ENDNOTES 1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007, Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change, Summary for Policymakers, p. 18. 2 The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), 2006, “Asia/World Energy Outlook 2006”, see: http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/en/data/pdf/362.pdf 3 Architecture 2030, “The Building Sector”, See web site of Architecture 2030: http://www.architecture2030.org/building_sector/index.html 4 Dependency of Japan, China and South Korea on the Middle East for oil supply will increase from 72 percent in 2004 to 83 percent in 2030. 5 Ivo J.H. Bozon, Warren J. Campbell, and Mats Lindstrand, 2007, “Global Trends in Energy”, The McKinsey Quarterly, no. 1, pp.47-55. 6 Telephone interview with Barbara Finamore, Director, China Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council, May 2006; Information Center of the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources, 2007, “Energy Situation in China and Energy Development Strategy”, see: http://big5. lrn.cn/stratage/resposition/200704/t20070410_49075.htm 7 Xu Binglan, 2006, “Energy standards set for buildings”, China Daily, February 17, see: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2006-02/17/ content_521206.htm 8 India Construction Industry Development Council, 2006, Country Report 2005-2006. 9 The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), 2006, “Asia/World Energy Outlook 2006”, see: http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/en/data/pdf/362.pdf 10 The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), 2006, “Asia/World Energy Outlook 2006”, see: http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/en/data/pdf/362.pdf www.AsiaBusinessCouncil.org Why Green Buildings Are Key to Asia’s Future / 255 11 Asia Pacific Energy Research Institute, 2006, “APEC Energy demand and supply outlook 2006”, see: http://www.ieej.or.jp/aperc/2006pdf/ Outlook2006/Whole_Report.pdf; the data for India is from the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), 2006, “Asia/World Energy Outlook 2006”, see: http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/en/data/pdf/362.pdf 12 The World Bank, 2001, “China: Opportunities to Improve Energy Efficiency in Buildings”, Asia Alternative Energy Program and Energy & Mining Unit, East Asia and Pacific Region, see: http://www.worldbank. org/astae/Bee-report-revised.pdf 13 UNEP, United Nations Foundation, and the World Bank, 2006, “Local Financing to Slash Energy Waste in China, India, Brazil Said Crucial to Forestalling Global Climate Change”, 3CEE project news release, see: http://3countryee.org/PressRelease.pdf 14 Zijun Li, 2005, “China Aims to Build Energy-Efficient Society in Next Five Years”, World Watch Institute, October 20, see: http://www.worldwatch. org/node/52 15 Buildings are defined as any structure or part of a structure having connected load of 500 kW or contract demand of 600 kVA and above and intended to be used for commercial purposes. India Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2004, “Action Plan: Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Establishments”, see: http://www.bee-india.nic.in/aboutbee/Action%20Plan/08.ta4.html 16 See web site of European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/demand/ legislation/buildings_en.htm 17 See EU GreenBuilding Program web site: http://www.eu-greenbuilding.org/ 18 See web site of International Energy Agency: http://www.iea.org/Textbase/ work/2006/cert_slt/announcement.pdf 19 See web site of U.S. Green Building Council: http://www.usgbc.org/ 20 See web site of World Green Building Council: http://www.worldgbc.org/ default.asp?id=67 21 See web site of World Business Council for Sustainable Development: http://www.wbcsd.org/templates/TemplateWBCSD5/layout.asp?type=p &MenuId=MTA5NA&doOpen=1&ClickMenu=LeftMenu 256 / Building Energy Efficiency 22 The 16 cities include Bangkok, Berlin, Chicago, Houston, Johannesburg, Karachi, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Mumbai, New York, Rome, São Paulo, Seoul, Tokyo, and Toronto. See “Landmark Program to Reduce Energy Use in Buildings”, the Clinton Foundation, see: http://www. clintonfoundation.org/051607-nr-cf-fe-cci-extreme-makeover-green- edition.htm 23 The United Kingdom government in December 2006 issued a consultation document, “Building a Greener Future: Towards Zero Carbon Development”, seeking views on the government's proposal for moving toward zero carbon homes, under which all new homes in England will have to be carbon neutral by 2016. The proposal includes tightening building and planning rules, and a star rating system that reveals a property's energy efficiency to potential home buyers. After the consultation exercise closed in March 2007, a “2016 Taskforce” headed by Minister for Housing and Planning and Minister for Communities and Local Government was set up to identify barriers to the implementation of the 2016 zero-carbon target, and put in place measures to address them. See web site of Department of Communities and Local Government, the United Kingdom Government, http://www.communities.gov.uk 24 See web site of Department of Communities and Local Government, the UK Government: http://www.communities.gov.uk 25 Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the US Department of Energy, 2006, “High Performance Buildings”, August 10, see: http://www. eere.energy.gov/buildings/highperformance/design_approach.html 26 These data are based on Asian examples, including the CII-Godrej Green Business Center Building in India which is capable of a 55 percent reduction in total energy consumption and an 88 percent reduction in lighting energy consumption; the new headquarters building of the Ministry of Science and Technology in China, which consumes around 70 percent less energy than comparable buildings. 27 Charles Lockwood, 2006, “Building the Green Way”, Harvard Business Review, June 2006. Why Green Buildings Are Key to Asia’s Future / 257 28 David B. Goldstein, 2006, “International Best Practice in Building Energy Codes”, PowerPoint Presentation presented at the workshop: “Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Meeting the G8 Gleneagles Challenge”, International Energy Agency, November 27-28, Paris. 29 Green Building Council Australia, 2006, “The Dollars and Sense of Green Buildings 2006: Building the Business Case for Green Commercial Buildings in Australia”, see: http://www.gbcaus.org/gbc.asp?sectionid=15 &docid=1002 30 Davis Langdon, 2004, “Costing Green: A Comprehensive Cost Database and Budgeting Methodology”, see: http://www.davislangdon. com/upload/images/publications/USA/2004%20Costing%20Green %20Comprehensive%20Cost%20Database.pdf 31 In India, the Green Business Center has licensed the LEED rating system and localized it for the Indian market. In China, no widely accepted green building rating system is in place so developers and local governments have opted to apply the US-based LEED ratings system. Application of the US rating system is problematic because the scoring of specific features is based on U.S. requirements rather than those of the Chinese market. 32 CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Center, “Green Buildings”, Web site of CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Center, Confederation of India Industry, see: http://www.ciigbc.org/documents/green3.pdf 33 U. S. Department of Energy, 2004, “Building Commissioning”, Building Technologies Program: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, December, see: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/info/operate/ buildingcommissioning.html 34 Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2002, “Building Commissioning Overview for Design Professionals”, Betterbricks Project, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, see: http://www.betterbricks.com/default. aspx?pid=article&articleid=84&typeid=10&topicname=commissioning& indextype=topic 35 ABC Interview with Robert Allender, Managing Director, Energy Resources Management, July 3, 2006, Hong Kong. 258 / Building Energy Efficiency 36 U.S. Department of Energy, 2007, “Operations and Maintenance”, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Federal Energy Management Program, see: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/operations_maintenance/index. html 37 Excerpt from presentation given at conference: “The Business Case for Energy Efficiency”, May 24, Hong Kong. 38 TIAX LLC, 2005, “Energy Impact of Commercial Building Controls and Performance Diagnostics: Market Characterization, Energy Impact of Building Faults and Energy Savings Potential”, Report prepared for Building Technologies Program of the U.S Department of Energy, see: http://www.tiaxllc.com/aboutus/pdfs/energy_imp_comm_bldg_cntrls_ perf_diag_110105.pdf 39 “Leaky Ducts Are Costing You Money”, Marketing template of Carrier, a multinational company providing air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration products and services, see: http://www.xpedio.carrier.com/idc/ groups/public/documents/marketing/808-352.pdf?SMSESSION=NO 40 Lew Siew Eang, “Energy Efficiency of Office Buildings in Singapore”, Department of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, see: http://www.bdg.nus.edu.sg/BuildingEnergy/ publication/papers/paper4.html 41 “The 2005-2006 Annual Business Survey”, 2006, Building Services Professional, An IMC Media Limited Publication, p. 22. 42 International Energy Agency, 2006, Light’s Labor’s Lost: Policies for Energy- efficient Lighting, Paris. 43 International Energy Agency, 2006, Light’s Labor’s Lost: Policies for Energy- efficient Lighting, Paris. 44 HOK, “HOK Sustainable Design Approach”, Unpublished report of HOK (an architecture, engineering, interiors and planning firm). 45 The US Department of Energy, 2007, “Life-Cycle Cost Analysis”, June, see: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/program/lifecycle.html 46 “From Little Things, Big Things Grow”, 2005, Building Services Professional, February,
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