Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 2-1-1951 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1951). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3988. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3988 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1951 Girls THE BULLOCH HERALD, THURSDAY, JAN. 25, Two County Read 01'1 Conservat'IOn T,C. Cheel·leaders The Herald'. Bulloch County" Activities - Is Five To -ChUl'ch Ann of Register, 9 T.C. IS Miss Nevil, Play CHURCH News to make Leading • PRIMITIVE BAPTIST one of six women named RENT. Ad. Ronald::'�i:_:,_'�_r}_A_I\!1:::;:C:::t.'li:L=A=S=S=I=F==1Reagan, Ruth Hussey FOR:;:::E::.::=D==:=:::A::;:r:DJ:S:::J"""'r:a:15-room house on N. l'HE J. R. KELLY team at Geor­ BULLOCH By up the cheerleadlng FOR SALE (Misc.) Street. A. S. DODD HERALD College Marmes Saturd Hours of wm-shtp: Reg'ular Piper Lauric, Chas. Coburn Jr. New.paper ay Teachers College. 01' 111. _ gia Phonc 476 518 tn- at 11:30 n. I Edmund Gwenn, Spring Byington oval (tf) The Marines will aervlces Sundny Two mat,:hed Quantico Miss Sue Simmons, also of Reg­ ANTIQUES: 111. Bible Study nt Starts 3:30, 5:33, 7:35, 0:30 ., vade for the first lime nnd 7:30 p, Oscar Elhcl'ldgc, He­ tables, $28.50 each. lrOR RENT: Furnished DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS 0' STATESBORO Georgia. Hlll'I'Y Leo, o.n alternate member. marble top aparlment. AND BVLLOCH COVNTY B, Y. F. SCI'V- Ister, 18 ----- the intention of 10:15 n. m., and P. M, L. SATURDAY, Jan. 27 tea set for Saturday WIUl ruce Deal, Josh Smith JI'., 15-plece hand painted A vallable February 1. Adults at 6:30 Ill, Tho arc busy generating Featul'e- XI the Georgia Teachers' Ice p. A. L, Taylor, and Zach girls -Double g-druwer walnut, mnrble MRS. ED. H. KENNEDY VOWME snapping Taylor, basketball squad $36.00. only. STATESBORO, GEORGIA, of home basketball vtc- "The Lord shall judge His pea- with the Oge- pep (or a varsity "FEDERAL AGENTS �-bed 133 North Main Street. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1951 string Sn�llh, cool'pcl'alOl's and lost 1. top chest $37.00. 4-poster Phon� NUMBER 12 to foll that has won 13 • tortes nnw rnumberlng 20. Il is n. fearful thing Rlv ·1' Soil Conservation Dls- games AT LARGE" Walnut bed $45.00. 76-L. ple, ochce advertises $35.00. baby (llc) School nnd the hnnds of the living Cod." week only one. The college 9:47 used bedroom Laboratory High Inlo the u+ct, were busy last Bolling Stm'ts- 2:20, 4:49, 7:18, Also a beautiful, cheerlead­ -- wtll at Most at the WANTED TO RENT __ Statesboro High boys play Hebrews ]0:30-31. out coastal bermuda grass. attractively-dressed OF GHOST TOWN" suite with bed, spring, mattress, Team That Never 2. "STREETS the Both be a with the ers as "A 6:(5 before college gamo. Every member snould help- the grass was plontcd Chas Starrett dresser and chest-very cheap. Loses." (Durango) WANTED TO llElNT by the contests will be In the college gym- construcllvc member of the b rmuda grass planter owned by 10:47 refrigerator with new ful, of Starts 3:20, 5:49, 8:18, Frigidaire month: Farm near Citizen Statesboro, nastum. the success of Unit of U1C Miss Nevil Is tho daughter Terms. from 10 Committee church, the Bulloch County TWO CARTOONS Open Makes unit, $75.00. promottng of PLUS Not Interested in tobacco and Manned COI'IllCI' colleglatc and not hindering Soli Conservation Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nevil, Reg­ WAGON pea­ by the scrvlces and Ogeechce Rlver a.m, to 8 p. m. YE OLDE Marines arc SUN. & MON., Jan. 28-29---- nut acreage, House must have nil SLaI'S, the has His rc- Dlslr'lct. From 8 to 10 acres a day Ister. Miss Simmons' parents SO. Main Survey upon pr'oCcssional thorn: God placed WHEEL-ANTIQUES, modern convenlenccs, Phone " have a power lhe this Mrs. Frank of "MR. 880" 287-L from Virginia highel' deemed and quickened people can be planted with planter, Mr. and Slmmons� Extension. Teachers. The Pro- of Burt Lancaster, Dorothy McGuirt! 0'.' 469. (2tp) rating than the obligation of service. giving joy which is pulled by any type Register. haven't had n Edmund Gwenn ressors, however, and blessing In service, farm tractor, provided an extra FOR SALE: New brick building SERVICES 9:0 School local court Sun. 3:45, 5:30, close contest on thc man Is on hand to the planter Starts 2, ideal for stOI'C with A cordlnl welcome to every keep 'WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS In Cobbtown, defeated the Parris Is- Starts Mon. 3:30, 5:29, 7:28, 9:27 in bnsem nt LADY-let me clean und County srnce they r nlshed with grass. SAY, up The of of -.--------- visitor. pi storugc space survey Statesboro and System_ fr'lend and A HOSPITAL AUXILIARY amplc OfBu�loch Bulloch Marines In ovcrtimo In & Jan 30-31 -­ Now lensed machine for Bcho:ols county' land 63-60, P rsons Interested In renting TUES. WElD., of building. by adjust your sowing At the meeting of the part reached its final when the Bulloch · V, F. AGAN, Pnslol'. regular and No lise phaae School Sur- their December, 1949, opener. machine ror a coastal "IN A LONEL.Y PLACE" U. S. Post Office. For price your spring sewing. buying County lhl!'J tUng Statesboro Woman's Club last won their 28th stralghl new one when a liltle vey Committee heard of the rs. They should contact Mr. Olorta Grahnm details see .TOSIAH ZET'fElR­ 11 work on reports four sub-committees at MEA S . CHURCH bermudn grass tho members made Humphrey Bogart, nnth Honored nt 69·H, OVCl' METHODIST Thursday, machine will do game home, �lCI'CCI' Fred Blitch, Bulloch County su- Hoe­ Starts 3:23, 5:24, 7:25, 0:26 OWER. Phone 698-J. your present just the Statesbol'o grammar school last their (01' of a building Friday night. Saturday, It was plans organization as L. P. MOORE, 231 East University 10: 15 a. m., Sunday School. Oge cnce Rlvcr Soil Con- mode good. pcrvlsor, tal A commlttce • 13U1 one defeat pi Auxiliary, - Type- Multi street. Dr. triumph ugnlnst worship. aorvatlou Dtsu-tct. Mrs. M_ E_ GINN COMPANY TYPEWRITERS Royal (U) Rogel' Holland Jr., chnlrman J 1 :30 u, m., Morning up at MI·s. Alfred Dorman, � this season. wrttera. Allen Adding Machines, of the Program Commlt- Associ ation Sermon the pastor. and Mrs. Lem Zet­ STATESBORO MACHINE • • Plnnntng- By by Paul Carroll Ogeechee WIG­ Sales and Service. Rentals, BABY SITTING SERVICE. Need .tee; Mr. M, C, Roberts, chalrrnnn Church was to meet with COMPANY Mrs. E. A. 1] :30 n. m., Children's terower named 43 E. take cure of Smith, superintendent of the Women's Street Phone 309 TYPEWRITER CO .. someone to Junior of the and Baptist BLOOD TEST EXHIBIT Corblt.t. Plans Be Discussed to Walnut GINS Orguntzntlon Adminis- Rev, ,1. D. representatives at the hospital while The Thermometer Mission work in the conducted by Statesboro, Georgia Main St. Phone 591J. (3-1-51) 01' lillie Mary you go to the tration Committee; Lehman Ogeechee Association for 25 was BE SHOWN BY LEGION Fel- the Dekle, years, Methodist Youth complete a 01' take a 6:45 p. m., ,organization: show, to party, trip? chuirmnn of the Com­ honored upon her retirement at v F01' Vet Classes on Population the annual W. M. U. An exhibit stressing the impor­ • Line Desirable lots Last Week Said. .. meeting lowship. "Make Our Phone Your FOR SALE: Then phone MRS. W. H. BLITCH mittee; nnd Mrs. Gus blood tests and who stili have time to Abernathy, held at Olive Church on tance of pet-iodlc Foundation 'Veterans Clothes Line" Granade street, Grndy, Donehoo, Thermometer for January 25. 6:45 p. m., Wesley at 31i-L. (tf) reldlng. co-chairman or lhc Present Pln.nt Bl'anc� Immediate treatment credit for education nrc ask­ • the need for their Items East Main, North College, pnn-teh. Bulloch Jan­ With Forum Hour. Personal MODEL LAUNDRY county, MondlY, FacUlties Committee, rend the I'C­ her retlrement, Mrs, Sam in the case of at Vcterans serv- Jones from 0. physician cd to meet the M. O. of West Main, College Blvd., Mrs. Waynes­ - Jan­ worship. Qucen, . Phone 55 LOANS uary 22, through Sunday, ports. Groover, only atu-vtvtng charter diseases Is be­ 7 :30 p, m.. Evening on fll'st rtoor of the FARM venereal Icc Office, the - JOSIAH contracting with her Dry Ave., and Zettel'OWel', were al follow.: member of "Have You Taken Your bora, spent Thul'sday Laundry Cleaning 4 % Interest uary 28, Last night these chalrmen, to­ the Ogcechcc AS9r."'n­ the local post of S rmon, courthollse, at 7 :30 Tucsday night Yo! Ing sponsol'ed by Mrs, Charles Brannen, Let the Bowens Do It-They ZETTEROWER Low with lion which WRS For Christ 1" by the pastor, daughter, borrower.
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