
WINTER 07/08 ISSUE 11 A PUBLICATION OF THE PRIESTS OF HOLY CROSS, INDIANA PROVINCE In This Issue: 2 A Letter from the Provincial 3 Road to Beatification 4 Plane Speaking 5 Reflecting on the Beatification 6 Images from the Beatification The unveiling of the banner depicting Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau, C.S.C. dur- ing the Mass of Beatification, LeMans, France Our Philanthropic Mission: Uniting those who are called to “We declare that from be witnesses of Christ’s love, and stewards of His gifts, with our mission to proclaim this day forward... the Kingdom of God to all. ... the Venerable Basile-Antoine-Marie Moreau, On September 15, 2007, in a celebraon unlike priest, and Founder of the Family of Holy Cross, any other in the history of LeMans, France, the who served the pastoral and educaonal needs internaonal community of Holy Cross rejoiced of the Church, may be called Blessed, and that in the beaficaon of its founder, Blessed Basil on January 20, the day of his birth into eternal Anthony Moreau, C.S.C. life, his feast may be celebrated each year in accordance with the regulaons and in the places The Holy Cross family was represented by broth- determined by canon law. ers, priests, and sisters from every country in which Holy Cross serves, and from each Holy In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of Cross apostolate. Joining them were lay adminis- the Holy Spirit. Amen.” trators, students, faculty, staff, and friends, each sharing a commitment to Holy Cross and to the Given at Saint Peter’s in Rome, the year of Our vision of its founder, Fr. Moreau. Lord, 2007, the third of our ponficate. His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI More of the beaficaon on the following pages. 1 WINTER 07/08 ISSUE 11 Blessed Basil Moreau - From A to Z Rev. David T. Tyson, C.S.C., Provincial Superior My dear sisters and brothers in “flame of burning desire” will not be exnguished. Christ, Between the A and Z are countless nouns and adjec- As this issue of PIllars looks at ves which help describe the praccal Fr. Moreau the recent beaficaon of Ba- and the spiritual. But like asecc and zeal, taken sil Moreau, I share with you a alone they do not embody the fullness of his life and few personal reflecons on our his life’s work. founder, and later in this issue, a few reacons to the ceremonies That fullness is realized in the understanding of in LeMans, France. Basil Moreau as a selfless man driven to holiness, empassioned to serve, determined to save souls. Fr. The phrase “From A to Z” is oen used to describe Moreau was focused enrely on the Cross, making the enrety of something, such as a reference to him, from A to Z, complete. an expert, “He knows his material from A to Z”, or from a television commerical I saw just recently for a vitamin, from A to Zinc, an effort to convey this one Our celebration of the vitamin brand has complete nutrional value. beatification of How does A to Z fit Basil Moreau? I think these two nouns provide the bookends, Ascec and Zeal. Basil Moreau is by Fr. Moreau was an ascec, a man who sought per- no means ours alone. fecon in Christ by living an austerely simple life in It is a celebration in prayer, devoon, and in service. He owned virtually nothing outside of that which the Holy Cross com- which you are part by munity needed for praccal survival; he ate only one meal a day, drank only water, and fasted three days virtue of your relation- a week. He slept upright in a chair instead of a bed, and his room was nearly bare. He prayed with devo- ship with Holy Cross. on the Divine Office and the Way of the Cross, and Our celebraon of the beaficaon of Basil Moreau read countless books on saints and Chrisan spiritual- is by no means ours alone. It is a celebraon in ity, in addion to his study of the Bible. These per- which you are part by virtue of your relaonship sonal choices, these disciplines, helped Basil Moreau with Holy Cross. So let us join together in recogniz- walk inmately with God. ing this special occasion, and more, the example of Basil Moreau for us all. Zeal, for Fr. Moreau, was “that flame of burning de- sire to make God known, loved, and served, and thus I join with my brothers in Holy Cross in wishing you a save souls.” Fr. Moreau used the word “zeal” count- blessed Christmas, and a faith-filled New Year. less mes in his Circular Leers to the community, in his wrings on Chrisan educaon, and in his own P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about Basil book of meditaons. Basil Moreau lived his priestly Moreau, I suggest the book by Gary MacEoin en- life with zeal, and as his beaficaon proves, that tled Basil Moreau. Use the contact opons on Page 8 to find out how to get a copy. 2 WINTER 07/08 ISSUE 11 Basil Moreau’s Road to Beatification • 1799 Born February 11, 1799 in Laigné- • 1872 Celebrated his Golden Jubilee. en-Belin, a little village near Le Mans, • 1873 Died on January 20 at age 73. France, the 9th of 14 children; his father was a wine merchant. • 1946 The Bishop of LeMans was asked to introduce the cause for beatification of Basil • 1814 Entered the diocesan seminary. Moreau. • 1821 Ordained a priest at age • 1948 In Canada, a miraculous 22. cure was attributed to Basil • 1835 Taught and served as Moreau’s intercession. assistant superior in Le Mans; • 1955 The cause for his named leader of the Brothers beatification was introduced in of St. Joseph founded by Fr. Rome. Jacques Dujarié. Founded the society of Auxiliary Priests. • 1974 The cause for beatification resumes after • 1837 United the brothers and The gardens where Basil Moreau Congregational changes priests into the Association of would oŌen walk. following Vatican II, and the Holy Cross. collection of historical documents is • 1840 Professed vows of poverty, chastity completed. and obedience. • 1994 The study of Basil Moreau’s practice • 1844 Received the vows of Leocadie of virtue was presented to the Congregation Gascoin and three Marianites. for the Causes of the Saints. • 1857 Received papal approval of the • 2003 Pope John Paul II declares Basil constitutions for the Association, which Moreau “Venerable”. became the Congregation of Holy Cross. • 2006 Pope Benedict XVI promulgates the • 1866 Resigned as superior general, but miracle needed for beatification. continued an active preaching and retreat • 2007 Beatified in Le Mans. ministry. 3 WINTER 07/08 ISSUE 11 Plane Speaking Your questions answered by Rev. Herbert C. Yost, C.S.C. “In a nutshell, my conversa- Admittedly those are simply definitions. Both tion with Pat was like this. ideas have been debated endlessly over the Me: “Pat, why don’t you go centuries, and I’d love to have a dollar for every to Mass anymore?” Pat: “I book or article written on one or the other don’t believe in prayers of topic. It would get me the new Minimax table petition.” Me: “Why not?” saw I’m kinda coveting! Or a trip to someplace Pat: “Because God knows warm and exotic for my annual retreat in everything. He knows how February…Tahiti maybe?! things are going to turn out. Priest and So, why pray?” Father, if I OK, Herb, stop fantasizing. Back to reality. furniture-maker, can remember my religion Fr. Herb Yost, C.S.C. classes at Notre Dame, Pat Is prayer of petition valid? Absolutely. Does is into the heresy of predes- it work? Always….but not necessarily the way tination, i,e. everything is predetermined by we want or intend. God, so why pray. I am not bothered by this worry, but I have no answer to supply to Pat.” Modern science has provided me with John from Indiana an interesting and helpful way to look at petitionary prayer. I don’t know how familiar First of all, John, let’s get our definitions you are with quantum physics or chaos theory. straight. Predestination is often confused with Perhaps you’ve heard an oft-used example: if a omniscience. Advocates of predestination butterfly flaps its wings in Mexico, it can lead to say that God has already determined the a typhoon in Japan. The theory suggests that future; God’s mind is made up, it cannot be every part of the universe (including human changed. This, of course, means that free will beings) is intricately connected at the atomic basically counts for nothing. So you’re right. If or molecular level. There is no such thing as an everything is predetermined by God, why pray? inconsequential word, action, or thought. However, if you speak of God’s omniscience, Maybe you’ve already experienced some of then we’re saying that Gods knows all that will that connectivity. Have you ever had the happen, now and in the future. That’s a big experience of thinking of someone you haven’t difference from predestination. It’s very much heard from in awhile, and then right out of the like a parent telling a child: “If you continue blue getting a call or note from that person? this pattern of behavior, then these may be Accident? Coincidence? Or a prime example the likely consequences.” The difference is of the intricate connection mentioned above? that the parent is guessing based on their life Or maybe you’re driving along with someone, experience; but even then they can only say and you’re thinking of your income tax.
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