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Hughes CONTENTS Managing Editor March/April 2005 Vol. 44, No. 2 89 The Promise of the Great American Wealth Transfer for Public Libraries Susan E. Randolph 95 Virtually Seamless Exploring the World of Virtual Public Librarians Janet Clapp and Angela Pfeil 101 Ask a Librarian Gives Florida Something to Chat about Matthew Loving, Dana Mervar, Steve Kronen, and Joyce Ward 105 CIPA Decisions, Implementation, and Impacts Paul T. Jaeger, Charles R. McClure, John Carlo Bertot, and Lesley A. Langa IN EVERY ISSUE 62 Editor’s Note 82 Tech Talk Renée Vaillancourt McGrath A. Paula Wilson 63 From the President 84 Bringing in the Money Clara N. Bohrer John L. Pepper 67 Tales from the Front 110 News from PLA Jennifer T. Ries-Taggart Kathleen Hughes 69 Perspectives 111 On the Agenda Hampton (Skip) Auld 112 By the Book 77 Book Talk Jennifer Schatz Your Books Are Safe with Me: An 118 New Product News Interview with Anne Fadiman Vicki Nesting Brendan Dowling 80 Internet Spotlight Steven M. Cohen PLUS . 60 Readers Respond 86 InterViews 65 Verso Making the World Safe for Reaching Out to Middle and High Librarians: Why Librarians Are School Students Needed Now More Than Ever Paul van Linden Tol, Susan Laurie L. Putnam Westover, Candace Grace 120 Index to Advertisers Vazquez, Donna Longobardi, and Tambe-Tyshe John The Public Library Association is a division of the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; www.pla.org. Cover design by Jim Lange, Jim Lange Design, Chicago 444n2_2p.indd4n2_2p.indd 5599 33/2/2005/2/2005 44:11:58:11:58 PPMM EDITORIAL FEATURES EDITOR: Renée Vaillancourt McGrath MANAGING EDITOR: Kathleen M. Hughes CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Hampton (Skip) Auld, Steven Cohen, Nann Blaine Hilyard, Vicki Nesting, Jennifer Ries-Taggart, Jennifer Schatz, Paula Wilson EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Brendan Dowling ADVISORY COMMITTEE Isabel Dale Silver, Chair, Champaign, IL; Marilyn Boria, Elmhurst, IL; Nancy Charnee, New York, NY; Barbara Custen, Pasadena, CA; Sally Decker-Smith, Wheeling, IL; Luren E. Dickinson, Jackson, MI; Nann Blaine Inspiring Issues Hilyard, Zion, IL; Marcia Schneider, San Francisco, CA; Bessie Condos Tichauer, Sacramento, CA. As a retiree from public employment, but an active trustee and continuing member of EX OFFICIO: Luis Herrera, Pasadena Public Library, ALA since 1947, I am heartened and inspired by the recent issues of Public Libraries. 285 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101-1556; The November/December 2004 issue zoned in on some of the current crises and [email protected]. possibilities in keeping a solid base of professionalism and meaning in the current PLA PRESIDENT: Clara N. Bohrer, West Bloomfield Library, 4600 Walnut Lake Rd., West Bloomfield, MI work. The direct and specific contribution by Sunny Strong (Verso) and the carefully 48323-2557; [email protected]. transcribed interview with Joey Rodger (Perspectives) provide much needed material PUBLIC LIBRARIES (ISSN 0163-5506) is published for local board discussion and inspiration. Thank you for your good work. I will call bimonthly at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. it to the attention of colleagues, community leaders, and library friends.—Barbara It is the official publication of the Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Davis Widem, Library Advisory Committee member, Kensington Park Library, Association. Subscription price: to members of PLA, Montgomery County, Md. $25 a year, included in membership dues; to non- members: U.S. $50; Canada $60; all other countries $60. Single copies, $10. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Public Libraries, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. David Sedaris to Keynote PLA President’s Program during ALA Annual Conference SUBSCRIPTIONS Nonmember subscriptions, orders, changes of address, and inquiries should be sent to Public Libraries, Sub- David Sedaris, essayist and public radio contributor, will keynote the PLA scription Department, American Library Association, President’s Program (part of the ALA Auditorium Speaker Series) on Monday, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; 800-545-2433, June 27, from 5–6:30 P.M., during the upcoming ALA Annual Conference. press 5; fax: (312) 944-2641; e-mail: subscriptions@ Sedaris first came to national attention recounting the strange-but-true ala.org. experiences of his job as a Macy’s elf, reading his “SantaLand Diaries” on ADVERTISING National Public Radio’s (NPR) Morning Edition. A frequent and popular con- William N. Coffee, c/o Benson, Coffee & Associates, 1411 Peterson Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068; (847) 692- tributor to NPR, he is also the author of the best sellers Barrel Fever, Holidays 4695; fax (847) 692-3877. on Ice, Naked, and Me Talk Pretty One Day. His most recent book is Dress PRODUCTION Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (Little, Brown, June 2004). His essays also appear regularly in Esquire and The New Yorker. ALA PRODUCTION SERVICES: Troy D. Linker, Angela Hanshaw; Stephanie Kuenn, Kristen McKulski, Along with his sister, actress Amy Sedaris, he has cowritten several plays Karen Sheets, and Christine Velez. that have been produced at various theatres in New York. His original radio MANUSCRIPTS pieces often can be heard on “This American Life,” distributed nationally by Unless otherwise noted, all submissions should be sent to the Public Radio International and produced by WBEZ in Chicago. In 2001, Sedaris features editor, Renée Vaillancourt McGrath, 39 Stevi Cutoff became the third recipient of the Thurber Prize for American Humor. He was Rd. W., Ste. C, Stevensville, MT 59870; publiclibraries@ named Humorist of the Year in 2001 by Time. aol.com. See www.pla.org for submission instructions. The annual PLA Service Awards will be presented prior to the Sedaris INDEXING/ABSTRACTING appearance. Following these activities is a gala, music-filled reception. There Public Libraries is indexed in Library Literature and is no charge for attending this event, and preregistration is not required. David Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE), in addition to a number of online services. Contents Sedaris appears by special arrangement with the Steven Barclay Agency, www. are ab stracted in Library and Information Science barclayagency.com. Abstracts. In addition to this session, PLA will present more than twenty continuing MICROFILM COPIES education programs and three preconference programs during the Conference. Microfilm copies are available from University Micro- For more information regarding PLA events at the ALA Annual Conference, films, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. visit www.pla.org or call 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5752. The paper used in this publication meets the mini- mum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. ∞ ©2005 by the American Library Association All materials in this journal are subject to copyright by the American Library Association and may be pho- tocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific Public Libraries encourages letters to the editor. Letters are used on a space-available basis and or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For may be excerpted. Preference will be given to letters that address issues raised by the magazine. other reprinting, photocopying, or translating, address Acceptance is at the editor’s discretion. Send to Renée Vaillancourt McGrath, 39 Stevi Cutoff requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions, Rd. W., Ste. C, Stevensville, MT 59870; [email protected]. 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. 444n2_2p.indd4n2_2p.indd 6600 33/2/2005/2/2005 44:11:58:11:58 PPMM 444n2_2p.indd4n2_2p.indd 6611 33/2/2005/2/2005 44:12:10:12:10 PPMM EDITOR’S NOTE ave you seen What the pattern of behavior, but we have to struggle Bleep Do We Know!? If “What the Bleep against our own brain chemistry to create I’m hearing this question Do We Know!?” new neurological patterns.
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