ZILLA PARISHAD, B URD WA,N ENGINEERING WING COURT COMPOUND, P.O. & DIST.- BURDWAN PIN -713101. Phone: 0342-2662405/2662406 Fax: 0342-2663327 e-mail [email protected] Memo. No:- DE/e-NITI 530 Date:-2710712016 NOTICE INVITING ELECTRONIC TENnER O~' THE DISTRICT ENGINEER, BURDW AN, ZILLA PARISHAn c-NIT No.-03 of2016-17 The District Engineer, Burdwan invites e-Tender on behalf of Zilla Parishad, Burdwan for the works in the table below from reputed & resourceful Contractors working under Zilla Parishad, P.W.D., C.P.W/.D., & similar other Govt. Deptt. having experience and requisite credential in execution of similar type of work. (Submission of Bid through online). 1. List of Work:- .._- --_-- Time of sr--[ Name of works -] Estimated Amount Amount of Earnc'st Cost of Tender completion Zs,) Documents (Rs.) ~~__ _~~ ~_~)ut ~~~'.)nder __ ~~~~_____ (I - RE-TENDER(2nd Cl!!!l _ --~----.- Construction of Smashan Chulli, Rest shed & Tube Well with D.W. arrangement at Aiyapur Rs, 15,07,000/- Rs, 31,000/- Rs,2,000/- Three Months Chawk within Ketugram-I P.S. in the District --_ .. , ~lrdwan for 2015-2016, .----~--- ------------- --- ------------- - 2 Improvement of Road from Uddharanpur (Mansi Sanko) to Mougram via Naliapur & Siluri Within Rs. 24,99,622/- Rs, 50,000/- Rs,2,000/- Three Months Kctugram - 11P,S, in the District Burdwan for 2_()1_~2016(~!!~se-IV), . _ __ __ ~_____________ FRE§!!_I~DER _ 3 11mprovclllcnt of the road from Mirapara to Hat [ J Kanpur Village including repair of exrsung culvert R 2499997/- R 50000/- T- R, 20oO/ __ lllire,Months 1_ _ _l ?~\h~;~~;r~I;!~~~2~nth: ~~~~t~~ctBurd~an~r_ _ ~ __~_. 5 _ ~ 1. In the event of e-filing intending bidder may download the document from the web-site directly by the help of digital signature certificate and necessary Cost of Tender Document & Earnest Money may be remitted through Demand Draft! Pay Order/ Banker's Cheque issued from any Scheduled Commercial Bank in favour of the District Engineer, Zilla Parishad , Burdwan payable at Burdwan and same may be documented through e-filling. (Details of which has been narrated in "Instructions to Bidders") T~e Cost of Tender Documents S: Earnest \loney should be S":T1tphysically to the office of the District Engineer. Zilla Parishad. Burdwan. along with a forwarding letter under sealed cover within stipulated Date & Time schedule before Technical Bid opening. Failure to submit hard copies of Demand Draft! Pay Orderl Banker's Cheque within the time period by any bidder, shall be debarred from participating any tender of the Zilla Parishad for 6 (six) months from the scheduled Date of opening of Financial Bid of this tender. Both Technical Bid & Financial Bid will have to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the Govt. Web-site https:/I etender.wb.nic.in. Tender document may be downloaded from web-site and submission of Technical Bid/Financial Bid will be done as per tender schedule stated in SI. No.9. The documents submitted by the Bidders should be properly indexed and be self attested with seal. 3. Eligibility criteria for participation in tender: i) The prospective bidders shall have satisfactorily completed as prime agency one similar nature of work equal to at least one third value for which bid is invited during the last 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of this notice, under Zilla Pari shad. P.W.D .. C.P.W.D_, & similar other Govt. Deptt. Copy of completion certificate (for executed work) obtained from not below the rank of the Work Order issuing authority should be produced with the technical hid. ii) a) PX\ Card b) Current Professional Tax Receipt Challan c) VAT Registration Ccrt ificate d) Current Income i a.\. ackno« k.·dgcn-lcnt Receipt. l ~\c;n Statutory I)ocurncntsj. iii \ ~either pro-pcctiv c hiddcrs nor any or constituent partner had hL'L'1ldebarred to participate in tender by any Go-,t. Dept t. duri ng the last 5 (fi vc ) years prior to the date (If this c-\:II Such debar xvi II be considered as disqualific.n ion toward« eligibility, 1\) RL''-'.,lL'IC'l! l :1c·:::;,!,')cd 1,r1;c,illecr~'L'u-p!'n:lti\c S()L'iL'::c" l :lc';'lpl,,:",(i I :\h',ir C'(l-()perati\L' <";lleiL'lil'~arc !-C'll I,'" !, ':::-:'<h \ ;1:" t)\( j :\\\. \ alid Reg_lqL" \ ,,-~,! cdk "Le',: :" tilL' c . "i'LI'elll\,' lkpdrll11l'lll. Current Audit Report, Annual General Meeting along with other relevant supporting papers. [ NOl, Statutory Documents]. v) A prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate in the job either in the capacity of individual or as a partner of a firm. If foun9J9 have applied severally in a single jQb, all his <!pplicants will be rejected for that job only. vi) A prospective bidder (including his participation in partnership) shall be allowed to participate maximum two works as mentioned in the list of schemes (Not applicable) vii) The Partnership firm shall furnish the registered partnership deed and the company shall furnish the Article of Association and Memorandum. [Non Statutory Documents]. viii) Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures & words, the rate in words will govern. ix) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate & the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by quantity, the unit rate quoted shall govern. x) Any change of BOQ will not be accepted under any circumstances. 4. Constructional Labour Welfare Cess @ l(one) % of cost of construction will be deducted from every bill of the selected agency. Vat, Royalty & all other statutory levy/ cess will have to be borne by the contractor. The rate/in the schedule of rates is inclusive of all taxes & cess stated above. 5. The Agency shall quote their rate in percentage basis i.e. Excess /Less/At par (Both in figures as well as in words) in the given space of Financial Bid Documents only. 6. a) No Mobilization Advance and Secured Advance will be allowed. b) No Price Variation will be allowed. 7. Agency shall have to arrange land for creation of Plant & Machineries, storing of materials, labour shed, laboratory etc. at their own cost and responsibility. 8. Bids shall remain valid for period not less then 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the date of opening of Financial Bid. "Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the 'Zilla Parishad, Burdwan' as non response". 9. Date & Time Schedule i- __§1. No. Particulars T Date & Time 1 Date of Uploading of NIT, l'ender Documents (online) __- __ 4~.07.2016 at 19.00 1ST 2 Date of start of downloadi ng_the documents etc. _ Jil 3 l.07 .2016 at 09.00 1ST 3 Date of start of submissioi .-.1.ofIechnical Bid & Financial Bid. 31.07.2016 at 1.0.00 1ST 4 Date of closing downloadi ng the documents etc. 17.08.2016 at 16.00 1ST .. ---- ._-------- -.--- --_._- ----------------_ .._- 5 Date of closing of submiss iongfTechnical bid & FinaI1ci~_ B~(L _ _ IZ:9_8_:~_Ql~_~__l_8.0Q_~~I _ 6 Date of submission of Ori ginal Demand Draft/Pay Order/ Banker's Cheque against cost of T cnder Documents/Earnest monev to the ' office of the District Engi neer, Zilla Parishad, Burdwan' ~J8.08.2016 upto 13.00 1ST 7 Date of opening ofTechni cal Bid 18.08.2016 at 14.00 rST ---- - - - --~- LJ__ __l_Qate of opening of Financ~al ~LC! . __ n ._ _ _ __ _ ~2.08.2_~1_~_~t_l_-LOOI~T _._ I 10. There shall be no prO\ ision 0:- _\.,bitration. ~l . Cost of Tender Documents S: Earnest Money: The Cost of tender documents & amount of earnest money will be in the shape of Bank Draft/Pay Order, Banker's Cheque of any scheduicd Commercial Bank drawn in favour of the 'District Engineer, Zilla Parishad, Burdwan ' payable at Burdwan, 12. The Bidder, at the Bidder's own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the e-Notiee Inviting Tender, the cost of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder's own expense. 13. The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. Zilla Parishad Burdwan reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have incurred by any Bidder at the stage of bidding. 14. Prospective applications are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in "Instructions to Bidders" before bidding. 15. In case of Ascertaining Authority at any stage of application or execution of work necessary registered power of attorney is to be produced. 16. No CONDITIONAL/INCO~PLETE TENDER \\ ill be accepted under any circumstances. 1-' ln case of quoting rates. no muh inlc !(1\\CS1 rate wil] he entertained h~ the Department 1R. Ihe District Engineer. lilla Pari-chad. Burdwan reserves the right to cancel the e-\.".I.I. due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in thi : respect will be entertained. 19. During scrutiny. if it is come to the notice to tender inv iting authoritv that the credential or any other papers found incorrect!lllill1ufactured fabricated. that tenders \\ ill not be allowed tll participate in the tender and that application • 20.
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