VOLUMÉ 16 » 3 * NUMBER 65 ^ A / IT E O ^ Washington, Wednesday, April 4, 1951 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT the class next commencing as a candi­ date for a graduate degree, or has been CONTENTS EXECUTIVE ORDER 10230 accepted for admission to a college, uni­ THE PRESIDENT versity, or similar institution of learning A m e n d i n g t h e S e l e c t i v e S e r v i c e for the class next commencing for a full­ Executive Order Page R e g u l a t i o n s time course of instruction or has entered Selective Service regulations; By virtue of the authority vested in me upon and is satisfactorily pursuing such amendment________________ _ 2905 by Title I of the Selective Service Act of course, and, within such categories as 1948 (62 Stat. 604), as amended, I hereby the Director of Selective Service, with EXECUTIVE AGENCIES the approval of the President, may pre­ prescribe the following amendments of Alien Property,. Office of scribe, either has maintained a required the Selective Service Regulations pre­ Notices: scribed by Executive Order No. 9988 of scholastic standing, or has attained on a Vesting orders, etc.: August 20, 1948, and constituting por­ qualification test a score, or both such Giese, Waldemar___________ 2951 tions of Chapter X V I of Title 32 of the standing and score, to be prescribed by Grell, Marie W itt___________ 2951 Code of Federal Regulations : the Director of Selective Service with Lenz, Dieter, et al___________ 2950 1. Section 1622.10 of Part 1622, Classi­the approval of tfîe President. Racke, Anna________________ 2951 fication Rules and Principles, is amended (c) The Director of Selective Service Schlosser, Martha_______ _____ 2952 to read as follows: is authorized to prescribe such qualifica­ Weisbacker, Berthold, et al__ 2952 § 1622.10 Necessary employment de­ tion test or tests as he may deem neces­ Army Department fined. (a) A registrant’s employment in sary for carrying out the provisions of Rules and regulations: industry or other occupation, service in paragraph (b) of this section and to Officers’ Reserve Corps; ap­ office, or activity in research, or medical, prescribe the procedures for the admin­ pointment of professional and scientific, or other endeavors, shall be istration of such test or tests, for the technical personnel_________ 2936 considered to be necessary to the mainte­ certification of the results thereof, and nance of the national health, safety, or Civil Aeronautics Board interest only when all of the following for the certification of any other infor­ Rules and regulations: conditions exist: mation required in carrying out the pro­ Principles of practice__________ 2932 (1) The registrant is, or but for a sea­ visions of paragraph (b> of this section. Civil Service Commission (d) The President may, from time to sonal or temporary interruption would Rules and regulations: be, engaged in such activity. time (1) designate special categories of Competitive service exceptions; (2) The registrant cannot be replaced occupation, employment, or activity es­ Department of the Air Force- 2907 because of a shortage of persons with his sential to the national health, safety, or qualifications or skill in such activity. interest; and (2) prescribe regulations Commerce Department (3) The removal of the registrant governing the deferment of individual See Federal Maritime Board; Na­ would cause a material loss of effective­ registrants engaged in such occupations, tional Production Authority. ness in such* activity. employments, or activities. Defense Department (b) A registrant’s activity in study may be considered to be necessary to the 2. Paragraph (a) of § 1622.13 is See Army Department. maintenance of the national health, amended to read as follows: Delegation of authority to Secre­ safety, or interest when any of the fol­ tary as to certain programs (see lowing conditions exist: § 1622.13 Class II-C : Registrant de­ National Production Authority). ferred because of agricultural occupa­ (1) The registrant has been accepted Economic Stabilization Agency tion. (a) In Class II-C shall be placed for admission to or is a student in a pro- See Price Stabilization, Office of. any registrant who is employed in the fessional school of medicine, dentistry, production for market of a substantial Employees’ Compensation Bu­ veterinary medicine, osteopathy, or quantity of those agricultural commod­ reau optometry and the school in which he is Rules and regulations r enrolled has certified that he is satis­ ities which are necessary to the mainte­ nance of the national health, safety, or Miscellaneous amendments to factorily pursuing a full-time course of chapter-------------------------- 2932 instruction leading to his graduation. interest, but only when all of the condi­ (2) The registrant is a full-time grad­ tions described in paragraph (a) of Federal Communications Com­ uate student seeking a graduate degree § 1622.10 are found to exist. mission and the graduate school at which he is 3. The table of contents of Part 1622 " Notices: in attendance has certified that he cur­ is amended by inserting immediately- , Hearings, etc.: rently is meeting degree requirements after “1622.28 Identification of Class Aurora Broadcasters, Inc____ 2945 and is expected to attain his degree. I-C registrant transferred to a reserve Biddle, Joseph F., Publishing (3) The registrant has been accepted component of the armed forces.” the Co. (W H UN )_____________ 2946 for admission to a graduate school for Clarksville Broadcasting Co. (Continued on p. 2907) and Texo Broadcasting Co_ 2948 • 2905 2906 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pa*e Interstate Commerce Commis- page FEDERALWREGISTER mission— Continued sion— Continued 1934 ' (June n * Notices—Continued Notices—Continued Motions Commissioner, designa­ Applications for relief—Con. tion _____________ _________ - 2947 Steel, strip, from Illinois, In ­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Proposed rule making: diana and western trunk and days following official Federal holidays, Telephone companies, uniform line territories to Colorado by the Federal Register Division, National system of accounts: and Wyoming_________— 2942 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Sulphur, crude, from Texas to ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Class A and Class B------------ 2938 thority contained in the Federal Register Class C______________ _______ 2938 Florida___________________ 2943 A ct, ap p roved J u ly 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as Federal Maritime Board Blatchford Calf Meal Co.; load­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ ing requirements,!__________- 2944 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Notices: mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Isbrandtsen Co., Inc.; post- Justice Department the President. Distribution is made only by ponement of hearing on appli­ See Alien Property, Office of; Im­ the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ cation to bareboat charter a migration and Naturalization ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C, Government-o w n e d, war- Service. The regulatory material appearing herein built, dry-cargo vessel_______ 2940 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Labor Department which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Federal Power Commission See Employees’ Compensation Bu­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Notices : reau; Wage and Hour Division. a m e n d e d J u n e 19, 1937. Hearings, etc. : T h e Federal Register will be furnished by National Production Authority m ail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 El Paso Natural Gas Co. (2 documents)______________ 2942 Notices : per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Delegations of authority : advance.' The charge for individual copies Michigan Gas Storage C o,___ 2941 (m inimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Administration of M-4 (Del. size of the issue. Remit check or money Federal Trade Commission 7 )________________________ 2941 order, made payable to the Superintendent Notices: Secretary of Defense as to of Documents, directly to the Government Hearings, etc.: certain programs (Del. 1, P rin tin g Office, W a s h in g t o n 25, D . C. American Tack Co., Inc., et al_ 2948 Supp. 1)_________________ 2941 There are no restrictions on the republica­ B. F. Goodrich Co___________ 2948 Rules and regulations: tion of material appearing in th e Federal Aluminum, use; miscellaneous R egister. Housing Expediter, Office of amendments (M -7)_________ 2922 Rules and regulations: Farm equipment (M-55)------- 2930 Rent, controlled: Lead (M-38)_________ — 2927 Now Available Housing and rooms in room­ Platinum (M-54)----------------- 2928 ing houses and other es­ Rubber (M -2)_____________ ,*r- 2909 tablishments : Tin plate and terne plate HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY Florida________ ,_L£i______ 2936 (M-24)_________________ 2924 New Jersey____-J-________ 2935 DEFENSE ACTIVITIES Miscellaneous amend­ Price Stabilization, Office of ments___________________ 2934 Rules and regulations: March 1951 Edition South Dakota_____________ 2935 Cotton, extra long staple, grown Housing; Atlantic County__ 2934 outside U. S.; exemption Published by the Federal Register Division, Immigration and Naturaliza­ (G CPR)___________________— 2907 the National Archives and Records Service, Exceptions for certain services General Services Administration tion Service (GCPR, SR 15)_____________ 2908 Rules and regulations: 92 PAGES— 25 CENTS Sales to U. S. (GOR 2) ------- 2909 Control pursuant to Subversive Activities Control Act of per­ Securities and Exchange
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