St. Martha Catholic Church Readings for the Week Monday: Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147:12-15, Welcome 19-20; Mt 17:22-27 We are delighted to welcome each and every one who has come to wor- Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7- ship with us today. Whether you’re a longtime parishioner, a newcomer, or 9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 just visiting, know that our desire is to extend God’s loving presence to all. Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, If you would like to register, you can download the registration form 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 from our website, www.stmartha.com, or find a copy in the narthex on the Thursday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; welcome kiosk. 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13- Vision Statement: Baptized into Christ Jesus, we worship as one and reach out to all. 14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, Message from our Pastor 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Dear Parish Family, Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 I know that the start of school is right around the corner, so I hope Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16 everyone enjoys what they have left of summer break. As we tran- -18, 21-22, 24; Mt 19:3-12 sition into the start of another school year, the life of the parish Saturday: Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16:1-2a, starts ramping up. One of the ways we mark that in our parish is 5, 7-8, 11; Mt 19:13-15 through our ministry fair. For the next two weekends (August 17- Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18 and August 24-25) we will have representatives of our parish 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49- ministries in the narthex after Mass. They are there to answer questions 53 about their ministries and to help anyone who wants to volunteer to be a part of those ministries. It is a great way for us to reflect on what gifts God has Mass Intentions for the Week given us so we can share with our parish family. For those new to the parish, Mon./Aug. 12 I invite you to look through the list of ministries in our bulletin and see what 8:30 AM †Joseph Cannon gifts you might be able to share. We have a very active parish with a diversity †Robert & Mary Ann Affleck of ministries, so there really is something for everyone! We pray that we may †Nancy Zaiz continue to share the gifts we have been given as a parish to help make a dif- Tues./Aug. 13 ference in the lives of so many people! Thanks for all your support in our 8:30 AM †Victor Gonzalez ministry fair and thank you to everyone who is already involved. Our parish †Susana Zavala †John Muñiz is amazing because of your generosity in sharing your gifts! Many of you notice the Chapel is nearing completion. Hopefully by next 7 PM †Bill Beseda †Gia Gallardo week, I’ll be able to give everyone a date for the dedication and the process †Mary Cook for those who want to attend. Unfortunately, we only have 250 seats in the Wed./Aug. 14 new Chapel, but we will let you know next week how we will go about filling 8:30 AM Wende & Tim Pope up the new chapel for the dedication Mass. Please continue to pray for safety †Kevin Briones for all those working so we can get into our new house of prayer as soon as †Javier Aguilar possible! 10 AM †Charles E. Nicholas God bless, †Denise N. Jackson Fr. TJ †Ricky Johnson Thurs./Aug. 15/Feast of the Assumption Fri./Aug. 16 Sunday Readings and Reflection 8:30 AM †Maria Clara Arzate †Jack Throop Todays Readings †Sophie Piercy Stanley First Reading — Your ancestors waited in faith and courage for God’s Sat./Aug. 17 promised summons (Wisdom 18:6-9). 5:30 PM †George Calogne Psalm — Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own (Psalm 33). †Dorothy Palus Second Reading — By faith Abraham sojourned in the promised land †Bill Sala (Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]). Sun./Aug. 18 Gospel — You do not know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will 7 AM For the Parish appear (Luke 12:32-48 [35-40]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the 9 AM †George Spartz Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. †Mary Grace Presley †Jane Borowski Faith and Hope 11 AM †Mary Beth Doyle Faith and hope are closely united in today’s readings. The Israelites knew †Don Delaney when the Passover was coming, and so were not in fear, but had faith and †Jerome Rucka courage, “putting into effect with one accord the divine institution.” In this 1 PM †Hernan Triana Rodriguez we can see a foretelling of the Eucharist that we celebrate according to †Teresa Gallardo Rigual Christ’s command, “Do this in memory of me.” †German Duque Reyes We see that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob died in faith, although they 5 PM †Paul La Chapelle †Gloria La Chapelle did not see fulfillment of the promise. We live in hope that our faith will be †Chris Lyden fulfilled every time we celebrate this sacrament. We too are not to be afraid, but to have hope that our faith will be fulfilled in the coming of Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Feast of the Assumption—Holy Day Please remember the recently deceased and their families in your prayers: FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION Mary Cook Thursday, Aug. 15, is the Feast of the Jacques Bouchez (husband of Cristina Assumption Bouchez and father of Jerome Bouchez) (Holy Day of Obligation) Noreen Stack (sister of Catherine Connelly) Angelina Cangemi (mother of Jennifer Vigil Mass, Aug. 14: 7 PM Ilger) Feast Day Masses, Aug. 15: Rosemary Schildhauer 6:30 AM, Noon, and 7 PM Jacques Bouchez The School Mass will be held at 8:30 AM in the August (Gus) Pasquini Activity Center on the Woodland Hills Campus. Angelina Cangemi Chris Schod Marguerite Miller (mother of Greg Miller) Roberto Ante, Jr. (son of Robert, Sr. and Stewardship Juanita Ante and brother of Melanie Henry) Please remember the sick and their families in your prayers: Deacon John Schuster, Grant McTaggart, Martha Busch, Leroy DeReese, Steven Fos- ter, Andrew Hernandez, Francois Tartamel- la, Peggy O’Brien, Eli T. Fos, Adonis Ysul- an, Bill Burk, Jeanette Lobue, Barb Isom, Candace Gilman Hupp, Mary Ann Fernan- Mark your calendars for St. Martha’s Annual Stewardship Renewal! dez, Fannie Grande, Tim Reardon, Virginia Aug. 17-18: Faith Formation, School, and Liturgy Ministries Gaffney, Randall Herr, Dickie Howard, Aug. 24-25: Community Life and Outreach Ministries Mike Badura, Gonzalo Moreno, Waldon Join the St. Martha community to learn more about how you can become Landry, Cathy Silk, India Geohegan, Rowan involved and support our many ministries here at St. Martha. Ministry Mae Sullivan, Elizabeth Fisk, Joey Tor- members will be available after every Mass to share what they do and an- torice, Monte Slatton, Dane Russell, Erin Pergola, Megan Brissenden, Catherine Ca- swer questions. You’ll have the opportunity to join ministries and inquire sey, Jessica & Chris Jones, Connie Sue more about the amazing activities happening at St. Martha. Volunteering Rodebaugh, Jerry Denton, Deacon Alfredo for a ministry is a great way to give thanks to God by sharing your gifts of Soto, Bob Hatczel, Juanita Allen, Patrick Time and Talent. Please join us! Hosay, Misty Abalos, Carmen Aloisio, Jon- (For a complete listing of St. Martha ministries please see page 14 of the ny Hegna, Anne Schuelke, Margaret “Susie” McDermott, Javier Rosales, An- bulletin under Ministry Contact Information) drew Hernandez, Judy Trahan, Eddie Fen- ner, Katherine Irwin, Sallie Howard, Jose For the weekend of Aug. 3 & 4 your Calixto Martinez, Angel Curet, Elnora Per- STEWARDSHIP GIFTS OF TREASURE alta, Mike Daciek, Thyra Beck, Denny En- riguez, Eric Vergara, Jo Horton, Veronica resulted in: Jimenez, Louis D. Garcia, Roberta Martin, Sunday Collection $ 37,180 Special collections: Amy Bui, Richard S. Fitzharris, Emlyn Ev- Holy Day-Assumption $ 12 Capital Campaign $ 9,190 ans, Pat Hyland, Zachary Cantu, Nancy Total $ 37,192 Martha’s Kitchen $ 3,755 McCann, Claire Tomlinson, Alisa Cancino, Shirley Snoe, Chris Price, Dr. James Rob- Year To Date: SVdP (Archdiocese) $ 250 erts, Kevin Johnson, Bill Beck, Jackson Sunday Collection $ 329,312 Infirm Priests $ 130 Pickard, Heriberto Vergara, Pat Winicki, 2019 DSF: Jason Consolacion, Leon Guinn, Albert & Goal $ 305,000 Current Loan Debt: Deanna Taubert, Lisa Ferguson, Denise By- Payments to Date $ 234,272 $ 7,744,199 ington, Robert MacDonald, Mary Rubino, INFIRM PRIESTS COLLECTION Dorothy Hernandez, Marilyn Northcutt, Joseph Weyer, Robyn Laumbach, Rick The annual Infirm Priests Collection is a major source of revenue Frantz, Pietro Taliente, Richard S. Fitzharris through which the Archdiocese is able to provide much needed medical Communion to the Sick: If you or a loved and emergency support for our retired and infirm priests. one are in Kingwood Hospital or are home- This year the Infirm Priests Collection is Aug. 10-11. Please be as bound and would like a Communion Minis- generous as you can in this important need. ter to visit, call the church office at 281-358 Giving has never been easier with Text-to-Give.
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