AVEBAOE DAILY CmClTLATION ^ for the Moatb of fifareh, IMS WEATHER Forecast of O. S. Weather Buieaa, Hartford 6,1-54 Member of the Audit iiam liF atF r lu f nu m Generally fair tonight, probably Bureau of Olrealattoas followed by ehowera Wednesday. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVn., NO. 170 (Claaalffed AdvartMag oa Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1938 ITW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS An Erect Pershing: Faces Cameramen CHINESE HAVE STRIKES AGAIN FRANCE, ITALY A MILLION MEN HIGHLIGHTS IN LOYALISTS DYNAMITE AGREE TO TALK FOR HUGE HGHT TRAD^ICTDRE OF F R B H I P BRIDGES IN AH EM PT Lini Fast Becoming Center Truck DnVers Quit In Ro- M Begin Diplomatic Con- Of Great Battle; Japanese chester, N. Y., Trolleymen versations At Once; Early TO HALT INSURGENTS! Land Fire New Diviaons Out In Colnmlnis, 0., And Accord Expected; Czechs And Vast War Stores. Fisher Body Plant Closed Recognize African Empire Rebel Advance Troops Shanghai, April 19.— (A P ) — Aa By ASSOCIATED PRESS ready Occupy Sabmrbs O fl Rome, April 19— (A P )—Italy and a prelude to a grand new offensive A truck driver*’ strike In Roches- France agreed today to begin con- In South Shantung province where ter. N. Y.. a transportation s*rike In Tortosa; International] versations immediately to reestab- they have met with severe reverses. (Johimbus, 0 „ and suspension of lish their traditional friendship, 6.000 Japanese reinforcements have operations at Fisher Body Plant shattered by the Ethiopian war. gade Forms Backbone arrived on the Y1 river, four miles No. 1 in Flint, Mich., highlighted the nation's industrial picture today. Italy's readiness to bury the hatchet from LlnL They fought their way A t the Wilmington, Cslif., assem- was expressed to Jules Blonde), Loyalist Defense; Maig^ overland, despite constant Chinese bly plant of the Ford Motor com- French charge d'affaires, by For- barraasment from Tslngtao, Shan- pany a strike curtailed operations, eign Minister Count Galeazzo Clano. officials revealed. tung port 130 miles away, airline but officials of the company were Prisoners Are Capt reported en route to the coast to try Blondel on Saturday aaked Count distance. Llnl. 80 miles northeast and settle the difficulties. Glano if Italy were prepared to open of Suchow, rapidly was becoming Produce dealers and strike leaders negotiations, and the affirmative the center of a battle which mili- in Rochester started their second answer was handed to him today With the Insurgents B«fo tary experts said might develop conference in the four-day atrike. when he called at the foreign office. Tortosa. April 19.— (API- Into a major engagement of the hopeful that an agreement would Franco took the Initiative. Inform- Large detachments of go nine-months-old war. relieve pressure on the Rochester ed quarters said, because of a de- Another Japanese column was re- public market. Truck company sire to have something concrete un- ment troops, including Int ported sweeping to the southeast operators other than produce deal- der way before Britain pressed her national Brigade units, of Llnl. Chinese sources said five ers. however, did not yield to the to support the British resolution at captured south of TortoM fresh Japanese divisions had arriv- drivers. O n eva next month to clear the way day after Ebro river brid ed In Shantung from Japan and Truck operators are asking a for recognition of Italy's new em- Formosa, while 26 transports were cumulative 4-hour week with a pire In Africa. were dynamited by th« unloading munitions. Otherwise, It was said. France's maximtim of 9 hours for a working emment to hold back the Japanese aircraft carriers were day before overtime rates become principal bargaining ace would be reported stationed off the Shantung effective. Under the present con- played wUhotil receiving anjlhlng surgent movement to enc coast, presumably for a concerted tract overtime rates of time and a In return. the strategic south Catalon air attack.' half are paid after eight hours’ Name Envoy First city. -MlUlon Chinese. work and 48 hours constitute a Although actual negotiations are General Garcia Valino’s Nid On their part. Chinese co.mmand- woi^-week.f The Associated Truck- not likely to begin until after ers declared they were ready to ing Industrj-, Inc., which Includea France names an ambassador to varrese Legionnaires occupieii pour 1.000.000 soldiers Into the' bat- moat of the big truck fleet owners, Italy, France, It was said, hopes to the SMburbs of Tortosa and tie. Already thousands of rein- haa refused to yield to union de- obtain substantial assurances be- forcements had thrown up strong right bank of the Ebro; th ^ mand.s for higher wages anr a con- fore that time and before the entrenchments along the Y1 river tinued 48-hour w'eek. Geneva vote. started to cut off the city prod line. Fear Sympathy Strike No negotiations program has er, where the govbmma Better led and eq\iipped than at A sympathy strike of coal truck been established. It was said, and massed thousands of ita b e ? any time since the conflict started, drivers and Ice peddlers wai. fore- the next move depends upon the shock troops. ^ they were preparing to follow up cast by Edwin R. Young business French foreign office. Italy has recent successes In the hope of ad- agent for the Brotherhood of Team- not yet been asked to accept an am- Insurgent officers said In ta ministering a major check, with atera. Chauffers, Stablemen and bassador, it was learned authorita- national troops formed Shantung province and a great slice Helpers Union, if the strike Is not tively. Neither side anticipates of Central China as the stake. settled at once. backbone of the govi____ Shown above In^the first picture taken of him since his recent Illness. long negotiations such aa occurred Meanwhile slashing guerrilla at- In Columbus. U. S. Ckinciliator Gen. Johii J. Pershing looks “ eveo’ inch a soldier" after his miraculous with the British. Official and private planes criss-crossed T.«ng Island and Connecticut, defense and that the Catali tacks continued upon Japanese gar- John L. Connor called a meeting for l^ ovcp r from a nearly fatal heart attack. On hU way to attend the wed- Both are careful to point out that while the U. S. Coast Guard patiiplled adjacent waters In a widespread ana themselves offered Ii1 risons on a dozen fronUt, especially today In an effort to settle the three- search for Andrew Carnegie Whitfield, 28-year-old nephew of the late , ! . „ '* * * Warren, In New York, the 77-year-old commander of the "reestablishment of Franco-Itallan In the western province of Shansi day-old strike of street car and Andrew Carnegie, missing in his private plane since April 16. The ama- resistance to the insurgeil A. E. F. appeared hU uaual brisk self aa, with the old mtlUary crlapnea* relations does not mean a weaken- drive toward Barcelona, 91 wbara withdraw^ of Japanese gar- motor bus operators which left the in hU vote*, he warned photogr^hers: "Mak* It enappy, fellow*. It * ing of the Rorae-Berlln axis." teur filer, pictured above wrlth the former Ellzalwth Halsey at their city’s transportation facilities badly risons to reinforce the Llnl drive the only ohe you’ll get." - - Tha projected Fzaneo.ItaUaa ac- marriage last June, put hta silver monoplane Into the air from Roosevelt miles to the northeast. » was costing them many toxvns and crippled. The strike started at cord is expected to follow that sign, Field, L. I., for an announced 16-mtnute hop to Brentwood, 20 milea away__ 82 Miles o f Ooart ^ midnight Saturday after the Colum- ed Saturday by Britain and Italy aa then literally vanished Into the air. Occupation o f the fertile rN (Continued on Page Eight) bus & Southern Ohio Enectric com- far as Spain, tbe Mediterranean growing delta region at the mottl pany refused to grant demands from the carmen’s union for wage area and Africa are concerned. of the Ebro river by General V( Increases and a closed shop. The French are mor* anxious no'* troop* and the continued DECLARES R F C LOANS than tbe British to keep Italy out of Fisher Plant Closed vance southward from Benlcarlo WALLACE EXPLAINS The Fisher plaqt in Flint and the the Balearic Islands, (which Italy AIR SEARCH CONTINUED General Miguel Aranda’s Gall: promised Britain she would evacu- assembly line of the Buick motor car forces toward Valencia widened plant were closed ^ a y when the ate when tbe Spanish war w’as end- Insurgent-controlled stretch DUPLICATE PWA PLANS ed.) United Automobile Workers of the Medlterrai can coast to S3 WHEAT INSURANCE French quarter* *ald the Spanish America renewed their dues collect- FOR WEALTHY AVIATOR Generalissimo Francisco ing drive at the body company question no longer wras considered was moving bla heaviest so dtfficult in view of prospects of a gates, forming a olcket line through Senator Glass Asserts He sweeping Insurgent ■victory. France coastward to support concortad which non-union workers and union jDOUBLE EXECUTION fenslves against tbe go Declares Projects Which workers behind In their dues were I* InterMted chiefly in the- with AU Cbes To Whereaboots LES PAWSON WINS capital at Barcelona and tha not allowed to pass. Wai Support Funds For y | £ ^ £ p g y drawal of Italian troopafpom Libya, The Fisher plant sen, about 3,700 free u»e of the Suez CKCnal and set portant seaport of Valencia. Need Co-operation, Help Of Andrew Carnegie Navarrese troop* captured tiement of the long-standing fric- (Conttnoed on Pnge HI*) Relief Bat Not Public ___ tion over Italians In French Tunisia.
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