil binding on the states. neighbors in Indochina, Jorden Campaign more than double the said Davidson Is simply to bring ry a t ^ h a i a In e ^ e r n France ^enriery at Le Havre and the size of its “ Resurrection City, The historic 7-2 decision, gflv- near the Swiss border. All of the 2.000 of a Shell refinery near cn by Justice Byron R. White, the British up to date on what U.S.A.” over the weekend, set­ was in the discussions. govem m en t-^ ed Renault auto narselUe put down their tools, ting the stage for possible major said; plants have been occupied since Reports of other stoppages Harriman had raised 4he point demonstrations early this week. “ Because we believe that trial of Cambodian and Laotian secu­ ^ , . poured In fron outside Paris— With more than half the pro­ by Jury In criminal cases Is fun­ rity in the talks here with the w ^ r s of the 2,600 at the French plant of In- jected 3,000 residents now damental to the American sys­ Vietnamese. Macheto tire f a c t ^ tematKmal Harvester at St. Dl- housed in their West Potomac tem of Justice, we hold that ^ e Jorden said there have been mont Ferrand In central Prance jjer, nearly 10,000 In the Sud-A- Park quarters, the Southern 14th Amendment guarantees a no private contacts between the went on strike and occupied the ^^tlon plant at the“pOtt M Ro- Christian Leadership Confer­ right of jury trial In all criminal American and North Viet­ _ chefort, and an unlimited strike ence has for the first time a cases which—^were they to be namese delegation members Striking MarseUle dockwork- ,,,eted by the same firm’s facto- sizeable nucleus of demonstra­ tried In a federal court—^would since the Saturday session. Thus ers ran red flags to the tops of t Marignane, near Mar- tors on which to draw. come within the 6th Amend­ far the U.S. group has failed to masts of all French ships. The geiue, .. The Rev. Ralph David Aber­ ment’s guarantee.” detect any evidence of signif- 8,000 dockers of neighboring Roads leading Into Paris were nathy, SCLC president, is to Speaking to a crowded court­ cant change In North Vietnam’s dotat were also on strike. clogged by huge traffic jams. huddle with his staff today for a room, White declared; “ We In­ position since the talks opened, About two-thirds of the 66,000 (jagoHne stations, uncertain of strategy meeting that coiild well sist that the right to demand Jorden said. workers at various dtroen auto ^,04^ supplies, were limiting the last until nightfall. Exactly jury trials in serious cases, The United States has not plants around the country were quanUtles sold to each custom- when and where to demonstrate , whether exercised or not, is one unable to work. A contpany is one of the topics on their asked for and has'not received that the states should respect.” any assurance with regard to spokesman said "elemMits for- ivench CJhannel ferries to agenda. Justices John M. Harlan and Only sudden rain squalls pre­ the contlnuailon of the confer­ elgn to the company” prevented Britain remained In port, (AP Fhotofax) Potter Stewart dissented. Har­ the men from entering. Only, the big Paris Intema- vented org^anization of a pre­ ence in Paris, Which is now Chinook helicopter lifts load of captured enemy ammo out of a Shau valley. lan complained that the 14th snarled by a wave of strikes, In Paris, lines formed In front (tonal airport, was almost de- viously imannounced march Amendment Is “ being made the of some banks even before open- gerte^ as airlines switched their around the Capitol Sunday aft­ but Jorden said, “ We are as­ vehicle lor putting the heavy suming the talks will go fom ard Ing Ume. Bank employes got to Brussels, Belgium, ernoon, said the Rev. Andrew hand of this court on all sorts of M and facilities will be available.” strike , orders Saturday, The dispatched passengers to Young, executive vice president practices which hitherto it had When the talks reopen Bank France delayed the pgitg on chartered buses, of SCLC. been thought proper for the The 86-year-old minister told Marines Repulse 3 Attacks; Wednesday, the big snag, as be­ opening of the foreign exchange states to have, and to have var­ newsmen he felt the week-old fore, is likely to be North Viet­ market. (See Page Seven) ied.” campaign is doing “ extremely nam’s insistence that the United The ruling was given In a well” so far, “ stirring the con­ States, without asking any Louisiana case. The Louisiana science of America . America concession in return, end all Enemy Rockets Pound Base Constitution grants jury trials is talking about poverty as nev­ bombings and acts of war only in cases in which capital against the North. er before.” , punishment or imprisonment at Hit by Riots Negro and white volunteers SAIGON (AP) — North Viet­ their mission until their supply enemy were killed and 33 ene­ Harriman and the No. 2 U.S. namese troops made three was replenished. my weapons were left on the hard labor may be imposed. envoy, Cyrus R. Vance, called A had pushed construction of the U.S. officers say five divisions The Supreme Court acted on tent-shaped plywood hits that ground attacks on U.S. MarlTies battlefield. Marine spokesmen on the South Vietnamese ob­ sm appeal by Gary Duncsm, a 21- make up most of the city about along South Vietnam’s northero of aSded and N oi^ Vietnamese said eight Marines were re­ serve here for a 40-mlnute re­ Guard, Police Patrol year-old Negro convicted of half-way down the mile-long frontier Sunday and sent big forces face each other in the ported woimded.
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