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The herniated disc also may damage the nerve root PREVENTING OR TREATING PAN AND by pinching or compressing it, leading to additional immune NFLAMMATION system activation in the area. Another particularly painful disease is spinal Stenosis, CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED where there is progressive constriction of the spinal canal and APPLICATION as it narrows, the nerve elements that reside within it become progressively more crowded. Eventually, the canal dimen This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. sions become Sufficiently small—so as to significantly com 12/105,994, filed Apr. 18, 2008, the entirety of which is 10 press the nerve elements and produce pain, weakness, sen incorporated by reference. sory changes, clumsiness and other manifestation of nervous system dysfunction. The disease causes lower back pain, BACKGROUND lower extremity pain, lower extremity weakness, limitation of mobility and the high disability rates that often afflict the Pain can adversely affect patients in many different ways. 15 elderly. It can keep the patient from being active, sleeping well, enjoy Spondylolisthesis is another painful disease. Spondylolis ing family and friends, and from eating. Pain can make the thesis is a displacement disorder of the lumbar or cervical patient feel afraid or depressed and prevent full participation spine, in which one vertebral body is forwardly displaced in general rehabilitation programs and may even slow recov over another vertebral body. Spondylolisthesis may becaused ery. by a traumatic event or by degeneration of the spine. At times, Properpain control is of prime importance to anyone treat the displacement disorder is accompanied by or caused by a ing many different diseases or conditions. Proper pain relief fracture or partial collapse of one or more vertebrae or degen imparts significant physiological and psychological benefits eration of a disc in the spine. Patients who suffer from such to the patient.
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