v His newNominated single MaleGARY Country MtCK Singer of the Year. DirlAvWeekly written Knowingby Dick Damron That is breaking She's all Leavingacross Canada. Two Juno nominees and a great song makes a hit record. A farewell bash for Crowbar MarchVolume50 CENTS 30, 21 1974 No. 7 wallsofchillwinterSunday, Dundas -your of day that March -bloodand in giant Toronto Spadina. 17 coldeducational was -- just exceptdull,Inside like wet emporium the forany and thehallowed other dirtycorner - critics.aPARTYtheknown genuine blood Billedas - theofhappening MOSTas Victoryordinary a CROWBAR cold-blooded -Burlesque enoughpasserby RENT to there warmwouldn'tToronto was ticketuntilusuallytoknow the you anditbald goesfrom approach theheaded anyon heavy atother degeneratestheto "on purchase shakeVictory. a high" -your Thatshowyour eyes -fanny is, that you yourAftertonightup and waypaying downMac!". through three and asaysbucks lobby "no and that strippers elbowing resembles (seenroom.facesweeta popcorn with betterWhatbutter Kelly commune daysa aroma) stage Jay's piano) setting youBad(and an come Manors that ornate- a grand wasn'tface gasliving to -cuma there'ssaryelectricamps,tion theto instrumentsDave tearlampbanks theMarsden and of roof speakers aand juke off(minus whatever the box and Victory.his - notpiles isDave neces-to of Andmen- waitingforMickie makingMONSTER habit)toCROWBAR get usHOOKED telling into"freeze Kelly us continuedour how Jay's balls sorry TELLfront off"on he roompage is ON 14 LastLAURA A Minute FEELING ProductionsBOBBY Iand LOVE Kelly lay (BORIS) -arrangedBLUE HERfor Victory goingSWEDE PICKETT away party RECORDSIIF LOVE YOU HERTRULY HAPPENJOHNNY - JOHNNY UNDERSTAND YOU'LL T.T. ANGELADDANGEL WHY16, l& TELLGIMMICKTODAY! LAURA 2 --- RPM 3013174 RPM 3013174 - 3 ACTSCANADIAN/AMERICANCOLUMBIA AT C8 FEATURES WEEKEND Year."Countryfied"asMcLauchlan's well as having "Farmer'sas hisCountry Columbia Song" Album album, was of nomi- the AWARDSTOGEORGE EMCEE WILSONNIGHT JUNO 25).theseveralteamColumbia's Communication Also will of combine ontheir national hand name willoperations promotionEight Canadian be Epicweekend to (U.S.)andacts present salesduring(23- "NightasCountrynatedthe Composer same inVision" singlethe song categories of albumasgaining the well Year. was ashimof FolkCockburn'salso a nomination andAlbumnominated with ofCFRB'stheAwards.George Ceremony Juno Wilson,hostMr. team Wilson ofduties since "Starlightwill hasagainfor the thisbeen inception Serenade",perform year's a member MasterofJuno the of OF CANADALIMITEDAMPEX THE HOME OF WEDNESDAY QUALITYdistributedlanas Folkand Album.ofCockburn in CanadaAWARD the are Year. byTrue Columbia. FOR NorthBoth McLauch- artists, AhecameAwards. native wrote interested of a Markham,weekly in radioradio Ontario, as column a teenager, Wilson for the be-when CommunicationsuiteSunday,MWC'S at the March STAMPEDERS Inn On 24,Eight), TheQuality's willPark be hospitality(part the sceneof forFire"Musicrecordtheir a companyfourthnominated Worldsales. such Creations'This award forhonour Award a toJuno album,the forwill AwardStampeders outstanding be "From for this their The - inrecording town for artist the tapingJohnny of Nash. a CBC-TV The latter is yearoperationslabel.AprilThe album in5th Chan the release Popisfor Daniels, now Capitol Music in being the director AlbumInc. U.S. readied will on category.of be theA&Rfor on anCapitol hand followedscenealbum.artistSpecial has which He on byhad isGinette "Stirbegancurrently much It Reno.withUp"success represented "Iand TheCan on a young Seefollow-upthe recordon Clearly" Epic the becamechartIt'sfor theinteresting single presentation. a CHUM in Toronto,to noteTop Twentythat the group'swithout item foralbuma thisMarkham time in Economist his early youth and Sun. when It hewas began at *EVERYONEKNOWS "LAST KISS" BY WEDNESDAY IS GOLD dayspromowillRPM be (21-27)Singles rep,working Terry inchart Toronto.with McGee with Columbia's "Loving during hisYou".Ontario six Nash forbeenthreewerebecause the instrumentalweeks.flown album of intheir CKLG-FMonto Hyperthepopularity in muchwest -Marche, in coast Vancouverof the the Stampeders and Montreal'ssuccess has Music.pianovolvementto develop study hisin at choir voicethe Royalwork - through and Conservatory voice heavy and in- of *EVERYONE*EYERYONEKNOWS WEDNESDAYLAST KISS HAS HAS BEEN A NEW ON ALBUMU.S. McLauchlan,ofincludingnominatedColumbia the Year; Patsywill for Bruce alsoboth this Gallant/Female showcase year'sCockburnnominated Juno Canadian and forAwards Vocalist MurrayFolk acts albumtheirnewest album in shopping the - province. now complex Quality's to bestautograph selling stationedalmostandWilsonvoice after training everyjoined ina tourOttawa. country thewith of Canadian theduty He in well-known the continuedthat worldNavy took in he himhisvoice 1943 was to *EVERYONECHARTS 21KNOWSWEEKS WEDNESDAY HAS BEEN NOMINATED FOR tryingscheduledatedcategory.Singer; for for andMost theBearfoot, for Dave Most Promisingthe Hospitality NicolPromising who andGrouphave TomSuite Malebeen have Middleton (March Vocalistnomin- been 24) enrolledRadioReturningteacher and Wilfredin toTelevisionLorne Toronto Coulson. Greene's Arts,after graduatingtheAcademy war, Wilson ofa "THE MOST PROMISG GROUP OF THE YEAR" wasthreeat the nominated day Inn affairOn The isas Alberta's CountryPark. Flying DickVocalist inDamron for (Male) the who agramnouncerbroadcastyear well-known lateron andCHML appointmentswith host television honours. Hamilton. of a classical figure wasOne He as alsoof throughmusic staff his became firstan- pro- AND theirMCAANNIVERSARY firstRecords CELEBRATES year as(Canada) a total IN havebranch CANADA FIRST just operation. completed Stampeders'Mark Smith, recordingalbum, will engineer also be presented for the TorontoThreeCHCH-TV years where in later Hamilton. he Wilson remained joined for sixteenCKFH in TEEN ANGEL servetoninOn Vancouver, Marchwith western a 1,warehouse 1973,Canada. Calgary, MCA located Winnipeg opened in Calgarybranchesand Monc- to stationsminute"live"waswith pickeda session QualityFM -being Specialfor to hisAward distributed be engineering forused forCanadian forhis by a efforts. Melexpertisespecial and Shaw, U.S.Smith sixty on a calfeaturinghostedClassics".years productions as his hostBroadway While own of as"George at"An wellCKFH andEvening as Wilson Hollywood hepersonalized created With Show" The musi-and in- IS A "Thepreviousincreased"SinceRichard most opening Bibby,year's ourdramatic business thesedistributorvice-president increase branches, by 63%sales" was of overwe commentedmarketing.realized have the in lastwithThemanager yearStampeders'such has ofsuccess the been Stampeders. television (CBC-TV)scheduled special when for another televisedthat met approachcamehostedterviews known this with to show radio manyinternationally for interviews. well twelve known years for stars.his and unique Hebe- SUPER SMASH withinwewithofour 133%. areAlberta our 24 able centralization Customerhours branchto deliver and whichservice Winnipeg to in Vancouver Calgaryhad has an innot increasetwobecause suffered accounts to pedersamonth.dateGuthro further on for Shawofthe "live" thethe CBC isCBC CBC-TVconcert currently Network which starringnetwork. incouldsometime talks the result with Stam- next inJim propertyworkinWilson Canada on is andnationally considered through is recognized voice-overadvertised a valuable coast and products. commercial to on coast -camera IS THERE ANY MORE TO SAY Cornwall.areOntario,three serviced days." Quebec by MCA's and the national Atlantic warehouse provinces in upitem,Fire"Bringing to "Mealbum"Running further And is theMy Wild". attention group'sStone", tocurrenta strongthe "From chart follow- The inonetookofWilson Torontohis ofover exceptional thejoined themost radio. "StarlightCFRB listened knowledge in 1970 Serenade"to evening and, of the because show,showsclassics, 4 - - - RPM 3013174 TheLosersthese industry three days has inwaited March.can a fullThe year combina-be for winnersknew little and cared inless about Junos the other In truth, the real winners are those who APRIL WINE'S NEW SINGLE industrytion(The of Juno Communication event Awards) of the have year Eight become that and follows the the wereeastguy.RPM's toThere frowned communicationwest, was and upon no Toronto communication as meetingsbeing and "everything". Montreal have from winner.towasn'tcan vote live enoughin Theywith sufficient the walk done fact away numbers tothat influence fromsomewhere to the become the awards trade there a AC hasaboutOvergathering been the from years, madeplace these a resultingof greatmeetings. the industry.deal in thehasMany signingcome a contact of addedadded:a much great knowledge deal to the to industry the trade. and To winnersTheharder.with votesa feeling are are determined thatcounted next accurately yearaccording they andmustto that the try 5031K bringingbeena deal. formedsocially Exciting together and beneficial new asthe associationswell, trade. to the the events industry have have in many;1;;,,,, of the newcomersCOMMENTwatt togrealis the industry, holdwinnersAnyoneaccurate themselves arewho count determined wishes of back the tovotes.from thinkany a progressiveother that theway will competitiontheIn years industry gone forthat by, the amounted there buck. was The tovery moreindustry little than in counts)starThethese systemJuno meets and Awards thehavewithin trade becomehave the has industryhelped passedeyeopeners. to (where developon that it a MarchTwenty-fouranand award. successful 25th
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